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1. Echo delay is the primary cue used by echolocating bats to determine target range. During target-directed flight, the repetition rate of pulse emission increases systematically as range decreases. Thus, we examined the delay tuning of 120 neurons in the auditory cortex of the bat, Myotis lucifugus, as repetition rate was varied. 2. Delay sensitivity was exhibited in 77% of the neurons over different ranges of pulse repetition rates (PRRs). Delay tuning typically narrowed and eventually disappeared at higher PRRs. 3. Two major types of delay-sensitive neurons were found: i) delay-tuned neurons (59%) had a single fixed best delay, while ii) tracking neurons (22%) changed their best delay with PRR. 4. PRRs from 1-100/s were represented by the population of delay-sensitive neurons, with the majority of neurons delay-sensitive at PRRs of at least 10-20/s. Thus, delay-dependent neurons in Myotis are most active during the search phase of echolocation. 5. Delay-sensitive neurons that also responded to single sounds were common. At PRRs where delay sensitivity was found, the responses to single sounds were reduced and the responses to pulse-echo pairs at particular delays were greater than the single-sound responses. In facilitated neurons (53%), the maximal delay-dependent response was always larger than the best single-sound responses, whereas in enhanced neurons (47%), these responses were comparable. The presence of neurons that respond maximally to single sounds at one PRR and to pulse-echo pairs with particular echo delays at other PRRs suggests that these neurons perform echo-ranging in conjunction with other biosonar functions during target pursuit.  相似文献   
Synopsis Length-frequency data suggest Nile perch, Lates niloticus, from the Nyanza Gulf grew to a total length of 9 cm by age 118 days and 23 cm by age 287 days. A modified von Bertalanffy growth curve t = 1.35·L(1-e–K(t-t o)) with the parameters L = 93.1, K = 0.272 and to = 0.046, is suggested to describe growth up to 5 years of age and the relationship t = 1.35·(31.96 + 7.681t) for fish aged 6 years and above. Length-weight relationships were = 0.0234·-gt2.74 for fish between 7 and 15.9 cm total length, = 0.0151·2.94 for fish between 16 and 45.9 cm total length, and = 0.0023·3.44 for fish between 46 and 120 cm total length. Male Nile perch first matured between 50 and 55 cm total length when they were probably 2 years old; female Nile perch first matured between 80 and 85 cm total length when they were probably 4 years old. Small males were common, large males were rare, with the reverse holding for females. Sex change, from male to female, is a possible explanation for this size dimorphism.  相似文献   
Synopsis Changes in the daily appetite and weekly growth rates of individual adult minnows,Phoxinus phoxinus, on ad libitum rations were recorded before and after they had experienced 4 or 16 days of food restriction. Feeding levels during the restriction periods were either starvation or a maintenance ration. The latter was estimated from a previously determined regression model. Water temperature was 15°C and the photoperiod 9L15D in all experiments. The mean weight of fish used ranged from 1.06 to 2.15 g. The 4 day restriction had no detectable effects on appetite or growth. After the 16 day restriction, the minnows showed hyperphagia and had increased specific growth rates and growth efficiencies compared with control fish. The compensatory increases in appetite and growth were not sustained and within three weeks had declined to levels not significantly different from those of the control fish. At the end of the experiments, there were no significant differences between the mean weights or cumulative food consumption of the restricted and control groups. The results suggest that adult minnows regulate their appetite and growth rate in relation to their previous nutritional history.  相似文献   
In an 18 year old Japanese larch stand, leaf characteristics such as area, weight, gross photosynthetic rate and respiration rate were studied in order to obtain basic information on estimating canopy photosynthesis and respiration. The leaf growth courses in area and weight from bud opening were approximated by simple logistic curves. The growth coefficient for the area growth curve was 0.155–0.175 day−1, while that for the weight growth was 0.112–0.117 day−1. The larger growth coefficient in area growth caused the seasonal change in specific leaf area (SLA) that increased after bud opening to its peak early in May at almost 300 cm2 g−1 and then decreased until it leveled off at about 140 cm2g−1. The change inSLA indicates the possibility that leaf area growth precedes leaf thickness growth. The relationship between the coefficientsa andb of the gross photosynthetic rate (p)-light flux density (1) curve (p=bI/(1+aI)) and the mean relative light flux density (I′/I 0) at each canopy height were approximated by hyperbolic formulae:a=A/(I′/I 0)+B andb=C/(I′/I 0)+D. Leaf respiration rate was also increased with increasingI′/I 0. Seasonal change of gross photosynthetic rate and leaf respiration rate were related to mean air temperature through linear regression on semilogarithmic co-ordinates.  相似文献   
C. Houssard  J. Escarré 《Oecologia》1991,86(2):236-242
Summary The effects of seed size on growth, biomass allocation and competitive ability of Rumex acetosella plants grown either individually or in competition were studied in two populations (6 months and 15 years old respectively) sampled from a postcultivation successional gradient. For plants grown individually there were highly significant effects of seed weight on growth after 43 days, with a higher relative growth rate (RGR) observed for plants raised from heavier seeds. However at the end of the experiment, seedlings developed from lighter seeds had a RGR 2 times greater than those from heavier seeds. Final biomass of the two types was not significantly different after 73 days of growth. When plants were grown individually, there were only slight differences between populations, but when grown in monocultures of 4 plants per pot, plants from the old population had higher root and leaf biomass per pot whereas those from the young population had a higher reproductive effort per pot. This suggests that a trade-off between allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction occurs over successional time. In mixtures of light and heavy seeds, plants from light seeds were shorter, had fewer leaves and lower biomass than plants from heavy seeds, which were also taller and produced more dry matter than plants grown from heavy seeds in monoculture. The significant effects of seed weight and population on biomass parameters persisted unit the end of the experiment. Seedlings from heavy seeds were strong competitors: those from the young population grew better in the presence of neighbors than in monoculture and those from the late successional population suppressed the more the growth of their partners. Seedlings from light seeds were subordinate competitors. These results suggest that seedlings from seeds of different sizes benefit from contrasting ecological conditions and that selection acts on reproductive output along successional gradients.  相似文献   
