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为研究1型重组腺病毒伴随病毒(Adeno-associated virus type 1,AAV1)载体作为HPV16预防性疫苗的可行性,构建含密码子优化型HPV16L1基因(mod.HPV16L1)的1型重组AAV载体rAAV1-mod.HPV16L1,将纯化的rAAV1-mod.HPV16L1以肌注和滴鼻途径分别免疫C57BL/6小鼠,使用体外中和实验检测血清中的特异性中和抗体.结果显示,rAAV1-mod.HPV16L1单针肌注及滴鼻免疫均可诱导特异性血清中和抗体,但二组抗体动态变化趋势不同,肌注组血清中和抗体滴度显著高于滴鼻组.rAAV1-mod.HPV16L1单针肌注免疫可诱导强而持久的血清中和抗体,是理想的候选HPV16预防性疫苗.  相似文献   
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major respiratory pathogen in newborns. Neonate vaccine should induce strong protective immunity. We have engineered a subunit vaccine candidate G1F/M2. A major problem in developing subunit vaccines is their limited immunogenicity. Aluminium adjuvants with a long history of use with routine childhood vaccines have some limitations, especially inability to elicit CTL response. There is a need for alternative adjuvants. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are characterized as potent immunoadjuvants. In this study, HSP70-like protein 1 (HSP70L1) gene was cloned. The recombinant protein HSP70L1 was expressed in E. coli, purified and renaturated. We evaluated the potential of HSP70L1 used as the adjuvant of G1F/M2. G1F/M2 was chemically cross-linked with HSP70L1 (HSP-G1F/M2). HSP70L1 enhanced significantly the immunogenicity and protective effect of G1F/M2. HSP-G1F/M2 induced significant higher levels of antibodies, neutralizing antibodies and CTL activity than unadjuvanted G1F/M2. The antibody titers induced by HSP-G1F/M2 were similar to that by G1F/M2 + Alum. RSV-specific CTL activity induced by HSP-G1F/M2 was stronger than that by G1F/M2 + Alum. Interestingly, the protective effect of HSP-G1F/M2 against RSV was significantly stronger than that of G1F/M2 + Alum. The results suggest that HSP70L1 is a potent adjuvant of G1F/M2.  相似文献   
东北产6种苔类植物细胞学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹同  沙伟  孙军  王艳君 《植物研究》2002,22(4):453-455,T002
本文对东北产6种苔类植物进行了染色体数目报道,它们是阔叶裂叶苔Lophoziaexcisa,皱叶裂叶苔L.incisa,倾立裂叶苔L.ascendens,细裂瓣苔Barbilophozia barbata,裂萼苔Chiloscyphus polyanthus,指叶苔Lepidozia reptans,其染色体数目均为n=9。其中阔叶裂叶苔和倾产裂叶苔为首次报道。  相似文献   
元宝山冷杉群落种内与种间竞争的数量关系   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
元宝山冷杉 (AbiesyuanbaoshanensisY .J .LuetL .K .Fu)特产广西 ,是种群数量极少的濒危物种。根据调查资料 ,采用Hegyi提出的单木竞争指数模型CI=∑Nj=1 (Dj/Di)·1Lij对元宝山冷杉群落的种间、种内竞争强度进行定量分析。结果表明 :元宝山冷杉种内竞争较之与其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈 ;竞争木对对象木的竞争强度与对象木的胸高直径服从幂函数关系CI=ADB,竞争强度随对象木个体的增大而减小。当元宝山冷杉胸高直径达到 35~ 40cm后 ,竞争强度变化不明显。利用模型预测了元宝山冷杉种内和种间的竞争强度  相似文献   
不同采收期地肤子中皂甙含量的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地肤子为藜科植物地肤〔Kochiascoparia (L .)Schrad .〕的干燥成熟果实 ,始载于《神农本草经》 ,具有“治膀胱热、利小便、益精气”等功效 ,久服能“耳聪目明、轻身、耐老”。药理研究表明地肤子中所含的三萜皂甙类成分为其主要活性成分 ,具有抗炎、抗过敏和抗搔痒等作用[1 ,2 ] 。地肤子为一年生草本 ,一般于 4月上、中旬栽种 ,花期为 7- 9月 ,果期为 8- 10月[3] ,传统经验是在秋季果实成熟时采收 ,但何时采收其有效成分含量最高 ,这方面尚未见研究和报道。因此 ,本文分别采用高效液相色谱法和比色法检测不同采收期…  相似文献   
The influence of sucrose or mannitol on in vitro zygotic embryo germination, seedling development and explant propagation of olive tree (Olea europaea L.) was compared. Embryos germinated without sucrose in the medium but for adequate development of the seedlings to yield viable plants, a carbohydrate supply was necessary; both sucrose and mannitol were equally suitable for this purpose. However, when explants obtained from in vitro germinated embryos were cultured with mannitol or sucrose, then the polyalcohol promoted significantly more growth than sucrose by increasing shoot length, pairs of leaves formed, and breaking apical dominance. This improved the in vitro culture of olive plant material, thus allowing new olive clonal lines to be obtained in shorter times. This will assist in future breeding experiments with the species.  相似文献   
In vitro chromosome doubling of embryogenic callus lines of the Citrus cultivars Umatilla and Dweet tangors (Citrus reticulata Blanco×C. sinensis [L.] Osb.), Caffin clementine (C. clementina Hort. ex Tan.) and Wheeny grapefruit (C. paradisi Macf) was carried out in the presence of either 0.05 or 0.1% colchicine, or 0.01, 0.05 or 0.1% oryzalin. Embryogenic callus development was partly suppressed in the presence of colchicine, and completely suppressed by oryzalin at all concentrations tested. No plants were regenerated from any of the oryzalin treatments. Ploidy level of plants regenerated from the colchicine treatments was determined using flow cytometry and chromosome squashes. Three desirable non-chimeric, autotetraploid plants of the mono-embryonic cultivar Umatilla were produced using 0.05% colchicine and one from 0.1% colchicine. One mixoploid Dweet plant was produced using 0.1% colchicine.  相似文献   
