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An uppermost Permian-Lower Triassic biota of brachiopods, conodonts, algae and foraminifers from the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations at Çürük Da? (Antalya, Turkey) is here described. The brachiopods belong to two different assemblages: a lower assemblage, early Wuchiapingian in age, with Spinomarginifera cf. S. helica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. iranica, Alatorthotetina sp. ind., Orthothetina sp. ind., Ombonia antalyensis nov. sp. and few specimens of Pennospiriferinoidea; an upper assemblage, Changhsingian in age, comprising S. cf. S. iranica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. spinosocostata, Spinomarginifera sp. ind. and Orthothetina sp. ind., characteristic taxa of the low diversity survival brachiopod faunas of latest Permian age (Survival Fauna 1). The occurrence of the conodont Hindeodus cf. praeparvus above the brachiopod fauna confirms its Changhsingian age. The oolitic grainstones at the top of the Pamucak Formation contain Permocalculus sp., Macroporella cf. apachena, species of Hemigordius and Palaeozoic Lagenida. Coarse calcite fibrous cements pervade the oo-bioclastic grainstones, suggesting early marine cementation. The base of the Kokarkuyu Formation is characterized by the disaster forms Earlandia amplimuralis and “Cornuspira” mahajeri, gastropods and ostracods. The conodont Isarcicella lobata has been recovered 31 m above the base of the Kokarkuyu Formation, indicating the occurrence of the second Triassic conodont zone above the parvus biozone and below the staeschei biozone. The faunal content at the transition of the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations records the biotic survival in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. Facies evolution from lower energy inner platform wackestones and packstones to higher energy open platform oolitic grainstones indicates a transgression at the top of the Pamucak Formation, which continues into the Lower Triassic Kokarkuyu Formation.  相似文献   
根据前人发表的和作者现有资料,对宜昌地区奥陶系南津关组至庙坡组(Tremadocian-early Sandbian)所报道的牙形刺属种进行厘定,并根据牙形刺带进行统计分析,初步编制出牙形刺属种的地层延限图。研究表明,牙形刺在奥陶纪的宏演化经历了3次较为明显的辐射事件,分别发生在早奥陶世晚期,Darri wilian期中期和中、晚奥陶世之交,并都与局部环境的变化有关。  相似文献   
Two new sites of condensed Hallstatt Red Limestones were found in the Rappoltstein mountain range near Berchtesgaden (SE Bavaria). Conodont and ammonoid assemblages allowed for a concise age-dating of the lower two of seven already described Hallstatt ammonoid horizons as latest Ladinian to Lower Carnian (Upper Triassic). Biostratigraphy, microfacies analysis and stratigraphic cross-correlation of other Hallstatt sites allowed the documentation of the Late Lower Carnian ‘Reingraben Event’ within a mixed allochthonous–autochthonous carbonaceous lithofacies at the Rappoltstein, and gave further insights into the special architecture of the so-called ‘Hallstatt deep swells’ and the Hallstatt Basin. δ18Ophos of conodont apatite was measured in order to reconstruct marine palaeotemperatures. The reconstructed low seawater temperatures may be at least due to different palaeoclimatic scenarios that could have preceded the ‘Carnian crisis’.  相似文献   
储一炜  王欣 《生物信息学》2019,26(1):106-110
严子陵钓台是中国隐士文化景观的重要组成部分。通过文献整理,现场调研等研究方法,探索严子陵钓台历史变迁,共分为形成之初、繁荣发展、明清与近代发展3个时期。并且以钓台测绘图为基础,结合古籍文献对盛期钓台进行复原。在此基础上,从山水形胜、文人活动、景面文心3个方面分析了严子陵钓台的景观形成与特征。为严子陵钓台文化景观的保护提供参考,也为同类型文化景观的研究工作提供了一种研究思路。  相似文献   
新疆乌恰县萨瓦亚尔顿金矿区早泥盆世牙形刺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在新疆乌恰县萨瓦亚尔顿金矿区首次发现了早泥盆世牙形刺,确认了Lochkovian阶(An-cyrodelloides omus)和Emsian阶(olyganathus kitabicus,P.excavatus)的存在,并阐述了此次发现的意义和存在的问题。  相似文献   
Summary The fusulinacean faunal content of the Bombaso Fm. and lower part of the Auernig Group (Carnic Alps, Austria/Italy) is reviewed and completed by data on conodonts and algae. Four different faunal associations can be distinguished within this stratigraphic interval. The beginning of the postvariscan sedimentation in the investigated sections is diachronous, shifting in age from early Kasimovian (Krevyakinian) at Zollner Lake and Mt. Auernig, early to middle Kasimovian at Cima Val di Puartis to late Kasimovian (Dorogomilovian) at Mt. Ro?kofel. The sections analyzed consist of shallow-marine sediments, which differ in microfacies of limestones and partly in biotic