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A novel 2D NMR experiment, 2D HE(NE)HGHH, is presented for the assignment ofarginine side chain 1H and 15N resonances inuniformly 15N-labeled proteins. Correlations between1H, 1Hand 1H are established on the basis of3J(15N,1H) heteronuclear scalarcoupling constants, and sequence-specific assignments are obtained by overlapof these fragments with 1H chemical shiftsobtained by assignment procedures starting from the polypeptide backbone.Since guanidino protons exchange quite rapidly with the bulk water, the 2DHE(NE)HGHH pulse scheme has been optimized to avoid saturation and dephasingof the water magnetization during the course of the experiment. As anillustration, arginine side chain assignments are presented for two uniformly15N-labeled proteins of 7 and 23 kDa molecular weight.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of the inhibitor domain of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein precursor (APPI) complexed to bovine chymotrypsin (C-APPI) and trypsin (T-APPI) and basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) bound to chymotrypsin (C-BPTI) have been solved and analyzed at 2.1 A, 1.8 A, and 2.6 A resolution, respectively. APPI and BPTI belong to the Kunitz family of inhibitors, which is characterized by a distinctive tertiary fold with three conserved disulfide bonds. At the specificity-determining site of these inhibitors (P1), residue 15(I)4 is an arginine in APPI and a lysine in BPTI, residue types that are counter to the chymotryptic hydrophobic specificity. In the chymotrypsin complexes, the Arg and Lys P1 side chains of the inhibitors adopt conformations that bend away from the bottom of the binding pocket to interact productively with elements of the binding pocket other than those observed for specificity-matched P1 side chains. The stereochemistry of the nucleophilic hydroxyl of Ser 195 in chymotrypsin relative to the scissile P1 bond of the inhibitors is identical to that observed for these groups in the trypsin-APPI complex, where Arg 15(I) is an optimal side chain for tryptic specificity. To further evaluate the diversity of sequences that can be accommodated by one of these inhibitors, APPI, we used phage display to randomly mutate residues 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19, which are major binding determinants. Inhibitors variants were selected that bound to either trypsin or chymotrypsin. As expected, trypsin specificity was principally directed by having a basic side chain at P1 (position 15); however, the P1 residues that were selected for chymotrypsin binding were His and Asn, rather than the expected large hydrophobic types. This can be rationalized by modeling these hydrophilic side chains to have similar H-bonding interactions to those observed in the structures of the described complexes. The specificity, or lack thereof, for the other individual subsites is discussed in the context of the "allowed" residues determined from a phage display mutagenesis selection experiment.  相似文献   
Water-protein interactions drive protein folding, stabilize the folded structure, and influence molecular recognition and catalysis. We analyzed the closest protein contacts of 10,837 water molecules in crystallographic structures to define a specific hydrophilicity scale reflecting specific rather than bulk solvent interactions. The tendencies of different atom and residue types to be the nearest protein neighbors of bound water molecules correlated with other hydrophobicity scales, verified the relevance of crystallographically determined water positions, and provided a direct experimental measure of water affinity in the context of the folded protein. This specific hydrophilicity was highly correlated with hydrogen-bonding capacity, and correlated better with experimental than computationally derived measures of partitioning between aqueous and organic phases. Atoms with related chemistry clustered with respect to the number of bound water molecules. Neutral and negatively charged oxygen atoms were the most hydrophilic, followed by positively-charged then neutral nitrogen atoms, followed by carbon and sulfur atoms. Agreement between observed side-chain specific hydrophilicity values and values derived from the atomic hydrophilicity scale showed that hydrophilicity values can be synthesized for different functional groups, such as unusual side or main chains, discontinuous epitopes, and drug molecules. Two methods of atomic hydrophilicity analysis provided a measure of complementarity in the interfaces of trypsin:pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and HIV protease:U-75875 inhibitor complexes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Complexation of 2-(3′-benzoylphenyl)propionic acid (ketoprofen), 1 , to bovine serum albumin (BSA) results in an intense negative circular dichroism in the ketonic n → π* band of the benzoylphenyl moiety. This high CD contrasts with the weak CD of 1 -enantiomers dissolved in common solvents. Furthermore, a number of chiral and achiral molecules containing the benzophenone moiety are easily complexed to BSA: all these complexes show an intense CD at the same transition. To account for the observed CD intensities of the above molecules, it appears that BSA complexation markedly shifts the equilibrium between strongly asymmetric, antipodic conformers. Dissymmetry of these conformers is connected to the instability of a structure with phenyl rings coplanar to the carbonyl chromophore, as also indicated by molecular mechanics calculations. The magnification of the Cotton effects of the 1 -antipodes, due to the protein, can be used to measure the optical purity of 1 -samples with excellent precision. In contrast with BSA, human SA is unable to recognize the chirality of 1 -antipodes; oleic acid cocomplexation modifies this fact as well as other features of the binding. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Refined solution structure of human profilin I.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Profilin is a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein that binds to both cytosolic actin and the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. These dual competitive binding capabilities of profilin suggest that profilin serves as a link between the phosphatidyl inositol cycle and actin polymerization, and thus profilin may be an essential component in the signaling pathway leading to cytoskeletal rearrangement. The refined three-dimensional solution structure of human profilin I has been determined using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Twenty structures were selected to represent the solution conformational ensemble. This ensemble of structures has root-mean-square distance deviations from the mean structure of 0.58 A for the backbone atoms and 0.98 A for all non-hydrogen atoms. Comparison of the solution structure of human profilin to the crystal structure of bovine profilin reveals that, although profilin adopts essentially identical conformations in both states, the solution structure is more compact than the crystal structure. Interestingly, the regions that show the most structural diversity are located at or near the actin-binding site of profilin. We suggest that structural differences are reflective of dynamical properties of profilin that facilitate favorable interactions with actin. The global folding pattern of human profilin also closely resembles that of Acanthamoeba profilin I, reflective of the 22% sequence identity and approximately 45% sequence similarity between these two proteins.  相似文献   
