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Abstract. We studied floristic and diversity patterns and their environmental controls in two landscapes of contrasting topography in the Patagonian steppe. The analyses were focused on the effects of water availability gradients and landscape configuration on plant species distribution and coexistence. Floristic variation was investigated using Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between floristic and environmental variation was analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis and correlation tests. We explored diversity patterns by relating spatial distance to floristic dissimilarities. The floristic gradient was determined by shrub and grass species and was related to precipitation in the flat area, and to precipitation, elevation and potential radiation in the mountain area. Site species richness increased with water availability in both areas. Mean site species richness and species turnover in space was higher in the mountain than in the flat area. Landscape species richness and floristic gradients were more concentrated in the mountain than in the flat area. In contrast to shrubs and grasses, forb species distributions were uncoordinated and probably independent of any environmental gradient. Our results suggest (1) that landscape configuration affects species composition and diversity through its direct effect on abiotic environmental heterogeneity, and (2) that the environmental controls of the community composition vary depending on the plant functional type considered.  相似文献   
Abstract. We describe an approach for developing a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) that accounts for transient changes in vegetation distribution over a decadal time scale. The DGVM structure is based on a linkage between an equilibrium global vegetation model and smaller scale ecosystem dynamics modules that simulate the rate of vegetation change. Vegetation change is classified into four basic types, based largely on the projected change in above-ground biomass of the vegetation. These four types of change are: (1) dieback of forest, shrubland or grassland; (2) successional replacement within forest, shrubland or grassland; (3) invasion of forest, shrubland or grassland; (4) change in tree/grass ratio. We then propose an approach in which the appropriate ecosystem dynamics module for each type of change is applied and the grid cells of the global model updated accordingly. An approach for accounting for fire, as an example of a disturbance which may strongly influence the rate and spatial pattern of forest dieback, is incorporated. We also discuss data needs for the development, calibration and validation of the model.  相似文献   
The overall deuterium content of plant lipids has been investigated by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), and the site-specific natural isotope fractionation of hydrogen has been studied by 2H-NMR at natural abundance (SNIF-NMR). An analytical strategy has been developed in order to exploit the isotopomeric composition determined in clusters associated with different chemical sites of one or several fatty acid components. The method, which combines spectrometric and chromatographic data, enables isotopic criteria to be directly derived from raw vegetable oils containing in general two saturated and two unsaturated fatty acids. These results provide new information on isotopic fractionation caused by biochemical, physiological and natural environmental effects. Some alternation in the molecular deuterium distribution has been detected which may be related to the mechanism of fatty acid elongation. The successive methylene groups introduced through malonyl CoA are the subjects of different kinetic isotope effects since one of them is exclusively derived from NADH whereas the other has a contribution from pyruvate. A discriminant analysis of the cluster isotopic parameters enables several kinds of botanical precursors to be distinguished. The authenticating performances can be improved by taking into account the influence of climatic effects related to the region in which the plant grew.  相似文献   
Plant stress and larval performance of a dipterous gall former   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L. De Bruyn 《Oecologia》1995,101(4):461-466
According to the plant vigour hypothesis, galling insects should respond positively and perform better on vigorous plants or plant parts, the opposite of the predictions of the plant stress hypothesis. I carried out field experiments to analyse the effects of sustained abiotic stress on the interactions between the common reed (Phragmites australis) and a gall-forming fly (Lipara lucens). The reed shoot diameter (a measure of plant vigour) is strongly affected by environmental conditions, where dry and/or nutrient-poor habitats produce thinner (stressed) shoots. L. lucens gall density is negatively correlated with shoot diameter. In a survival experiment with a wide range of shoot diameters, larval mortality was also highly correlated with shoot quality. Gall formation was higher on thinner, stressed shoots. An analysis of the gall tissues revealed that galls induced by L. lucens contain a high amount of a nutrient-rich feeding tissue. The impact of L. lucens is higher on thinner shoots. The results of this study showed that L. lucens performs better on stressed hosts, which contradicts the plant vigour hypothesis for galling insects. The low nutrient availability in the stressed shoots can be compensated by the production of galls with a nutrient-rich feeding tissue.  相似文献   
The metabolic significance of Se in plants is not well documented, though the presence of many selenoenzymes in bacteria and the essentiality of Se in higher animals is established. Since germination is an active process in plant growth and metabolism, the effect of Se was investigated in germinatingVigna radiata L, a nonaccumulating Sedeficient legume. Growth and protein were enhanced in seedlings supplemented with selenium (Se) as sodium selenite in the medium up to 1 μg/mL. The pattern of uptake of75Se in the differentiating tissues and the subcellular distribution were investigated. The percentage of incorporation of75Se was greater in the mitochondria at the lowest level (0.5 μg/mL) of Se supplementation compared to higher levels of Se exposure. Proteins precipitated from the postmitochondrial supernatant fractions, when separated by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), indicated a major selenoprotein in the seedlings germinated at 2.0 μg/mL Se. In seedlings grown with supplemented Se, enhanced respiratory control ratio and succinate dehydrogenase activity were observed in the mitochondria of tissues, indicative of a role for Se in mitochondrial membrane functions.  相似文献   
