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1. 1. To examine the influence of different bed conditions (ondol sleep, bed sleep on ondol with same bedding) of the Korean ondol traditional heating system on human response during sleep, bed climates and physiological responses such as skin and rectal temperatures, weight loss, body movement and subjective sensation were measured with 4 grown-up females as subjects while they were sleeping for 7 h.

2. 2. Bed climate: Temperatures under the mattress and inside the quilt were higher on ondol while temperatures on the mattress and humidity inside the quilt were higher on the bed.

3. 3. Rectal temperature was significantly higher on ondol; skin temperature showed no major differences in relation to bed conditions. The frequency of body movements had the highest correlation with bed climate of the parameters measured.

4. 4. Mattress weight decreased on ondol and increased on the bed.

5. 5. The frequency of body movements was significantly higher in ondol sleep.

6. 6. The subjects sensation showed difference on cushion sensation between the two types of bed condition.

7. 7. To obtain the same level of comfort on both ondol and bed sleeping conditions less thermal insulating value is needed for ondol sleep.

Author Keywords: Bed climate; floor heating; ondol; skin temperature; body movement  相似文献   

At the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, a long-term effort is under way to study responses in ecosystem biogeochemistry to chronic inputs of N in atmospheric deposition in the region. Since 1988, experimental additions of NH4NO3 (0, 5 and 15 g N m–2 yr–1) have been made in two forest stands:Pinus resinosa (red pine) and mixed hardwood. In the seventh year of the study, we measured solute concentrations and estimated solute fluxes in throughfall and at two soil depths, beneath the forest floors (Oa) and beneath the B horizons.Beneath the Oa, concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic C and N (DOC and DON) were higher in the coniferous stand than in the hardwood stand. The mineral soil exerted a strong homogenizing effect on concentrations beneath the B horizons. In reference plots (no N additions), DON composed 56% (pine) and 67% (hardwood) of the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) transported downward from the forest floor to the mineral soil, and 98% of the TDN exported from the solums. Under N amendments, fluxes of DON from the forest floor correlated positively with rates of N addition, but fluxes of inorganic N from the Oa exceeded those of DON. Export of DON from the solums appeared unaffected by 7 years of N amendments, but as in the Oa, DON composed smaller fractions of TDN exports under N amendments. DOC fluxes were not strongly related to N amendment rates, but ratios of DOC:DON often decreased.The hardwood forest floor exhibited a much stronger sink for inorganic N than did the pine forest floor, making the inputs of dissolved N to mineral soil much greater in the pine stand. Under the high-N treatment, exports of inorganic N from the solum of the pine stand were increased >500-fold over reference (5.2 vs. 0.01 g N m–2 yr–1), consistent with other manifestations of nitrogen saturation. Exports of N from the solum in the pine forest decreased in the order NO3-N> NH4-N> DON, with exports of inorganic N 14-fold higher than exports of DON. In the hardwood forest, in contrast, increased sinks for inorganic N under N amendments resulted in exports of inorganic N that remained lower than DON exports in N-amended plots as well as the reference plot.  相似文献   
Phosphorus budget of a 70-year-old northern hardwood forest   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Recent measurements have made it possible to revise and improve the phosphorus budget of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, including partitioning P uptake by vegetation from the forest floor and mineral soil and estimating net P mineralization in the forest floor. Both living biomass and forest floor are accumlating P (at rates of 1.3 and 0.16 kg P ha-1 yr-1 respectively) in this 70-yr old northern hardwood forest. About 61% of the P taken up by the vegetation each year comes from the forest floor (5.9 kg P ha-1 yr-1 of a total 9.6 kg P ha-1 yr-1), even though the P content of this pool is just 5% of that in mineral soil. The turnover rate of P in the forest floor is 7% yr-1, while that of the mineral soil is 0.3% yr-1. Recycling of P in the forest floor is very efficient; of the 5.6 kg P ha-1 yr-1 net mineralization in the forest floor, only 0.3 kg P ha-1 leaches into the mineral soil; the rest is taken up by plants. This tight recycling of P is important because P is less readily available in the mineral soil than in the forest floor.  相似文献   
