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The hydraulic conductivity of the lateral walls of early metaxylem vessels (Lpx in m · s–1 · MPa–1) was measured in young, excised roots of maize using a root pressure probe. Values for this parameter were determined by comparing the root hydraulic conductivities before and after steam-ringing a short zone on each root. Killing of living tissue virtually canceled its hydraulic resistance. There were no suberin lamellae present in the endodermis of the roots used. The value of Lpx ranged between 3 · 10–7 and 35 · 10–7 m · s–1 · MPa–1 and was larger than the hydraulic conductivity of the untreated root (Lpr = 0.7 · 10–7 to 4.0 · 10–7 m · s–1 · MPa–1) by factor of 3 to 13. Assuming that all flow through the vessel walls was through the pit membranes, which occupied 14% of the total wall area, an upper limit of the hydraulic conductivity of this structure could be given(Lppm=21 · 10–7 to 250 · 10–7 m · s–1 · MPa–1). The specific hydraulic conductivity (Lpcw) of the wall material of the pit membranes (again an upper limit) ranged from 0.3 · 10–12 to 3.8 · 10–12 m2 · s–1 · MPa–1 and was lower than estimates given in the literature for plant cell walls. From the data, we conclude that the majority of the radial resistance to water movement in the root is contributed by living tissue. However, although the lateral walls of the vessels do not limit the rate of water flow in the intact system, they constitute 8–31% of the total resistance, a value which should not be ignored in a detailed analysis of water flow through roots.Abbreviatations and Symbols kwr (T 1 2/W ) rate constant (half-time) of water exchange across root (s–1 or s, respectively) - Lpcw specific hydraulic conductivity of wall material (m2 · s–1 · MPa–1) - Lppm hydraulic conductivity of pit membranes (m · s –1 · MPa–1) - Lpr hydraulic conductivity of root (m · s–1 · MPa–1) - Lpx lateralhydraulic conductivity of walls of root xylem (m · s –1 · MPa–1) This research was supported by a grant from the Bilateral Exchange Program funded jointly by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to C.A.P., and by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 137, to E.S. The expert technical help of Mr. Burkhard Stumpf and the work of Ms. Martina Murrmann and Ms. Hilde Zimmermann in digitizing chart-recorder strips is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
苏云金芽胞杆菌幕虫亚种的伴胞晶体在预芽胞外壁内侧形成,呈现晶体芽胞粘连的现象。根据已发表的cry26Aa1和cry28Aa1基因序列设计引物,从苏云金芽胞杆菌幕虫亚种T02中扩增得到cry26Aa和cry28Aa基因,通过穿梭载体将这两个基因分别和同时转化到苏云金芽胞杆菌无晶体突变株BMB171后,透射电镜下可在芽胞外壁内侧和外侧同时观察到伴胞晶体,而单独表达时可在芽胞外壁外侧观察到伴胞晶体。结果表明,伴胞晶体在芽胞外壁内侧表达不单独依赖于启动子的时空调控,可能还受到晶体蛋白相互作用的影响。  相似文献   
Pit membranes of stem tracheids of all recognized species of Barclaya, an Indomalaysian genus of Nymphaeaceae, were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Pit membranes of the tracheids are composed of two thick layers, both constructed of fibrils much larger than those of tracheary elements of angiosperms other than Nymphaeaceae. The outer (distal) layer, which comprises the continuous primary wall around the tracheids, is spongiform, perforated by porosities of relatively uniform size, and confined to or most prominent on end walls of stem tracheids. The second layer consists of thick widely spaced fibrils that are oriented axially and are laid down proximally (facing the cell lumen) to the first (outer) layer, although continuous with it. These axial fibrils are attached at their ends to the pit cavities. This peculiar microstructure is not known outside Nymphaeaceae except in Brasenia and Cabomba (Cabombaceae, Nymphaeales), and has not been previously described for Barclaya. The longitudinally oriented threads and strands in perforation plates of secondary xylem of wood and stems of a variety of primitive woody angiosperms (e.g., Illicium) are not homologous to the pit membrane structure observed in stem tracheids of Barclaya, which, like other Nymphaeaceae, has only primary xylem and no perforation plates. The tracheid microstructure reported here is different from pit structures observed in any other group of vascular plants, living or fossil. The tracheid stem microstructures of Barclaya and other Nymphaeaceae appear to be a synapomorphy of Nymphaeaceae and Cabombaceae, and need further study with respect to ultrastructure and function.