assemblages. They are geographically isolated and could not be traced laterally for lithologic correlation in the field. The biostratigraphic correlation with the faunas of the stratotype sections in the Moscow Basin is hindered by the searceness of fusulinaceans in the critical levels, especially in the lowermost Kasimovian, and differences in the species composition. A biostratigraphic correlation of the Bombaso Fm. and basal part of the Auernig Group with the Peski Fm. (Myachkovian) of the Moscow Basin, as suggested byDavydov & Krainer (1999), is not confirmed by our results. Due to our taxonomic reinterpretation of the oldest fauna (Protriticites aff.permirus with distinct mural pores and largeBeedeina (Pseudotriticites) asiaticus) a lowermost Kasimovian (Lower Krevyakinian) age is more probable. This correlation is supported by the co-occurring conodont fauna, which is suggested to belong to the zone of “Streptognathodus subexcelsus”. This biozone reaches from the topmost Peski Fm. to the Suvorovo Fm. (Lower Krevyakinian) in the Moscow Basin, and may be correlated with the uppermost Desmoinesian of the Midcontinent North America. Fusulinaceans and conodonts of the overlying strata at Zollner Lake and from the sections at Cima Val di Puartis and Mt. Auernig most probably correspond to the upper Krevyakinian/lowermost Khamovnikian of the Russian platform (Lower Missourian of the Midcontinent North America). The algal associations (Dvinella, Beresella, Herakella) from these lowermost strata are unique for the Carnic Alps. Their stratigraphic range points to Moscovian-Kasimovian as well, and fits with the fusulinacean and conodont data. Sediments of the N?lbling Group (=“untere kalkreiche Schichtgruppe”) have their correlative levels in the upper Khamovnikian, but reach higher into the Dorogomilovian. More reliable correlations are possible with the fusulinacean faunas of the Cantabrian Mts. and Central Asia, based on the coincidence of several species. A revised biostratigraphic correlation with the different remote basins of the Paleotethyan realm and the Russian Platform is given, based on own data and recent results by the members of the SCCS Working group to define a GSSP close to the Moscovian/Kasimovian boundary. The sequence-stratigraphic scheme, the systematics, and the biostratigraphic correlation ofDavydov & Krainer (1999) are discussed.  相似文献   
The Afanasievo Quarry, approximately 90 km southeast of Moscow and about 5 km southwest of Voskresensk, starts with Late Moscovian limestone of the Peski Formation, which is overlain by shallow-water carbonates of the Krevyakinian Horizon (Substage) (Suvorovo and Voskresensk formations) and the lower part of the Khamovnikian Horizon (Substage) (Ratmirovo and Neverovo formations). These rocks were formed under the strong influence of glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations and are separated by the palaeosol horizons and minor stratigraphic gaps. The Moscovian–Kasimovian transition interval contains fusulinids, brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, and conodonts. It was recently proposed [Villa, E., Task Group, 2005. Report of the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundaries. Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy 23, 9–10] that the appearance of the conodont Idiognathodus sagittalis Kozitskaya is one of the best markers for definition of the base of the Kasimovian on the global chronostratigraphic scale. The first appearance of this species is 2 m above the base of Neverovo Formation, and is close to the first appearance of the fusulinid Montiparus in the section. The possible ancestor of I. sagittalis occurs in the lower Suvorovo Formation, but is more abundant and more advanced in the middle to upper parts of the Voskresensk Formation. This lineage has potential for defining a GSSP at the first appearance of I. sagittalis.  相似文献   
