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目的分析医院重症监护病房非发酵菌感染的耐药情况,以指导临床合理使用抗菌药物。方法回顾性分析2008年至2009年医院自重症监护病房分离的非发酵菌,对其检出率及药敏结果进行统计分析。结果共检出4 273株非发酵菌,检出率为38%,分离率居前4位的依次是铜绿假单胞菌(44.09%)、鲍氏不动杆菌(27.64%)、嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(10.58%)和洋葱伯克霍尔德菌(5.99%);4种常见的非发酵菌对常用抗菌药物耐药性均较高,头孢哌酮/舒巴坦等含酶抑制剂的复合型抗菌药物对非发酵菌有较高的敏感性。结论医院重症监护病房非发酵菌检出率高且耐药性强,应加强临床细菌学的检测,按照药敏试验结果合理用药。  相似文献   
Human RegIV protein, which contains a sequence motif homologous to calcium-dependent (C-type) lectin-like domain, is highly expressed in mucosa cells of the gastrointestinal tract during pathogen infection and carcinogenesis and may be applied in both diagnosis and treatment of gastric and colon cancers. Here, we provide evidence that, unlike other C-type lectins, human RegIV binds to polysaccharides, mannan, and heparin in the absence of calcium. To elucidate the structural basis for carbohydrate recognition by NMR, we generated the mutant with Pro91 replaced by Ser (hRegIV-P91S) and showed that the structural property and carbohydrate binding ability of hRegIV-P91S are almost identical with those of wild-type protein. The solution structure of hRegIV-P91S was determined, showing that it adopts a typical fold of C-type lectin. Based on the chemical shift perturbations of amide resonances, two calcium-independent mannan-binding sites were proposed. One site is similar to the calcium-independent sugar-binding site on human RegIII and Langerin. Interestingly, the other site is adjacent to the conserved calcium-dependent site at position Ca-2 of typical C-type lectins. Moreover, model-free analysis of 15N relaxation parameters and simplified Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiments showed that a slow microsecond-to-millisecond time-scale backbone motion is involved in mannan binding by this site, suggesting a potential role for specific carbohydrate recognition. Our findings shed light on the sugar-binding mode of Reg family proteins, and we postulate that Reg family proteins evolved to bind sugar without calcium to keep the carbohydrate recognition activity under low-pH environments in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   
We describe a computational protocol, called DDMI, for redesigning scaffold proteins to bind to a specified region on a target protein. The DDMI protocol is implemented within the Rosetta molecular modeling program and uses rigid-body docking, sequence design, and gradient-based minimization of backbone and side-chain torsion angles to design low-energy interfaces between the scaffold and target protein. Iterative rounds of sequence design and conformational optimization were needed to produce models that have calculated binding energies that are similar to binding energies calculated for native complexes. We also show that additional conformation sampling with molecular dynamics can be iterated with sequence design to further lower the computed energy of the designed complexes. To experimentally test the DDMI protocol, we redesigned the human hyperplastic discs protein to bind to the kinase domain of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1). Six designs were experimentally characterized. Two of the designs aggregated and were not characterized further. Of the remaining four designs, three bound to the PAK1 with affinities tighter than 350 μM. The tightest binding design, named Spider Roll, bound with an affinity of 100 μM. NMR-based structure prediction of Spider Roll based on backbone and 13Cβ chemical shifts using the program CS-ROSETTA indicated that the architecture of human hyperplastic discs protein is preserved. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that Spider Roll binds the target patch on PAK1. Additionally, Spider Roll binds to full-length PAK1 in its activated state but does not bind PAK1 when it forms an auto-inhibited conformation that blocks the Spider Roll target site. Subsequent NMR characterization of the binding of Spider Roll to PAK1 revealed a comparably small binding ‘on-rate’ constant (? 105 M− 1 s− 1). The ability to rationally design the site of novel protein-protein interactions is an important step towards creating new proteins that are useful as therapeutics or molecular probes.  相似文献   
The fact that aggregates of identical protein molecules are usually symmetric has remained an enigma. An idealized model of a soluble monomeric protein was constructed and accompanied through a simulated evolutionary process resulting in dimerization, in order to elucidate this peculiarity. The model showed that the probability of a symmetric association is by a factor of 100 or above higher than the probability of an asymmetric one. Unexpectedly, symmetry prevails in the dimer initiation phase much more than in the dimer improvement phase of evolution. The result is clear-cut and robust against a broad spectrum of model inadequacies. It rationalizes the predominance of symmetric homo-oligomers.  相似文献   
Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) that specifically bind to almost any target can be obtained by ribosome display or phage display from combinatorial libraries. Although DARPins are already very stable molecules, molecular dynamics simulations, equilibrium denaturation experiments, structural studies, and recent NMR experiments suggested that the unfolding of the original C-terminal capping repeat (C-cap), taken from a natural ankyrin repeat protein, limits the stability of the initial DARPin design. Several point mutations had been introduced to optimize the C-cap and were shown to indeed further increase the stability of DARPins. We now determined crystal structures of DARPins with one or three full-consensus internal repeats (NI1C or NI3C) between an N-terminal capping repeat and mutants of the C-cap. An NI1C mutant, in which the C-cap was only extended by three additional helix-forming residues, showed no structural change but reduced B-factors in the C-cap. An NI3C C-cap mutant carrying five additional mutations in the interface to the preceding repeat, previously designed by using the consensus sequence as a guide, showed a rigid-body movement of the C-cap towards the internal repeat. This movement results in an increased buried surface area and a superior surface complementarity and explains the improved stability in equilibrium unfolding, compared to the original C-cap. A C-cap mutant with three additional mutations introducing suitably spaced charged residues did not show formation of salt bridges, explaining why its stability was not increased further. These structural studies underline the importance of repeat coupling for stability and help in the further design of this protein family.  相似文献   
