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(1) The ATPase inhibitor protein has been isolated from rat liver mitochondria in purified form. The molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis is approximately 9500, and the isoelectric point is 8.9.

(2) The protein inhibits both the soluble ATPase and the particle-bound ATPase from rat liver mitochondria. It also inhibits ATPase activities of soluble F1, and inhibitor-depleted submitochondrial particles derived from bovine heart mitochondria.

(3) On particle-bound ATPase the inhibitor has its maximal effect if incubated in the presence of Mg2+. ATP at slightly acidic pH.

(4) The inhibitor has a minimal effect on Pi-ATP exchange activity in sonicated submitochondrial particles. However, unexpectedly the inhibitor greatly stimulates Pi-ATP exchange activity in whole mitochondria while the low ATPase activity of the mitochondria is not affected. The possible mechanism of action of the inhibitor on intact mitochondria is offered.  相似文献   

The binding of tritium-labelled 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA) to DNA or polynucleotides in vitro was re-examined both in the presence and in the absence of rat liver or human placental microsomes.A high level of non-enzymatic binding was evident when thymus DNA was used as acceptor. This non-enzymatic binding made it difficult to determine the effect of microsomes, except in the case of BP when induced rat microsomes were used. Better results were obtained using polynucleotides: a definite microsome-dependent binding occurred between all the polynucleotides and all the hydrocarbons tested.No clear evidence of binding catalysed by microsomes from human placenta was found except in polynucleotide-BP interactions: further studies are required to completely evaluate the ability of such nucleic acid-microsomal system for testing in vitro possible oncogenic substances in animals and humans.  相似文献   
Delayed fluorescence from Rhodopseudomonas viridis membrane fragments has been studied using a phosphoroscope employing single, short actinic flashes, under conditions of controlled redox potential and temperature. The emission spectrum shows that delayed fluorescence is emitted by the bulk, antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy for delayed fluorescence, however, must be stored in a reaction-center complex including the photooxidized form (P+) of the primary electron-donor (P) and the photoreduced form (X?) of the primary electron-acceptor. This is shown by the following observations: (1) Delayed luminescence is quenched (a) at low redox potentials which allow cytochromes to reduce P+ rapidly after the flash, (b) at higher redox potentials which, by oxidizing P chemically, prevent the photochemical formation of P+X?, and (c) upon transfer of an electron from X? to a secondary acceptor, Y. (2) Under conditions that prevent the reduction of P+ by cytochromes and the oxidation of X? by Y, the decay kinetics of delayed fluorescence are identical with those of P+X?, as measured from optical absorbance changes.The main decay route for P+X? under these conditions has a rate-constant of approximately 103 s?1. In contrast, a comparison of the intensities of delayed and prompt fluorescence indicates that the process in which P+X? returns energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll has a rate-constant of 3.7 s?1, at 295 °K and pH 7.8. The decay kinetics of P+X? and delayed fluorescence change little with temperature, whereas the intensity of delayed fluorescence increases with increasing temperature, having an activation energy of 12.5 kcal · mol?1. We conclude that the main decay route involves tunneling of an electron from X? to P+, without the promotion of P to an excited state. Delayed fluorescence requires such a promotion, followed by transfer of energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll, and this combination of events is rare. The activation energy, taken with potentiometric data, indicates that the photochemical conversion of PX to P+X? results in increases of both the energy and the entropy of the system, by 16.6 kcal · mol?1 and 8.8 cal · mol?1 · deg?1. The intensity of delayed fluorescence depends strongly on the pH; the origin of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   
