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The rainforest of Mexico has been degraded and severely fragmented, and urgently require restoration. However, the practice of restoration has been limited by the lack of species‐specific data on survival and growth responses to local environmental variation. This study explores the differential performance of 14 wet tropical early‐, mid‐ or late‐successional tree species that were grown in two abandoned pastures with contrasting land‐use histories. After 18 months, seedling survival and growth of at least 7 of the 14 tree species studied were significantly higher in the site with a much longer history of land use (site 2). Saplings of the three early‐successional species showed exceptional growth rates. However, differences in performance were noted in relation to the differential soil properties between the experimental sites. Mid‐successional species generally showed slow growth rates but high seedling survival, whereas late‐successional species exhibited poor seedling survival at both the study sites. Stepwise linear regressions revealed that the species integrated response index combining survivorship and growth measurements, was influenced mostly by differences in soil pH between the two abandoned pastures. Our results suggest that local environmental variation among abandoned pastures of contrasting land‐use histories influences sapling survival and growth. Furthermore, the similarity of responses among species with the same successional status allowed us to make some preliminary site and species‐specific silvicultural recommendations. Future field experiments should extend the number of species and the range of environmental conditions to identify site “generalists” or more narrowly adapted species, that we would call “sensitive.”  相似文献   
An important question for tropical forest restoration is whether degraded lands can be actively managed to attract birds. We censused birds and measured vegetation structure at 27 stations in young (6–9‐yr old) actively and passively restored pasture and old growth forest at Las Cruces Biological Station in southern Costa Rica. During 481 10‐min point counts, we detected a high diversity—186 species—of birds using the restoration area. Surprisingly, species richness and detection frequency did not differ among habitats, and proportional similarity of bird assemblages to old growth forest did not differ between restoration treatments. Bird detection frequency was instead explained by exotic grass cover and understory stem density—vegetation structures that were not strongly impacted by active restoration. The similarity of bird assemblages in actively and passively restored forest may be attributed to differential habitat preferences within and among feeding guilds, low structural contrast between treatments, or the effect of nucleation from actively restored plots into passively restored areas. Rapid recovery of vegetation in this recently restored site is likely due to its proximity to old growth forest and the lack of barriers to effective seed dispersal. Previous restoration studies in highly binary environments (i.e., open pasture vs. tree plantation) have found strong differences in bird abundance and richness. Our data contradict this trend, and suggest that tropical restoration ecologists should carefully consider: (1) when the benefits of active restoration outweigh the cost of implementation; and (2) which avian guilds should be used to measure restoration success given differential responses to habitat structure.  相似文献   
Identifying the drivers of community structure and dynamics is a major pursuit in ecology. Emphasis is typically placed on the importance of local scale interactions when attempting to explain these fundamental ecological patterns. However, regional scale phenomena are also important predictors. The importance of regional scale context should be more evident in assemblages where multiple species are close to their range margins. Here, we test the importance of regional scale context using data from a temperate forest plot that contains two species groups – one near its northern range limit and one near its southern range limit. We show the proximity of species to their southern or northern range margins is linked to local scale co-occurrence, similarity in gene expression responses to a key environmental driver, demographic performance and inter-specific variation in conspecific negative density dependence. In sum, many of the key local scale patterns and processes of interest to community ecologists are linked to biogeographic context that is frequently ignored.  相似文献   
综述了中国木兰科10属的次生木质部解剖学特征,包括导管分子,纤维管胞和木射线。同时,进一步讨论了其系统演化。这10属分为两亚科,即:木兰亚科(Magnoliodeae),包括木兰族(Magnolieae)和含笑族(Michelieae Law),木兰族有木莲属(Maglietia Bl.)、华盖木属(Manglietiastrum Law)、木兰属(Magnolia L.)、拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria Hu et Cheng)、单性木兰属[Kmeria(Pierre) Dandy]、长蕊木兰属(Alcimandra Dandy)共六属;含笑族有含笑属(Michelia L.)、合果木属(Paramichelia Hu)、观光木属(Tsoongiodendron Chun)共三属。鹅掌楸亚科[Liriodendroideae(Bark) Law],仅鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron L.)一属。大量的木材解剖学研究表明,木兰科的原始性很明显,但也有一些进化特征。可以通过属间的差别来分析本科的系统演化。木兰科的系统演化可简单总结为:木兰亚科[木兰族(木莲属,华盖木属,拟单性木兰属,单性木兰属→木兰属,长蕊木兰属)→含笑族]→鹅掌楸亚科。  相似文献   