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure sequence for the complete post-fertilization development is described in Cryptopleura ruprechtiana (C. Agardh) Kylin, a member of the Delesseriaceae. Following fertilization the diploid nucleus is transferred to the auxiliary cell. This contains typical red algal proplastids, cytoplasmic concentric membranes, numerous small vacuoles and lipid bodies. Crystalline inclusions and virus-like particles are also present. In addition darkly staining spherical masses possibly represent dehydrated haploid chromatin. The multinucleate auxiliary cell produces initially one large gonimoblast initial and subsequently many smaller gonimoblast initials. The first formed generative gonimoblast cell is similar in cellular structure to the auxiliary cell. Gonimoblast initials are uninucleate but through caryokinesis they become multinucleate. They undergo repeated cleavage to form more gonimoblast cells. Subsequent, centripetal cytokinesis results in the formation of clusters of gonimoblast cells. A new type structural cap or association is observed in the septal plugs that interconnect gonimoblast initials. Terminal or generative gonimoblast cells cleave to form additional gonimoblast cells. Only terminal gonimoblast cells are differentiated to carpospores.  相似文献   
AnAscochyta fungus was obtained during a survey of leaf spot diseases ofFagus crenata in the mountains of Aomori prefecture in 1995. The pathogenicity of the fungus toF. crenata was confirmed by inoculation. Its teleomorph was first found on artificially infected leaves after the leaves were placed in an incubator at 5°C with a 12-h photoperiod (approximately 500lx, daylight strip lamps) for 4 mo. The fungus was found to be the causal agent of yellow leaf spots ofF. crenata andQuercus mongolica var.grosseserrata in the field. Comparison with similar fungi so far described from Fagaceae indicated that the anamorph isAscochyta fagi and the teleomorph is an undescribed species ofDidymella. The nameDidymella fagi is introduced for the teleomorph. Correlation between the two morphs has been proved by cultural, morphological and pathological studies.  相似文献   
目的:多肽与小分子化学药物相比,具有生物活性高、特异性强、不容易产生耐药性等特点,是目前新型药物研发的重点领域。多肽的合成直接影响到多肽药物的作用机制以及药物效果,因此需要建立一种更加便捷、高效的多肽合成方法。方法:采用Fmoc固相合成法合成多肽HF01,通过比较氨基酸连接的反应体系以及氨基酸脱保护的反应体系,从中确定最优体系。利用乙酰化基团进行肽链末端保护,经肽链剪切制备干燥的粗肽,最后采用高效液相色谱仪与高分辨质谱仪联用对粗肽进行纯化。结果:确定多肽合成的连接和脱保护反应体系,并获得纯度高达98.3%的线性多肽。结论:建立了一种高效、便捷的多肽合成及纯化方法,提高了实验室合成多肽的效率,为多肽类药物的研发提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
The structural regularities of the organization of interneuronal syncytial cytoplasmic connections between neuronal bodies in gyrus dentatus and CA1 and CA2 (CA is cornu ammonis) of hippocampus, as well as between cell neurites of the caudal mesenteric ganglion were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The syncytial perforations are located only on the base of tight junctions. The perforations have rounded edges corresponding to the fusion edges of perforated membranes of adjacent neurons – or where their edges have a form of thinned plate – a remnant of the tight junction. In the lumen of the perforations, remnants of contact membranes – residual bodies – are revealed. On living neurons in tissue culture, the syncytial connection of two contacting processes of different neurons is found during the death of the body of one of them, but with preservation of viability of its processes that contact with other neurons.  相似文献   
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