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侏罗纪的蛇颈龙类化石主要发现于欧洲 ,在世界的其他地区则比较少见。亚洲的蛇颈龙化石 ,尤其是侏罗纪的属种大多破碎而难以鉴别 (Sato,1 998)。到目前为止 ,Bishanopliosaurusyoungi(Dong,1 980 )和Yuzhoupliosauruschengjiangensis(Zhang,1 985)是亚洲地区最为完整的侏罗纪蛇颈龙类化石 ,并且化石产自对于蛇颈龙而言比较罕见的淡水沉积 ,因此这些材料对于了解该类群的系统发育、历史动物地理和古生态来说非常重要。本文重新详细描述了采自中国重庆自流井组东岳庙段的杨氏璧山上龙2 ) (董枝明 ,1 980 )。愈合情况不好的椎体和椎弓以及耻骨的边缘形态表明 ,杨氏璧山上龙的正型标本是一个幼年个体的头后骨架。我们的研究表明杨氏璧山上龙主要依分叉的荐肋为特征 ,而这一性状在初次发表时作为颈肋特征被描述。璧山上龙的其他特征包括侧扁的神经棘以及狭窄的乌喙骨和肱骨上有一个突。经过重新修理的标本显示 ,坐骨和耻骨相对的面呈沟槽状 ,这一现象表明它们之间的接触关系要较原来描述的情况复杂 ,是一种依靠软骨的连接 ,而非直接接触。本文对杨氏璧山上龙的腰带部分进行了重新复原。O’Keefe (2 0 0 1 )的支序分析支持将Plesiosauria二分为Plesiosauroidea和Pliosauroidea,后者包含两个科 :Pliosauridae和  相似文献   
Previous attempts to resolve plesiosaurian phylogeny are reviewed and a new phylogenetic data set of 66 taxa (67% of ingroup taxa examined directly) and 178 characters (eight new) is presented. We recover two key novel results: a monophyletic Plesiosauridae comprising Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, Hydrorion brachypterygius, Microcleidus homalospondylus, Occitanosaurus tournemirensis and Seeleyosaurus guilelmiimperatoris; and five plesiosaurian taxa recovered outside the split between Plesiosauroidea and Pliosauroidea. These taxa are Attenborosaurus conybeari, ‘Plesiosaurusmacrocephalus and a clade comprising Archaeonectrus rostratus, Macroplata tenuiceps and BMNH 49202. Based on this result, a new name, Neoplesiosauria, is erected for the clade comprising Plesiosauroidea and Pliosauroidea. Taxon subsamples of the new dataset are used to simulate previous investigations of global plesiosaurian relationships. Based on these simulations, most major differences between previous global phylogenetic hypotheses can be attributed to differences in taxon sampling. These include the position of Leptocleididae and Polycotylidae and the monophyly or paraphyly of Rhomaleosauridae. On this basis we favour the results recovered by our, larger analysis. Leptocleididae and Polycotylidae are sister taxa, forming a monophyletic clade within Plesiosauroidea, indicating that the large‐headed, short‐necked ‘pliosauromorph’ body plan evolved twice within Plesiosauria. Rhomaleosauridae forms the monophyletic sister taxon of Pliosauridae within Pliosauroidea. Problems are identified with previous phylogenetic definitions of plesiosaurian clades and new, stem‐based definitions are presented that should maintain their integrity over a range of phylogenetic hypotheses. New, rank‐free clade names Cryptoclidia and Leptocleidia are erected to replace the superfamilies Cryptoclidoidea and Leptocleidoidea. These were problematic as they were nested within the superfamily Plesiosauroidea. The incongruence length difference test indicates no significant difference in levels of homoplasy between cranial and postcranial characters.  相似文献   
Cryptocleidus ? cuervoi caroliDE LA TORRE & ROJAS, 1949, a partial skull with associated mandible and atlas-axis from the Oxfordian of Cuba, has been completely prepared for the first time. It is here redescribed and assigned to a new cryptoclidid genus, Vinialesaurus, for which the species caroli is retained. Vinialesaurus is mainly diagnosed by palatal characters such as double internal nares, an anteriorly rounded vomer and a lack of anterior interpterygoid vacuities. It shares with other cryptoclidids large orbits and external nares, a small vertical jugal and a reduced tooth ornamentation. The occurrence of Vinialesaurus caroli in association with pliosauroids, ophthalmosaurian ichthyosaurs, metriorhynchid crocodilians and pleurodiran marine turtles, strongly suggests that a marine seaway was present in the Caribbean during the Oxfordian, connecting the western Tethys with the Oriental Pacific.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):158-165
During the Jurassic two main marine pathways might act as dispersion routes for vertebrates and invertebrates between Laurasia and Gondwana: the Caribbean Seaway (between North and South America) and the Trans-Erythraean Seaway (splitting Africa from India, Madagascar). The former has proven to be of relevance as a dispersion route for marine vertebrates and invertebrates between the Tethys and Pacific margin of Gondwana. Nevertheless, little is known about the role of the Trans-Erythraean Seaway as a vertebrate dispersion pathway. The Trans-Erythraean Seaway divides the eastern and western South of Gondwana landmasses in the so-called break-up of Gondwana and connects the Tethys Sea with the Palaeo-Pacific. We describe a newly recovered plesiosaur specimen from the Ameghino (= Nordensköld) Formation, Antarctic Peninsula, the first Jurassic plesiosaur from Antarctica. We discuss the importance of this record regarding the hypothesis of marine vertebrate dispersion through the Trans-Erythraean Seaway.