A conodont fauna from the uppermost part of the Beiliu Formation at the Nalai section (Guangxi, South China) is studied. Four species of Bipennatus Mawson are described, of which B. hemilevigatus n. sp. is differentiated by a short sulcus flanked by a smooth left margin and a nodose right margin, and B. planus n. sp. is characterized by a distinctly flat, smooth, and narrow platform in the middle part of the blade above the basal cavity. Another species in open nomenclature, Bipennatus? sp., is distinguished by an extremely primitive sulcus or a totally fused and adenticulate ridge above the basal cavity. This paper also reports occurrences of ‘Ozarkodina’? sp. B, Polygnathus nalaiensis n. sp., and P. costatus costatus Klapper. The conodont fauna situates the investigated samples in the lower Eifelian costatus Zone. Taking specimens of Bipennatus from the Hillesheimer Mulde and Bergischen Land (Germany) into consideration, the conodont material furnishes new data on the diversification and phylogeny of this genus. A taxonomic revision of Bipennatus is conducted, and this genus includes B. bipennatus (Bischoff and Ziegler), B. hemilevigatus, B. montensis (Weddige), B. planus, B. scalaris (Mawson), and B. mayri (Uyeno), the latter two are raised herein to species level. More importantly, the prominent diversification of Bipennatus in the costatus Zone cannot be interpreted by previously proposed hypotheses on the phylogeny of Bipennatus, which specifically focus on the development of a characteristic sulcus on the upper margin above the basal cavity. It is apparent that the ornamentation of the narrow or wide platform above the basal cavity is more complicated and variable than previously estimated, and that this genus needs further investigation, especially on the lowest occurrences of its assigned species.  相似文献   
From its birth, microfluidics has been referenced as a revolutionary technology and the solution to long standing technological and sociological issues, such as detection of dilute compounds and personalized healthcare. Microfluidics has for example been envisioned as: (1) being capable of miniaturizing industrial production plants, thereby increasing their automation and operational safety at low cost; (2) being able to identify rare diseases by running bioanalytics directly on the patient’s skin; (3) allowing health diagnostics in point-of-care sites through cheap lab-on-a-chip devices. However, the current state of microfluidics, although technologically advanced, has so far failed to reach the originally promised widespread use.In this paper, some of the aspects are identified and discussed that have prevented microfluidics from reaching its full potential, especially in the chemical engineering and biotechnology fields, focusing mainly on the specialization on a single target of most microfluidic devices and offering a perspective on the alternate, multi-use, “plug and play” approach. Increasing the flexibility of microfluidic platforms, by increasing their compatibility with different substrates, reactions and operation conditions, and other microfluidic systems is indeed of surmount importance and current academic and industrial approaches to modular microfluidics are presented. Furthermore, two views on the commercialization of plug-and-play microfluidics systems, leading towards improved acceptance and more widespread use, are introduced. A brief review of the main materials and fabrication strategies used in these fields, is also presented. Finally, a step-wise guide towards the development of microfluidic systems is introduced with special focus on the integration of sensors in microfluidics. The proposed guidelines are then applied for the development of two different example platforms, and to three examples taken from literature.With this work, we aim to provide an interesting perspective on the field of microfluidics when applied to chemical engineering and biotechnology studies, as well as to contribute with potential solutions to some of its current challenges.  相似文献   
Oncoidal limestones with different oncoid types are ubiquitous in back-reef open-lagoonal and, to a minor amount, in closed-lagoonal facies of the Late Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of the Northern Calcareous Alps. A common feature of the oncoids from moderately to well-agitated open-lagoonal habitats are incorporated small trochospiral benthic foraminifers, tentatively assigned to trochamminids, switched between individual micritic layers. Their life style is discussed concluding a specialized feeding on cyanophytes on the outer side of the oncoids and later becoming biomurated by successive sheet formations due to oncoid growing.  相似文献   
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