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角质颚作为头足类的摄食器官,蕴含丰富的生态信息。根据2018年中国鱿钓船在日本海采集的303尾舍氏贝乌贼(Berryteuthis magister shevtsovi)样本,对其角质颚形态特征进行了分析。主成分分析显示,上头盖长、上喙长和上喙宽可解释舍氏贝乌贼上颚形态特征80.71%的信息,选为上颚的外形表征参数,下头盖长、下脊突长和下喙长可解释形态特征81.57%的信息,选为下颚的外形表征参数。协方差分析表明,舍氏贝乌贼角质颚外形表征参数与胴长和体重的关系均不存在性别间显著性差异。方程拟合和赤池信息准则结果表明,上头盖长与胴长的生长关系最适合用线性方程表示,而上喙长、上喙宽、下头盖长、下脊突长和下喙长与胴长的生长关系均最适用对数方程表示。上头盖长与体重的生长关系最适合用线性方程表示,而上喙长、上喙宽、下头盖长、下脊突长、下喙长与体重的生长关系均最适用对数方程表示。表征参数及其与胴长(或体重)关系式的确定,为后续利用角质颚外形进行种群鉴定和资源评估打下了基础。  相似文献   
Symbiotic bacteria play vital roles in the survival and health of marine sponges. Sponges harbor rich, diverse and species-specific microbial communities. Symbiotic marine bacteria have increasingly been reported as promising source of bioactive compounds. A culturomics-based study was undertaken to study the diversity of bacteria from marine sponges and their antimicrobial potential. We have collected three sponge samples i.e. Acanthaster carteri, Rhytisma fulvum (soft coral) and Haliclona caerulea from north region (Obhur) of Red Sea, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Total of 144 bacterial strains were isolated from three marine sponges using culture dependent method. Screening of isolated strains showed only 37 (26%) isolates as antagonists against oomycetes pathogens (P. ultimum and P. capsici). Among 37 antagonistic bacteria, only 19 bacterial strains exhibited antibacterial activity against human pathogens (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ATCC 43300, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212). Four major classes of bacteria i.e γ-Proteobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were recorded from three marine sponges where γ-Proteobacteria was dominant class. One potential bacterial strain Halomonas sp. EA423 was selected for identification of bioactive metabolites using GC and LC-MS analyses. Bioactive compounds Sulfamerazine, Metronidazole-OH and Ibuprofen are detected from culture extract of strain Halomonas sp. EA423. Overall, this study gives insight into composition and diversity of antagonistic bacterial community of marine sponges and coral from Red Sea and presence of active metabolites from potential strain. Our results showed that these diverse and potential bacterial communities further need to be studied to exploit their biotechnological significance.  相似文献   
Identification of fossil corals is often limited due to poor preservation of external skeleton morphology, especially in the genus Acropora which is widespread across the Indo‐Pacific. Based on skeleton characteristics from thin section, we here develop a link between the internal skeleton structure and external morphology. Ten characteristics were summarized to distinguish Acropora and five related genera, including the type and differentiation of corallites, the skeleton nature of corallites (septa, columellae, dissepiments, wall), and calcification centers within septa. Acropora is distinctive for its dimorphic corallites: axial and radial. Isopora is similar to Acropora but possess more than a single axial corallites. Montipora and Astreopora (family Acroporidae) have monomorphic corallites and a synapticular ring wall, with clustered calcification center in the former and medial lines in the latter. Pocillopora and Porties are classified by distinctive dissepiments, columellae and septa. These microstructural skeleton characteristics were effective in the genus identification of fossil corals from drilled cores in the South China Sea. Eighteen detailed characteristics (ten of axial corallites, four of radial corallites, and four of coenosteum) were used in the Acropora species classification. The axial corallites size and structure (including corallite diameter, synapticular rings, and septa), the septa of radial corallites, and the arrangement of coenosteum were critical indicators for species identification. This identification guide can help paleoenvironmental and paleoecological analyses and modern coral reef conservation and restoration.  相似文献   
Franco CF  Santos R  Coelho AV 《Proteomics》2011,11(17):3587-3592
Sea star coelomic fluid is in contact with all internal organs, carrying signaling molecules and a large population of circulating cells, the coelomocytes. These cells, also known as echinoderm blood cells, are responsible for the innate immune responses and are also known to have an important role in the first stage of regeneration, i.e. wound closure, necessary to prevent disruption of the body fluid balance and to limit the invasion of pathogens. This study focuses on the proteome characterization of these multifunctional cells. The identification of 358 proteins was achieved using a combination of two techniques for protein separation (1-D SDS-PAGE followed by nanoLC and 2-D SDS-PAGE) and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS for protein identification. To our knowledge, the present report represents the first comprehensive list of sea star coelomocyte proteins, constituting an important database to validate many echinoderm-predicted proteins. Evidence for new pathways in these particular echinoderm cells are also described, and thus representing a valuable resource to stimulate future studies aiming to unravel the homology with vertebrate immune cells and particularly the origins of the immune system itself.  相似文献   
