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Summary Regional variation in the intensity of fish predation on tethered brittle stars and crabs was measured at 30–33 m depths in the rocky subtidal zone at seven sites representing coastal and offshore regions of the Gulf of Maine, USA. Analysis of covariance comparing the slopes of brittle star survivorship curves followed by multiple comparisons tests revealed five groupings of sites, with significantly greater predation rates in the two offshore than in the three coastal groups. Brittle stars tethered at the three offshore sites were consumed primarily by cod, Gadus morhua, with 60–100% prey mortality occuring in 2.5 h. In striking contrast, only 6–28% of brittle star prey was consumed in the same amount of time at the four coastal sites, which were dominated by cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus. In several coastal trials, a majority of brittle star prey remained after 24 h. The pattern of higher predation offshore held for rock crabs as well with only 2.7% of tethered crabs consumed (n=36) at coastal sites versus 57.8% of crabs (n=64) consumed at offshore sites. Another important predatory fish, the wolffish, Anarhichas lupus, consumed more tethered crabs than brittle stars. Videos and time-lapse movies indicated that cod and wolffish were significantly more abundant at offshore than at coastal sites. Three hundred years of fishing pressure in New England has severely depleted stocks of at least one important benthic predator, the cod, in coastal waters. We speculate that this human-induced predator removal has lowered predation pressure on crabs and other large mobile epibenthos in deep coastal communities. Transect data indicate that coastal sites with few cod support significantly higher densities of crabs than offshore sites with abundant cod.  相似文献   
Summary Foliar 13C-abundance (13C) was analyzed in the dominant trees of a temperate deciduous forest in east Tennessee (Walker Branch Watershed) to investigate the variation in foliar 13C as a function of time (within-year and between years), space (canopy height, watershed topography and habitat) and species (deciduous and coniferous taxa). Various hypotheses were tested by analyzing (i) samples collected from the field during the growing season and (ii) foliar tissues maintained in an archived collection. The 13C-value for leaves from the tops of trees was 2 to 3%. more positive than for leaves sampled at lower heights in the canopy. Quercus prinus leaves sampled just prior to autumn leaf fall had significantly more negative 13C-values than those sampled during midsummer. On the more xeric ridges, needles of Pinus spp. had more positive 13C-values than leaves from deciduous species. Foliar 13C-values differed significantly as a function of topography. Deciduous leaves from xeric sites (ridges and slopes) had more positive 13C-values than those from mesic (riparian and cove) environments. On the more xeric sites, foliar 13C was significantly more positive in 1988 (a dry year) relative to that in 1989 (a year with above-normal precipitation). In contrast, leaf 13C in trees from mesic valley bottoms did not differ significantly among years with disparate precipitation. Patterns in foliar 13C indicated a higher ratio of net CO2 assimilation to transpiration (A/E) for trees in more xeric versus mesic habitats, and for trees in xeric habitats during years of drought versus years of normal precipitation. However, A/E (units of mmol CO2 fixed/mol H2O transpired) calculated on the basis of 13C-values for leaves from the more xeric sites was higher in a wet year (6.6±1.2) versus a dry year (3.4±0.4). This difference was attributed to higher transpiration (and therefore lower A/E) in the year with lower relative humidity and higher average daily temperature. The calculated A/E values for the forest in 1988–89, based on 13C, were within ±55% of estimates made over a 17 day period at this site in 1984 using micrometeorological methods.  相似文献   
Summary Eleven grass species varying in potential relative growth rate (RGR) were investigated for differences in chemical composition by pyrolysis mass spectrometry. The spectral data revealed correlations between RGR and the relative composition of several biopolymers. Species with a low potential RGR contained relatively more cell wall material such as lignin, hemicellulose, cellulose, polysaccharide-bound ferulic acid and hydroxyproline-rich protein, whereas species with a high potential RGR showed relatively more cytoplasmic elements such as protein (other than those incorporated in cell walls) and sterols.  相似文献   
Summary The dynamics of vegetative and reproductive growth were compared in matched pairs of Mediteranean and desert populations of three unrelated annual species, Erucaria hispanica (L.) Druce, Brachypodium distachyon (L.) Beauv. and Bromus fasciculatus C. Presl., under high and low levels of water availability in a common-environment experiment. Plants of all desert populations showed earlier switches to reproductive development and to subsequent phenophases, and the transition to flowering occurred at smaller plant sizes. Water stress had no effect (E. hispanica) or slightly accelerated the transition to flowering in B. fasciculatus (by 1–2 days) and in B. distachyon (by 4–6 days). Plant senescence was strongly enhanced by water stress, and this enhancement was greater in desert populations than in corresponding Mediterranean ones. Duration of life cycle was greatly shortened by water stress in all three species. Desert and Mediterranean populations of the three species exhibited small differences in their relative response, i.e. phenotypic plasticity, to water stress for phenological and plant size parameters. In E. hispanica and B. fasciculatus the population x water regime interaction amounted to less than 3% of total variance. By contrast, the Mediterranean population of B. distachyon was much more plastic in its response to water stress than the desert population in its transition to plant senescence. Plants from the desert populations appeared to be adapted to shorter, more compact growth cycles, culminating in earlier dates of seed maturation and plant senescence. In addition, they showed larger phenotypic plasticity in the transition to plant senescence, which trait was enhanced or magnified by sustained or repeated lack of water. By contrast, plants from Mediterranean populations delayed switchover from one phenophase to the next, seeming thus to bet on more water being forthcoming.  相似文献   