We have characterized a mitochondrial gene in Oenothera, designated orf454, capable of encoding a component of the cytochrome c biogenesis system. This open reading frame is interrupted by an intron of 941 nucleotides showing high similarity to a group II intron residing in the rpl2 gene. RNA editing, which is observed at 18 cytidine positions within the orf454 reading frame, improves the similarity to protein-coding sequences in bacteria and higher plants and removes the last 16 amino acids. orf454 also shows high sequence similarity to two overlapping reading frames (orf169 and orf322) of Marchantia mitochondria. These ORFs belong to an operon-like cluster of genes in the liverwort that is not conserved in Oenothera mitochondria. However, in bacteria these reading frames are organized like the Marchantia gene cluster. It has been shown by genetical analysis in Rhodobacter capsulatus that these genes are essential for cytochrome c biogenesis. Genes of bacterial operons — ccl1 in Rhodobacter and yejR and nrfE in Escherichia coli — show high sequence similarity to the mitochondrial reading frames orf577 and orf454 of Oenothera. orf454, which we describe here, is homologous to the C-terminal region of these bacterial genes, while the previously described orf577 is homologous to the N-terminal region.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of the archaeobotanical examination of four Late Neolithic lakeshore settlements on Lake Biel in Switzerland. Due to the excellent preservation conditions in lakeshore settlements, non-carbonized as well as carbonized seeds and fruits were recovered in large numbers. In addition to the diaspore analyses, some samples of charcoal and moss were identified. The spectrum of cultivated plants was markedly different between the sites. In the transition from the 34th to 33rd century B.C. (sites Nidau, Lüscherz and Lattrigen ‘VI’) naked wheat and barley were predominant, while in the 32nd century B.C. (Lattrigen'VII') emmer (a glume wheat) was most abundant. Flax and opium poppy were of great importance during the whole late Neolithic period. In addition to cereals, a large number of cereal weeds were detected. The wild flora included a high percentage of aquatic and lake-shore plants which results from the strong influence of water on the cultural layers. Taxa of flood-plain forest are also common. The proportion of potential grassland plants was low (in total only 13 taxa) which suggests that in addition to the cultivated fields only few pastures and grassland areas existed close to the settlements.  相似文献   
Macrofossils of weeds retrieved from archaeological sediments in Egypt are discussed in terms of their presence, preservation and representation significance. The study reveals 112 field weeds from 61 archaeological sites dating from Predynastic times (4500 B.C.) up to the Graeco-Roman period (A.D. 395). Most of the remains were preserved by desiccation. The 112 listed species include 24 taxa from Predynastic Hierakonpolis (3800–3500 B.C.) identified for the first time. This study is based on a selection of 97 species from the entire list. Interpretation of field weed finds from the archaeological contexts is discussed. The highest number of species, 63, is recorded from the Pharaonic period. The Predynastic era is represented by 46 species and the Graeco-Roman period by 34. The intensive archaeological excavation of Pharaonic settlements may explain the rich flora of that period compared with the two others. Floristic analysis shows that 57 species were introduced in association with crops from the Middle East and 40 may belong to the native vegetation of the Nile valley.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial small-subunit (19S) rDNA sequences were obtained from 10 angiosperms to further characterize sequence divergence levels and structural variation in this molecule. These sequences were derived from seven holoparasitic (nonphotosynthetic) angiosperms as well as three photosynthetic plants. 19S rRNA is composed of a conservative core region (ca. 1450 nucleotides) as well as two variable regions (V1 and V7). In pairwise comparisons of photosynthetic angiosperms to Glycine, the core 19S rDNA sequences differed by less than 1.4%, thus supporting the observation that variation in mitochondrial rDNA is 3–4 times lower than seen in protein coding and rDNA genes of other subcellular organelles. Sequences representing four distinct lineages of nonasterid holoparasites showed significantly increased numbers of substitutions in their core 19S rDNA sequences (2.3–7.6%), thus paralleling previous findings that showed accelerated rates in nuclear (18S) and plastid (16S) rDNA from the same plants. Relative rate tests confirmed the accelerated nucleotide substitution rates in the holoparasites whereas rates in nonparasitic plants were not significantly increased. Among comparisons of both parasitic and nonparasitic plants, transversions outnumbered transitions, in many cases more than two to one. The core 19S rRNA is conserved in sequence and structure among all nonparasitic angiosperms whereas 19S rRNA from members of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae have unique extensions to the V5 and V6 variable domains. Substitution and insertion/deletion mutations characterized the V1 and V7 regions of the nonasterid holoparasites. The V7 sequence of one holoparasite (Scybalium) contained repeat motifs. The cause of substitution rate increases in the holoparasites does not appear to be a result of RNA editing, hence the underlying molecular mechanism remains to be fully documented. Received: 18 May 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   
异源八倍体小冰麦体细胞无性系的建立及其染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从5个异源八倍体小冰麦(Triticum -Agropyron)的叶片、幼穗及成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,建立体细胞无性系,获得大量再生植株。附加一个冰草染色体组的异源八倍体小冰麦杂种无性系中37.5% 表现变异,其中非整倍体植株变异较多,很多变异的再生植株形态与小麦近似,同时出现一定数量染色体重排、交换、易位、断裂、融合等变异。结果表明,通过杂种无性系变异进行染色体基因转化及遗传修饰是一条可行的途径。实验还观察了小冰麦愈伤组织分化过程中绿点的形成过程,首次提出两种类型绿点,即芽绿点和根绿点,并描述了两者的差异  相似文献   
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