The study was carried out in a 40-yr old pine plantation on a Cambic Arenosol within the urban area of Berlin. Lime application (6.1 t ha-1) has led to a pH increase in the forest floor from 3.3 to 5.5 within one year and to a strong stimulation of macrofaunal and microbiological activity. Three years after liming, the C:N ratio of the forest floor decreased from 28 to 25 and P, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd concentrations in organic matter increased significantly. The organic C pool of the forest floor was almost 7 t ha-1 lower in the limed plot which is attributed to increased microbial respiration. In the mineral soil too, C-pools are lower in the limed plot, amounting to 13.2 t ha-1 or 14% less than in the control. C:N ratios have narrowed significantly from 27–29 to 23 in 10–30 cm depth. The humic acid fraction is lower throughout the limed profile while the percentage of fulvic acids has increased significantly below 10 cm. The results point to severe losses of organic matter and to profound changes in its composition. This may be of consequences for site quality and leaching processes.  相似文献   
Yokota  R.  Burnstock  G. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,232(2):379-397
Summary A semi-quantitative electron-microscopic study of neuronal cell bodies, nerve profiles and synapses in the anterior pelvic ganglia of the guinea-pig has been carried out following in vivo labelling of adrenergic nerve endings with 5-hydroxydopamine. Ganglion cells of three main types have been distinguished: 1) the majority (about 70%) not containing granular vesicles, probably cholinergic elements; 2) those containing large granular vesicles of uniform size (80–110 nm), with granules of medium density and prominent halos; and 3) those containing vesicles of variable size (60–150 nm), with very dense eccentrically placed granular cores. Some non-neuronal granule-containing cells were present, mainly near small blood vessels. Some 95% of the total axon profiles within the ganglia were cholinergic, the remaining 5% were adrenergic. However, 99% of synapses (i.e. axons within 50 nm of nerve cell membrane with pre-and post-synaptic specialisations) were cholinergic, and 1 % were adrenergic. Only three examples of nerve cell bodies exhibiting both cholinergic and adrenergic synapses were observed. Unlike the para-and prevertebral ganglia, the pelvic ganglia contained large numbers of axo-somatic synapses. As many as 20% of the nucleated neuronal cell profiles displayed two distinct nuclei.  相似文献   
Synopsis The threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, is an extensively armored fish inhabiting both marine and fresh waters across its holarctic distribution. Marine fish nearly always possess a full complement of bony lateral plates running from just behind the head to the tail, and a robust pelvic girdle complex. These armor features appear to constrain lateral and ventral abdominal distention, and therefore clutch volume. Freshwater populations in many areas exhibit variable reduction in lateral plate number, and in some regions the pelvic girdle is also reduced or lost. Freshwater populations also vary in the degree of abdominal distention exhibited by gravid females. We tested whether reduction in armoring might be correlated with increased clutch volume using five populations from the Cook Inlet area of Alaska. The hypothesis that populations having reduced pelvic girdle complexes would have greater size-adjusted clutch volumes was not supported. In fact, our two full-pelvic populations as a group had larger volumes. Similarly, size-adjusted clutch volumes were not related to pelvic phenotype within either of our two pelvic-reduced populations, nor to lateral plate morph within a fifth population. Other factors that may explain the interpopulation differences in clutch volume in threespine stickleback include body shape, food quantity and quality, intensity of predation, and even behavior. Except for a preliminary analysis of body shape, these possibilities remain unexplored. The concept of phenotypic integration suggests that these factors should be analyzed as a suite rather than individually.  相似文献   
