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The morphology and morphogenesis during cell division of a new stylonychine hypotrich, Rigidocortex quadrinucleatus n. sp., were investigated using live observation and protargol staining. The new species was isolated from soil samples collected from an organic farm in the Marche Region, Italy, in framework of the MOSYSS project. Rigidocortex quadrinucleatus is characterized as follows: cell size about 180 × 80 μm in vivo; four ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules; 44 adoral membranelles: 18 fronto‐ventral‐transverse cirri consisting of three frontal, four frontoventral, one buccal, three ventral, two pretransverse, and five transverse cirri; dorsal kinety 3 with multiple fragmentation; resting cyst with hyaline ridges. Rigidocortex quadrinucleatus mainly differs from the type species R. octonucleatus in having four (vs. eight) macronuclear nodules. Rigidocortex quadrinucleatus can be easily confused with Sterkiella cavicola since both have a rather similar ventral ciliature; however, they can be separated by the slightly higher number of cirri in the left marginal row that runs along the posterior cell's margin in R. quadrinucleatus. Morphogenesis on the ventral surface is highly similar to that of Sterkiella species, but differs significantly on the dorsal surface (multiple vs. simple fragmentation of dorsal kinety 3). Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences consistently place the new species within the stylonychine oxytrichids, clustering closer to Gastrostyla steinii than to S. cavicola.  相似文献   
Aerobic and anaerobic ciliates swim towards the cathode when they are exposed to a constant DC field. Nyctotherus ovalis from the intestinal tract of cockroaches exhibits a different galvanotactic response: at low strength of the DC field the ciliates orient towards the anode whereas DC fields above 2-4 V/cm cause cathodic swimming. This reversal of the galvanotactic response is not due to backward swimming. Rather the ciliates turn around and orient to the cathode with their anterior pole. Exposure to various cations, chelators, and Ca(2+)-channel inhibitors suggests that Ca(2+)-channels similar to the "long lasting" Ca(2+)-channels of vertebrates are involved in the voltage-dependent anodic galvanotaxis. Evidence is presented that host-dependent epigenetic factors can influence the voltage-threshold for the switch from anodic to cathodic swimming.  相似文献   
During conjugation in the binucleate ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila, the old macronucleus is eliminated as new macronuclei and micronuclei are ontogenetically derived from the zygote nucleus. The mechanism of programmed nuclear elimination in ciliates may be related to the mechanism of apoptosis in higher organisms since its chromatin undergoes major condensation, its DNA is digested into nucleosome-sized fragments, and it stains positively for TUNEL. The present study explores whether caspases are involved in programmed macronuclear degradation in Tetrahymena. We show here that caspase-like activity is detectable using two specific colorimetric substrates, and that the activity is reduced with specific caspase inhibitors. In addition, using the fluorigenic substrate PhiPhiLux, active caspase-like activity is detected in living cells, localized to cytoplasmic vesicles; activity is not detected in pre- or post-condensed macronuclei. Finally, three different inhibitors of caspase activity cause a block to macronuclear chromatin condensation and elimination. Therefore, a caspase-like enzyme activity is necessary for regulating macronuclear elimination in Tetrahymena. These data support the possibility that macronuclear elimination is related, evolutionarily, to regulated cell death in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   
A cell culture of Paramecium with a precise negative gravitaxis was exposed to 4 x l0(-6) g during a parabolic flight of a sounding rocket for 6 min. Computer image analysis revealed that without gravity stimulus the individual swimming paths remained straight. In addition, three reactions could be distinguished. For about 30 s, paramecia maintained the swimming direction they had before onset of low gravity. During the next 20 s, an approximate reversal of the swimming direction occurred. This period was followed by the expected random swimming pattern. Similar behavior was observed under the condition of simulated weightlessness on a fast-rotating clinostat. Control experiments on the ground under hyper-gravity on a low-speed centrifuge microscope and on a vibration test facility proved that the observed effects were caused exclusively by the reduction of gravity.  相似文献   
The initial inoculum level of Tetrahymena in a chemically defined medium determines whether the cells are capable of exponential growth. Below 750 cells ml?1, the cells fail to go into exponential growth and will die within about 20 hours. By adding certain growth stimulants, death can be postponed and the cells begin to grow after a delay which depends on the intensity of the signal. The implication is that autocrine growth factor expression might be required for cells to grow, and that these stimulants either assist its production or lower the cell threshold to its action. The findings in Tetrahymena are reviewed, and the advantages of having a cell system in which all the components of the medium can be carefully controlled is recognised.  相似文献   
