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青海省15岁以下儿童麻疹疫苗强化免疫分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实验中对麻疹疫苗强化免疫前、后的现场进行了调查、评估并对麻疹监测系统和传染病报告系统的疫情资料进行了分析。结果表明,这次强化免疫接种儿童1100315人,报告接种率和调查接种率均>95%;接种后麻疹发病人数明显减少,发病率仅为0.66/10万,较强化免疫前发病率9.15/10万下降了82.51%,约有1/3不良反应者确诊为风疹;2006年7月—2007年6月麻疹监测系统数据显示,目前88%的麻疹病例发生在8月龄~14岁,约有32%病例为无免疫史或免疫史不详。高质量MV强化免疫能迅速降低麻疹发病,因此强化免疫接种人群的确定必须结合当地流行病学监测资料并尽可能在较大范围内开展,以形成有效的人群免疫屏障来阻断麻疹病毒的传播。保证>95%接种率是该次强化免疫活动的前提,同时须作好充分准备以应对可能发生预防接种时出现的不良反应。建议在提高常规免疫服务质量的情况下,每3~4年仍需开展后续强化免疫。  相似文献   
利用反向遗传学技术构建H5亚型禽流感高产疫苗株   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用RT-PCR技术分别扩增了鹅源高产禽流感病毒的6条内部基因片段,近期分离的H5N1亚型禽流感病毒的血凝素基因以及N3亚型参考毒株的神经氨酸酶基因,分别构建了8个基因的转录与表达载体,利用反向遗传学技术拯救出了全部基因都源于禽源的重组流感病毒疫苗株rH5N3。通过对血凝素蛋白HA1和HA2连接肽处的5个碱性氨基酸(R-R-R-K-K)基因缺失与修饰,从而消除了病毒基因的毒力相关序列,拯救的rH5N3疫苗株对鸡和鸡胚均无致病性,病毒在鸡胚尿囊液和细胞培养上清的HA效价得到极大提高,分别为12048和1512。制备的禽流感疫苗免疫动物后4~5周即可诱导产生高效价的HI抗体,鸡免疫后18周依然保持高水平的HI抗体。重组疫苗不论是对于国内早期分离的禽流感病毒A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96还是近期分离的A/Goose/HLJ/QFY/04都能够产生完全的免疫保护作用,免疫鸡攻毒后不发病、不排毒、不死亡。带有N3鉴别诊断标记禽流感疫苗株的研制为H5N1高致病性禽流感的防治提供了新的技术保障。  相似文献   
【背景】猪水肿病大肠杆菌引发的疾病造成了很大的危害,但现有培养基存在培养密度低的问题。【目的】研制出高抗原活性猪水肿病大肠杆菌疫苗培养基。【方法】以常用的市售猪水肿培养基为对照,通过单因素试验、爬坡试验(Plackett-Burman, PB)、响应面(Box-Behnken, BB)试验对猪水肿培养基进行响应面优化,得到猪水肿培养基最优配方。以响应面试验得到的培养基培养猪水肿病大肠杆菌,评价不同培养时间点菌株的抗原活性,制作灭活疫苗,进行动物免疫保护试验。【结果】对研制的培养基进行扩大培养验证,发现扩大培养得到的菌株活菌数可达5×109 CFU/mL以上,约为对照组的2倍。制备的灭活疫苗效价可达1:140 000,并在9 h时抗原蛋白效价达到最高。【结论】本研究研制出的疫苗培养基显著提高了猪大肠杆菌菌体密度,并可提高菌体抗原活性,为猪水肿病灭活疫苗的制备提供了技术指引。  相似文献   
【背景】淋病是我国主要的性传播疾病之一,感染淋病奈瑟菌可促进人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)的传播和感染。目前我国淋病发病人数呈上升趋势,随着多重耐药菌株的出现,亟须研发保护性疫苗来防治淋病的传播和感染。【目的】分析淋病奈瑟菌(Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NG)肽基脯氨酰异构酶(peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, PPIase)蛋白的高级结构和表位,探讨其作为疫苗和分子诊断靶点的潜力。【方法】利用生物信息学软件分析PPIase蛋白的极性、亲水性、柔韧性、表面可及性、二级和三级结构,以及T、B细胞表位等;用pET32a(+)质粒构建PPIase蛋白的原核表达系统并纯化蛋白,用纯化的重组蛋白和超声波破碎的NG全菌抗原分别免疫BALB/c小鼠,收获免疫血清;制备NG全细胞抗原,分别以全细胞抗原酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)和间接免疫荧光试验检测重组PPIase蛋白血清抗体与NG全细胞表面抗原的结合情况。【结果】生物信息学分析结果显示,...  相似文献   
黏膜是很多病原体入侵机体的重要入口,黏膜疫苗能诱导产生黏膜保护性免疫应答和系统性免疫应答,阻止病原微生物黏附、入侵和繁殖。但多数候选黏膜疫苗的安全性、稳定性、免疫效力及保护作用还无法达到理想的效果,佐剂或载体的使用改善了黏膜疫苗存在的不足,使黏膜疫苗有了广阔的发展前景。文章综述了提高黏膜免疫的方法及研究进展。  相似文献   
Ovarian cancer continues to be a difficult medical issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Important platforms for cancer immunotherapy include checkpoint inhibitors, chimeric antigen receptor T cells, bispecific antibodies, cancer vaccines, and other cell-based treatments. To avoid numerous infectious illnesses, conventional vaccinations based on synthetic peptides, recombinant subunit vaccines, and live attenuated and inactivated pathogens are frequently utilized. Vaccine manufacturing processes, however, are not entirely safe and carry a significant danger of contaminating living microorganisms. As a result, the creation of substitute vaccinations is required for both viral and noninfectious illnesses, including cancer. Recently, there has been testing of nucleic acid vaccines, or NAVs, as a cancer therapeutic. Tumor antigens (TAs) are genetically encoded by DNA and mRNA vaccines, which the host uses to trigger immune responses against ovarian cancer cells that exhibit the TAs. Despite being straightforward, safe, and easy to produce, NAVs are not currently thought to be an ideal replacement for peptide vaccines. Some obstacles to this strategy include selecting the appropriate therapeutic agents (TAs), inadequate immunogenicity, and the immunosuppressive characteristic of ovarian cancer. We focus on strategies that have been employed to increase NAVs' effectiveness in the fight against ovarian cancer in this review.  相似文献   
