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Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-ethanol (IEt) were identified in immature seeds of Pinus sylvestris L. by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Indole-3-methanol was tentatively identified using multiple ion monitoring. Anatomical investigations of seeds, as well as measurements of free and alkali-hydrolysable IAA and IEt, were made during seed development and germination. Levels of free IAA and IEt decreased during seed development. In the later stages of seed maturation most IAA and IEt were present in alkali-hydrolysable forms. Bound IAA and bound IEt rapidly decreased during germination, while levels of free IAA and IEt increased dramatically for a short period.  相似文献   
Effects of water stress on production of ethylene and its precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), by loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seedlings from a Texas drought-hardy and a Virginia Coastal Plain source were investigated. Ethylene production rates in needles from the Virgnia source increased slightly with initial stress (-1.3 MPa), declined until water potential reached -1.6 MPa and then increased sharply at -2.5 MPa. The ethylene production rates in needles from the Texas also increased slightly with initial stress, then decreased with decreasing water potential. Ethylene production by root tissue was two to three times higher than needle tissue and decreased with decreasing water potential. ACC concentrations in needles of both seed sources decreased as water potential began decreasing. Below -1.4 MPa, ACC levels started increasing (Texas source) or remained constant until -2.8 MPa (Virginia source) at which time its level increased three-fold. Mean ACC levels in root tissue [122 nmol (g dry weight)−1] were slightly higher than the mean levels in the needle tissue [92 nmol (g dry weight) −1]; roots apparently were more efficient in converting it to ethylene since ethylene production was two to three times higher than needle tissue. The modulation of ethylene synthesis by ACC synthase and ethyleneforming enzyme appeared to be influenced by stress level, organ and seed source.  相似文献   
The amounts of free sterols, steryl esters and lipid phosphorus were determined in the sapwood and heartwood of mature, and in the outer and inner sapwood of young Pinus sylvestris trees. In the mature trees (up to 70 years old) the heartwood contains significantly higher amounts of free sterols than the sapwood. No radial gradient can be demonstrated in the amounts of steryl esters. Lipids extracted from the sapwood contain higher amounts of phosphorus than those from the heartwood. Stems of young Pinus sylvestris trees (up to 13 years old) show in the inner sapwood higher amounts of both free sterols and steryl esters than the peripheral younger wood zone. The inner sapwood of the young stems shows slightly higher amounts of lipid phosphorus than the outer sapwood. The results indicate that Pinus sylvestris accumulates both free sterols and steryl esters in the stems at a very early stage of the life cycle. Sterol accumulation in the innermost parts of the stems seems not to depend on heartwood formation.  相似文献   
Summary The lipid and sterol content and composition of three lipid fractions (free fatty acids/ sterols, triacylglycerols and sterol/triterpenoid esters) extracted from three stem discs of Pinus sylvestris were assessed to investigate metabolic changes related to heartwood formation. The wood was separated into (1) cambial zone, (2) outer sapwood, (3) inner sapwood, (4) transition zone, (5) outer heartwood and 6) inner heart-wood. The fractions were separated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The amount of fatty acids of sapwood triacylglycerols was about 1.5% (dry wt.) but a large reduction occurred in the transition zone. In contrast, noticeable amounts of free fatty acids were present only in the heart-wood. The most important fatty acids in the sapwood fractions were 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2 (the dominant fatty acid in all fractions), 18:3 and 20:3. Together 18:1 and 18:2 formed about 70% of the total triacylglycerol fatty acids. Of the sterol/ triterpenoid esters, 18:2 and 18:3 were predominant. The fatty acid composition of all fractions changed in the transition zone. The sterols found were sitosterol, stigmastanol, campesterol and campestanol. The amount of sterol esters increased towards the heartwood, and the amount of free sterols was lowest in the inner sapwood. Sitosterol was the dominant sterol in both free sterols and sterol esters.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. 1. Significantly more eggs were laid by adult female pine beauty moths ( Panolis flammea (D&S)) on previously undefoliated lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta Douglas) saplings than on those which had been partially defoliated the year before.
2. The larval weights, mean relative growth rates and survival rates of P.flammea were lower on defoliated trees than on undefoliated trees.
3. Marked and significant differences between the monoterpene profiles of the shoot cortical oleoresin of defoliated and undefoliated trees were linked to oviposition preferences in P.flammea.
