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The communities of Larix chinensis and their ecotone in Qinling Mountains were investigated by sampling belt method. Species richness, Simpson diversity, Shannon-Weiner
diversity, PIE and Pielou evenness indices of vascular plants in their communities and ecotone were calculated. Structure
and composition of the communities in 6 sampling belts within the sites were analyzed. The results showed that the edge effect
was obvious in the ecotone with a less changing environment (such as soil and terrain) and acute variation of composition
and structure, while inconspicuous or even none in the ecotone with worse environmental condition (such as great space fluctuation).
It is apparent that the edge effect of community was affected by soil and terrain, but not by microclimate.
Translated from Guibaia, 2005, 25 (2)[译自: 广西植物, 2005,25(2)] 相似文献
Spores and oligosaccharide of a strain of Aspergillus niger, which had been isolated from the inner bark of Taxus chinensis, were used to treat T. chinensis leaves. The spores decreased the dry weight and chlorophyll content of the leaves, but increased their malondialdehyde content; oligosaccharide induced similar but more moderate changes. The changes in soluble protein, phenolic content, and peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase activity were also analysed. Oligosaccharide significantly increased all these, whereas the spores had contrary effects. Results indicate that oligosaccharide, but not the fungal spores, elicited a defence reaction in T. chinensis. Possible reasons for these different effects on T. chinensis leaves in vitro are discussed. 相似文献
种子小蜂和空壳果实对生物能源树种黄连木果实和油产量的影响(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
黄连木Pistacia chinensis Bunge因果实含油量高, 被作为生物能源树种在我国进行大面积栽培推广和能源开发利用。然而, 专性寄生害虫(主要为黄连木广肩小蜂Eurytoma plotnikovi Nikolskaya)的危害及由单性结实和败育所造成的空壳果实可能影响黄连木的果实产量和质量。为了评价种子害虫和空壳果实对黄连木果实产量和质量的影响, 我们测定了河南省济源市3个黄连木种群40株结果雌树的果实产量和油产量, 同时测定了完好果实、 空壳果实和虫蛀果实等3类果实的干重和含油量。结果表明:(1)虫害率和空壳率分别达22.6%和53.0%, 且不同个体和种群间均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。(2)空壳果实(30.7 mg/果)和虫蛀果实(33.1 mg/果)的干重均不到完好果实(67.4 mg/果)的一半; 空壳果实(3.9%)和虫蛀果实(3.8%)的含油量均显著低于完好果实(39.9%)。(3)实测的果实产量(2.9 kg/树)和油产量(0.6 kg/树)分别仅为期望产量的50%(4.7 kg/树)和33%(1.9 kg/树), 但在3个种群之间无显著差异。本研究显示小蜂危害和空壳果实对黄连木果实产量和质量能造成严重影响, 在将其作为生物能源树种利用时对此应加以克服。 相似文献
为阐明施肥与猕猴桃产量、品质的关系,优化施肥配方,以猕猴桃品种‘红阳’(Actinidia chinensis‘Hongyang’)为试验材料,采用田间小区栽培方法研究了不同施肥处理对‘红阳’植株生长、叶片光合特性及果实产量的影响。研究结果显示,N、P、K任何一种元素的缺乏均会影响植株生长并降低果实产量;均衡施用N、P、K肥可以提高叶片光合作用,促进植株新梢和主干茎的生长,从而提高果实产量;如果N和K比例过大则会降低叶片气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和净光合速率,从而减少果实产量;增施有机肥对提高果实产量效果不显著,但可以提高单果重,过量施用有机肥则会显著降低产量。本研究结果表明,均衡施用N、P、K并配施一定的有机肥(N 250 g/株、P2O5250 g/株、K2O 250 g/株、有机肥6 kg/株)能显著促进植株的生长并提高果实产量。氮、磷、钾肥与有机肥配合施用是提高猕猴桃果园养分管理的有效方法。 相似文献
将黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)与另外2个种群的白蚁按一定比例放置于同一培养皿中观察其斗争情况,研究黑翅土白蚁与台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus(Shiraki)和黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensisSnyder的相容性。结果表明,实验一开始,双方的工蚁和兵蚁都立即进入激烈的嘶咬斗争,在不同配比下,开始5min内的斗争次数均在40次左右,5h后开始5min内的斗争次数陡然下降,几乎不发生争斗。各种群白蚁在其数量占优势的情况下均表现出显著的斗争优势;而在双方数量相当时,黑翅土白蚁工蚁的斗争能力明显强于另外2个种群的工蚁。结果表明,自然界中不可能出现黑翅土白蚁与家白蚁和黑胸散白蚁群体的偶然性融合,黑翅土白蚁很可能在其群体建立的地区中占据优势。 相似文献
黄连木为雌雄异株植物。为探索鉴别黄连木幼苗性别的方法,应用比色法对其雌雄株不同发育阶段叶片中水溶性酚类物质的含量、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和多酚氧化酶(PPO)相对活性进行测定和比较分析,结果表明:不同性别的黄连木叶片水溶性酚类物质含量存在极显著的差异(p<0.01);POD、PPO相对活性在雌雄株间也存在显著差异,特别在老叶中则存在极显著差异,认为黄连木雌雄株老叶中的水溶性酚类物质含量差异,可以作为其性别鉴定的依据,为进一步研究黄连木植株早期性别鉴定提供参考。 相似文献
Jinxuan Shi Mingjun Fu Chao Zhao Falin Zhou Qibin Yang Lihua Qiu 《Cell stress & chaperones》2016,21(2):295-312
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are a class of highly conserved proteins produced in virtually all living organisms from bacteria to humans. Hsp60 and Hsp10, the most important mitochondrial chaperones, participate in environmental stress responses. In this study, the full-length complementary DNAs (cDNAs) of Hsp60 (PmHsp60) and Hsp10 (PmHsp10) were cloned from Penaeus monodon. Sequence analysis showed that PmHsp60 and PmHsp10 encoded polypeptides of 578 and 102 amino acids, respectively. The expression profiles of PmHsp60 and PmHsp10 were detected in the gills and hepatopancreas of the shrimps under pH challenge, osmotic stress, and heavy metal exposure, and results suggested that PmHsp60 and PmHsp10 were involved in the responses to these stimuli. ATPase and chaperone activity assay indicated that PmHsp60 could slow down protein denaturation and that Hsp60/Hsp10 may be combined to produce a chaperone complex with effective chaperone and ATPase activities. Overall, this study provides useful information to help further understand the functional mechanisms of the environmental stress responses of Hsp60 and Hsp10 in shrimp. 相似文献
Response and correlation of above- and below-ground functional traits of Leymus chinensis to nitrogen and phosphorus additions