An overview of current status of microbial research in the Great Lakes consisting of structural, toxicological, and cytological aspects is presented. A variety of techniques for the identification and enumeration of food-web parameters such as bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates, and various size fractions of phytoplankton have been evaluated. An extensive lakewide survey of the Great Lakes conducted in 1991 indicated high bacterial abundance in Lake Erie and the Detroit River, and lowest numbers in the oligotrophic Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. The autotrophic picoplankton were lowest in the contaminated ecosystems of the Detroit River, St. Clair River, and Lake St. Clair. This persistent sensitivity of the autotrophic picoplankton to environmental perturbation make them ideal candidates as early warning indicators of ecosystem health. This is the first time that such a comprehensive strategy has been attempted encompassing all important components of the microbial food-web in the Great Lakes. These results clearly demonstrate the significance and potential of microbes in providing a multi-trophic, dynamic, and holistic picture of the aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, the necessity of monitoring microbial food-web parameters is recommended and emphasized.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the species composition, abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates were determined every 2–3 weeks at two sites of 30 m depth and one location of 105 m depth in the southwestern Gdańsk Basin between January 1987 and January 1988. A total of 40 ciliate taxa were observed during this period. Autotrophic Mesodinium rubrum dominated ciliate abundance and biomass: maximal values of 50 · 10−1 ind. 1-1 and 65 μg C 1−1 were recorded. The annual mean biomass of M. rubrum comprised 6 to 9% of the annual mean phytoplankton biomass. The highest abundances and biomasses of heterotrophic ciliates were noted at all stations in the spring and summer in the euphotic zone with maximum values of 28 · 103 ind. 1−1 and 23 μg C 1−1. Three ciliates assemblages were distinguished in the epipelagic layer: large and medium-size non-predatory ciliates, achieving peak abundance in spring and autumn; small-size microphagous ciliates and epibiotic ciliates which were abundant in summer, and large-size predacious ciliates dominating in spring. Below 60 m, a separate deep-water ciliate community composed of Prorodon-like ciliates and Metacystis spp. was found. The ciliate biomass in the 60–105 m layer was similar to the ciliate biomass in the euphotic zone. The heterotrophic ciliate community contributed 10 to 13% to the annual mean zooplankton biomass. The potential annual production of M. rubrum comprised 6 to 9% of the total primary production. Carbon demand of non-predatory ciliates, calculated on the basis of their potential production, was estimated to be equivalent to 12–15% of the gross primary production.  相似文献   
1. The ingestion rates of planktonic, mixotrophic cryptophytes in two perennially ice-covered Antarctic lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, were investigated during the summer of 1997–1998.
2. In Lake Fryxell, which is meromictic, ingestion rates increased with depth in November and were highest in a cryptophyte maximum close to the chemocline. In Lake Hoare, which is unstratified and freshwater, there was no significant difference in ingestion rates with depth. In both lakes, the highest ingestion rates occurred in early summer, decreasing in December and January. Ingestion rates varied between 0.2 bacteria cell−1 h−1 and 3.6 bacteria cell−1 h−1.
3. During November, mixotrophic cryptophytes removed up to 13% of bacterial biomass day−1 and had a greater grazing impact than heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN). As summer progressed, the grazing impact of cryptophytes and HNAN became similar.
4. The maximum depth of cryptophytes in Lake Fryxell was predated by a population of the ciliate Plagiocampa. Plagiocampa had an ingestion rate of 0.13–0.19 cryptophytes cell−1 h−1. The grazing impact on the cryptophyte community was insignificant. However, the ciliate appeared to be indulging in temporary mixotrophy, sequestering the cryptophytes for a number of weeks before digesting them.
5. It is suggested that mixotrophy is an important survival strategy in the extreme lake ecosystems of the McMurdo Dry Valleys.  相似文献   
The tracks of normal organisms of Oxytricha bifaria and of stage IA, IB, II, III, IV and V doublets were studied to test the hypothesis that the doublet might function as a dispersal form. Stage IA, the only stage to swim, swims straight with only rare interruptions; its rate of mobility (Rmo = 443 micro/s) is roughly twice that of singlets (Rmo = 218 micro/s). Stage IA doublets swim in three-dimensional movement which enables them to be carried away by water currents. The other stages seem to represent passage back towards the normal singlet form. The ethological evidence reported here together with other results already published supports the working hypothesis that the doublet of O. bifaria is a dispersal form suggests that the doublet might well represent a special fourth differentiation state of this species in addition to pairs, giants, and cysts.  相似文献   
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