4. Differences occurred between the levels of soluble tannins in previously defoliated and undefoliated trees.
5. The results are discussed in relation to earlier work on insect-induced changes in plants, and the significance of inter-provenance differences in lodgepole pine response is assessed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. 1. Deme formation is the transformation of a generalist population into one which is adapted to its local conditions. This adaptation has been inferred from many things but should be inferred from higher survival or fecundity of scale insects on their natal tree compared to that of immigrant scales on the same tree.
2. Transfers of the scale insect Matsucoccus acalyptus Herbert within and between infested host trees ( Pinus monophylla (Torr. & Frem.) resulted in significant differences in scale survivorship among recipient trees. Survival on individual trees was correlated across years, indicating stable differences in tree susceptibility to scale.
3. A significant natal tree colonized tree interaction was observed for late stage scale survival in one experiment but the interaction was not caused by superior survivorship of scales transferred back to the natal tree. Hence, we found no evidence of deme formation in M.acalyptus.
4. Previous studies have concluded that deme formation occurs in the black pineleaf scale based on a significant natal tree by colonized tree interaction in scale survival. We question this conclusion because the experimental design employed did not include transfers back onto the natal tree. Other indirect evidence for deme formation in scale insects is critically discussed.  相似文献   
Artificial infestation of seven pine species revealed that Matsucoccus josephi (Homoptera: Margarodidae) completes its development on Pinus brutia , P. eldarica and P. halepersis , whereas only a small number of the scale larvae infesting P. cunariensis and P. pined reached the second instar and none developed to the adult stage. M. josephi crawlers died while trying to feed on P. radiata and P. pinaster. Histological examination of the infested plant sections indicated that necrosis in shoot and stem barks of P. eldarica and P. halepensis occurs just before or after the scale completes its development. Injury reached the cambium, and traumatic resin ducts; parenchyma cells instead of tracheids and curved tracheids were formed. In P. brutia wound periderm was observed in the stem section but not in the shoot cortex following scale development. Wound periderm was also formed in the stem cortex of P. canariensis and P. pinena whereas no pathological changes were detected in the infested cortex of P. pinaster and P. radiata.
Mechanical lesions caused by needle punctures resulted in the production of parenchyma cells instead of tracheids in all four pine species investigated. The response of the pine cortex was non-specific; however several similarities in the response to scale infestation, such as the formation of resin ducts, were observed. We hypothesize that the response of the pine tissue to the scale saliva is a hypersensitive reaction. It is suggested that the development of Matsucoccus species on particular pine species is related to the scale's inability to trigger the defence system of the host while the larvae are feeding.  相似文献   
One-year old loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seedlings were grown in an unshaded greenhouse for 7 months under 4 levels of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation simulating stratospheric ozone reductions of 16, 25 and 40% and included a control with no UV-B radiation. Periodic measurements were made of growth and gas exchange characteristics and needle chlorophyll and UV-B-absorbing-compound concentrations. The effectiveness of UV-B radiation on seedling growth and physiology varied with the UV-B irradiance level. Seedlings receiving the lowest supplemental UV-B irradiance showed reductions in growth and photosynthetic capacity after only 1 month of irradiation. These reductions persisted and resulted in lower biomass production, while no increases in UV-B-absorbing compounds in needles were observed. Seedlings receiving UV-B radiation which simulated a 25% stratospheric ozone reduction showed an increase in UV-B-absorbing-compound concentrations after 6 months, which paralleled a recovery in photosynthesis and growth after an initial decrease in these characteristics. The seedlings grown at the highest UV-B irradiance (40% stratospheric ozone reduction) showed a more rapid increase in the concentration of UV-B-absorbing compounds and no effects of UV-B radiation on growth or photosynthetic capacity until after 4 months at this irradiance. Changes in photosynthetic capacity were probably the result of direct effects on light-dependent processes, since no effects were observed on either needle chlorophyll concentrations or stomatal conductance. Further studies are necessary to determine whether these responses persist and accumulate over subsequent years.  相似文献   
Near a hen house (50–600 m), vitality ofPinus sylvestris, N-, P-, K-, Ca-, Mg-contents of the needles, N-, Mg-, K-, Ca- and Al-contents in soil extracts and NH3/NH 4 + -contents of the air were determined. Damage symptoms occurred when N-immissions hit the canopy directly. In contrast no visible decline of the above ground plant could be observed if N was mainly deposited on the soil.  相似文献   
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