The horseradish tree (Moringa pterygosperma,) is being introduced into drought-ridden lands to augment the local food and fodder supply. The tree grows up to 5 m per year. The foliage is high in calcium and has half the oxalates of amaranth. Seeds yield edible oil and the seed meal is used as fertilizer and as a coagulant to clarify turbid water. The philanthropic center, ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), North Fort Myers, Florida, receives many requests for seeds. A missionary in Mali wrote: “The seeds you sent arrived during the worst year of 14 years of dry weather. Only the moringa survived, and they have flourished. ”Another seed shipment resulted, after harvesting a crop, in 25 000 trees being planted by university students and faculty, around laborers’ houses in Maranhao, Brazil. The tree is not limited to tropical lowlands, but thrives at elevations of 800-1200 m in protected mountain areas of southern Mexico. The long-range effects of ingesting various parts of the tree as food or folkmedicine need study. Attention should be given to horticultural improvement, perhaps through hybridization with one or more related species now being compared with M. pterygosperma in India and Africa. ХРеНовое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma F. Gaertn. (Moringaceae), Дар сыхим землям. Хреновое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma, вводится в бездождивые землии чтоб умножить местное снабжение пищи и корма. Дерево растет до 5 метров в год. Листья содержат много кальцию и половину щавелев по сравнени#x044E; с амарантом. Семя дают съедобное масло и семеная мука употребляется как одобрение и как коагулант для очищение мутной воды. Филантропический цэнтэр ECHO (Educational Concern for Hunger Organization, North Fort Myers, Florida) полужает мното просьб чтоб получить семя. Один миссионер из Мали писал “Семя которые вы послали, прибыли в самый сухой год за 14 лет сухой погоды. Только моринга пережила и цвела. Другая отправка семен была совершена после получения урожая и 25000 деревьев были посажены студентами и учителями около домов рабочих в Маранхау, Брразилия. Это дерево не ограаничевается тропическим климатом и преуспевает на уровне 800 до 1200 метров в защищенных горных местах южной Мексики.  相似文献   
内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区传统发酵乳中乳酸菌的多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】对内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区传统发酵乳制品中乳酸菌资源的生物多样性进行研究。【方法】采用纯培养和16S rRNA基因序列分析法对内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区传统发酵乳中的乳酸菌进行多样性分析。【结果】从8份传统发酵乳制品(6份酸牛奶和2份酸马奶)样品中分离到24株乳酸菌,通过16S rRNA基因序列分析和系统进化关系分析将24株乳酸菌鉴定为2株Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens、2株Lactobacillus kefiri、5株Lactobacillus paracasei、3株Lactobacillus plantarum、1株Lactobacillus rhamnosus、6株Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis、2株Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp.dextranicum、2株Streptococcus thermophilus和1株Enterococcus faecium。【结论】Lactococcus lactis subsp.lactis为内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区传统发酵乳制品的优势菌种,占总分离株的25%,其次为Lactobacillus paracasei,占总分离株的20.83%。  相似文献   
Questions: Is the occurrence of vine species in neotropical rain forests primarily determined by properties of the forest (environmental factors), by properties of the trees (tree species or tree size) or are vines randomly distributed? Location: Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Methods: In five 1‐ha plots that span variation from unlogged forest to forest impacted by recurrent human disturbance we recorded the presence of all climbing vine species on every tree. The presence of all free standing vine species and 11 environmental variables were recorded in 100‐m2 subplots. The relationship of host tree diameter and host tree identity on single tree vine species richness was investigated by GLM modelling. Partial redundancy analyses were used to partition the variation in vine species composition on two sources: environmental factors and tree species identity. Results: Single tree vine richness increased with increasing host tree DBH and differed significantly among host species. For climbing vines, the ratio of variation in subplot presence explained by tree species and by environmental variables was ca. 4:1 (in the most disturbed logged plots slightly lower), for free standing vines this ratio varied from 1:2 in the most disturbed logged plots to 9:1 in reserve plots, while a ratio of ca. 1:1 was found for all plots analysed together. Conclusion: Different tree species have different probabilities of being infested by vines. Vines see both the forest and the trees; the environment is more important in earlier developmental stages, properties of individual trees become more important from the time vines start to climb.  相似文献   
The impact of a heterogeneous within‐crown light environment on carbon allocation was investigated on young walnut trees trained on two branches: one left in full sunlight, the other shaded until leaf fall resulting in 67% reduction in photosynthetically active radiation. In September, the two branches were separately labelled with 14CO2 and 13CO2, respectively, so that the photosynthates from each branch could be traced independently at the same time. Although some carbon movements could be detected within 5 d in both directions (including from the shaded branch to the sun branch), between‐branch carbon movements were very limited: approximately 1% of the diurnal net assimilation of a branch. At this time of the year branch autonomy was nearly total, leading to increased relative respiratory losses and a moderate growth deficit in the shaded branch. The ratio of growth to reserve storage rate was only slightly affected, indicating that reserves acted not as a mere buffer for excess C but as an active sink for assimilates. In winter, branch autonomy was more questionable, as significant amounts of carbon were imported into both branches, possibly representing up to 10% of total branch reserves. Further within‐plant carbon transfers occurred in spring, which totally abolished plant autonomy, as new shoots sprouted on each branch received significantly more C mobilized from tree‐wide reserves than from local, mother‐branch located reserves. This allowed great flexibility of tree response to environment changes at the yearly time scale. As phloem is considered not functional in winter, it is suggested that xylem is involved as the pathway for carbohydrate movements at this time of the year. This is in agreement with other results regarding sugar exchanges between the xylem vessels and the neighbouring reserve parenchyma tissues.  相似文献   
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