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Two contrasting strategies of plants from disturbed areas are reported to depend on nutrient availability. Resprouters, investing into storage and capable of vegetative regeneration after disturbance, are predicted to be enhanced in nutrient poor environments. This contrasts to seeders, which invest preferentially into seed production and regenerating only from seeds, and are thought to prevail in nutrient rich environments. To test such predicted dichotomy, we set up an experiment with two facultative resprouters with contrasting nutrient demands and assessed the fitness of individuals regenerated from seeds and root fragments in differently productive environments. We hypothesized that 1) plants with higher nutrient demands have a higher fitness as seeders irrespectable of nutrient availability and/or 2) both species will have a higher fitness as resprouters under lower nutrient availability and as seeders when nutrient availability is higher. Nutrient availability was also manipulated prior to and after disturbance to evaluate the impact of changing nutrient availability on the strategy of resprouting. The results of our pot experiment with Plantago lanceolata and Plantago media supported the first but not the second hypothesis. Moreover, high nutrient availability prior to disturbance negatively affected resprouting success, but the growth and fitness of successfully regenerated individuals were enhanced under higher nutrient availability. We concluded that resprouting from roots after disturbance is affected by nutrient availability, but this effect considerably differs between individual life-history stages.  相似文献   
Wound healing requires cells that increase both collagen production as a result of inflammatory events and regeneration of epithelial tissue. The Plantago species of herbs have been used in traditional treatment of skin disorders and infectious diseases, and digestive, respiratory, reproductive and circulatory conditions. We investigated the efficacy of different concentrations of Plantago lanceolata L. extract (PLE) for wound healing owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcerative, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. We used 72 mice in four groups of 18. An excisional 1 cm wound was created in the skin on the back of the mice in all groups. An ointment containing 10% PLE was applied to the wound in group 1, an ointment containing 20% PLE was applied in group 2 and vaseline was applied in group 3. In group 4, no treatment was applied to the wound. On days 7, 14, and 21 of the experiment, six animals in each group were sacrificed after the wounds were photographed and specimens from the wound sites were examined. On day 14, epithelialization was more prominent in group 2, while vascularization and collagen deposition was more advanced in groups 1 and 2 compared to the other groups. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that TGF-β1 expression was elevated on day 14 in all groups; however, this elevation was more limited in groups 1 and 2 than in groups 3 and 4. Although ANGPT-2 expression increased in groups 1 and 4 on day 14, it decreased significantly in groups 2 and 3. We found that different concentrations of PLE exhibited positive effects on wound healing. Application of 10% PLE ointment may be a useful strategy for wound healing.  相似文献   
青藏高原萹蓄、车前叶绿体超微结构研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对生长在青藏高原两个海拔高度的蓄和车前叶绿体进行超微观察表明。1.高海拔地区蓄的叶绿体发生变形,叶绿体的长度缩短、厚度增加,被膜模糊,而车前叶绿体的形态变化不大。2.高海拔地区的两种植物叶绿体的基粒片层和基质片层都呈现肿胀现象,尤以蓄为显著。3.高海拔地区的两种植物叶绿体中基粒片层的叠垛程度均比低海拔地区的高。以上特征是青藏高原特殊的高寒生态条件长期影响的结果。  相似文献   
Changes in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide ([CO2]), nutrient availability and biotic diversity are three major drivers of the ongoing global change impacting terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. While it is well established that soil nutrient heterogeneity exerts a strong influence on the development of plant individuals and communities, it is virtually unknown how nutrient heterogeneity and global change drivers interact to affect plant performance and ecosystem functioning. We conducted a microcosm experiment to evaluate the effect of simultaneous changes in [CO2], nutrient heterogeneity (NH), nutrient availability (NA) and species evenness on the biomass and nutrient uptake patterns of assemblages formed by Lolium perenne, Plantago lanceolata and Holcus lanatus. When the nutrients were heterogeneously supplied, assemblages exhibited precise root foraging patterns, and had higher above‐ and belowground biomass (average increases of 32% and 29% for above‐ and belowground biomass, respectively). Nutrient heterogeneity also modulated the effects of NA on biomass production, complementarity in nitrogen uptake and below: aboveground ratio, as well as those of [CO2] on the nutrient use efficiency at the assemblage level. Our results show that nutrient heterogeneity has the potential to influence the response of plant assemblages to simultaneous changes in [CO2], nutrient availability and biotic diversity, and suggest that it is an important environmental factor to interpret and assess plant assemblage responses to global change.  相似文献   
