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Genes responsible for generating circadian oscillations are expressed in a variety of brain regions not typically associated with circadian timing. The functions of this clock gene expression are largely unknown, and in the present study we sought to explore the role of the Per2 (Period 2) gene in hippocampal physiology and learned behaviour. We found that PER2 protein is highly expressed in hippocampal pyramidal cell layers and that the expression of both protein and mRNA varies with a circadian rhythm. The peaks of these rhythms occur in the late night or early morning and are almost 180° out-of-phase with the expression rhythms measured from the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the same animals. The rhythms in Per2 expression are autonomous as they are present in isolated hippocampal slices maintained in culture. Physiologically, Per2-mutant mice exhibit abnormal long-term potentiation. The underlying mechanism is suggested by the finding that levels of phosphorylated cAMP-response-element-binding protein, but not phosphorylated extracellular-signal-regulated kinase, are reduced in hippocampal tissue from mutant mice. Finally, Per2-mutant mice exhibit deficits in the recall of trace, but not cued, fear conditioning. Taken together, these results provide evidence that hippocampal cells contain an autonomous circadian clock. Furthermore, the clock gene Per2 may play a role in the regulation of long-term potentiation and in the recall of some forms of learned behaviour.  相似文献   
本文综述了影响双语者第二语言语音获得的一些因素,包括双语者第二语言的获得年龄、居住时间长短、第一语言与第二语言两种语言语音系统的相似程度以及两种语言使用频率的高低等。此外,还介绍了此领域神经生理学研究获得的最新成果,从神经机制方面深入探讨这些影响因素对双语者语音系统组织的影响。  相似文献   
测定了金色果蝇复合种(Drosophila auraria species complex)5个姐妹种(sibling species)和D.rufa的period(per)基因的Thr-Gly区段序列。该区段序列分析表明:DNA序列的碱其组成拥有果蝇其他基因的共同特点;颠换数多于转换数,两两种种间的颠换率与转换率的总比值为2~5,密码子第3位的颠换与转换的比值为2.5~5;同义替换/异义替换(Ks/Ka)值远大于10,且有的物种间根本不存在非同义突变,低的Ka值说明该复合种的per基因Thr-Gly区段在进化过程中可能承受着较强的选择压力。运用所得的核苷酸序列构建Drosophila auraria复合种的系统发育树,为澄清该类群的系统演化关系提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
The analysis of multiple components is often used to model biological variables that show nonsinusoidal predictable changes of known periods. In general, to anticipate the periods is not easy, and even in cases when we have some a priori information, it is advisable to have a statistical tool to test the chosen periods. In this work, we introduce a statistical procedure to estimate periods of longitudinal series by applying nonlinear regression techniques to the multiple sinusoidal model, as well as to the general linear model. Approximate inferences about the parameters of the model are carried out under the usual hypothesis of normality, independence, and constant variance of the errors. Confidence intervals (CIs) for each individual parameter, as well as for the amplitude-acrophase pair or for any other subgroup of parameters of interest, can be computed. As in the linear analysis of multiple components, it is possible to check the existence of rhythm by means of a zero-amplitude test. The method also allows statistical testing of several hypotheses related to the periods. For example, it is possible to test if the periods are equal to certain values of chronobiologic interest and to check if some components included in the model are harmonically related. On the other hand, when the fitted components have proximal periods, the method allows one to verify if they are modeling the same or different spectral peaks. The method, which was validated by a simulation study for a model of two components and is illustrated by an example of modeling the diastolic blood pressure of two subjects, represents a new step in the development of statistical procedures in chronobiology. (Chronobiology International, 18(2), 285-308, 2001)  相似文献   
Although lithium is one of the most commonly used drugs in the prophylaxis and treatment of bipolar disorder, the mechanisms underlying its therapeutic action are still unclear. Together with its mood-stabilizing effects, lithium is also known to influence the circadian clocks of several organisms including man. Circadian rhythms are altered in patients with bipolar disorder, and it is believed that these rhythms may play an important role in disease mechanisms. It is therefore possible that some of the therapeutic actions of lithium may be related to its effect on circadian clocks. Identifying the targets for lithium's action on circadian clocks would therefore be important both for understanding the mechanisms of its therapeutic effect and also in further understanding disease mechanisms in bipolar disorders. Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system, we show that long-term administration of lithium results in lengthening of the free-running period (τ) of circadian locomotor activity rhythm of flies in constant darkness (DD). This effect occurs at concentrations similar to the plasma levels of lithium used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. The lithium-treated flies also show reduced activity of one of the previously reported targets of lithium action, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β (GSK 3β). GSK 3β has been shown to be involved in the regulation of circadian clocks as the down regulation of this protein results in an elongation of τ. The τ elongation resembles the effect seen with lithium administration in a number of organisms including man, and taken together with the earlier observations our results suggest that lithium inhibits the activity of GSK 3β to produce its effect on circadian clocks.  相似文献   
