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Lower limb (LL) muscle morphology and growth are altered in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Muscle alterations differ with age and with severity of motor impairment, classified according to the gross motor classification system (GMFCS). Muscle alterations differ also with orthopedic intervention, frequently performed at the level of the shank muscles since an early age, such as the gastrocnemius. The aim was to investigate the alterations of treatment-naïve pelvis and thigh muscle lengths and volumes in children with GMFCS levels I and II, of varying ages.17 children with CP (GMFCS I: N = 9, II: N = 8, age: 11.7 ± 4 years), age-matched to 17 typically developing (TD) children, underwent MRI of the LL. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the muscles were performed bilaterally. Muscle volumes and lengths were calculated in 3D and compared between groups. Linear regression between muscle volumes and age were computed.Adductor-brevis and gracilis lengths, as well as rectus-femoris volume, were decreased in GMFCS I compared to TD (p < 0.05). Almost all the reconstructed muscle volumes and lengths were found to be altered in GMFCS II compared to TD and GMFCS I. All muscle volumes showed significant increase with age in TD and GMFCS I (R2 range: 0.3–0.9, p < 0.05). Rectus-femoris, hamstrings and adductor-longus showed reduced increase in the muscle volume with age in GMFCS II when compared to TD and GMFCS I.Alterations of treatment-naïve pelvis and thigh muscle volumes and lengths, as well as muscle growth, seem to increase with the severity of motor impairment in ambulant children with CP.  相似文献   
An almost complete primate ischium was recovered from middle Miocene (ca. 15 ma) deposits of Maboko Island (Kenya) in 1987. The specimen shows numerous similarities to the ischial morphology of extant cercopithecids and is attributed to Victoriapithecus macinnesi (Von Koenigswald, 1969), the early Old World monkey best known from Maboko Island. The Victoriapithecus ischium provides the first evidence of early Old World monkey pelvic girdle anatomy. The ischium is characterized by an obliquely oriented and broadly flaring tuberosity, a relatively small acetabulum with little ventrally directed curvature of its caudal portion, a long ischial body and a flange-like ischial spine positioned caudal to the rim of the acetabulum. In these features, Victoriapithecus most closely resembles the vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops. The fossil specimen indicates that Victoriapithecus possessed ischial callosities, a mobile tail and adaptations for (possibly cursorial) quadrupedalism with an adducted posture of the thigh. The occurrence of ischial callosities in Victoriapithecus extends the documented antiquity of this feature in catarrhines by more than 12 million years and shows that the distinctive “sitting-sleeping” adaptations of Old World monkeys (Washburn, 1957) originated prior to the divergence of Colobinae and Cercopithecinae. Differences of developmental sequence and tissue composition indicate that the ischial pads of cercopithecids, hylobatids, and pongids may have arisen independently, through parallel evolution. Contrary to Strasser and Delson (1987), discontinuity of ischial callosities was probably the primitive condition for male cercopithecids.  相似文献   
While metrics of pelvis and femur geometry have been demonstrated to influence hip fracture risk, attempts at linking geometry to underlying mechanisms have focused on fracture strength. We investigated the potential effects of femur and pelvis geometry on applied loads during lateral falls on the hip. Fifteen female volunteers underwent DXA imaging to characterize two pelvis and six femur geometric features. Additionally, participants completed low-energy sideways falls on the hip; peak impact force and pressure, contact area, and moment of force applied to the proximal femur were extracted. No geometric feature was significantly associated with peak impact force. Peak moment of force was significantly associated with femur moment arm (p = 0.005). Peak pressure was positively correlated with pelvis width and femur moment arm (p < 0.05), while contact area was negatively correlated with metrics of pelvis width and femur neck length (p < 0.05). This is the first study to link experimental measures of impact loads during sideways falls with image-based skeletal geometry from human volunteers. The results suggest that while skeletal geometry has limited effects on overall peak impact force during sideways falls, it does influence how impact loads are distributed at the skin surface, in addition to the bending moment applied to the proximal femur. These findings have implications for the design of protective interventions (e.g. wearable hip protectors), and for models of fall-related lateral impacts that could incorporate the relationships between skeletal geometry, external load magnitude/distribution, and tissue-level femur loads.  相似文献   
Development and use of new tracers in tumoral prostatic exploration by nuclear medicine require specifying the pelvic anatomical knowledge. This article offers a reminder of the prostate–pelvic anatomy by studying CT-scanner and MRI to know the essential structures for the writing of the medical report.  相似文献   