中国虫草一新记录种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】对一个寄生鳞翅目幼虫的虫草标本Dxhir140901进行分类鉴定。【方法】采用形态学比较和基于ITS1-5.8S-ITS2rDNA的系统发育与进化网络分析进行鉴定。【结果】形态学观察:标本的分离菌株形态显示其为典型的被毛孢属真菌,具有两型产孢结构:A型产孢细胞柱状,(1.8?6.3) μm×1.8 μm;B型产孢细胞锥形,基部柱状,向上逐渐变细无明显颈部,基部宽3?3.8 μm,长21?63 μm,颈部宽1.8?2.0 μm,菌丝末端可直接形成产孢细胞;孢子橘瓣形或卵形,(8.1?10.8) μm×(2.7?5.4) μm,具粘液,黏液层厚1.8?2.7 μm。系统发育分析结果显示该菌株与巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis聚为一支,支持率为98%,进化网络分析也支持上述结果。【结论】通过与O. macroacicularis的形态比较和分子系统学分析结果,Dxhir140901及其分离株Gzuifr-hir140901为巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis S. Ban, T. Sakane & Nakagiri的无性阶段,该种为中国新记录种。  相似文献   
BackgroundIncreased formation of reactive oxygen species may be caused by the ion release of the metal alloys used in prosthetic dental restorations due to the corrosion process. As products of lipid peroxidation, isoprostanes can be used as a marker for oxidative stress in the body. There are two significant advantages of using isoprostanes as an oxidative stress marker - presence in all fluids in the body and low reactivity. Saliva provides noninvasive, painless, and cost-effective sample collection and can be used as an alternative testing medium of blood and urine.MethodsThis study presents the development and validation of a sample LC-MS/MS method to quantify 8-isoprostaglandin F2-a in human saliva using salt-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction (SALLE).ResultsThe selected sample preparation procedure optimized chromatographic separation and mass detection provided high recovery and sensitivity of the analysis. The calibration curve was obtained in the predefined range 25-329 ng/L with R2 larger than 0.995. Normalized matrix varied between 89.7 % and 113.5%. The method showed sufficient accuracy and precision - accuracy in the range 89.7 %-113.9 %, and precision between 2.3% and 5.4%.ConclusionsThe proposed method is validated according to current EMA/FDA industrial guidance for bioanalysis and offers an appropriate level of sensitivity and sufficient accuracy and precision.  相似文献   
鼎湖山植物群落α多样性与环境的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用样带取样法,来研究不同取样尺度和不同取样尺度条件下的多个环境因子与鼎湖山植物群落α多样性的关系.取样尺度分别为10、20、40、80m和160m.涵盖鼎湖山主要的植被类型:季风常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、沟谷常绿阔叶林和针叶林.相关分析和主成分分析结果表明,环境因子对各层次的α多样性的影响程度各不相同,达到显著相关性的取样尺度也不一样,表现出较大的复杂性,同时也表明样带上的环境异质性较高.因此,用海拔梯度作为主要的环境梯度来研究鼎湖山植物群落多样性具有合理性.海拔高度与乔木层多样性的关系在所有取样尺度上都较密切,这说明海拔高度可能是影响乔木层α多样性的最重要环境因子.  相似文献   
叶角、光呼吸和热耗散协同作用减轻大豆幼叶光抑制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了大豆叶片逐步展开过程中的色素组成、气体交换、荧光动力学以及叶片角度等特性。随着叶片展开程度的增加 ,叶绿素含量和叶绿素 a/ b比值增加 ;光合速率 (Pn)也增加 ,揭示叶片展开过程中光合机构是逐步完善的。自然状态下 ,不同展开程度的叶片均未发生明显的光抑制 ;但将叶片平展并暴露在 12 0 0μmol/ (m2 · s)光下时幼叶发生严重的光抑制 ,伴随叶面积的增加光抑制程度减轻。强光下 ,尽管幼叶光呼吸 (Pr)的测定值较低 ,但幼叶光呼吸与总光合之比 (Pr/ Pm)较高。将叶片平展置于强光下时 ,幼叶的实际光化学效率 (ΦPSII)明显下调 ,非光化学猝灭 (NPQ)大幅增加 ;幼叶叶黄素库较大 ,光下积累较多的脱环氧化组分 ,揭示幼叶依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散增强。自然条件下测量叶片角度 ,观察到在叶片展开过程中叶柄夹角逐渐增加 ;日动态过程中幼叶的悬挂角随光强增加而明显减小 ,完全展开叶的悬挂角变化幅度很小。叶片角度的变化使实际照射到幼叶叶表的光强减少。推测较强的光呼吸、依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散以及较大的叶角变化可能是自然状态下幼叶未发生严重光抑制的原因  相似文献   
云南含笑花粉萌发研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用离体培养和人工授粉的方法对云南含笑花粉的萌发进行了研究。栽培和野生云南含笑花粉的萌发率有很大的差异,分别为20%和90%。首次报道了云南含笑的花粉粒在离体培养基上萌发2条花粉管的现象。云南含笑花粉在灰岩含笑花柱头上的萌发率和萌发时间与离体培养基上的相同,表明灰岩含笑的柱头对云南含笑的花粉没有排异现象。  相似文献   
马铃薯卷叶病毒 (PLRV)是正链RNA病毒 ,属黄化病毒组[1 ] 严格虫传 ,分布广泛 ,难以控制 ,侵染马铃薯 ,给生产造成巨大损失。PLRV基因全长 6 0kb ,有 6个读码框架 ,其中ORF2a是第二读框 ,全长 192 0bp ,编码一个 70kD的多肽。另外 ,ORF2a在与ORF2b重叠处可发生移码继续转译 ,直到ORF2b的尾 ,转译产物为一条 118kD的多肽 ,该蛋白的C端与复制酶的序列具很大的同源性[2~ 4] 。Prufer[5] 等和Kujawa[6] 等分别研究了PLRV基因组上ORF2a与ORF2b重叠区附近与移码有关的滑动序列及其…  相似文献   
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