Continuous shoot growth monitoring in hydroponics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A weighing apparatus for automatic recording of fresh weight of shoots of spinach plants ( Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Subito) growing in nutrient solution is described. The system was tested for 17 days in a controlled environment and enabled the determination of the relative growth rate (RGR) of the shoot fresh weight. Results from three consecutive growth experiments demonstrated diurnal fluctuations in the relative growth rate of the shoot fresh weight. In general, relative growth rates were between 0.32 and 0.36 day−1 16 days after sowing and decreased to between 0.11 and 0.18 day−1 during the 12 following days. The variance between three replicate growth curves was compared with the variance of a growth function fitted through destructively obtained spinach shoot weight data.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine if plant roots have to take up nitrate at their maximum rate for achieving maximum yield. This was investigated in a flowing-solution system which kept nutrient concentrations at constant levels. Nitrate concentrations were maintained in the range 20 to 1000 μM. Maximum uptake rate for both species was obtained at 100 μM. Concentrations below 100 μM resulted in decreases in uptake rate per cm root (inflow) for both spinach and kohlrabi by 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. However, only with kohlrabi this caused a reduction in N uptake and yield. Thus indicating that this crop has to take up nitrate at the maximum inflow. Spinach, however, compensated for lower inflows by enhancing its root absorbing surface with more and longer roots hairs. Both species increased their root length by 1/3 at low nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   
J. P. Hill  R. L. Malmberg 《Planta》1991,185(4):472-478
The growth of vegetative and reproductive shoots of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi is analyzed with the plastochron index to estimate the relationship between corolla growth and time. The plastochron of leaves 9 through 20 declines steadily at each successive node. The flower plastochron increases steadily during the growth of an individual cyme, with the most distal flower to open having the longest plastochron. Variation in the flower plastochron is the result of variation in the rate of flower initiation, not the growth rate of individual flowers. The corolla has an extended phase of approximately constant relative growth in length (between 0.2 · d–1 and 0.3 · d–1) until a peak of growth (0.5 · d–1) 2–3 d before anthesis. Corollas also have periodic peaks and troughs of growth that are low in amplitude (0.1 · d–1), but persist throughout most of corolla development. The pattern of corolla expansion contrasts strongly with earlier reports of the pattern of tobacco leaf growth.Abbreviations PI plastochron index - PR plastochron ratio - RGR relative growth rate in length The authors thank: Drs. T. Sage and E.G. Williams for the considerable time and space they invested; the members of Dr. R. Wyatt's laboratory for allowing us to use their computer facilities; A. Tull and M. Smith for their care taken in the green-house. This research was supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture grant GAM-89-01056 and by National Science Foundation grant DCB-87-15799.  相似文献   
Significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate has been reported in grain sorghum [Sorghum biocolor (L.) Moench]. The relationships between leaf photosynthetic rates and total biomass production and grain yield remain to be established and formed the purpose of this experiment. Twenty two grain sorghum parent lines were tested in the field during the 1988 growing season under well-watered and water-limited conditions. Net carbon assimilation rates were measured at mid-day during the 30 day period from panicle initiation to head exertion on upper-most fully expanded leaves using a portable photosynthesis system (LI-6200). Total biomass and grain production were determined at physiological maturity. The lines exhibited significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate, total biomass production and grain yield. Significant positive correlations existed between leaf photosynthesis and total biomass and grain production under both well-watered and water-limited conditions. The results suggest that leaf photosynthetic rate measured prior to flowering is a good indicator of productivity in grain sorghum.  相似文献   
In vitro vegetative propagation of Chinese cabbage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Explants from cotyledons, axillary buds, inflorescence stems and flower buds of Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson (Chinese cabbage, cv. Wongbok) were cultured on MS medium with growth regulators. Multiple shoots were obtained from cotyledons, axillary buds and flower buds but not from inflorescence stems. Propagation of shoots from cotyledons was more successful than from axillary buds and flower buds. The vegetative propagation rates varied amongst clones derived from cotyledons of the same cultivar and seed lot. The propagation rates of the cotyledon-derived material followed a normal distribution with an average propagation rate of 2.6 shoots per two weeks subculture when cultured on MS media plus 44.4 m benzyladenine (BA) and 14.8 m -indolebutyric acid (IBA). Shoots from three clones were cultured on MS medium with nine different concentrations of BA. The concentration of BA which promoted the highest rate of shoot propagation varied for the three clones and was in the range 44.4 to 177.6 m.  相似文献   
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