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吕宝忠  陈捷 《遗传学报》1992,19(5):397-402
系统树是描述物种、人种甚至基因间亲缘关系和演化的重要工具,必须以进化距离或(相对)替代率作为重要的参数。但以哪一个参数构建的树更能反映真实的系统树呢?事实上迄今并无人对此作过认真的研究。本文以模拟数据并用方差分析法检验两个参数的异同并讨论其包含的生物学意义。研究结果表明,当氨基酸的替代率和核苷酸的替代率分别为0.18和0.13时,它们的进化距离分别为0.199和0.143。经方差分析证实,若检验的氨基酸和核苷酸最大数目均为75只时,不论以替代率或进化距离中那一个作为构树参数,拓扑树事实上几乎只有一个。这就是说,该时拓扑树可靠性很大,而且随着它们替代率的减少,则检验的氨基酸和核苷酸的数目会随之增加。但是一旦氨基酸的替代率和核苷酸的替代率超过上述数字,则两个参数构建的树在拓扑长度上是不等价的。经分析,若进化距离大致上与进化时间成线性关系的话,则应选用进化距离。用进化距离重建的系统树事实上支持中性学说;若进化距离与进化时间显著地不存在线性关系的话,则可选用替代率,该情况表明中性学说不适用,似更倾向于新达尔文主义。  相似文献   
Lipofuscin like compound in mango   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thin layer chromatographic separation of chloroform-methanol extracts of mango on silica gel revealed a fluorescent substance in mango peel and pulp. The compound had fluorescence spectrum similar to that of lipofuscin, the age pigment of animal tissues and was found to be water insoluble and stable to ultraviolet irradiation. The fluorescent material appeared to be a lipoprotein.  相似文献   
The trypsin inhibitor fraction from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) has been purified and characterized. Although the total trypsin inhibitor as purified by affinity chromatography on immobilised trypsin was shown to be heterogeneous by gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing as well as by function, it was relatively homogeneous in MW (ca 17 000) on gel filtration. The total trypsin inhibitor was divided into inhibitors active against trypsin only and active against trypsin and chymotrypsin by affinity chromatography on immobilised chymotrypsin. The ‘trypsin-only’ inhibitor was the major component of the total trypsin inhibitor. It was shown by isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis to contain several isoinhibitors. Determination of the combining weight of this inhibitor and investigation of the complexes formed with trypsin by gel filtration indicated the presence of two protease binding sites per inhibitor molecule. The chymotrypsin/trypsin inhibitor was also shown to be composed of several isoinhibitors. On the basis of gel electrophoresis and gel filtration in dissociating and non-dissociating media both inhibitors were considered to be dimeric molecules with the subunits linked by disulphide bonds; this implies that the ‘trypsin-only’ inhibitor has one binding site per subunit.  相似文献   
Buoyant density in CsCl, melting temperature, and G + C base content of the DNA from four species of Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae) were determined. The buoyant density values of 1.699–1.701 g/cm3 were in accordance with the data reported for other cricetids. No satellite bands were seen in neutral CsCl. The T m values determined in 1 × SSC ranged from 86.2 to 87.0 C, which corresponds to G + C contents of 41.2–43.2%. There was good agreement in DNA base composition of the four species, although values were slightly higher in A. obscurus, suggesting a certain degree of interspecies variability.This study was supported by grants from Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, and Organización de Estados Americanos.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Two glutamate dehydrogenases, NADH-linked (EC and NADPH-linked (EC were isolated from the epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi and purified. Both enzymes exist as hexamers. The molecular weights of the native NADH-and NADPH-linked glutamate dehydrogenases were estimated to be 360,000 and 265,000, respectively, and those of the subunits to be 58,000 and 43,000, respectively. The isoelectric point of the NADH-linked dehydrogenase is at pH 5.25 and that of the NADPH-linked enzyme at pH 5.1. The activities of both enzymes are regulated by product inhibition. In addition, purine nucleotides were shown to be potent inhibitors of the NADH-linked glutamate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