Summary Gene flow was investigated in a natural population of Lotus corniculatus L. (Fabaceae) using a combination of pollen and seed dispersal studies and a recombinant DNA technique. The population is spatially heterogeneous and grows with Empetrum nigrum. L. corniculatus is pollinated by the pollen-collecting bumblebee Bombus lapidarius L. Most pollinator flights occurred within patches, as bees usually visit nearest-neighbour plants, show no marked directionality, and forage mostly within patches. Gene flow by seeds is also limited, reinforcing the pattern of gene flow within patches. However, 2.6% of pollinator flights are between patches and considerable pollen carryover also occurs. Thus, gene flow between patches is potentially sufficient to retard or prevent genetic differentiation in spite of the patchy sub-structuring of the population. A sub-set of the population was analysed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to document the actual gene flow pattern of the population. The DNA analysis revealed significant levels of genetic differentiation between the patches. The level of gene flow that can be inferred from the distribution of genetic variation is surprisingly restricted, as compared to gene flow inferred from pollinator behaviour, and emphasizes that stochastic processes like genetic drift and founder effects may have a strong impact on the prevailing genetic structure.  相似文献   
In response to a critique byFerguson (1989),Leonard (1991) reiterates most of his original arguments for supporting “Australopithecus afarensisJohanson, White, andCoppens, 1978 as a single species. He disregards the principle of morphological equivalence by comparing the dental metrics and morphology of a hominid with those of species of the Pongidae, which do not correspond with the degree of variation in hominids, instead of with those of species of the Hominidae. He fails to refute clear evidence that the range of variation of dental metrics and morphology in “A. afarensis” exceeds that seen in species of the Hominidae. On the basis of extreme variation, “A. afarensis” is, therefore, interpreted as representing a composite species.  相似文献   
Summary C-banding patterns were analysed in 19 different accessions of Aegilops caudata (= Ae. markgrafii, = Triticum dichasians) (2n = 14, genomically CC) from Turkey, Greece and the USSR, and a generalized C-banded karyotype was established. Chromosome specific C-bands are present in all C-genome chromosomes, allowing the identification of each of the seven chromosome pairs. While only minor variations in the C-banding pattern was observed within the accessions, a large amount of polymorphic variation was found between different accessions. C-banding analysis was carried out to identify Ae. caudata chromosomes in the amphiploid Triticum aestivum cv Alcedo — Ae. caudata and in six derived chromosome addition lines. The results show that the amphiploid carries the complete Ae. Caudate chromosome complement and that the addition lines I, II, III, IV, V and VIII carry the Ae. caudata chromosome pairs B, C, D, F, E and G, respectively. One of the two SAT chromosome pairs (A) is missing from the set. C-banding patterns of the added Ae. caudata chromosomes are identical to those present in the ancestor species, indicating that these chromosomes are not structurally rearranged. The results are discussed with respect to the homoeologous relationships of the Ae. caudata chromosomes.  相似文献   
2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA 1-P) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Members of the Fabaceae exhibit a particularly wide range in the extent of CA 1-P accumulation during darkness and include Phaseolus vulgaris, whose dark/light regulation of Rubisco activity is principally achieved by synthesis/degradation of CA 1-P. An extensive survey of the degree of dark inhibition of Rubisco was undertaken for the subfamily Papilionoideae to elucidate evolutionary patterns in the occurrence of this regulatory mechanism. Seventy-five species from 21 tribes were examined. Dark inhibition of Rubisco was found in ancestral tribes such as the Sophoreae, but was substantially reduced or absent in representative species of three more recently evolved tribes, Cicereae, Hedysareae and Vicieae. We conclude that regulation of Rubisco by CA 1-P is neither of recent origin nor of restricted distribution among the Papilionoideae. On the contrary, it becomes lost or less pronounced only in a minority of the more evolutionarily advanced species in this important subfamily.  相似文献   
Cell suspension colonies from four embryogenic Lolium temulentum lines were selected and plated individually in 25 embryoid maturation treatments which varied in various factors reported to stimulate embryogenesis or improve regeneration. Using a numerical scoring system to compare the cultures against a control, treatments were identified which increased growth, suppressed morphogenesis or encouraged premature shoot formation.No treatment significantly improved the proportion of colonies with globular or mature embryoids, but some prevented maturation and increased the proportion with translucent embryogenic proliferation. Other treatments accelerated maturation causing increased de-differentiation of embryogenic tissues. These treatments also tended to discourage the differentiation of discreet embryoids.Colonies were later transferred en masse to a regeneration medium and scored using another numerical system. Embryoid maturation conditions were then identified which increased or suppressed subsequent shoot regeneration. The two scoring systems enabled cultures of the four lines to be characterised in detail and identified somatic variation in embryogenic development, morphogenesis and de-differentiation.  相似文献   
Seven populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, representing a worldwide distribution, were compared using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. A total of 611 protein spots was scored, which probably represent a sample of over 500 loci that were surveyed. Of the protein spots scored, 521 spots were found to be invariant, but another 90 spots were found to be variable among the populations. Of these variable protein spots, 12 were found to be present in only one population. All the populations, except one, had at least one protein spot restricted to itself. However, the Japanese population had by far the most, with five protein spots restricted to this one population, which has been observed in previous studies of private alleles in oriental populations. The mean genetic similarity (F) found among the seven populations was 0.965, with a range of between 0.956 and 0.977. This is similar to previous reports of lower variation found in population genetic surveys using two-dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that the historical relationships among these populations was somewhat congruent with the geographic distribution of the populations, but as in previous studies, it was not exactly coincident.  相似文献   
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