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摘要 目的:对比3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定、后路微创重建钢板内固定两种内固定方法治疗老年骨盆后环骨折的疗效及对血清应激因子和疼痛相关生化指标的影响。方法:回顾性分析2016年7月~2020年9月期间我院收治的100例老年骨盆后环骨折患者的临床资料。根据手术方式的不同将患者分为A组(n=50,后路微创重建钢板内固定)和B组(n=50,3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定)。对比两组手术相关指标、疼痛情况、Majeed功能评分、血清应激因子和疼痛相关生化指标变化情况。结果:B组术后3 d、术后1个月、术后3个月、术后1年视觉疼痛模拟评分(VAS)评分低于A组(P<0.05)。B组术中出血量少于A组,住院时间、手术时间、手术切口长度短于A组,但X线暴露时间长于A组(P<0.05)。B组术后1年Majeed功能评分高于A组(P<0.05)。B组术后7 d促甲状腺激素(TSH)水平高于A组,皮质醇(Cor) 、肾上腺素(E)水平低于A组(P<0.05)。B组术后7 d 5-羟色胺(5-HT)、P物质(SP)、前列腺素E2(PGE2)水平低于A组(P<0.05)。A组、B组的并发症发生率组间对比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:与后路微创重建钢板内固定治疗老年骨盆后环骨折患者相比,3D导航下经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定具有创伤小、手术时间短、术中出血量少、疼痛减轻、应激反应轻等诸多优势,可促进患者术后恢复。  相似文献   
目的:研究新生儿及成人指皮组织CD11c阳性细胞的数量、形态和分布情况。方法:取7例尸检新生儿及5例成人无名指指皮组织样本,CD11c标记,行免疫组织化学染色,光镜观察阳性细胞的表达、分布情况并进行统计学分析。结果:人指皮组织中,CD11c阳性细胞和阳性突起呈棕褐色,胞体大小不等、形态多样;胞核呈圆形或椭圆形,突起长短粗细不等,可相互连接。阳性细胞呈散在或灶带状分布,灶带状分布常见于表皮乳头周围、血管神经分叉周围,血管外膜、环层小体被囊结缔组织内可见散在的CD11c阳性细胞。新生儿组CD11c阳性细胞的表达率为(31.0±9.4)%,高于成人组(6.0±2.7)%(P0.01)。结论:CD11c分子可能也是人指皮组织细胞分化过程中的阶段性标志物,其表达量的降低与年龄的增长有关。  相似文献   
《Current biology : CB》2020,30(8):1477-1490.e3
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F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase mediates coupling of proton flow in F(o) and ATP synthesis/hydrolysis in F(1) through rotation of central rotor subunits. A ring structure of F(o)c subunits is widely believed to be a part of the rotor. Using an attached actin filament as a probe, we have observed the rotation of the F(o)c subunit ring in detergent-solubilized F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase purified from Escherichia coli. Similar studies have been performed and reported recently [Sambongi et al. (1999) Science 286, 1722-1724]. However, in our hands this rotation has been observed only for the preparations which show poor sensitivity to dicyclohexylcarbodiimde, an F(o) inhibitor. We have found that detergents which adequately disperse the enzyme for the rotation assay also tend to transform F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase into an F(o) inhibitor-insensitive state in which F(1) can hydrolyze ATP regardless of the state of the F(o). Our results raise the important issue of whether rotation of the F(o)c ring in isolated F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase can be demonstrated unequivocally with the approach adopted here and also used by Sambongi et al.  相似文献   
Forest growth is sensitive to interannual climatic change in the alpine treeline ecotone (ATE). Whether the alpine treeline ecotone shares a similar pattern of forest growth with lower elevational closed forest belt (CFB) under changing climate remains unclear. Here, we reported an unprecedented acceleration of Picea schrenkiana forest growth since 1960s in the ATE of Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China by a stand‐total sampling along six altitudinal transects with three plots in each transect: one from the ATE between the treeline and the forest line, and the other two from the CFB. All the sampled P. schrenkiana forest patches show a higher growth speed after 1960 and, comparatively, forest growth in the CFB has sped up much slower than that in the ATE. The speedup of forest growth at the ATE is mainly accounted for by climate factors, with increasing temperature suggested to be the primary driver. Stronger water deficit as well as more competition within the CFB might have restricted forest growth there more than that within the ATE, implying biotic factors were also significant for the accelerated forest growth in the ATE, which should be excluded from simulations and predictions of warming‐induced treeline dynamics.  相似文献   
Forecasting the growth of tree species to future environmental changes requires a better understanding of its determinants. Tree growth is known to respond to global‐change drivers such as climate change or atmospheric deposition, as well as to local land‐use drivers such as forest management. Yet, large geographical scale studies examining interactive growth responses to multiple global‐change drivers are relatively scarce and rarely consider management effects. Here, we assessed the interactive effects of three global‐change drivers (temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition) on individual tree growth of three study species (Quercus robur/petraea, Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior). We sampled trees along spatial environmental gradients across Europe and accounted for the effects of management for Quercus. We collected increment cores from 267 trees distributed over 151 plots in 19 forest regions and characterized their neighbouring