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Dental wear patterns were recorded on 458 deciduous molar teeth, of 142 subadults from late medieval (AD 1086–1539) England, to explore the relationship between dental wear and burial status of children. A new ordinal method for scoring dental wear stages on the deciduous molar teeth was devised. It was postulated that if a discernible relationship between dental wear stage and burial location could be seen then this could reflect a difference in diet between those receiving higher or lower status burial. The dental wear stages recorded were statistically similar for the dentitions of subadults from different cemeteries, as well as from different burial locations, indicating a comparable diet for the children studied. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Endothelin-1 (Edn1), originally identified as a vasoconstrictor peptide, is involved in the development of cranial/cardiac neural crest-derived tissues and organs. In craniofacial development, Edn1 binds to Endothelin type-A receptor (Ednra) to induce homeobox genes Dlx5/Dlx6 and determines the mandibular identity in the first pharyngeal arch. However, it remains unsolved whether this pathway is also critical for pharyngeal arch artery development to form thoracic arteries. Here, we show that the Edn1/Ednra signaling is involved in pharyngeal artery development by controlling the fate of neural crest cells through a Dlx5/Dlx6-independent mechanism. Edn1 and Ednra knock-out mice demonstrate abnormalities in pharyngeal arch artery patterning, which include persistent first and second pharyngeal arteries, resulting in additional branches from common carotid arteries. Neural crest cell labeling with Wnt1-Cre transgene and immunostaining for smooth muscle cell markers revealed that neural crest cells abnormally differentiate into smooth muscle cells at the first and second pharyngeal arteries of Ednra knock-out embryos. By contrast, Dlx5/Dlx6 knockout little affect the development of pharyngeal arch arteries and coronary arteries, the latter of which is also contributed by neural crest cells through an Edn-dependent mechanism. These findings indicate that the Edn1/Ednra signaling regulates neural crest differentiation to ensure the proper patterning of pharyngeal arch arteries, which is independent of the regional identification of the pharyngeal arches along the dorsoventral axis mediated by Dlx5/Dlx6.  相似文献   
Spatial variation in marine oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) resulting from differential evaporation rates and precipitation inputs is potentially useful for characterizing marine mammal distributions and tracking movements across δ18O gradients. Dentine hydroxyapatite contains carbonate and phosphate that precipitate in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with body water, which in odontocetes closely tracks the isotopic composition of ambient water. To test whether dentine oxygen isotope composition reliably records that of ambient water and can therefore serve as a proxy for odontocete distribution and movement patterns, we measured δ18O values of dentine structural carbonate (δ18OSC) and phosphate (δ18OP) of seven odontocete species (n = 55 individuals) from regional marine water bodies spanning a surface water δ18O range of several per mil. Mean dentine δ18OSC (range +21.2 to +25.5‰ VSMOW) and δ18OP (+16.7 to +20.3‰) values were strongly correlated with marine surface water δ18O values, with lower dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values in high‐latitude regions (Arctic and Eastern North Pacific) and higher values in the Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, and Mediterranean Sea. Correlations between dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values with marine surface water δ18O values indicate that sequential δ18O measurements along dentine, which grows incrementally and archives intra‐ and interannual isotopic composition over the lifetime of the animal, would be useful for characterizing residency within and movements among water bodies with strong δ18O gradients, particularly between polar and lower latitudes, or between oceans and marginal basins.  相似文献   
Studying the airflows and the resultant aerodynamic pressure/force in the pharyngeal airway is critical for understanding the pathophysiology of snoring and sleep apnea. In this work, an experiment-driven computational study was conducted to examine the aerodynamics in human pharyngeal airway. An anatomically accurate pharynx model associated with different uvula kinematics was reconstructed from human magnetic resonance image (MRI) and high-speed photography. An immersed-boundary-method (IBM)-based direct numerical simulation (DNS) flow solver was adopted to simulate the corresponding unsteady flows in all their complexity. Analyses were performed on vortex dynamics and pressure fluctuations in the pharyngeal airway and force oscillations on the pharyngeal wall under the influence of varying airway obstructions, uvula flapping mode, and uvula flapping frequencies. It was found the vortex formation, aerodynamic pressure, and pharyngeal wall force were significantly affected by the width of the pharyngeal airway. By contrast, the influences from the uvula flapping mode were insignificant when other parameters were similar. Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) analysis of the pressure time history revealed the existence of higher order harmonics of base frequency with significant pressure amplitudes and energy intensities. It was also found the airway pressure and pharyngeal wall force oscillate more dramatically at higher uvula flapping frequencies, which tends to promote the collapse of pharyngeal wall and initiates sleep apnea.  相似文献   
Deciduous tooth size in Native Americans of the Ohio Valley area is fairly stable from the terminal Late Archaic (3200 BP) through the Late Prehistoric (350 BP) periods. Some fluctuation in average size did occur during this time. These fluctuations most likely reflect random changes due to gene drift. However, no difference in the pattern of interactions among the sizes of teeth (covariance structures) can be demonstrated during this period. Principal components analysis of the buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions in the total sample indicate that the major axis of deciduous tooth size in the Ohio Valley population shows an allometric relationship, with the dimensions of the anterior teeth increasing (or decreasing) as the 1.33 power of the dimension of m1(1) and as the 2.0 power of the dimension of m2(2). Comparison of the Ohio Valley samples with other samples from the Eastern Woodlands suggests that geography may have played a minor role in structuring deciduous tooth size variation. For the most part, however, widely separated Eastern Woodlands populations appear to have been evolving independently with respect to deciduous tooth size.  相似文献   
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