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物种多样性测度是(群落的)总体参数,它们常常是未知的,需要通过抽样将它们估计出来,因此,必须了解估计量的抽样性质。本文对与一些多样性测度的均值、方差的估计和假设检验以及大、小样本分布等有关的问题作了综述。可以看出大多数多样性测度的抽样性质还不清楚,有些甚至根本就没有研究过。Pielou的合并样方法和刀切法是两个比较通用的方法,用它们可以解决其中的一些问题。但相比之下,刀切法更实用。  相似文献   
影响天然林下层植物物种多样性的林分因子的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以我国东北过伐林区3种典型森林类型为对象,用多元逐步回归方法来研究影响天然林下层植物多样性的林分因子,尤其是与森林经营有关的林分因子,从而通过经营来维持和增加物种多样性。研究表明,与经营有关的因子中对下层植物多样性有显著影响的有林分郁闭度、公顷株数和树种多样性。因此,在林分发展的一定阶段,应采取合理经营措施如采伐来控制林分密度,保持多树种的混交,来维持和增加树种多样性。  相似文献   
城市公园和郊区公园生物多样性评估的指标   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈波  包志毅 《生物多样性》2003,11(2):169-176
随着城市化进程的加快,城市的生物多样性不可避免地受到城市化的各种影响,城市及其郊区的生物多样性保护越来越受到人们的重视。城市公园与郊区公园中往往具有高度多样化的生境,并保存着某些自然植被片段和动物物种,那里的生物多样性较高。可见,在城市和郊区的生物多样性保护中,公园生物多样性的保护是一个非常关键的环节,而对其生物多样性的评估又是有效保护的基础。目前,我国生物多样性评估方面的研究工作多集中于物种水平,而对生境的研究较少,但实践证明,保护生境比保护物种更为重要。本文介绍了比利时学者Hermy & Cornelis在比利时西佛兰德省的Loppem市立公园的保护实践中构建的一种对城市公园和郊区公园中的生物多样性进行评估的方法。该方法从两个方面展开:生境多样性和物种多样性。在生境水平上,首先对各种生境单元进行分类,这些单元被分为面状、线状和点状要素。针对每种要素,分别计算了Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数。饱和度指数是实际的多样性指数与最大可能的多样性指数之比。在物种水平上,使用了物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数来评估公园中的高等植物、蝴蝶、两栖动物和饲养的鸟类等物种。这样,就获得了20个生物多样性指标,根据这些指数就可以对Loppem市立公园内的生物多样性进行评估。结合我国生物多样性评估工作的实际要求,文章最后对上述方法进行了讨论,指出该方法对我国公园的生物多样性评估工作具有借鉴意义,但在运用时各地需要结合本地的实际情况。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is a shallow geothermal lake with average temperatures of 37°C, pH 7.5 and about 2.5% salinity. It was formed in 1976 from the effluents of the Svartsengi geothermal power plant and is saturated with silica which constantly precipitates in the lake. It has been colonized by a few types of specialized microorganisms which seem to proliferate in this unusual ecosystem. The average bacterial colony count in the lake was 1.3 × 105 ml−1 on plate count agar made with 50% Blue Lagoon fluid but 2.6 × 106 ml−1 when determined with the MPN method. A total of 99 isolates were purified and characterized by 54 phenotypic tests and then grouped using Numerical Taxonomy. At similarity values of 80%, one major cluster was formed containing 85% of the isolates. Four representative strains from this cluster were further characterized and all shown to be Gram-negative, obligately aerobic, non-motile rods. They were oxidase positive, catalase negative and grew optimally at 45°C and in 3.5% NaCl with doubling time of about 80 min.  相似文献   
细胞培养技术在植物抗性生理研究领域中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了近10年来有关利用细胞培养技术所进行的抗性生理领域的研究成果,包括在培养过程中植物细胞对外界胁迫的反应、有关利用细胞培养技术研究植物的抗逆性反应,以及植物抗逆性的理论在实际中的应用。大量的实验证明,细胞培养技术在植物抗逆性研究领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
The house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is a native songbird of western North America that was introduced to the eastern United States and Hawaiian Islands in historic times. As such, it provides an unusually good opportunity to test the ability of molecular markers to recover recent details of a known population history. To investigate this prospect, genetic variation in 172 individuals from 16 populations in the western and eastern United States, southeastern Canada, Hawaiian Islands, and Mexico, as well as genetic variation in the closely related purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus) and Cassin's finch (Carpodacus cassinii) was studied by a semi-automated fluorescence-labeled amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker system. A total of 363 markers were generated, of which 258 (71.2%) were