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The two plesiosauroid species from the Posidonia shale of Holzmaden, ' Plesiosaurus ' guilelmiimperatoris and ' Plesiosaurus ' brachypterygius , do not belong to Plesiosaurus but form new monotypic genera. The new genus Hydrorion is erected for ' P .' brachypterygius , and the genus Seeleyosaurus is re-established for ' P .' guilelmiimperatoris . The recently described species Plesiopterys wildii is regarded as a junior synonym of S. guilelmiimperatoris . A short phylogenetic analysis shows that S. guilelmiimperatoris and Muraenosaurus are basal elasmosaurs. H. brachypterygius , Occitanosaurus tournemirensis from France and Microcleidus homalospondylus from England form a monophyletic clade, which is the sister taxon to the Cretaceous elasmosaurs. A palaeobiogeographical comparison of plesiosaur localities in the Lower Jurassic shows distinct palaeobiogeographical zones for the Toarcian, with different plesiosaur taxa in England, Germany and France.  相似文献   
Rhaetian fossil vertebrate faunas of Britain represent rich but biased samples of taxonomic diversity during uppermost Triassic time. Review of the Westbury Formation, Penarth Group, in particular, reveals a combination of marine, littoral, and terrestrial elements. Minimally, six species of shark are preserved along with a myriacanthid holocephalan, at least four actinopterygian taxa, a characteristic lungfish, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, dinosaurs, and potentially the earliest representative of the Choristodera. Rare mammalian occurrences in the Westbury beds are also possible. Severnichthys gen. nov. is a large osteichthyan, probably a palaeonisciform chondrostean, which historically has been mistaken for a labyrinthodont amphibian. At least two additional actinopterygian species and a holocephalan are known from die Lilstock Formation, and a mammal or mammallike reptile is recorded from the uppermost Blue Anchor Formation. Analysis of element abundance in the disarticulated Westbury Formation assemblage indicates that many parts of some taxa are never preserved while other elements of the same form are common. Such preservational bias suggests that many species may be missing entirely from this long-studied but poorly understood taphocoenosis. Possibly contemporaneous cave faunas from nearby upland areas give a similarly biased picture of the terrestrial fauna during this time of widespread marine transgression.  相似文献   
Abstract: The exquisitely preserved holotype of the pliosaur ‘Rhomaleosaurusvictor (SMNS 12478) is described from the Toarcian Posidonien‐Schiefer (Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic) of Holzmaden (Baden‐Württemberg), Germany. The specimen presents a novel combination of synapomorphies and unique morphometric proportions separating it from Rhomaleosaurus sensu stricto and warranting the erection of a new genus, Meyerasaurus gen. nov. Historically, the name ‘Thaumatosaurus’ has been interchangeable with Rhomaleosaurus and is frequently associated with SMNS 12478 in the literature. However, this is an invalid taxon and cannot be reinstated. The anatomy of Meyerasaurus victor is compared in detail with other pliosaurs, and its taxonomic affinity is reviewed. M. victor belongs to the family Rhomaleosauridae and shares several anatomical characters with Rhomaleosaurus including a short and robust premaxillary rostrum (length‐to‐width ratio c. 1.0), parallel premaxilla–maxilla sutures anterior to the nares, vomers contacting the maxillae posterior to the internal nares, and c. 28 cervical vertebrae minus the atlas–axis. The known geographical distribution of Rhomaleosaurus, which previously extended across the German and English palaeobiogeographical zones, is reduced to the English zone as a consequence of the referral of SMNS 12478 to a new genus. This is significant because it contributes to an ongoing trend of increasing generic separation between the German and English zones, while increasing the generic diversity within the German zone itself.  相似文献   
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