environment to take into account potentially confounding factors such as tree size, competition, soil conditions and elevation. We demonstrate that growth responds interactively to global‐change drivers, with species‐specific sensitivities to the combined factors. Simultaneously high levels of precipitation and deposition benefited Fraxinus, but negatively affected Quercus’ growth, highlighting species‐specific interactive tree growth responses to combined drivers. For Fagus, a stronger growth response to higher temperatures was found when precipitation was also higher, illustrating the potential negative effects of drought stress under warming for this species. Furthermore, we show that past forest management can modulate the effects of changing temperatures on Quercus’ growth; individuals in plots with a coppicing history showed stronger growth responses to higher temperatures. Overall, our findings highlight how tree growth can be interactively determined by global‐change drivers, and how these growth responses might be modulated by past forest management. By showing future growth changes for scenarios of environmental change, we stress the importance of considering multiple drivers, including past management and their interactions, when predicting tree growth.  相似文献   
Tree rings from temperate zones of the world have provided abundant palaeo- ecological and paleo-hydroclimatic information. However, tree rings from subtropical to tropical regions remain relatively scarce, which greatly limit our fully understanding about the climate change issues. In the present work, tree-ring-width (TRW) measurements of Masson pine from Fujian province, the coastal area of subtropical southeast China were successfully crossdated and a TRW STD chronology was developed from 1854 to 2012. Significantly positive correlation was identified between the tree rings and April–November total precipitation (r = 0.71, p < 0.01). The reconstructed April–November precipitation exhibited two comparatively wet (1876–1886 and 1957–1962) and one comparatively dry (1986–2004) periods. An evident drying trend since 1959 was seen and it was mitigated after 1993. Most of the extreme low-precipitation years in the reconstruction were supported by the historical records. As revealed by the spatial correlation patterns, our precipitation reconstruction was also consistent with other hydroclimatic records along the coastal areas of southeast China, proving its ability to capture the large-scale hydrological signal in southeast China (mainly refers to the south of the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River). The reconstructed precipitation showed significant correlation with the East Asian summer Monsoon (EASM) index. Moreover, it also indicated simultaneous variation with the monsoon precipitation in North China on a decadal scale, implying that growing season precipitation variations in both regions were influenced by the EASM strength. This work highlights the potential of using tree-ring width to reconstruct precipitation in subtropical southeast China, while the relevant issues about precipitation variation in this region is far from resolved.  相似文献   
近年来逆境导致植物雌雄幼苗的生长出现差异被许多控制实验所证实, 而有关气候变化对雌雄异株植物成树生长的潜在影响尚未引起人们广泛的关注。为进一步揭示气候变化对雌雄植株树木径向和密度生长的不同影响, 该文通过树轮生态学的研究方法, 选择小五台山天然青杨(Populus cathayana)种群为研究对象, 对青杨雌雄植株近30年(1982-2011)的树轮生长特性及其与气候的相关性进行了分析。结果显示: 1)在近30年当地气温不断升高的气候条件下, 雌株的年轮最大密度和晚材平均密度均高于雄株(p < 0.05), 但雌雄植株的径向生长无显著差异; 2)雌雄植株年轮最大密度和宽度差值年表的变化趋势具有一致性, 但在年轮最大密度差值年表的变化上雄株波动幅度大于雌株; 3)青杨雌雄植株年轮密度差值年表对温度响应的月份明显不同。雌株年轮最大密度与当年8月的月平均最高气温显著正相关, 而雄株年轮最大密度与当年1月和4月的气温负相关; 4)生长季前的气候变化对青杨雌雄植株的径向生长均有明显的限制作用。此外, 当年6月的高温对于早材生长的限制作用特别明显。上述结果表明, 雌雄异株植物在树木年轮生长方面对全球气候变暖可能具有不同的响应机制, 雌株比雄株更侧重于密度生长。  相似文献   
The normal embryonic development of the tomato clownfish Amphiprion frenatus was analysed using live imaging and by in situ hybridization for detection of mesodermal and neurectodermal development. Both morphology of live embryos and tissue‐specific staining revealed significant differences in the gross developmental programme of A. frenatus compared with better‐known teleost fish models, in particular, initiation of somitogenesis before complete epiboly, initiation of narrowing of the neurectoderm (neurulation) before somitogenesis, relatively early pigmentation of melanophores at the 10–15 somite stage and a distinctive pattern of melanophore distribution. These results suggest evolutionary adaptability of the teleost developmental programme. The ease of obtaining eggs, in vitro culture of the embryo, in situ staining analyses and these reported characteristics make A. frenatus a potentially important model marine fish species for studying embryonic development, physiology, ecology and evolution.  相似文献   
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