The adventus Saxonum is a crucial event in English protohistory. Scholars from a range of disciplines dispute the scale and demographic profile of the purported colonizing population. The 5th-7th century burial ground at West Heslerton, North Yorkshire, is one of the few Anglian cemeteries where an associated settlement site has been identified and subjected to extensive multidisciplinary postexcavation study. Skeletal and grave good evidence has been used to indicate the presence of Scandinavian settlers. A small, preliminary study using lead and strontium isotope analysis of tooth enamel, mineralized in early childhood, from Neolithic/Early Bronze Age (n = 8), Iron Age (n = 2), and Early Anglo-Saxon (n = 32) skeletons, was carried out to directly investigate this hypothesis. Results suggest that lead provides dissimilar types of information in different time periods. In post-Roman England, it appears to reflect the level of exposure to circulated anthropogenic rather than natural geological lead, thus being a cultural rather than geographical marker. Consequently, only strontium provides mobility evidence among the Anglian population, whereas both isotope systems do so in pre-Roman periods. Strontium data imply the presence of two groups: one of "local" and one of "nonlocal" origin, but more work is required to define the limits of local variation and identify immigrants with confidence. Correlations with traditional archaeological evidence are inconclusive. While the majority of juveniles and prehistoric individuals fall within the "local" group, both groups contain juveniles, and adults of both sexes. There is thus no clear support for the exclusively male, military-elite invasion model at this site.  相似文献   
目的分析双歧醋的营养成分及保质期观察。方法采用现代多种营养成分分析方法对双歧醋进行主要营养成分的分析测定。结果双歧醋营养丰富,含有多种微量元素,含有18种氨基酸,其中8种人体必需氨基酸含量占总量的42.5%,富含醋酸、乳酸等8种有机酸成分。结论双歧醋营养成分丰富,保质期长,作为一种功能性醋产品值得推广应用。  相似文献   
The demography and dental traits of the skeletal samples from the necropoles of Cueva Roja (IIrd millennium b.C.), El Soco (800 a.D) and Juan Dolio (1400 a.D.) have been analyzed. The preceramic sample from Cueva Roja consists of some 50 individuals, the one from El Soco consists of 158 individuals and the one from Juan Dolio of 108 individuals. The demographic analysis has revealed a slight improvement of life conditions from the pre-contact period to the beginning of the contact period. Dental metrical traits show a marked overlapping of the metrical data for the anterior teeth. A reduction can be noted for the posterior teeth, especially for the first molar, from the preceramic period to the later ceramic period. The analysis of nutritional stresses, through the study of dental enamel hypoplasias, reveals a high incidence of stress in the preceramic population. In the preceramic group, it peaks late in childhood (3.5—3.9 years of age) which could be caused by a delay in weaning. Instead the more recent groups (El Soco and Juan Dolio) show evidence of an earlier occurrence of hypoplasia. Both peak at 3.0–3.4 years of age. The frequencies of hypoplasias calculated by type of tooth are less in the Tainos groups than in the preceramic one. From of the data now available, we can suppose that an amelioration of life conditions occurred from the preceramic period to the later ceramic period. As regards the Tainos groups, a slight improvement in life conditions can be noted from the precontact period to the period immediately before the European colonization. The dental non-metric traits show a strong homogeneity within the Taino groups. However, the preceramic group shows more marked differences when compared to the others. This could be supposed to be due to a different demic background between the Tainos and the group from Cueva Roja.  相似文献   
Changes in the free-running period of the circadian rhythms of hamsters occur after single nonphotic events such as a 3-h pulse of running induced by being put in a novel wheel. These changes are mostly in the direction of longer periods, and can exceed 0.2 h; the magnitude of the effect depends on the circadian phase of the pulse. The phase response curves for period changes do not match up with those for phase shifts of the rhythms. Data on free-running rhythms after anisomycin injections and after novelty-induced wheel running in τ mutant hamsters support the view that period changes and phase shifts can occur independently of one another.  相似文献   
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