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The phase transition in smectic mesophases of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was studied under high pressures of helium (340 atm), nitrogen (340 atm), nitrous oxide (43 atm), cyclopropane (4.4 atm) and n-propane (8.2 atm), using a turbidimetric technique. Helium and nitrogen increased the transition temperature by 0.021 and 0.006°C/atm, respectively, compared with 0.024°C/atm for hydrostatic pressure. Nitrous oxide reduced the transition by 0.58°C/atm. The hydrocarbon gases spread the transition width and lowered the transition temperature with increasing effect at higher doses. Comparisons with other membrane probes are made and the concentration of gases in the bilayer which lower the transition temperature by 1°C are estimated, in mol%: He, 10.2; N2, 13.2; N2O, 9.04; n-C3H8, 6.3 and cyclopropane, 12.8.  相似文献   
Aqueous dispersions of monovalent and divalent cation salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl) cholesterol form multilamellar vesicles as shown by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, by electron micrographs of the negatively stained liposomes, and by swelling curves of liposomes in hypoosmotic medium. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that aqueous dispersions of divalent metal salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)-cholesterol undergo a characteristic thermotropic phase transition with a relatively large cooperative unit (n > 250 for the calcium salt). In contrast, monovalent cation salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol do not show a thermotropic phase transition under comparable conditions. The molecular area of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol in a monolayer is the same in the presence and absence of Ca2+, and is virtually equal to the area of an equimolar mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid and cholesterol. To account for the novel state induced by Ca2+ on aqueous dispersions of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol (i.e., bilayer organization and highly cooperative phase transition), a linear array model is proposed in which Ca2+ bridges adjacent arrays of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol molecules, thus freezing the acyl chains in their normal state. One of the main corollaries of the model is that the cooperative unit for a thermotropic phase transition is essentially one-dimensional, rather than a two-dimensional matrix. O-(1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol is proposed as an orientationally and conformationally restricted analog of glycerophospholipid plus cholesterol in bilayers.  相似文献   
Inside-out thylakoid membrane vesicles can be isolated by aqueous polymer two-phase partition of Yeda press-fragmented spinach chloroplasts (Andersson, B. and Åkerlund, H.-E. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 503, 462–472). The mechanism for their formation has been investigated by studying the yield of inside-out vesicles after various treatments of the chloroplasts prior to fragmentation. No inside-out vesicles were isolated during phase partitioning if the chloroplasts had been destacked in a low-salt medium prior to the fragmentation. Only in those cases where the chloroplast lamellae had been stacked by cations or membrane-paired by acidic treatment did we get any yield of inside-out vesicles. Thus, the intrinsic properties of chloroplast thylakoids seem to be such that they seal into right-side out vesicles after disruption unless they are in an appressed state. This favours the following mechanism for the formation of inside-out thylakoids. After press treatment, a ruptured membrane still remains appressed with an adjacent membrane. Resealing of such an appressed membrane pair would result in an inside-out vesicle.If the compartmentation of chloroplast lamellae into appressed grana and unappressed stroma lamellae is preserved by cations before fragmentation, the inside-out vesicles are highly enriched in photosystem II. This indicates a granal origin which is consistent with the proposed model outlined. Inside-out vesicles possessing photosystem I and II properties in approximately equal proportions could be obtained by acid-induced membrane-pairing of chloroplasts which had been destacked and randomized prior to fragmentation. Since this new preparation of inside-out thylakoid vesicles also exposes components derived from the stroma lamellae it complements the previous preparation.It is suggested that fragmentation of paired membranes followed by phase partitioning should be a general method of obtaining inside-out vesicles from membranes of various biological sources.  相似文献   
The effect of 100 atm pressure on the organization of the lipid-peptide complex formed between polymyxin and dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid has been investigated. Phase transition curves were obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance by measuring the partition coefficient of the spin label, 2, 2, 5, 5-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl. The three-step phase transition curve previously obtained with fluorescence polarization measurements was confirmed, demonstrating three distinct phosphatidic acid domains in the bilayer. Pressure increases binding of polymyxin to phosphatidic acid bilayers and alters the proportions of the two domains that differ in the mode of binding between phosphatidic acid and polymyxin. The binding curves of polymyxin to phosphatidic acid bilayers were determined and it was shown that application of pressure reduces the cooperativity of the binding curve.  相似文献   
