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Phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase (PL-C) appears to be a key element in the adrenergic regulation of pineal cyclic AMP levels. In the present study, the rat pineal enzyme was characterized using exogenous [3H]phosphatidylinositol (0.5 mM) as substrate. Half the enzyme activity was found in the cytosolic fraction, but the highest specific concentration was associated with the membrane fraction. Two pH optima (5.5 and 7.5) of enzyme activity were observed for the membrane fraction but only one in the cytosol fraction (pH 5.5). Enzyme activity in both fractions was Ca2+ dependent. In the case of the membrane protein in pH 7.5, the enzyme activity was sensitive to changes in Ca2+ in the 10-100 nM range. Addition of an equimolar concentration of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate nearly completely inhibited the hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol; other phospholipids (1.0 mM) were less potent. This may reflect our present finding that [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate is a better substrate than [3H]phosphatidylinositol for the enzyme. Stimulus deprivation (2 weeks of constant light or superior cervical ganglionectomy) reduced the cytosolic activity by 30% and had no effect on the membrane-associated enzyme.  相似文献   
The circadian rhythms in activity, core temperature (Tc), O2 consumption, CO2 production, and respiratory quotient (RQ) were monitored in four captive Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla). The pangolins were strictly nocturnal, never emerging from their nest before 1600 h, and their intermittent activity continued no later than 0230. As is usual in nocturnal mammals, the highest values observed in Tc, O2 consumption, and CO2 production occurred during the night; the lowest values occurred during the day. The magnitude of the variation in Tc, O2 consumption, CO2 production, and RQ averaged 1.2°C, 1.3 ml O2 kg?1 min?1, 1.2 ml CO2 kg?1 min?1, and 0.24, respectively. The circadian pattern in RQ was independent of activity, Tc, and the metabolic parameters and was of a different character than the patterns exhibited in the other variables. RQ remained constant at either a high or low level for long periods (8–10 h) and then increased or decreased relatively rapidly (1–2h) to the other level as in a square wave, whereas the rhythms in the other variables are similar to sine waves. The sharp increase in RQ was followed by a slow decline in Tc, and the sharp decline in RQ was followed by a slow increase in Tc.  相似文献   
The metabolism of succinate was examined in the housefly Musca domestica L. The labeled carbons from [2,3-14C]succinate were readily incorporated into cuticular hydrocarbon and internal lipid, whereas radioactivity from [1,4-14C]succinate was not incorporated into either fraction. Examination of the incorporation of [2,3-14C]succinate, [1-14C]acetate, and [U-14C]proline into hydrocarbon by radio-gas-liquid chromatography showed that each substrate gave a similar labeling pattern, which suggested that succinate and proline were converted to acetyl-CoA prior to incorporation into hydrocarbons. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance showed that the labeled carbons from [2,3-13C]succinate enriched carbons 1, 2, and 3 of hydrocarbons with carbon-carbon coupling showing that carbons 2 and 3 of succinate were incorporated as an intact unit. Radio-high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of [2,3-14C]succinate metabolism by mitochondrial preparations showed that in addition to labeling fumarate, malate, and citrate, considerable radioactivity was also present in the acetate fraction. The data show that succinate was not converted to methylmalonate and did not label hydrocarbon via a methylmalonyl derivative. Malic enzyme was assayed in sonicated mitochondria prepared from the abdomens and thoraces of 1- and 4-day-old insects; higher activity was obtained with NAD+ in mitochondria prepared from thoraces, whereas NADP+ gave higher activity with abdomen preparations. These data document the metabolism of succinate to acetyl-CoA and not to a methylmalonyl unit prior to incorporation into lipid in the housefly and establish the role of the malic enzyme in this process.  相似文献   
Summary The uptake of deoxyguanosine by rat liver mitochondria was characterized. The process required an intact mitochondrial membrane and exhibited a dependence on added phosphate. Deoxyguanosine uptake was minimally influenced by Mg2+ or Mn2+, but Ca2+ at concentrations above 0.5 mM were detrimental. Of the deoxynucleosides tested, only deoxyinosine inhibited the uptake of deoxyguanosine. The ribonucleoside guanosine was not observed to compete with its deoxynucleoside analog. Known inhibitors of nucleoside transport, cytochalasin B and NBMPR, did not block deoxyguanosine uptake, but the sulfhydryl reagents NEM and pCMB were both inhibitory. The uptake of deoxyguanosine was shown to be a saturable process and an apparent Km of 0.64 M was calculated from a Hanes plot.  相似文献   
Glucose and amino acid metabolism in 1- and 30-day-old chick telencephalon slices was studied in two incubation media in the presence or in the absence of a continuous oxygenation. Medium 1 has a composition and a tonicity similar to cerebrospinal fluid, medium 2 is hypertonic and does not contain any K+ ions. The incorporation of glucose carbon into amino acids and the distribution of radioactivity between the different amino acids are close to the ones observed in the chick brain in vivo only when the slices are incubated in medium 1, with oxygen at 30 days and without oxygen for the 1-day-old chick. It also appears that if oxygenation is necessary for incubation of mature brain tissue in vitro, the absence of the medium oxygenation is more suitable for the study of glucose metabolism in 1-day-old chick brain slices.  相似文献   
