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Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   
Summary Seven thymuses from children between 1 and 12 years were examined by electron microscopy. Biopsies had been taken during surgical correction of congenital heart defects.In all cases we found interdigitating reticulum cells (IRC) in the medulla and inner cortex. These cells resembled the IRC which have been described previously in the thymus-dependent regions of the spleen and lymph node. They were characterized by an irregularly shaped nucleus, narrow cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and widespread interdigitation and invagination of the cell membrane. The surfaces of the IRC were in close contact with those of small lymphocytes, sometimes polysomal lymphatic cells, epithelial cells, and occasionally with those of lymphatic cells containing ergastoplasm.The IRC is apparently a specific cell of thymus-dependent regions. It may be that the IRC in the thymus, lymph node, and spleen contribute to the microenvironment needed for the differentiation of T-cells.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 111/CII and III.—We wish to thank Miss M. Neubert and Mrs. R. Köpke for their technical assistance and Mrs. M. Soehring for her help with the translation.  相似文献   
Fractional molar ratios of serine, threonine and aspartic acid to neutral sugars in the purified bovine vitreous humor hyaluronate, and a 4–5-fold increase in the percentage of these amino acids and the absence of sugar alditols in hyaluronate reduced with NaBH4---PdCl2 after alkali treatment indicated the absence of a carbohydrate—protein linkage. Gel filtration behavior, a decrease in intrinsic viscosity of reduced hyaluronate to about one-half and a significant decrease in its specific rotation suggested that the two antiparallel chains of the hyaluronate double helix may come apart upo reduction. The vitreous humor hyaluronate contained 109.2 ppm of “bound” silicon. It is suggested that the bound silicon may bridge the two antiparallel chains through the neutral sugars and/or through the hydroxyl group of the uronic acid moiety.  相似文献   
Summary The interatrial septum of the rat heart contains cells which show a strong intensive-yellow paraformaldehyde-induced fluorescence. By electron microscopy these cells are characterized by an abundance of dense-core vesicles.Cholinergio axons form axo-somatic synaptic contacts with the catecholamine-containing cells. These cells, packed with dense-core vesicles, are frequently interdigitated and interconnected by zonulae and maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. The catecholamine-containing cells are surrounded by satellite cells either individually or in groups.The catecholamine-containing cells, which bear blunt, plumpish processes, can be subdivided, on the basis of position and morphology into two types. One class of cells lies within the fibroblast capsule of the intra-atrial ganglion (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz and Fillinger, 1974). A second aggregation of catecholamine-containing cells occurs outside the ganglia in close proximity to capillaries. The capillaries exhibit pores in the area of contact with the catecholaminergic cells. The structure of these catecholamine-containing cells is described and their possible function discussed.
Zusammenfassung Im Septum interatriale des Rattenherzens treten Zellen in Erscheinung, die nach Paraformaldehyd-Bedampfung eine intensive hellgelbliche Fluoreszenz zeigen. Diese Zellen zeichnen sich durch einen großen Reichtum an dense-core vesicles aus. Cholinerge Axone bilden axo-somatische Synapsen an den katecholaminhaltigen Zellen aus. Die mit dense-core vesicles angefüllten Zellen sind oft ineinander verzahnt und durch Zonulae adhaerentes verbunden. Einzeln oder in Gruppen werden die katecholamin-enthaltenden Zellen von Satelliten-Zellen umgeben.Die mit kurzen plumpen Fortsätzen versehenen katecholaminhaltigen Zellen lassen aufgrund ihrer Lage und eines andersartigen Baues zwei Typen erkennen. Eine Gruppe von Zellen liegt innerhalb der Fibrozytenkapsel des Ganglion intraatriale (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz und Fillinger, 1974). Eine zweite Ansammlung von Katecholamin enthaltenden Zellen findet sich außerhalb der Ganglien in engem Kontakt zu Kapillaren. Die Kapillaren weisen im Bereich des Kontaktes mit den katecholaminergen Zellen Poren auf. Die Struktur dieser Zellen wird geschildert und ihre mögliche Funktion diskutiert.
F Travers  P Douzou 《Biochimie》1974,56(4):509-514
The ratio of activities of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase measured in liver extracts of rats in lipogenic nutritional conditions is only 0.2, suggesting an apparent physiological unbalance between the two dehydrogenases of the hexosemonophosphate shunt. This potential unbalance is enhanced by the fact that TPNH is a more powerful competitive inhibitor of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase than of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Accordingly, a strong activation of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase would be required for efficient functioning of this pathway, unless there is an alternative outlet for 6-phosphogluconate so far unrecognized in animal tissues.  相似文献   
The polyene antibiotic amphotericin B inhibits photosynthetic electron transfer by Class II maize mesophyll chloroplasts, from water to FeCN, DCIP and diquat but not to plastocyanin. Photosystem 1 activity is also inhibited by amphotericin B, but ferredoxin-NADP reductase activity is not affected. The activity of all the photosynthetic electron transfer systems inhibited by amphotericin B can be restored by the addition of carrier amounts of plastocyanin. The results suggest that amphotericin B inhibits photosynthetic electron transfer by acting only at the plastocyanin site in the chain, and that the primary site of reduction of FeCN and DCIP from water by Class II chloroplasts lies on the reducing side of photosystem 1.  相似文献   
Vesicles formed with phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline, cardiolipin, coupling factors and hydrophobic proteins from bovine heart mitochondria catalyzed a rapid32Pi-ATP exchange. When phosphatidyl choline was deleted during the assembly of the vesicles, little32Pi-ATP exchange was observed. Exchange activity was induced by incubating such deficient vesicles with phosphatidyl choline liposomes in the presence of a phosphatidyl choline transfer protein isolated from bovine heart. Transfer of [32P] phosphatidyl choline was demonstrated by isolation of the activated vesicles by sucrose density centrifugation.  相似文献   
1-β-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine which interferes with DNA synthesis in bacteria and mammalian cells and brings about transformation of hamster embryo fibroblasts, has been found to inhibit the incorporation of N-Acetylneuraminic acid into glycolipids and glycoproteins of both normal and transformed hamster embryo cells in tissue culture. Three hours after commencement of treatment (10?3M ara-C), incorporation of [14C] thymidine into DNA was inhibited by 95 per cent, while incorporation of [3H] D-glycosamine (precursor of sialic acid) into glycolipids and glycoproteins was inhibited by 85 per cent. At 24 hours, the inhibition of incorporation of the two labelled components was 83 and 80 per cent respectively. In homogenates of both cell types, incorporation of [14C] N-acetylneuraminic acid was competitively inhibited by ara-CMP. Ara-C was found to have no effect on the incorporation of [14C] choline into phospholipids of cells grown in tissue culture. These results suggest that interference with DNA synthesis by ara-C may not be the only factor involved in cell transformation by this substance.  相似文献   
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