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Plants experience oxidative stress upon exposure to heavy metals that leads to cellular damage. In addition, plants accumulate metal ions that disturb cellular ionic homeostasis. To minimize the detrimental effects of heavy metal exposure and their accumulation, plants have evolved detoxification mechanisms. Such mechanisms are mainly based on chelation and subcellular compartmentalization. Chelation of heavy metals is a ubiquitous detoxification strategy described in wide variety of plants. A principal class of heavy metal chelator known in plants is phytochelatins (PCs), a family of Cys-rich peptides. PCs are synthesized non-translationally from reduced glutathione (GSH) in a transpeptidation reaction catalyzed by the enzyme phytochelatin synthase (PCS). Therefore, availability of glutathione is very essential for PCs synthesis in plants at least during their exposure to heavy metals. Here, I reviewed on effect of heavy metals exposure to plants and role of GSH and PCs in heavy metal stress tolerance. Further, genetic manipulations of GSH and PCs levels that help plants to ameliorate toxic effects of heavy metals have been presented.  相似文献   
Brosofske  K.D.  Chen  J.  Crow  T.R.  Saunders  S.C. 《Plant Ecology》1999,143(2):203-218
Increasing awareness of the importance of scale and landscape structure to landscape processes and concern about loss of biodiversity has resulted in efforts to understand patterns of biodiversity across multiple scales. We examined plant species distributions and their relationships to landscape structure at varying spatial scales across a pine barrens landscape in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. We recorded plant species cover in 1×1 m plots every 5 m along a 3575 m transect, along with variables describing macro- and micro-landscape structure. A total of 139 understory plant species were recorded. The distributions of many species appeared to be strongly associated with landscape structural features, such as distinct management patches and roads. TWINSPAN and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) identified three groups of species that overlapped extensively in the ordination, possibly reflecting the relatively homogeneous nature of disturbance in the pine barrens landscape. Distribution of understory plants did not reflect all of the patch types we identified along the transect; plot ordination and classification resulted in three to five plot groups that differed in niche breadth. Wavelet transforms showed varying relationships between landscape features and plant diversity indices (Shannon–Weiner, Simpson's Dominance) at different resolutions. Wavelet variances indicated that patterns of Shannon diversity were dominated by coarse resolutions ranging from 900–1500 m, which may have been related to topography. Patterns of Simpson's Dominance were dominated by 700 m resolution, possibly associated with canopy cover. However, a strong correspondence between overstory patch type and diversity was found for several patch types at ranges of scales that varied by patch type. Effects of linear features such as roads were apparent in the wavelet transforms at resolutions of about 5–1000 m, suggesting roads may have an important impact on plant diversity at landscape scales. At broad scales, landscape context appeared more important to diversity than individual patches, suggesting that changes in structure at fine resolutions could alter overall diversity characteristics of the landscape. Therefore, a hierarchical perspective is necessary to recognize potential large-scale change resulting from small-scale activities.  相似文献   
Summary. Transglutaminases have a range of catalytic activities, most of which concern the post-translational modification of proteins. The most important of these activities, both in terms of biology and biotechnology, is the cross-linking of proteins into large supramolecular networks. The widespread use of transglutaminases in research, medicine and industry has increased the demand for an inexpensive, efficient and safe source of recombinant enzymes. We describe initial results concerning the production of a mammalian transglutaminase in transgenic rice plants as a first step towards the large-scale molecular farming of this enzyme.  相似文献   
We have sampled a large number of plant taxa, ranging from brown algae to angiosperms, for the presence of myosin sequences. Using phylogenetic analysis, we show that all but two of the new plant myosin sequences fall into two of three preexisting myosin classes. We identified two outlying sequences, which do not fall into any preexisting myosin class. Additionally, all genomic sequences encoding class XI myosins contain an intron in the region studied, suggesting that this genomic region has been conserved over at least 1 billion years of plant evolution. With these data, we can rapidly and consistently classify partial myosin sequences from plants. Our data show that plant myosins do not have clear orthologues in other kingdoms, providing interesting insights into the diversification of myosins.  相似文献   
Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nucleus, translated in the cytosol, and imported. Mitochondrial precursors generally contain their targeting information in a cleavable N-terminal presequence, which is rich in hydroxylated and positively charged residues and can form amphiphilic alpha-helices. We report the in vivo targeting of green fluorescent protein (GFP) by the FDH presequence, as well as several truncated or mutated variants. Some of these mutations modify the amphiphilicity of the predicted alpha-helix. The removal of the first two residues abolishes import and some single amino acid mutations strongly inhibit import. Such strong effects on import had not been observed in similar studies on other plant mitochondrial presequences, suggesting that the FDH presequence is a particularly good model for functional studies.  相似文献   