Antioxidative systems were investigated in leaves and roots of Plantago major L. which were collected from Mahan Mountain at different altitudes. The content of glutathione (GSH) in reduced form was increased in leaves and roots with the increasing altitude. The activities of peroxidase (POX) and superoxide dismatase superoxide dismutase (SOD) in roots also increased as the altitude was increased, while that in leaves they declined at higher altitude. Analyses of isozymes of SOD and POX in leaves and roots showed that high altitude (3 300 m) induced the SOD isozymes 8 and POX isozyme 5 in roots, which appeared to be required for protection against lower temperature and higher light intensity as altitude was increased. The present study suggested that high altitude had affected differently the antioxidative system in leaves and roots.  相似文献   
One new species and one new variety of genus Plantago are describecd from China. They are P. densiflora J. Z. Liu and P. arachnoidea var. lorata J. Z. Liu.  相似文献   
How soil carbon balance will be affected by plant–mycorrhizal interactions under future climate scenarios remains a significant unknown in our ability to forecast ecosystem carbon storage and fluxes. We examined the effects of soil temperature (14, 20, 26 °C) on the structure and extent of a multispecies community of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi associated with Plantago lanceolata. To isolate fungi from roots, we used a mesh‐divided pot system with separate hyphal compartments near and away from the plant. A 13C pulse label was then used to trace the flow of recently fixed photosynthate from plants into belowground pools and respiration. Temperature significantly altered the structure and allocation of the AM hyphal network, with a switch from more vesicles (storage) in cooled soils to more extensive extraradical hyphal networks (growth) in warmed soils. As soil temperature increased, we also observed an increase in the speed at which plant photosynthate was transferred to and respired by roots and AM fungi coupled with an increase in the amount of carbon respired per unit hyphal length. These differences were largely independent of plant size and rates of photosynthesis. In a warmer world, we would therefore expect more carbon losses to the atmosphere from AM fungal respiration, which are unlikely to be balanced by increased growth of AM fungal hyphae.  相似文献   
We analysed the habitat preferences of adult stages and oviposition electivity of Melitaea aurelia in calcareous grasslands in the Diemel Valley (central Germany) to assess the key factors for successful management. Egg-laying and adult habitats of M. aurelia were more or less congruent. Oviposition electivity at the host plant (Plantago media) was best explained by a combination of host plant quantity and vegetation structure. Habitat quality, isolation and patch area explained 86% of the current patch occupancy of M. aurelia. With M. aurelia preferentially inhabiting transitional vegetation types, management requires a balance between abandonment and disturbance. Disturbances provide open soil that facilitates germination of the host plant Plantago media. On the other hand, immature and adult stages of M. aurelia perform best on calcareous grasslands with a high amount of host plants and low disturbance intensity. Traditional rough grazing regimes seem to be the most favourable tool for developing the necessary spatial and temporal heterogeneity in patches. The best results may be achieved by rotational grazing where only a subset of inhabited patches is grazed intensively each year. Our analysis of patch occupancy indicates that it would be desirable to restore patches in close proximity to occupied sites.  相似文献   
The genus Plantago is particularly interesting for evolutionary studies because of its wide range of mating systems. We have developed primers for five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from P. lanceolata. All five loci amplified and were polymorphic in the two populations examined, Lowsteads Beach in the United Kingdom and Duke in the United States. These new markers will allow a comparison of population structure between the outcrossing species P. lanceolata, and the highly selfing species P. major.  相似文献   
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