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A.P. Balange  C. Lambert 《Phytochemistry》1980,19(12):2541-2545
Phytochrome induces δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALAD) activity in radish seedling cotyledons under continuous far red light. Analysis of the enzymatic activity in etioplasts vs total activity shows a constant ALAD level in these organelles (10 %) in etiolated seedlings. In far red irradiated seedlings, the percentage of enzyme detected into etioplasts increases up to 45 % of the total. Comparative kinetic studies of ALAD activity detected in the cytoplasm and the etioplasts indicate an increase in both compartments with a maximum value reached respectively at 96 and 120 hr from sowing. Treatment with cycloheximide shows a very fast abolition of cytoplasmic ALAD activity which is always correlated to an etioplast decrease with a time shift of ca 24 hr. Erythromycin acts only on the cytoplasmic level of ALAD, and only for far red irradiated seedlings, with an increase of activity twice the level detected in untreated ones. This unexpected effect is discussed.  相似文献   
The pigment composition of two clones of Isochrysis galbana Parke (CCMP 1323 and CCAP 927/1), and Isochrysis sp. (clone T-ISO) was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using a polymeric octadecylsilica column. Fluorescent peaks with retention times higher than chlorophyll a were detected for all three clones. The corresponding pigments were isolated and characterized in terms of their visible absorbance and fluorescence spectra. The pigments were similar to phytol-substituted chlorophyll c, previously isolated from Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay and Mohler and other species containing chlmophyll c3. The presence of phytol-substituted chlorophyll c in I. galbana which lacked chlorophyll c3, increases the diversity of chlorophyll patterns for the Haptophyta, which can be grouped, at present, into six different pigment types. This is the jrst observation of a haptophyte containing the apolar phytylated chlorophyll c-like pigment but lacking chlorophyll c3.  相似文献   

During research directed towards the employment of the biological resources of the North Adriatic lagoons, from January 1991 to December 1992, in both tidal phases, a survey was carried out on the phytoplankton and the chemico-physical parameters of the Scardovari lagoon. Data analyses allowed two different areas to be distinguished: one inner, which was generally characterized by high phytoplanktonic densities (St. 3–4), the other outer, which was more influced by marine load (St. 1–2). Photosynthetic picoplankton was dominant in terms of cell number in most samples. Phytoplanktonic fraction >2 μm was represented mainly by diatoms, which showed the higher species number. During the sample observation, some dinoflagellates, considered toxic or potentially toxic, were found. Their presence was important because of their effect on the bivalve mollusc cultures.  相似文献   
Although the evolution and diversification of flowers is often attributed to pollinator-mediated selection, interactions between co-occurring plant species can alter patterns of selection mediated by pollinators and other agents. The extent to which both floral density and congeneric species richness affect patterns of net and pollinator-mediated selection on multiple co-occurring species in a community is unknown and is likely to depend on whether co-occurring plants experience competition or facilitation for reproduction. We conducted an observational study of selection on four species of Clarkia (Onagraceae) and tested for pollinator-mediated selection on two Clarkia species in communities differing in congeneric species richness and local floral density. When selection varied with community context, selection was generally stronger in communities with fewer species, where local conspecific floral density was higher, and where local heterospecific floral density was lower. These patterns suggest that intraspecific competition at high densities and interspecific competition at low densities may affect the evolution of floral traits. However, selection on floral traits was not pollinator mediated in Clarkia cylindrica or Clarkia xantiana, despite variation in pollinator visitation and the extent of pollen limitation across communities for C. cylindrica. As such, interactions between co-occurring species may alter patterns of selection mediated by abiotic agents of selection.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics studies are performed to investigate the conformational preference of cell surface higher gangliosides (GT1A and GT1B) and their interaction with Cholera Toxin. The water mediated hydrogen bonding network exists between sugar residues in gangliosides. An integrated molecular modeling, molecular mechanics, and molecular dynamics calculation of cholera toxin complexed with GT1A and GT1B reveal that, the active site of cholera toxin can accommodate these higher gangliosides. Direct and water mediated hydrogen bonding interactions stabilize these binding modes and play an essential role in defining the order of specificity for different higher ganglioside towards cholera toxin. This study identifies that the binding site of cholera toxin is shallow and can accommodate a maximum of two NeuNAc residues. The NeuNAc binding site of cholera toxin may be crucial for the design of inhibitors that can prevent the infection of cholera.  相似文献   

An evaluation of nitrite determination in marine lake sediments has shown that spectrophotometric measurements can be in error due to light scattering by colloidal (<0.2 μm) matter in extract solutions and incomplete nitrite recovery. The scatter error can be minimised by using uncoloured extract in the reference beam but precision at low levels remains poor (RSD 25 to 100%). Recovery tests on ‘spiked’ sediment indicated that optimum retrieval (~85%) occurred with 30 minute mixing with 0.2 M NH4Cl, using a sediment to extractant ratio of 1:30. To counter this variable, calibration based on standard addition to sample suspensions is recommended. Modified procedure proposed is suitable for measuring up to 10 μg g?1 of nitrite N; the lake sediments tested contained <100 ng g?1  相似文献   
BTV-HbC株和蓝舌病毒标准株BTV-10分别接种在不同种系细胞如猴肾传代细胞(Vero)、人宫颈癌细胞(Hela)和小鼠神经胶质瘤细胞(C6)等细胞株上,比较研究了BTV-HbC在不同种系细胞上的增殖特征,BTV-HbC与BTV-10在相同细胞上的复制增殖特征,病毒与细胞相互作用的显微和超微结构特征.用免疫交叉反应研究了BTV-HbC株与BTV-10型标准株之间的血清学关系.本研究结合本室对BTV-HbC株基因组图谱分析和蓝舌病毒群特异性抗原编码基因S7的RT-PCR分析,进一步证实了BTV-HbC株可能是一个新的血清型蓝舌病毒.  相似文献   
Rapid oxidation processes relevant to the degradation of [4Fe4S] clusters in Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin were studied via direct (unmediated) heterogeneous electron transfer at a pyrolytic graphite electrode. Differential-pulse voltammograms of native [4Fe4S] ferredoxin showed two well-defined oxidation peaks corresponding to apparent E-values of +793 and +1120 mV at 5°C. Direct involvement of the cluster was established through parallel experiments with the 2[4Fe4Se] derivative for which peak positions were shifted. Square-wave voltammetry showed that the product of the first electron transfer, which may correspond to the ‘super-oxidised’ [4Fe4S]3+ oxidation level, undergoes rapid degradation (t12 < 1.6 ms at 5°C). The second oxidation process, as characterised by a significant (?100 mV) negative shift upon selenium substitution, very likely represents oxidation of S(Se) still associated with the protein and possibly contained within the remaining FES(Se) substructure.  相似文献   
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