Structure and properties of pectin gels in plant cell walls   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
Abstract This review deals with recent advances in the structural characterization of pectins and the gels which they form, in relation to auxin-induced extension growth, the ripening of fruit, and cellular recognition. Pectins are block polysaccharides. Heavily branched, largely methyl-esterified blocks alternate with unbranched blocks of varying degrees of esterification. The unbranched, non-esterified blocks can aggregate through calcium binding to form the junction zones that hold a gel together. The aggregates are of two, or possibly four, chains at low calcium levels, and larger with excess calcium. The fall in wall pH during auxin-induced growth activates glycanase enzymes. These may attack some components of the pectic fraction, as well as xyloglucans. Pectin-bound calcium ions may be displaced but this probably has little effect on gel strength. Pectins may be cross-linked by diferulate esters when growth stops. The softening of ripe fruit is due to loss of cohesion in the pectin gel. In apples this results from replacement of the pectins by more esterified forms. In many other fruits it results from depolymerization by polygalacturonases, assisted by pectinesterases, so that the remaining segments are too short for effective calcium binding. Pectins have a further role in the recognition reactions between plant cells and some of their bacterial and fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
Very great advances have been made in the field of direct optical resolution of organic compounds by chromatographic techniques. Chiral capillary gas chromatography now permits a determination of the enantiomeric composition of a few nanograms of a compound present in a mixture of many others. Coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry the technique will additionally permit structural elucidation; of great interest in pheromone research and related areas. Analytical separations of enantiomers are now also carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods based on a variety of principles. Basically, two main types are used, differing as to whether the mobile phase has to be a chiral medium or not. Two-dimensional HPLC, whereby compounds separated on a non-chiral column are progressively and automatically transferred to a chiral column for optical resolution, has been used successsfully for chiral amino acid separations. Many different chiral sorbents for preparative LC and HPLC resolutions have been prepared; some of these are now used in columns capable of producing pure enantiomers from a given racemate at a rate of the order of one gram/hour in continuous, automatic HPLC procedures. Apart from all important applications of these results of optical resolution technology, an increased knowledge of the underlying chiral recognition phenomena responsible for enantioselection has also been achieved.  相似文献   
Contact of adjacent root hairs of seedlings of white clover ( Trifolium repens L. cv. Ladino and Louisiana Nolin) led to cell-cell adhesion of root hair tips. The involvement of the root lectin, trifoliin A, in this phenomen was examined in slide cultures of axenically grown seedlings. Trifoliin A was detected by indirect immunofluorescence on root hair tips, which had adhered to one another. Seedlings grown under conditions which specifically reduce the levels of this lectin on the root surface (e.g., in the presence of 15 m M NO3– or 5 m M 2-deoxy- d -glucose) had significantly fewer adhesions of root hair tips. In addition, flushing the slide cultures with 20 m M 2-deoxy- d -glucose resulted in an immediate 4-fold reduction in frequency of tip adhesions. These results are consistent with the lectin cross-bridging model, which predicts that cell-cell adhesions would occur when trifoliin A on root hair tips contacts complementary glycosylated receptors on neighboring root hairs.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of mesenchymal cells distributed in some of the hypendymal organs of the circumventricular system in the cat and rat was demonstrated after intravenous injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase. These cellular elements were observed in the vicinity of blood vessels of the organon vasculosum laminae terminalis, subfornical organ and area postrema. Electron-microscopically, these cells located between the basal laminae of the brain parenchyma and the blood capillaries show long cellular processes encircling fenestrated capillaries. Light and electron-microscopic examination revealed that this cell type is identical with the horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells, previously reported in the vicinity of the hypophysial portal system. Such phagocytic cells may be considered as a cellular component intervening between the brain parenchyma and the blood stream, playing a role in selective barrier functions in the above-mentioned circumventricular organs where a blood-brain barrier in the classical sense of the definition is lacking.This work was supported by grant No. 437002 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
The locomotory response to cell surface compounds extracted from two prey species,Vibrio natriegens andVibrio neries, was tested for a bacterivorous ciliate,Pseudochnilembus marinus Thompson 1966. Chemoattraction of the ciliate to the surface compounds stabilized in agarose baits was not equal for the two prey species. Fractionation of the extracts suggested the attractive substance was a high molecular weight compound. The expression of the differential response was dependant on the physiological condition and prior prey species exposure of the ciliate test population. The recognition and response to material normally found on the surface of prey cells supports evidence for the involvement of chemical sensing of gradients of prey particles and dissolved compounds of prey origin in the natural swimming behavior of bacterivorous ciliates. The prey species-specific reactions and influence of ciliate physiological state on chemosensory response suggest ciliate-bacteria interactions may be more complex than preciously assumed.  相似文献   
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