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郑谦  东英穗 《生理学报》1989,41(6):543-554
用大鼠脑干脑片,给三叉神经中脑核79个神经元作了细胞内记录,测算了20个神经元膜的电学特性:静息电位-60.3±5.6mV;输入阻抗为10.5±5.4MΩ;时间常数1.3±0.5ms。电刺激可诱发动作电位,测算32个神经元的有关参数:阈电位-50—-55mV;波幅69.5±6.1mV;超射11.9±3.6mV;波宽0.8±0.2ms。TTX(0.3μmol/L)或无钠使之消失。通以长时程矩形波电流可引起200—250Hz的2—15个重复放电,但在通电停止前终止,TEA或4-AP可延长放电。膜电位-60—-55mV时在动作电位之后可看到阈下电位波动,它不受TTX的影响,无钙时消失,TEA或4-AP使波幅增大。静息电位去极化可使45个神经元中的40个发生外向整流作用,并被TEA,4-AP或无钙抑制,超极化则发生内向整流作用,Cs或无钠抑制之。灌流液中加入各种钾通道阻断药时神经元的稳态I-V曲线发生相应变化,提示I_(DR),l_A,I_(K(Ca))及I_Q可能都与静息时的膜电导有关。  相似文献   
We investigated how single units in the medial octavolateralis nucleus of the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, respond to a 50-Hz vibrating sphere in still and running water. Four types of units were distinguished. Type MI units (N=16) were flow-sensitive; their ongoing discharge rates either increased or decreased in running water, and as a consequence, responses of these units to the vibrating sphere were masked if the fish was exposed to water flow. Type MII units (N=7) were not flow-sensitive; their ongoing discharge rates were comparable in still and running water, and thus their responses to the vibrating sphere were not masked. Type MIII units (N=7) were also not flow-sensitive; nevertheless, their responses to the vibrating sphere were masked in running water. Type MIV units (N=14) were flow-sensitive, but their responses to the vibrating sphere were not masked. Our data confirm previous findings in the goldfish, Carassius auratus, indicating that the organization of the peripheral lateral line is reflected to a large degree in the medial octavolateralis nucleus. We compare data from goldfish and trout and discuss differences with respect to lateral line morphology, lifestyle and habitat of these species.Abbreviations CN canal neuromast - MON medial octavolateralis nucleus - SN superfical neuromast - a.c. alternating current - d.c. direct current  相似文献   
在51只清醒麻痹家兔身上,记录了丘脑束旁核痛兴奋(PfPE)和痛抑制(PfPI)单位的放电。观察刺激尾核头背部(DHCN)对 PfPE 和 PfPI 单位自发放电和痛放电的影响。(1)刺激 DHCN时,在28个 PfPE 单位中,19个的自发放电发生抑制反应,7个无变化,2个增强;在6个PfPI 单位中,5个的自发放电增加,1个无变化。(2)刺激 DHCN 时,在38个 PfPE 单位中。2个的痛放电兴奋增强,6个无变化,30个被抑制。其中12个呈抑制反应的单位,8个立即发生在刺激 DHCN 之后,并延续700—1600ms,在10个 PfPI 单位中,7个的痛放电发生兴奋反应,3个无变化。这些结果提示,DHCN 对丘脑 PfPE 和 PfPI 单位在处理痛觉信息上具有调制作用。根据抑制的潜伏期短和延续时间长的特点,推测这种调制作用可能既通过直接通路又有间接环路参与。  相似文献   
分别注射辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)入大鼠的PVN和BNST,用组织化学的方法在确定注射部位准确的情况下,在PVN、BNST及PFC观察被标记的神经元或轴突末梢,探讨大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVN)与终纹床核(BNST)及前额叶皮质间(PFC)之间是否存在投射通路;将HRP注射到PVN后,在同侧的BNST见标记的细胞体,在PFC未见标记的细胞体或轴突末梢;将HRP注射到BNST后,在同侧的PVN见标记的轴突末梢,在PFC未见标记的细胞体或轴突末梢。大鼠BNST有神经纤维投射到PVN,PFC与PVN及BNST之间没有直接的或只有极少量的纤维联系,在机体面临威胁性情境时,BNST可能激活HPA轴引发生理和行为反应,PFC是否通过与PVN或BNST的直接或间接的纤维投射实现其调节功能值得关注。  相似文献   
Nonhistone proteins were extracted in 0.4 M NaCl from membrane-depleted nuclei of HeLa cells grown in the presence or the absence of [5,6-3H]fucose. Control experiments strongly suggest that most extracted proteins were indeed nuclear components. Several proteins, present in the 0.4 M NaCl nuclear extract, with M(r) ranging from 35,000 to 115,000 were identified on Western blots as fucosylated glycoproteins owing to their binding to the fucose-specific lectin, Ulex europeus agglutinin I. Results of experiments involving mild alkaline treatment and peptide N-glycosidase F digestion showed that the carbohydrate moieties of these fucosylated nuclear glycoproteins were N-linked to the polypeptide backbone. Analysis of the N-glycans revealed the presence of two populations of sialylated oligosaccharides on the basis of their relative molecular masses. The sensitivity of the high-M(r) oligosaccharides to endo-beta-galactosidase and their incorporation of [3H]glucosamine suggest that they could contain repeating N-acetyllactosamine units. [3H]Fucose incorporated into nuclei was confined to the nucleoli, as judged by autoradiography of sections cut through cells grown in the presence of [3H]fucose. Electron microscopy autoradiography showed that the fibrillar centers were never labeled, while silver grains were observed on the dense and the granular components of nucleoli. Taking into account of these data most nuclear fucosylated glycoproteins extracted in 0.4 M NaCl might be nucleolar ribonucleoproteins.  相似文献   
Yang DS  Wang P  Yang XT  Wang K  Fu CF  Wang YF 《生理学报》1999,51(4):463-466
为探究授乳大鼠双侧下丘脑巨细胞催产素神经元同步化射乳反射爆发放电的中枢所中,我们采用双微电极细胞外记录技术,观察了选择性脑切割损毁后的大鼠双侧视上核内催们素神经元在仔鼠吸吮刺激下射乳反射爆发放电。结果显示:在腹侧这画以上横向民单侧中脑中部,不同能阻断双侧催产素神经元的同步化爆发放 单侧下丘脑中间内侧部横切则可阻断这种经爆发放电。这些结果表明;中脑中部至一丘脑中部这一脑区在双侧视上核内催产素神经元的  相似文献   