From many recent studies, it has been argued that keratins (cytokeratins) play important roles in the morphogenesis and differentiation of organ development. To learn the role of keratin in digestive tract development, a cDNA of the chicken homolog of keratin-19 ( GK-19 ) was cloned and its expression pattern was analyzed in the digestive tract of chicken embryos. The GK-19 full-length sequence was approximately 1.6 kb and showed more than 80% similarity to human and mouse keratin-19. The result of in situ hybridization with the proventriculus (glandular stomach) of different developmental stages showed that GK-19 expression disappeared specifically in the glandular epithelium from day 6 to day 9 of incubation. Furthermore, GK-19 was localized in the notochord, floor plate, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and mesonephros. These results suggest the possibility that GK-19 may have multiple roles in organogenesis during embryogenesis.  相似文献   
目的:探究不同方法治疗产后压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)的临床疗效,并分析其相关的产科影响因素,为该病的预防和治疗提供相关的依据。方法:选取2015年1月至2016年1月在汉川市人民医院于产后42天返院行盆底功能筛查时诊断为产后SUI同时符合纳入标准的初产妇103例,并将其按患者的意愿分为3个治疗组,随访观察组(I组)有30例患者,盆底肌锻炼组(II组)有35例患者,生物反馈联合电刺激治疗组(III组)有38例患者。分别治疗8周后,通过国际尿失禁咨询委员会尿失禁问卷表(ICI-Q-SF)问卷调查、尿垫试验及盆底肌力测定进行疗效评价,并分析生物反馈联合电刺激疗效的影响因素。结果:治疗前,三组间盆底肌力无显著性差异(P0.05);治疗后,三组间两两比较均有显著性差异(P0.05)。治愈率而言,III组与II组和I组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。单因素分析显示:孕期体重增加量与产后SUI严重程度和抑郁评分对生物反馈联合电刺激治疗疗效显著相关(P0.05),而年龄、产前BMI、新生儿出生体重等对治疗疗效无显著相关性(P0.05)。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析显示:孕期体重增加量与产后SUI严重程度是影响生物反馈联合电刺激治疗疗效的独立因素。结论:电刺激联合生物反馈治疗对产后SUI的疗效与单纯盆底肌锻炼治疗和单纯随访观察相比具有明显的优势,可作为临床治疗产后SUI的首选方案。影响其疗效的主要因素为孕期体重增加量与产后SUI严重程度,故控制孕期体重可能会促进电刺激对产后SUI的疗效。  相似文献   
Feather eating has been associated with feather pecking, which continues to pose economic and welfare problems in egg production. Knowledge on feather eating is limited and studies of feather eating in commercial flocks of laying hens have not been performed previously. Therefore, the main objective was to investigate feather eating and its association with plumage damage and floor feather characteristics in commercial flocks of layers in barn and organic production systems. The study was performed in 13 flocks of barn layers and 17 flocks of organic layers. Each flock was visited at around 32 and 62 weeks of age. During both visits, the plumage condition was assessed and the density of floor feathers recorded. In week 62, droppings and floor feathers were collected. Droppings were examined for presence of feather content, whereas length, downiness and pecking damage were recorded for each floor feather. In week 62, a higher prevalence of hens with poor plumage condition was found in barn (22.2%) compared with organic production systems (7.4%; P<0.001), but the prevalence of droppings with feather content did not differ between the two production systems (8.5% in barn v. 4.3% in organic; P=0.99). Our hypothesis about a positive correlation between feather eating and plumage damage was not supported as no correlation was found between the prevalence of poor plumage condition and the prevalence of droppings with feather content. However, the prevalence of pecking damaged floor feathers was positively correlated both with prevalence of droppings with feather content (P<0.05) and poor plumage condition (P<0.01), indicating a possible association between feather eating and feather pecking. In conclusion, it was confirmed that feather eating occurs on-farm, but feather eating was only found to be positively correlated to the number of floor feathers with pecking damage and not as expected to the prevalence of plumage damage. More research is needed into the sources from where feathers are selected for ingestion, that is, whether they are picked from the floor litter, plucked directly from other hens or dislodged during preening of own feathers.  相似文献   
According to EU legislation, group-housed gestating sows must have a minimum of 2.25 m2 floor area per sow with at least 1.3 m2 of continuous solid floor of which a maximum of 15% is reserved for drainage openings. The aim of the experiment was to quantify the impact of different drainage openings on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Three successive batches of 10 gestating sows were used. Each batch was divided into two groups kept separately in two identical rooms with similar volume and surface. The solid part of the floor presented 15% drainage openings in the first room and 2.5% in the second room. The gas emissions (ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O)) were measured three times during 6 consecutive days. Gaseous emissions were significantly lower with 15% drainage openings with reductions of 19% for NH3 (12.77 v. 15.83 g/day per sow), 15% for CH4 (10.15 v. 11.91 g/day per sow), 10% for N2O (0.47 v. 0.52 g/day per sow), 9% for CO2 (2.41 v. 2.66 kg/day per sow) and 13% for H2O (3.25 v. 3.75 kg/day per sow). This trial showed the advantage, in an environmental point of view, to use 15% drainage openings on the solid part of partly slatted floors in pens for group-housed gestating sows.  相似文献   
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