Further work on the subcellular localization of two lipid-degrading enzymes, lipolytic acyl hydrolase (LAH) and lipoxygenase (LOX) has been carried out on brassica florets, potato shoots and pea roots. In all cases, the LAH profile on sucrose and Ficoll density gradients was coincident with ‘lysosomal’ acid phosphatase activity. However, the localization of LOX activity was different for each tissue. In pea roots the activity of LOX was localized in the ‘lysosomal’ fraction, whereas with brassica florets (cauliflower and calabrese) it was present in a heavy body with a similar density to plastids and in potato shoots LOX gave only low particulate recoveries.  相似文献   
Differential scanning calorimetry was employed as an aid in examining the structure of the bovine milk fat globule membrane. At least six major endotherms are observed between 10 and 90°C, corresponding to order-disorder transitions of discrete structural domains of the membrane. These endothermic transitions occur at 16, 28, 43, 58, 68, and 75°C. The transitions occurring between 10 and 50°C were reversible, suggesting the involvement of lipid. However, the high temperature transitions were irreversible. The calorimetric C transition, centered at 43°C, was shown to involve neutral lipid, since the endotherm was reversible, insensitive to proteolysis, and similar to the endotherm of the isolated neutral lipid fraction of the milk fat globule membrane. The glycolipid and phospholipid fractions of the milk fat globule membrane yielded endotherms outside of the temperature range of the C transition. Another endotherm, the D transition (58°C), was found to involve the denaturation of the major membrane coat protein, butyrophilin (band 12). Evidence for this assignment included the following observations: (i) the nearly selective proteolysis of butyrophilin resulted in the complete removal of the D transition, (ii) the butyrophilin-enriched, Triton X-100-insoluble pellet of milk fat globule membrane yielded a relatively normal D transition, and (iii) the irreversible, disulfide-stabilized aggregation of butyrophilin occurred in the membrane solely at the temperature of the D transition. Furthermore, no other prominent milk fat globule membrane polypeptide formed these non-native disulfide crossbridges during the D transition. The sources of the other major endotherms of the milk fat globule membrane have not yet been assigned.  相似文献   
In an attempt to gain insight into the physiological role of phosphatidylinositol turnover enhanced by extracellular stimuli, the physical properties of artificial membranes (egg yolk phosphatidylcholine/bovine brain phosphatidylserine) containing phosphatidylinositol or diacylglycerol were studied by ESR using spin probes and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Diacylglycerol lost both the ability to form lipid bilayer structures and its susceptibility to calcium ions. Yeast phosphatidylinositol included in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes lowered the phase transition temperature of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and expanded the temperature range of phase transition. However, diacylglycerol at the same concentration did not undergo the effects caused by phosphatidylinositol but the phase transition temperature was slightly raised. Phase separation of phosphatidylserine induced by calcium ions was enhanced when the phosphatidylinositol was replaced by diacylglycerol in phosphatidylcholine/ phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylinositol (3:5:2, by molar ratio) mixtures. The mobility of phosphatidylcholine spin probe was decreased in phosphatidylcholine/ phosphatidylserine/diacylglycerol (3:5:2, by molar ratio) liposomes compared with phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylinositol (3:5:2, by molar ratio) liposomes. An additional component from protonated stearic acid spin probes was observed in phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylinositol (8:2, by molar ratio) liposomes at 40°C, whereas the component was not seen in phosphatidylcholine/diacylglycerol (8:2, by molar ratio) liposomes. This may indicate the alteration of surface charge induced by the replacement of phosphatidylinositol by diacylglycerol. Indeed, in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+, the additional component was removed by an electrostatic interaction between Ca2+ and phosphatidylinositol molecules in phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylinositol liposomes at 40°C. These results support the hypothesis that the enhanced turnover of phosphatidylinositol may play a triggering role for various cellular responses to exogenous stimuli by altering membrane physical states.  相似文献   
Pea chloroplastic phosphoribulokinase and yeast phosphoriboisomerase partition independently of one another in a two-phase polyethyleneglycol, dextran system, but apparent interaction is seen when ribose-5-phosphate is added to the two-phase system. It appears that the pea leaf of kinase recognizes yeast isomerase when it is carrying metabolite.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation of the low hydration phase properties of phospholipid mixtures is described. 2H (D2O) NMR, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry have been used to elucidate the phase properties of mixtures of the mixed chain phospholipids palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (POPE). At 10% hydration pure POPE exhibited a HII phase above 330 K, a fluid lamellar phase below 315 K, and a minimally hydrated crystalline phase below 300 K. For the 1:1 mixture, the samples exhibited only gel or fluid phases between 270 K and 360 K for hydrations in the range 15% to 30%. Below 15% hydration the mixture exhibited two fluid phases with different repeat spacings, as predicted previously.  相似文献   
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