蓝斑核对上呼吸道阻力肌—颏舌肌功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验在38只经氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的健康家兔上进行,观察了电、化学刺激蓝斑核(LC)对颏舌肌功能的影响。结果如下:(1)长串电脉冲刺激蓝斑核使颏舌肌肌电活动明显增强,表现为长吸性肌电积分幅度升高,膈肌亦出现与颏舌肌同步的肌电活动增强。(2)LC内微量注射胞体兴奋剂谷氨酸钠,也引起明显的颏舌肌和膈肌肌电活动增强。(3)上述电、化学刺激的区域对照和盐水对照实验,均未出现有意义的肌电改变。提示:电、化学刺激LC可特异性增强上呼吸道阻力肌──颏舌肌的紧张性活动,具有减小上呼吸道阻力的作用,这对于某些上呼吸道阻塞性疾病发病机制的研究可能具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
用流式细胞术,Feulgen显微分光光度法,荧光显微分光光度法测定正常人精子核DNA相对含量:结果表明,上述方法所测得的精子核DNA相对含量稳定,变化范围小。同时用Feulgen显微分光光度法测定不育者精子核DNA相对含量。显示不育者精子核DNA相对含量高于正常人,提示精子核DNA核蛋白复合物异常可能是某些男性不育症的原因。此项研究为诊断男性不育症提供了新方法,在男性学精子核分子研究方面提供了依据。  相似文献   
Deep brain stimulation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
During the last decade deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become a routine method for the treatment of advanced Parkinsons disease (PD), leading to striking improvements in motor function and quality of life of PD patients. It is associated with minimal morbidity. The rationale of targeting specific structures within basal ganglia such as the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) is strongly supported by the current knowledge of the basal ganglia pathophysiology, which is derived from extensive experimental work and which provides the theoretical basis for surgical therapy in PD. In particular, the STN has advanced to the worldwide most used target for DBS in the treatment of PD, due to the marked improvement of all cardinal symptoms of the disease. Moreover on-period dyskinesias are reduced in parallel with a marked reduction of the equivalent daily levodopa dose following STN–DBS. The success of the therapy largely depends on the selection of the appropriate candidate patients and on the precise implantation of the stimulation electrode, which necessitates careful imaging-based pre-targeting and extensive electrophysiological exploration of the target area. Despite the clinical success of the therapy, the fundamental mechanisms of high-frequency stimulation are still not fully elucidated. There is a large amount of evidence from experimental and clinical data that stimulation frequency represents a key factor with respect to clinical effect of DBS. Interestingly, high-frequency stimulation mimics the functional effects of ablation in various brain structures. The main hypotheses for the mechanism of high-frequency stimulation are: (1) depolarization blocking of neuronal transmission through inactivation of voltage dependent ion-channels, (2) jamming of information by imposing an efferent stimulation-driven high-frequency pattern, (3) synaptic inhibition by stimulation of inhibitory afferents to the target nucleus, (4) synaptic failure by stimulation-induced neurotransmitter depletion. As the hyperactivity of the STN is considered a functional hallmark of PD and as there is experimental evidence for STN-mediated glutamatergic excitotoxicity on neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), STN–DBS might reduce glutamatergic drive, leading to neuroprotection. Further studies will be needed to elucidate if STN–DBS indeed provides a slow-down of disease progression.  相似文献   
Environmental stimuli that signal food availability hold powerful sway over motivated behavior and promote feeding, in part, by activating the mesolimbic system. These food‐predictive cues evoke brief (phasic) changes in nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine concentration and in the activity of individual NAc neurons. Phasic fluctuations in mesolimbic signaling have been directly linked to goal‐directed behaviors, including behaviors elicited by food‐predictive cues. Food‐seeking behavior is also strongly influenced by physiological state (i.e., hunger vs. satiety). Ghrelin, a stomach hormone that crosses the blood‐brain barrier, is linked to the perception of hunger and drives food intake, including intake potentiated by environmental cues. Notwithstanding, whether ghrelin regulates phasic mesolimbic signaling evoked by food‐predictive stimuli is unknown. Here, rats underwent Pavlovian conditioning in which one cue predicted the delivery of rewarding food (CS+) and a second cue predicted nothing (CS?). After training, we measured the effect of ghrelin infused into the lateral ventricle (LV) on sub‐second fluctuations in NAc dopamine using fast‐scan cyclic voltammetry and individual NAc neuron activity using in vivo electrophysiology in separate groups of rats. LV ghrelin augmented both phasic dopamine and phasic increases in the activity of NAc neurons evoked by the CS+. Importantly, ghrelin did not affect the dopamine nor NAc neuron response to the CS?, suggesting that ghrelin selectively modulated mesolimbic signaling evoked by motivationally significant stimuli. These data demonstrate that ghrelin, a hunger signal linked to physiological state, can regulate cue‐evoked mesolimbic signals that underlie food‐directed behaviors.


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