The pandemic of COVID-19 is the biggest public health crisis in 21st Century. Besides the acute symptoms after infection, patients and society are also being challenged by the long-term health complications associated with COVID-19, commonly known as long COVID. While health professionals work hard to find proper treatments, large amount of knowledge has been accumulated in recent years. In order to deal with long COVID efficiently, it is important for people to keep up with current progresses and take proactive actions on long COVID. For this purpose, this review will first introduce the general background of long COVID, and then discuss its risk factors, diagnostic indicators and management strategies. This review will serve as a useful resource for people to understand and prepare for long COVID that will be with us in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   
黄鳍鲷弧菌病病原特性及其全菌苗的研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁燏  徐刚   《微生物学通报》2004,31(2):1-5
自湛江市发病养殖黄鳍鲷分离一株致病菌。对该菌的基本特征、药物筛选、灭活全菌苗等进行了研究。结果表明该病原菌为溶藻弧菌,且对四环素、土霉素、氯霉素、氟哌酸、氧氟沙星等药物敏感,pH6.0比pH8.4时灭活效果好,加入福尔马林可以提高灭活效果;全菌苗能够提高鱼体的免疫能力,减少攻毒时的死亡率。  相似文献   
Introduction: COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), often presents with a spectrum of symptoms at varying levels of severity, ranging from asymptomatic patients to those with fatal complications, such as myocarditis. With increased availability of COVID-19 vaccines, the awareness of possible side effects has expanded as reports surface. This study reviewed cases of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination and with existing literature on COVID-19 infection-induced myocarditis to compare clinical courses and analyze possible mechanisms of action. Methods: A systematic review of literature was conducted to identify published case reports (as of February 3, 2022) pertaining to the development of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination with either Pfizer or Moderna for an in-depth analysis. Additional subgroup analyses were conducted based on age, past medical history, vaccine manufacturer, and dose number. Results: There were 53 eligible case reports that were included in this study. Patients were mostly male with a median age of 24 years, and the most reported symptom upon presentation was chest pain. Seventy percent of the cases involved the Pfizer vaccine with a majority of myocarditis developing subsequent to second dose. Resolution of symptoms was achieved in all but one patient. Clinical severity, as measured primarily by left ventricular ejection fraction, appeared to be worse among adult patients than pediatric, as well as for patients with comorbidities. Conclusion: This study revealed an observable association between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis. However, the clinical course and prognosis seem favorable and less prevalent than those conferred from natural infection.  相似文献   
An α-l-rhamnosyl ceramide (1, α-l-RhaCer) has been prepared that was recognized by anti-l-rhamnose (anti-Rha) antibodies. During these studies we explored the use of an α-l-rhamnosyl thioglycoside and a trichloroacetimidate as a glycosyl donors. Subsequently, the acceptors desired for glycosylation, 3-O-benzoylazidosphingosine or 3-O-alloxycarbonylsphingosine, were prepared from d-xylose. The thioglycoside donor, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-(4-tolyl)thio-α-l-rhamnopyranoside, and the trichloroacetimidate donor, 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-(2,2,2-trichloroethanimidate)-α-l-rhamnopyranoside, were synthesized in 50% and 78% yield overall, respectively. The synthesis of the glycosylation acceptor employed an addition–fragmentation olefination that was successfully carried out in 53% yield. With the successful synthesis of key intermediates, α-l-RhaCer (1) was prepared without any insurmountable obstacles. Anti-Rha antibodies were prepared in BALB/c mice by immunizing them with rhamnose-ovalbumin (Rha-Ova) with Sigma Adjuvant System (SAS) and the anti-l-Rha antibodies were isolated from the blood sera. Liposomes and EL4 tumor cells were used as model systems to demonstrate the ability of 1 to insert into a lipid bilayer. The interaction of the liposomes or the EL4 cells with α-l-RhaCer (1) and anti-Rha antibodies were investigated by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, respectively, to confirm the ability of glycolipid 1 to be displayed on the tumor cell surface as well as the ability to be recognized by anti-Rha antibodies.  相似文献   
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