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Several cases of ADP-ribosylation of endogenous proteins in procaryotes have been discovered and investigated. The most thoroughly studied example is the reversible ADP-ribosylation of the dinitrogenase reductase from the photosynthetic bacteriumRhodospirillum rubrum and related bacteria. A dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT) and a dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribose glycohydrolase (DRAG) fromR. rubrum have been isolated and characterized. The genes for these proteins have been isolated and sequences and show little similarity to the ADP-ribosylating toxins. Other targets for endogenous ADP-ribosylation by procaryotes include glutamine synthetase inR. rubrum andRhizobium meliloti and undefined proteins inStreptomyces griseus andPseudomonas maltophila.  相似文献   
The localization of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain Essex 6 was investigated. After treatment of the cells with lysozyme, 90% of the sulfite reductase activity was found in the membrane fraction, compared to 30% after cell rupture with the French press. Sulfite reductase was purified from the membrane (mSiR) and the soluble (sSiR) fractiion. On SDS-PAGE, both mSiR and sSiR exhibited three bands at 50, 45 and 11 kDa, respectively. From their UV/VIS properties (distinct absorption maxima at 391, 410, 583, 630 nm, enzymes as isolated) and the characteristic red fluorescence in alkaline solution, mSiR and sSiR were identified as desulfoviridin. Sulfite reductase (HSO3 -H2S) activity was reconstituted by coupling of mSiR to hydrogenase and cytochrome c 3 from D. desulfuricans. The specific activity of mSiR was 103 nmol H2 min-1 mg-1, and sulfide was the major product (72% of theoretical yield). No coupling was found with sSiR under these conditions. Furthermore, carbon monoxide was used to diferentiate between the membrane-bound and the soluble sulfite reductase. In a colorimetric assay, with photochemically reduced methyl viologen as redox mediator, CO stimulated the activity of sSiR significantly. CO had no effect in the case of mSiR. These studies documented that, as isolated, both forms of sulfite reductase behaved differently in vitro. Clearly, in D. desulfuricans, the six electron conversion HSO3 -H2S was achieved by a membranebound desulfoviridin without the assistance of artificial redox mediators, such as methyl viologen.Abbreviations SiR sulfite reductase - mSiR sulfite reductase purified from membranes - sSiR sulfite reductase purified from the soluble fraction Enzymes Sulfite reductase, EC Cytochrome c 3 hydrogenase, EC  相似文献   
Cytochrome-c reductase (EC from Solanum tuberosum L. comprises ten subunits with apparent molecular sizes of 55, 53, 51, 35, 33, 25, 14, 12, 11 and 10 kDa on 14% SDS-PAGE. The identity of the subunits was analysed by direct amino-acid sequencing via cyclic Edman degradation. A large-scale purification procedure for the enzyme complex based on affinity chromatography and gelfiltraton is described. All subunits were enzymatically fragmented and the generated peptides were separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Complete or partial sequence determination of 33 peptides comprising a total of nearly 500 amino acids showed, that cytochrome-c reductase from potato contains three respiratory proteins (cytochrome b, cytochrome c 1 and the Rieske iron-sulfur protein), four small proteins with molecular sizes below 15 kDa (so-called Q-binding, hinge, cytochrome-c 1-linked and core-linked proteins) and three proteins in the 50-kDa range which show similarity to members of the core/PEP/MPP protein family (core/processing enhancing protein/mitochondrial processing peptidase). In fact these subunits show highest sequence identity either to MPP or PEP, which is in line with earlier findings, that isolated cytochrome-c reductase from potato exhibits processing activity towards mitochondrial precursor proteins.Abbreviations MPP mitochondrial processing peptidase - PEP processing enhancing protein This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary The rational design of ligands for the substrate-binding site of a homology-modelled trypanothione reductase (TR) was performed. Peptides were designed to be selective for TR over human glutathione reductase (GR). The design process capitalized on the proposed differences between the activesites of TR and human GR, subsequently confirmed by the TR crystal structure. Enzyme kinetics confirmed that forT. cruzi TR benzoyl-Leu-Arg-Arg-ß-naphthylamide was an inhibitor (Ki 13.8µM) linearly competitive with the native substrate, trypanothione disulphide, and did not inhibit glutathione reductase.  相似文献   