Summary The amino acid sequence of lysozyme c from chachalaca egg white was determined. Like other bird lysozymes c, that of the chachalaca has 129 amino acid residues. It differs from other avian lysozymes c by 27 to 31 amino acid substitutions as well as by being devoid of phenylalanine. It contains substitutions at 9 positions which are invariant in the other 7 bird lysozymes of known sequence. Although the chachalaca is classified zoologically in the order Galliformes, which includes chickens and other pheasant-like birds, its lysozyme differs more from those of pheasant-like birds than do the lysozymes c of ducks. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence comparisons confirms that the lineage leading to chachalaca lysozyme c separated from that leading to other galliform lysozymes c before the duck lysozyme c lineage did. This indicates a contrast between protein evolution and evolution at the organismal level. Immunological comparison of chachalacalysozyme c with other lysozymes of known sequence provides further support for the proposal that immunological cross-reactivity is strongly dependent on degree of sequence resemblance among bird lysozymes.103rd communication on lysozymes from the Laboratory of P. Jollès. Supported in part by grants from C.N.R.S. (ER 102), I.N.S.E.R.M. (Groupe de recherche U-116), N.S.F. (GB-42028X), and N.I.H. (GM-21509).  相似文献   
Reciprocal qualitative and quantitative immunological experiments employing an anti-Pediococcus cerevisiae aldolase serum confirmed many of the interspecific relationships demonstrated previously among lactic acid bacteria with antisera prepared against the Streptococcus faecalis fructose diphosphate aldolase. The extent of immunological relatedness observed between the Lactobacillus and Pediococcus aldolases was markedly greater than that noted between Pediococcus and Streptococcus aldolases indicating that the pediococci share closer phylogenetic ties with the rod-shaped lactobacilli than with their spherical counterparts in the streptococci. In addition to confirming the existence of definitive, but distant, relationships between the lactic acid bacteria and certain gram positive nonsporeforming anaerobes, immunological cross-reactivity was also demonstrated between the pediococcal aldolases and those of Aerococcus viridans.This paper is dedicated with deepest appreciation to Prof. Roger Y. Stanier on the occasion of his 60th birthday in token of what his friendship and guidance have meant to me. — J. L.  相似文献   
第六次北极科学考察海洋沉积物可培养细菌的多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究北极海洋沉积物可培养细菌的菌种资源多样性。【方法】采用海水Zobell2216E培养基和涂布平板法对第六次北极科学考察获得的海洋沉积物开展细菌分离培养,通过16S rRNA基因系统发育分析了解可培养细菌的多样性。【结果】根据菌落形态特征,从40个站位的北极海洋沉积物样品中共分离并获得16S rRNA基因有效序列的细菌达445株;基于16S rRNA基因的相似性分析与系统发育研究结果表明,分离获得的细菌分属于细菌域的4个门、6个纲、13个目、28个科、49个属、91个种,其中γ-Proteobacteria占大多数;有12株与模式菌株的16S rRNA基因序列相似性小于97%,可能代表了6个潜在的细菌新物种;此次获得的细菌种类组成与以往第五次北极科考获得的相比,在属水平上差异较大。【结论】北极海洋沉积物中存在着丰富的微生物菌种资源,具有很多新型微生物仍未被发现,是亟待开发的微生物资源宝库。  相似文献   
[背景] 化脓隐秘杆菌作为一种条件致病菌,常与蓝耳病病毒、猪圆环病病毒、巴氏杆菌等混合感染猪,引起各种非特异性化脓性感染,部分临床症状与副猪嗜血杆菌相似。本试验从江西某猪场一起因呼吸道症状急性死亡病猪的肺脏分离到一株具有β溶血特性、疑似化脓隐秘杆菌的细菌病原。[目的] 鉴定该病原的菌属种类、生物学特性及基因组特征,为该菌疾病的基础研究与临床防控奠定理论基础。[方法] 采用透射电镜、扫描电镜结合PCR鉴定等方法对菌属种类进行鉴定;通过动物实验、药敏试验,分析菌株的生物学特性;借助全基因组测序、生物信息学等技术发掘该菌的基因组特征。[结果] 形态观察、16S rRNA基因鉴定及系统发育分析证实,该分离菌株是化脓隐秘杆菌,命名为JX18;药敏试验表明,该菌株对克林霉素和林可霉素不敏感,对其余所选药物均敏感;动物实验结果显示,对小鼠腹腔攻毒后,小鼠腹部出现明显脓肿病灶,最高剂量组的小鼠全部死亡;全基因组测序结果表明,该菌株携带plo、nanH、nanP、fimA、fimC、fimE等重要毒力基因,并且与其他化脓隐秘杆菌菌株毒力基因的相似性较高;根据同源基因数据库(Cluster of Orthologous Groups,COG)预测,菌株JX18中参与碳水化合物代谢的基因占比最高;通过毒力基因数据库(virulence factor database,VFDB)、UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot等数据库预测,JX18菌株基因组中携带有多个组氨酸激酶、反应调节因子等与细菌双组分调控系统相关基因,以及多种与粘附、侵入及分泌系统相关的毒力基因。[结论] 在江西省分离鉴定出一株猪源强致病性化脓隐秘杆菌,丰富了猪源化脓隐秘杆菌病原信息,为进一步开展猪源化脓隐秘杆菌相关研究与防控奠定了理论依据。  相似文献   
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