The discovery of period four oscillations of the fluorescence yield under flashing light demonstrated that not only the redox state of the Photosystem II (PS II) electron acceptor QA, but also the oxygen evolving cycle (described by the S states) modulates the fluorescence yield of chlorophyll (Chl). The positive charges accumulated on the donor side of PS II act on the fluorescence yield (measured in the QA state during a strong flash) through the concentration of the quencher P680 +, the oxidized form of PS II reaction center Chl a. However, the period four oscillations of the fluorescence yield detected 1 s after a strong flash (in the P680QA state) have not yet been fully explained. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Atwell  B.J.  Fillery  I. R. P.  McInnes  K. J.  Smucker  A. J. M. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):259-269
Triticum aestivum L. (cv. Gutha), a short-season wheat, was grown to maturity in large monoliths of duplex soil (sand over sandy-clay) in a daylight phytotron mimicking field conditions. Either 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) or urea was banded into the soil at a rate of 30 kg N ha–1: even though roots were about 20% heavier when grown in the presence of (NH4)2SO4 for 86 d (P<0.05), above-ground mass was not affected by the source of nitrogen. At four times through crop development up to grain-filling (50, 56, 70 and 86 d after sowing) shoots were labelled heavily with 14CO2 with two purposes. First, to trace `instantaneous' assimilate movement over 24 h, revealing relative sink strengths throughout plants. This, in turn, allowed precise measurements of live root mass and the proportion of recent photoassimilates deposited in the rhizosphere. Although root systems were sparse, even in surface soil layers, they were strong sinks for photoassimilates early in development (0–50 d), supporting the conversion of inorganic applied nitrogen (N) to soil organic forms. In the presence of roots, up to 28% of 15N was immobilised, whereas only 12% of labelled ammonium sulphate was immobilised in unplanted plots in spite of a favourable moisture status in both treatments. The effect of plants on rates of 15N transformation is ascribed to recently imported photoassimilates sustaining rhizosphere metabolism. Not more than 15% of recently fixed carbon imported by roots was recovered from the rhizoplane, suggesting that a highly localised microbial biomass supported vigorous immobilisation of soil N. Thus, more than twice as much applied N was destined for soil organic fractions as for root material. By these processes, root- and soil-immobilised N become substantial stores of applied N and together with shoot N accounted for all the applied N under dryland conditions.  相似文献   
Erratic rainfall in rainfed lowlands and inadequate water supply in irrigated lowlands can results in alternate soil drying and flooding during a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping period. Effects of alternate soil drying and flooding on N loss by nitrification-denitrification have been inconsistent in previous field research. To determine the effects of water deficit and urea timing on soil NO3 and NH4, floodwater NO3, and N loss from added 15N-labeled urea, a field experiment was conducted for 2 yr on an Andaqueptic Haplaquoll in the Philippines. Water regimes were continuously flooded, not irrigated from 15 to 35 d after transplanting (DT), or not irrigated from 41 to 63 DT. The nitrogen treatments in factorial combination with water regimes were no applied N and 80 kg urea-N ha–1, either applied half basally and half at 37 DT or half at 11 DT and half at 65 DT. Water deficit at 15 to 35 DT and 41 to 63 DT, compared with continuous soil flooding, significantly reduced extractable NH4 in the top 30-cm soil layer and resulted in significant but small (<1.0 kg N ha–1) soil NO3 accumulations. Soil NO3, which accumulated during the water deficit, rapidly disappeared after reflooding. Water deficit at 15 to 35 DT, unlike that at 41 to 63 DT, increased the gaseous loss of added urea N as determined from unrecovered 15N in 15N balances. The results indicate that application of urea to young rice in saturated or flooded soil results in large, rapid losses of N (mean = 35% of applied N), presumably by NH3 volatilization. Subsequent soil drying and flooding during the vegetative growth phase can result in additional N loss (mean = 14% of applied N), presumably by nitrification-denitrification. This additional N loss due to soil drying and flooding decreases with increasing crop age, apparently because of increased competition by rice with soil microorganisms for NH4 and NO3.  相似文献   
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