polymorphic among species, 166 (61.4%) polymorphic among house finch subspecies, and 157 (60.2%) polymorphic among populations within the frontalis subspecies complex. Heterozygosities and interpopulation divergences revealed by the analysis appeared relatively low at all taxonomic levels, but there are few similar studies in avian populations with which to compare results. Whereas the known population history predicts that both eastern and Hawaiian finches should have been derived from within western populations, tree analysis using both populations and individuals as units suggests weak monophyly of eastern populations and indicates that Hawaiian populations are not clearly derived from California populations. However, the genetic distinctiveness of native and recently founded populations was disclosed by analyses of molecular variance as well as by a model-based assignment approach in which 98%, 94%, and 99% individuals from western, Hawaiian, and eastern regions, respectively, were assigned correctly to their populations without using prior information on population of origin, suggesting that these recent introductions have resulted in detectable differentiation without substantial loss of AFLP diversity. Our results indicate that AFLPs are a useful tool for population genetic and evolutionary studies of birds, particularly as a prelude to finding molecular markers linked to traits subjected to recent adaptive evolution.  相似文献   
Cryptogamic crusts have long been regarded as important components of desert ecosystems. In order to reduce and combat the hazards of sandstorm and desertification, it is critical to conserve cryptogamic crusts in arid desert and semiarid regions. In this study, we characterized soil physical and chemical properties after revegetation on sanddunes stabilized with straw checkerboard. Revegetation accelerated the improvement of environmental conditions leading to the establishment and propagation of cryptogams on sanddunes in the Tengger desert region. Since revegetation began 44 years ago, 24 species of algae and 5 species of moss have established on fixed sanddunes in the Shapotou region in the northwest of China, but no lichens have been observed. Algal cover and species richness were found to be positively correlated with soil pH, contents of silt and clay, concentrations of HCO3 , Cl, SO4 2-, Mg2+, soil organic carbon and N contents (p < 0.01), but were only weakly correlated with concentration of Ca2+, electrical conductivity (EC) and potassium content (K2O). The number of species and cover of mosses were positively correlated with soluble K+ and Na+ but no other relationships were apparent. The percent sand in composition of soil particle sizes, and soil bulk density were both negatively correlated to species number and cover for both cryptogam organisms. This study represents a successful example of restoration of cryptogam species diversity in arid desert regions.  相似文献   
中国人工林面积居世界第一位,而马尾松是中国人工林面积较大的树种之一,广泛分布于中国的亚热带区域。马尾松适应能力强,耐干旱、瘠薄,是南方低山丘陵区群落演替的先锋树种,也是荒山绿化造林的主要树种,马尾松人工林对生态防护、生态治理有着重大的意义。但是,绝大部分马尾松人工林为人工纯林,生态系统比较脆弱,生态服务功能较差。人工林的近自然改造对于增加林地生物多样性,提升人工林的生态服务功能具有重要意义。2005年,对中国林业科学院热带林业试验中心1993年造林的马尾松人工林进行4种不同强度(50%、40%、30%、20%)间伐后,套种大叶栎(Castanopsis fissa)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)、润楠(Machilus pingii)、红锥(C. hystrix)4个乡土阔叶树种,各种套种密度皆为120株/hm2。