Abstract Water storage and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure affect the water relations of the desert succulent Ferocactus acanthodes, which was studied using an electrical circuit analog based on the anatomy and morphology of a representative individual. Transpiration rates and osmotic pressures over a 24-h period were used as input variables. The model predicted water potential, turgor pressure and water flow for various tissues. Plant capacitances, storage resistances and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure were varied to determine their role in the water relations of this dicotyledonous succulent. Water coming from storage tissues contributed about one-third of the water transpired at night: the majority of this water came from the nonphotosynthetic, water storage parenchyma of the stem. Time lags of 4 h were predicted between maximum transpiration and maximum water uptake from the soil. Varying the capacitance of the plant caused proportional changes in osmotically driven water movement but changes in storage resistance had only minor effects. Turgor pressure in the chlorenchyma depended on osmotic pressure, but was fairly insensitive to doubling or halving of the capacitance or storage resistance of the plant. Water uptake from the soil was only slightly affected by osmotic pressure changes in the chlorenchyma. For this stem succulent, the movement of water from the chlorenchyma to the xylem and the internal redistribution of water among stem tissues were dominated by nocturnal changes in chlorenchyma osmotic pressure, not by transpiration.  相似文献   
The viability ofMycobacterium leprae, maintained within 33B Schwannoma cells, was estimated in terms of incorporation of [14C] acetate into its specific phenolic glycolipid-1. This measure of viability was correlated with two other assays,viz., fluorescein diacetate/ethidium bromide staining and mouse footpad growth. Observation of a 2-fold increase in the number of intracellularMycobacterium leprae over an experimental period of 12 days also corroborated this contention. Furthermore, on addition of anti-leprosy drugs to these intracellularMycobacterium leprae there was significant decrease in phenolic glycolipid-1 synthesis indicative of loss of viability of the organisms. This study also established the importance of the host cell for active bacillary metabolism, asMycobacterium leprae maintained in cell-free conditions showed no incorporation into phenolic glycolipid-1. Moreover, compromising the host’s protein synthesis capacity with cycloheximide, also led to reduction in bacillary metabolism. As this system measures the metabolic synthesis of a uniqueMycobacterium leprae component, it would be useful for development and screening of compounds acting against specific bacillary targets.  相似文献   
Chronic administration of ethanol in rats caused the reduction of serum cholesterol binding reserve. The very low density and high density lipoproteins, main serum cholesterol binding reserves, were slightly increased with corresponding increases in their lipid and protein components during initial stage of alcohol consumption. However, these capacities get deminished during reversal of hyperlipemia induced by prolonged action of ethanol. This situation may be an early indicator for the initiation of hepatic damage and a variety of secondary effects of ethanol.  相似文献   
Cell extracts (27000xg supernatant) of acetate grown Methanosarcina barkeri were found to have carbonic anhydrase activity (0.41 U/mg protein), which was lost upon heating or incubation with proteinase K. The activity was inhibited by Diamox (apparent K i=0.5 mM), by azide (apparent K i=1 mM), and by cyanide (apparent K i=0.02 mM). These and other properties indicate that the archaebacterium contains the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (EC Evidence is presented that the protein is probably located in the cytoplasm. Methanol or H2/CO2 grown cells of M. barkeri showed no or only very little carbonic anhydrase activity. After transfer of these cells to acetate medium the activity was induced suggesting a function of this enzyme in acetate fermentation to CO2 and CH4. Interestingly, Desulfobacter postgatei and Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans, which oxidize acetate to 2 CO2 with sulfate as electron acceptor, were also found to exhibit carbonic anhydrase activity (0.2 U/mg protein).  相似文献   
Laboratory cultures of cowpea Rhizobium MNF2030 grew on 4-aminobutyrate (GABA) as sole source of carbon and nitrogen. GABA transport was active since it was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide mchlorophenyl hydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol and cells developed a 400-fold concentration gradient across the cell membrane. Arsenite treatment of GABA-grown cells revealed stoichiometric conversion of GABA to pyruvate, indicating that 2-oxoglutarate is not an intermediate in GABA catabolism. GABA catabolism by cells of strain MNF2030 grown on GABA appreared to involve GABA transaminase, succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase and malic enzyme; the first two enzymes were specifically induced by growth on GABA. The deamination process and removal of NH3 in cells catabolizing GABA involved GABA: 2-oxoglutarate transaminase; glutamate: oxaloacetate aminotransferase; asparate: pyruvate aminotransferase and alanine dehydrogenase.Isolated snakebean bacteroids of strain MNF2030 transported only small amounts of GABA and had uninduced levels of GABA catabolic enzymes, even though the nodules contained significant levels of GABA. The data suggest that GABA is not available to snakebean nodule bacteroids, presumably because of a control imposed by the peribacteroid membrane.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - HEPES N-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulphonic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - SSAD succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase - GABAT 4-aminobutyrate transaminase - GABA 4-aminobutyrate  相似文献   
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