An intriguing new annelid, Teuthidodrilus samae (Annelida, Cirratuliformia) gen. and sp. nov., was observed and collected during deep-water column exploration of the western Celebes Sea. The Celebes Sea is a deep pocket basin, effectively isolated from surrounding deep water, and is part of the Coral Triangle, a focal area for conservation because of its high diversity and unique geological history. Collected specimens reached 94 mm in length and possessed 10 anterior appendages that were as long or longer than the body. Two characters distinguish T. samae from other polychaetes: notochaetae forming broad, concavo-convex paddles and six pairs of free-standing, oppositely branched nuchal organs. Phylogenetic analysis of five genes and a 29-character morphological matrix showed that T. samae is an acrocirrid (primarily benthic polychaetes) belonging to the morphologically diverse swimming clade. Pelagic animals within primarily benthic clades are of particular interest in evolutionary biology, because their adaptations to life in the water column inform us of the evolutionary possibilities and constraints within the clade and indirectly of the selective pressures at work in this unfamiliar habitat. This new genus illustrates how much we have to learn about even the large, abundant inhabitants of deep-pelagic communities.  相似文献   
Estimates of early-life traits of fishes (e.g. pelagic larval duration (PLD) and spawning date) are essential for investigating and assessing patterns of population connectivity. Such estimates are available for a large number of both tropical and temperate fish species, but few studies have assessed their variability in space, especially across multiple scales. The present study, where a Mediterranean fish (i.e. the white seabream Diplodus sargus sargus) was used as a model, shows that spawning date and PLD are spatially more variable at a scale of kilometres than at a scale of tens to hundreds of kilometres. This study indicates the importance of considering spatial variability of early-life traits of fishes in order to properly delineate connectivity patterns at larval stages (e.g. by means of Lagrangian simulations), thus providing strategically useful information on connectivity and relevant management goals (e.g. the creation of networks of marine reserves).  相似文献   
A combination of stable isotopes (15N) and molecular ecological approaches was used to investigate the vertical distribution and mechanisms of biological N2 production along a transect from the Omani coast to the central–northeastern (NE) Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea harbors the thickest oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the world''s oceans, and is considered to be a major site of oceanic nitrogen (N) loss. Short (<48 h) anoxic incubations with 15N-labeled substrates and functional gene expression analyses showed that the anammox process was highly active, whereas denitrification was hardly detectable in the OMZ over the Omani shelf at least at the time of our sampling. Anammox was coupled with dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium (DNRA), resulting in the production of double-15N-labeled N2 from 15NO2, a signal often taken as the lone evidence for denitrification in the past. Although the central–NE Arabian Sea has conventionally been regarded as the primary N-loss region, low potential N-loss rates at sporadic depths were detected at best. N-loss activities in this region likely experience high spatiotemporal variabilities as linked to the availability of organic matter. Our finding of greater N-loss associated with the more productive Omani upwelling region is consistent with results from other major OMZs. The close reliance of anammox on DNRA also highlights the need to take into account the effects of coupling N-transformations on oceanic N-loss and subsequent N-balance estimates.  相似文献   
Biological data are presented for the poorly known bristly catshark Bythaelurus hispidus based on specimens collected from the by‐catch of the commercial deep‐sea shrimp trawl fishery operating in the Arabian Sea at depths of 200–500 m off the south‐west coast of India. One hundred and sixty‐two individuals, which ranged from 120 to 366 mm total length (LT), were collected for this study. Size‐at‐maturity (L50) for females and males was estimated at 252 and 235 mm LT, respectively. The reproductive mode of B. hispidus was aplacental viviparity, which is the rarest reproductive mode within the Scyliorhinidae and is considered to be the most advanced of the three reproductive modes occurring within this family. Dietary analysis of stomach contents revealed B. hispidus feeds on a variety of prey, primarily fishes.  相似文献   
The feeding ecology of two dominant lanternfishes Diaphus garmani and Diaphus chrysorhynchus was studied in the continental slope region of the East China Sea, off western Kyushu (31–33° N; 128–130° E). Stomach contents of D. garmani were composed mainly of crustacean zooplankton, such as copepods, euphausiids, decapod larvae and amphipods, and also of appendicularians. Stomach contents of D. chrysorhynchus were composed mainly of crustacean zooplankton, cephalopods and fishes. Diel changes in stomach fullness indicated that D. garmani fed more actively at night than in the day. On the other hand, although feeding activity of D. chrysorhynchus did not change drastically between day and night, it tended to feed on large prey items in the benthopelagic zone during the day and on zooplankton in the epipelagic zone at night. Daily rations of food were estimated to be 2·54% of body dry mass for D. garmani, and 2·38% of body dry mass for D. chrysorhynchus.  相似文献   
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