Muscle activation has been demonstrated to influence impact dynamics during scenarios including running, automotive impacts, and head impacts. This study investigated the effects of targeted muscle activation magnitude on impact dynamics during low energy falls on the hip with human volunteers. Fifteen university-aged participants (eight females, seven males) underwent 12 lateral pelvis release trials. Half of the trials were muscle-‘relaxed’; in the remaining ‘contracted’ trials participants isometrically contracted their gluteus medius to 20–30% of maximal voluntary contraction before the drop was initiated onto a force plate. Peak force applied to the femur-pelvis complex averaged 9.3% higher in contracted compared to relaxed trials (F = 6.798, p = .022). Muscle activation effects were greater for females, resulting in (on average) an 18.5% increase in effective pelvic stiffness (F = 5.838, p = .046) and a 23.4% decrease in time-to-peak-force (F = 5.109, p = .042). In the relaxed trials, muscle activation naturally increased during the impact event, reaching levels of 12.8, 7.5, 11.1, and 19.1% MVC at the time of peak force for the gluteus medias, vastus lateralis, erector spinae, and external oblique, respectively. These findings demonstrated that contraction of trunk and hip musculature increased peak impact force across sexes. In females, increases in the magnitude and rate of loading were accompanied (and likely driven) by increases in system stiffness. Accordingly, incorporating muscle activation contributions into biomechanical models that investigate loading dynamics in the femur and/or pelvis during lateral impacts may improve estimate accuracy.  相似文献   
A recently discovered hominid pelvic fragment from Swartkrans (SK 3155) is described in detail with particular reference to the relationship of the two presently recognized forms of australopithecines in South Africa. Results of this examination and metrical analysis indicate that the acetabulum and iliac blade of the early hominids are similar to Homo sapiens except for a unique pattern of traits: a relatively small sacral articular surface, a relatively small acetabulum, a relatively large iliac fossa, and wide lateral splaying of the iliac blades. The new Swartkrans fossil expresses these traits more strongly than does the gracile australopithecine (Sts 14) and is therefore somewhat less similar to Homo sapiens but it is very unlike any pongid.  相似文献   
During gait, patients with pelvic girdle pain and low back pain demonstrate an altered phase relationship between axial thorax and pelvis rotations (thorax-pelvis relative phase). This could be the result of an increase in axial pelvis range of motion (ROM) which has been observed in these patients as well. To establish this relationship, we investigated if altered axial pelvis ROM during gait affects thorax-pelvis relative phase in 12 healthy subjects. These subjects walked on a treadmill and received real-time feedback on axial pelvis rotations. Subjects were asked to (1) walk normal, and walk with (2) decreased and (3) increased pelvis ROM. Gait speed and stride frequency were matched between trials. Subjects were able to increase pelvis ROM to a large extent, but the reduction in pelvis ROM was relatively small. Walking with large pelvis ROM resulted in a change in thorax-pelvis relative phase similar to that in pelvic girdle pain and low back pain. A forward dynamic model was used to predict the effect of manipulation of pelvis ROM on timing of thorax rotations independent of apparent axial trunk stiffness and arm swing amplitude (which can both affect thorax-pelvis relative phase). The model predicted a similar, even larger, effect of large axial pelvis ROM on thorax-pelvis relative phase, as observed experimentally. We conclude that walking with actively increased ROM of axial pelvis rotations in healthy subjects is associated with a shift in thorax-pelvis relative phase, similar to observations in patients with pelvic girdle pain and low back pain.  相似文献   
太行山猕猴髋骨变量研究初报   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文对22例(♂11,♀11)成年太行山地区猕猴髋骨有关变量进行测量,通过有关变量单因素方差分析、R型聚类和回归分析,结果表明:太行山猕猴的髋骨变量有较明显的自身特征,髋骨有关变量在雌雄之间有明显差异。  相似文献   
Functional analysis of the true pelvis (defined as that portion lying below and including the pelvic brim) was undertaken on a sample of 36 females from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. Standard obstetric measurements were taken and compared to four additional prehistoric skeletal samples and to modern American standards for the same obstetric dimensions. Relative to the other prehistoric populations, the Kulubnarti pelves are smaller in most dimensions and, when compared to modern American standards, from one-third to one-half would be diagnosed as contracted in one or more planes. Given the meager, fluctuating resources of these Medieval Nubians' harsh desert environment, pelvic size reduction is a likely result of body size reduction as one biological response to nutritional stress (Mittler and Van Gerven, 1989; Moore et al., 1986; Van Gerven et al., 1981). It is argued, however, that size reduction created a high potential for either maternal-neonatal morbidity and mortality due to fetopelvic disproportion or neonatal loss due to low birth weight. In either case, it is suggested that the Kulubnarti population paid a significant biological price for this aspect of size reduction.  相似文献   
对鹤鸵(Casuarius casuarius)、鸸鹋(Dromaius novaehollandiae)、美洲鸵鸟(Rhea americana)和鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)的腰荐部骨骼进行了对比。鸸鹋与鹤鸵在愈合荐骨的数目与构成、腰带的结构方面最为相似,均为开放式骨盆。美洲鸵鸟和鸵鸟均为非开放式骨盆,前者的坐骨大部愈合,后者的耻骨后角左右愈合。与突胸鸟类对比发现:平胸类的愈合荐骨相对较长,髂骨后翼狭窄、几乎垂直伸向下方;突胸鸟类的髂骨后翼宽阔、水平侧向伸展并微微向背方拱起。反映了平胸类结构的原始性。  相似文献   
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