Viral capsids are robust structures designed to protect the genome from environmental insults and deliver it to the host cell. The developmental pathway for complex double-stranded DNA viruses is generally conserved in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic groups and includes a genome packaging step where viral DNA is inserted into a pre-formed procapsid shell. The procapsids self-assemble from monomeric precursors to afford a mature icosahedron that contains a single “portal” structure at a unique vertex; the portal serves as the hole through which DNA enters the procapsid during particle assembly and exits during infection. Bacteriophage λ has served as an ideal model system to study the development of the large double-stranded DNA viruses. Within this context, the λ procapsid assembly pathway has been reported to be uniquely complex involving protein cross-linking and proteolytic maturation events. In this work, we identify and characterize the protease responsible for λ procapsid maturation and present a structural model for a procapsid-bound protease dimer. The procapsid protease possesses autoproteolytic activity, it is required for degradation of the internal “scaffold” protein required for procapsid self-assembly, and it is responsible for proteolysis of the portal complex. Our data demonstrate that these proteolytic maturation events are not required for procapsid assembly or for DNA packaging into the structure, but that proteolysis is essential to late steps in particle assembly and/or in subsequent infection of a host cell. The data suggest that the λ-like proteases and the herpesvirus-like proteases define two distinct viral protease folds that exhibit little sequence or structural homology but that provide identical functions in virus development. The data further indicate that procapsid assembly and maturation are strongly conserved in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic virus groups.  相似文献   
There is no licensed vaccine for the prevention of shigellosis. Our approach to the development of a Shigella vaccines is based on inducing serum IgG antibodies to the O-specific polysaccharide (O-SP) domain of their lipopolysaccharides (LPS). We have shown that low molecular mass O-SP-core (O-SPC) fragments isolated from Shigella sonnei LPS conjugated to proteins induced significantly higher antibody levels in mice than the full length O-SP conjugates. This finding is now extended to the O-SPC of Shigella flexneri 2a and 6, and Shigella dysenteriae type 1. The structures of O-SPC, containing core plus 1-4 O-SP repeat units (RUs), were analyzed by NMR and mass spectroscopy. The first RUs attached to the cores of S. flexneri 2a and 6 LPS were different from the following RUs in their O-acetylation and/or glucosylation. Conjugates of core plus more than 1 RU were necessary to induce LPS antibodies in mice. The resulting antibody levels were comparable to those induced by the full length O-SP conjugates. In S. dysenteriae type 1, the first RU was identical to the following RUs, with the exception that the GlcNAc was bound to the core in the β-configuration, while in all other RUs the GlcNAc was present in the α-configuration. In spite of this difference, conjugates of S. dysenteriae type 1 core with 1, 2, or 3 RUs induced LPS antibodies in mice with levels statistically higher than those of the full size O-SP conjugates. O-SPC conjugates are easy to prepare, characterize, and standardize, and their clinical evaluation is planned.  相似文献   
O-antigens of Gram negative bacteria are polysaccharides covalently attached to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that have roles as virulence factors. Due to the lack of defined substrates for in vitro assays only a few of the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of O-antigens have been studied. Many O-antigens have GlcNAc at the reducing end of the oligosaccharide chain linked to pyrophosphate-lipid. We therefore designed and synthesized a series of GlcNAc-pyrophosphate-lipid analogs of the natural GlcNAc-pyrophosphate-undecaprenol acceptor substrate for studies of the acceptor specificities of O-antigen biosynthetic enzymes. We synthesized analogs with modifications of the pyrophosphate bond as well as the lipid chain. These compounds will be useful for the specificity studies of many bacterial glycosyltransferases. Knowledge of the substrate specificities is the basis for the development of specific glycosyltransferase inhibitors that could block O-antigen biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The repeating unit of cepacian, the exopolysaccharide produced by the majority of the microorganisms belonging to the Burkholderia cepacia complex, was isolated from inner bacterial membranes and investigated by mass spectrometry, with and without prior derivatisation. Interpretation of the mass spectra led to the determination of the biological repeating unit primary structure, thus disclosing the nature of the oligosaccharide produced in vivo. Moreover, mass spectra recorded on the native sample revealed that acetyl substitution was very variable, producing a mixture of repeating units containing zero to four acyl groups. At the same time, finding acetylated oligosaccharides showed that binding of these substituents occurred in the cellular periplasmic space, before the polymerisation process took place. In the chromatographic peak containing the repeating unit, oligosaccharides shorter than the repeating unit co-eluted. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that they were biosynthetic intermediates of the repeating unit and further investigation revealed the biosynthetic sequence of cepacian building block.  相似文献   
Balázs Rada 《FEBS letters》2010,584(5):917-881
Hydrogen peroxide production by the NADPH oxidase Duox1 occurs during activation of respiratory epithelial cells stimulated by purified bacterial ligands, such as lipopolysaccharide. Here, we characterize Duox activation using intact bacterial cells of several airway pathogens. We found that only Pseudomonas aeruginosa, not Burkholderia cepacia or Staphylococcus aureus, triggers H2O2 production in bronchial epithelial cells in a calcium-dependent but predominantly ATP-independent manner. Moreover, by comparing mutant Pseudomonas strains, we identify several virulence factors that participate in Duox activation, including the type-three secretion system. These data provide insight on Duox activation by mechanisms unique to P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
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