To study vacuolar chloride (Cl) transport in the halophilic plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., Cl uptake into isolated tonoplast vesicles was measured using the Cl-sensitive fluorescent dye lucigenin (N,N′-dimethyl-9,9′-bisacridinium dinitrate). Lucigenin was used at excitation and emission wavelengths of 433 nm and 506 nm, respectively, and showed a high sensitivity towards Cl, with a Stern-Volmer constant of 173 m −1 in standard assay buffer. While lucigenin fluorescence was strongly quenched by all halides, it was only weakly quenched, if at all, by other anions. However, the fluorescence intensity and Cl-sensitivity of lucigenin was shown to be strongly affected by alkaline pH and was dependent on the conjugate base used as the buffering ion. Chloride transport into tonoplast vesicles of M. crystallinum loaded with 10 mm lucigenin showed saturation-type kinetics with an apparent K m of 17.2 mm and a V max of 4.8 mm min−1. Vacuolar Cl transport was not affected by sulfate, malate, or nitrate. In the presence of 250 μm p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate, a known anion-transport inhibitor, vacuolar Cl transport was actually significantly increased by 24%. To determine absolute fluxes of Cl using this method, the average surface to volume ratio of the tonoplast vesicles was measured by electron microscopy to be 1.13 × 107 m−1. After correcting for a 4.4-fold lower apparent Stern-Volmer constant for intravesicular lucigenin, a maximum rate of Cl transport of 31 nmol m−2 sec−1 was calculated, in good agreement with values obtained for the plant vacuolar membrane using other techniques. Received: 18 February 2000/Revised: 30 June 2000  相似文献   
The role in plants of posttranslational modification of proteins with O-linked N-acetylglucosamine and the evolution and function of O-GlcNAc transferases responsible for this modification are reviewed. Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic O-GlcNAc transferases (OGTs) leads us to propose that plants have two distinct OGTs, SEC- and SPY-like, that originated in prokaryotes. Animals and some fungi have a SEC-like enzyme while plants have both. Green algae and some members of the Apicomplexa and amoebozoa have the SPY-like enzyme. Interestingly the progenitor of the Apicomplexa lineage likely had a photosynthetic plastid that persists in a degenerated form in some species, raising the possibility that plant SPY-like OGTs are derived from a photosynthetic endosymbiont. OGTs have multiple tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs) that within the SEC- and SPY-like classes exhibit evidence of strong selective pressure on specific repeats, suggesting that the function of these repeats is conserved. SPY-like and SEC-like OGTs have both unique and overlapping roles in the plant. The phenotypes of sec and spy single and double mutants indicate that O-GlcNAc modification is essential and that it affects diverse plant processes including response to hormones and environmental signals, circadian rhythms, development, intercellular transport and virus infection. The mechanistic details of how O-GlcNAc modification affects these processes are largely unknown. A major impediment to understanding this is the lack of knowledge of the identities of the modified proteins.  相似文献   
This is an historical paper examining the scientific background of George Ledyard Stebbins, Jr. (b. 1906), one of the foremost botanists of this century and one of the architects of the evolutionary synthesis, the intellectual event that brought together genetics and selection theory in the interval between 1920 and 1950. It considers his scientific influence and research, beginning with his Harvard education in 1924 and ending in 1950 with the publication of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants. The paper also more broadly assesses the contributions of other botanists to the evolutionary synthesis, including discussion of the work of Edgar Anderson (1897-1967) and others. It also traces the larger historical patterns of American botany, which saw a shift from East Coast botany as exemplified by Harvard botany, to West Coast botany, as exemplified by California botany.  相似文献   
Sulforaphane is a biologically active phytochemical found abundantly in Brassica species. Sulforaphane from eighteen samples of three‐day‐old in vitro seedlings from Brassicas, the Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa varieties were analyzed by HPLC. San Martino, cavolfiore Alverda, cavolo verza riccio d'Asti and cavolfiore Minaret (4.57; 4.54; 4.53 and 4.53 [mg/g d.w], respectively) seedlings showed the highest level of sulforaphane. The presented data may be applicable to choose sulforaphane‐rich Brassica varieties for functional foods. A higher sulforaphane content in functional foods might offer health benefits or desirable physiological effects.  相似文献   
Water transfer via ectomycorrhizal fungal hyphae to conifer seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about water transfer via mycorrhizal hyphae to plants, despite its potential importance in seedling establishment and plant community development, especially in arid environments. Therefore, this process was investigated in the study reported in this paper in laboratory-based tripartite mesocosms containing the shrub Arctostaphylos viscida (manzanita) and young seedlings of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). The objectives were to determine whether water could be transported through mycorrhizal symbionts shared by establishing conifers and A. viscida and to compare the results obtained using two tracers: the stable isotope deuterium and the dye lucifer yellow carbohydrazide. Water containing the tracers was added to the central compartment containing single manzanita shrubs. The fungal hyphae were then collected as well as plant roots from coniferous seedlings in the other two compartments to determine whether water was transferred via fungal hyphae. In addition, the length of the hyphae and degree of mycorrhizal colonisation were determined. Internal transcribed spacer–restriction fragment length polymorphism (ITS-RFLP) analysis was used to identify the fungal species involved in dye (water) transfer. Results of the stable isotope analysis showed that water is transferred via mycorrhizal hyphae, but isotopically labelled water was only detected in Douglas-fir roots, not in sugar pine roots. In contrast, the fluorescent dye was transported via mycorrhizal hyphae to both Douglas-fir and sugar pine seedlings. Only 1 of 15 fungal morphotypes (identified as Atheliaceae) growing in the mesocosms transferred the dye. Differences were detected in the water transfer patterns indicated by the deuterium and fluorescent dye tracers, suggesting that the two labels are transported by different mechanisms in the same hyphae and/or that different fungal taxa transfer them via different routes to host plants. We conclude that both tracers can provide information on resource transfer between fungi and plants, but we cannot be sure that the dye transfer data provide accurate indications of water transfer rates and patterns. The isotopic tracer provides more direct indications of water movement and is therefore more suitable than the dye for studying water relations of plants and their associated mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
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