分别于间伐前(2004年)及2010年对群落生物多样性及人工套种树种生态情况进行调查,结果表明:(1)间伐处理后,自然更新至乔木层的物种种类和数量都有显著的增加,600 m2的样方中,物种数由(2.75±2.56)种增加到(11.17±4.32)种,个体数由(5.75±4.31)株增加到(32.17±19.09)株,群落中乔木亚层的优势种变化不大,主要有南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)、水锦树(Wendlandia uvariifolia),枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、破布木(Cordia dichotoma)、白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus)等。新增加到乔木层的物种大都为之前群落中灌木层的种类,主要有三桠苦(Evodia lepta)、鸭脚木(Schefflera minutistellata)、白花龙(Styrax faberi)、中平树(Macaranga denticulata)、黄毛榕(Ficus esquiroliana)、华南毛柃(Eurya ciliata)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana)、猴耳环(Pithecellobium clypearia)、木姜子(Litsea pungens)、毛黄肉楠(Actinodaphne pilosa)等。(2)间伐处理前,600 m2样方中出现的灌草种类数量为(24.63±4.24)种,间伐处理后,600 m2样方中出现的灌草种类数量为(27.58±3.80)种,不同间伐强度处理后林下灌草的优势种与间伐前大致相同,灌木层优势种为三桠苦,草本层优势种为弓果黍(Cyrtococcum patens)。不同间伐强度处理林分间,灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数均无显著差异,且与间伐前林分也无显著差异。(3)间伐促进了4个乡土树种幼树的生长,随着间伐强度的增加,大叶栎、红锥幼树的高度和胸径显著增长;50%的间伐强度的林分中,阔叶树种幼树的长势要显著好于其他间伐强度,50%的间伐强度最有利于马尾松林下套种的阔叶树种生长。(4)在马尾松林下套种的4个阔叶树种幼树的初期生长有明显差异。总体而言,大叶栎与米老排幼树的早期生长速率要明显高于红锥和润楠。  相似文献   
保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应的影响研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作物产量的高低主要取决于土壤肥力,如何保持并提高土壤肥力是确保我国粮食安全和农业可持续发展的重要任务,也是众多学者关注的焦点。土壤有机碳和氮素是评价土壤质量的重要指标,其动态平衡直接影响土壤肥力和作物产量。随着全球气候变化及环境污染问题的愈加突出,农田土壤固碳及提高氮效率成为各界科学家研究的热点。目前,保护性耕作已成为发展可持续农业的重要技术之一,对土壤固碳及氮素的利用具有很大的影响。深入了解保护性耕作对土壤有机碳固持与氮素利用效率提高的影响机制,对于正确评价土壤肥力有着重要意义。但由于气候、土壤及种植制度等条件不一致,关于保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应结论不一。阐述了国际上保护性耕作对农田系统土壤有机碳含量变化及其分解排放(如CO2和CH4)、氮素变化及其矿化损失(如NH3挥发、N2O排放与氮淋失)和碳氮素相互关系(如C/N层化率)影响的研究进展,并分析了其影响因素和相关机理。尽管国内保护性耕作的研究已进行30 多年,但在土壤有机碳与氮素方面与国外相比依然有较大的差距。保护性耕作对土壤固碳与氮素利用的影响机制,碳素和氮素在土壤-植株-大气系统中的转移变化,及结合农事管理等综合评价其生态效应的研究很少。在此基础上,提出未来我国保护性耕作在土壤有机碳固定和氮素利用方面的重点研究方向:(1)在定位试验基础上进一步探讨保护性耕作对土壤有机碳及氮素利用的影响机制;(2)深入研究土壤有机碳和氮素的相互关系及其对土壤肥力的影响;(3)结合环境保护与土壤可持续管理对保护性耕作农田土壤固碳及氮素高效利用的系统评价研究;(4)加强保护性耕作对农田碳、氮效应的宏观研究,合理评价保护性耕措施下对农田碳、氮综合效应。  相似文献   
Abstract Patterns in species richness from a wide range of plant communities in Ku‐ring‐gai Chase National Park, New South Wales, Australia, were examined in relation to a number of environmental variables, including soil physical and chemical characteristics. Total species richness and richness of three growth‐form types (trees, shrubs and ground cover) were determined in duplicate 500‐m2 quadrats from 50 sites on two geological substrata: Hawkesbury Sandstone and Narrabeen shales and sandstones. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to determine the amount of variation in species richness that could be significantly explained by the measured environmental variables. Seventy‐three per cent of the variation in total species richness was explained by a combination of soil physical and chemical variables and site attributes. The environmental variables explained 24% of the variation in tree species richness, 67% of the variation in shrub species richness and 62% of the variation in ground cover species richness. These results generally support the hypothesis of an environmental influence on patterns in total species richness and richness of shrubs and ground cover species. However, tree species richness was not adequately predicted by any of the measured environmental variables; the present environment exerts little influence on the richness of this growth‐form type. Historical factors, such as fire or climatic/environmental conditions at time of germination or seedling establishment, may be important in determining patterns in tree species richness at the local scale.  相似文献   
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