Transformation of the nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes can now be accomplished inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Many biosynthetic pathways are carried out in the chloroplast, and efforts to manipulate these pathways will require that gene products be directed to this compartment. Chloroplast proteins are encoded in either the chloroplast or nuclear genome. In the latter case they are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported post-translationally into the chloroplast. Thus, strategies for expressing foreign genes or overexpressing endogenous genes whose products reside in the chloroplast could involve either genome. This paper reviews the present status of transformation methodology for the nuclear and chloroplast genomes inChlamydomonas. Considerations for expressing gene products in the chloroplast are discussed. Experimental evidence for homologous recombination during transformation of the nuclear genome is presented.  相似文献   
Summary The nrtA gene, which has been proposed to be involved in nitrate transport of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 (Anacystis nidulans R2), was mapped at 3.9 kb upstream of the nitrate reductase gene, narB. Three closely linked genes (designated nrtB, nrtC, and nrtD), which encode proteins of 279, 659, and 274 amino acids, respectively, were found between the nrtA and narB genes. NrtB is a hydrophobic protein having structural similarity to the integral membrane components of bacterial transport systems that are dependent on periplasmic substrate-binding proteins. The N-terminal portion of NrtC (amino acid residues 1–254) and NrtD are 58% identical to each other in their amino acid sequences, and resemble the ATP-binding components of binding protein-dependent transport systems. The C-terminal portion of NrtC is 30% identical to NrtA. Mutants constructed by interrupting each of nrtB and nrtC were unable to grow on nitrate, and the nrtD mutant required high concentration of nitrate for growth. The rate of nitrate-dependent O2 evolution (photosynthetic O2 evolution coupled to nitrate reduction) in wild-type cells measured in the presence of l-methionine d,l-sulfoximine and glycolaldehyde showed a dual-phase relationship with nitrate concentration. It followed saturation kinetics up to 10 mM nitrate (the concentration required for half-saturation = 1 M), and the reaction rate then increased above the saturation level of the first phase as the nitrate concentration increased. The high-affinity phase of nitrate-dependent O2 evolution was absent in the nrtD mutant. The results suggest that there are two independent mechanisms of nitrate uptake and that the nrtB-nrtC-nrtD cluster encodes a high-affinity nitrate transport system.  相似文献   
Summary Three tobacco nitrite reductase (NiR) cDNA clones were isolated using spinach NiR cDNA as a probe. Sequence analysis and Southern blot hybridization revealed four genes in tobacco. Two of these genes presumably derived from the ancestral species Nicotiana tomentosiformis, the other two from the ancestor N. sylvestris. Northern blot analysis showed that one gene from each ancestral genome was expressed predominantly in leaves, whilst RNA from the other was detected mostly in roots. The accumulation of both leaf and root NiR mRNAs was induced by nitrate and repressed by nitrate- or ammonium-derived metabolites. In addition, the expression of the root NiR gene was detectable in leaves of a tobacco nitrate reductase (NR)-deficient mutant. Thus, the regulation of expression of tobacco NiR genes is comparable to the regulation of expression of barley NR genes.  相似文献   
Active transport systems in bacteria can be divided into two groups: those that are osmotic shock-resistant with one single membrane protein, and those that are shock-sensitive and have a membrane-bound protein complex plus a soluble periplasmic protein. Whether the bacterial assimilatory nitrate transport falls into the one or the other of these two groups has not been studied before. We report that nitrate uptake by the strictly aerobic, N2-fixing heterotrophic bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum is sensitive to osmotic shock. The polypeptide composition of cytoplasmic membranes changes in response to the nitrogen source available to the cells. Incorporation of [35S]-methionine into proteins as well as use of the A. chroococcum TRI mutant, which is defective in nitrate transport, and the A. choococcum MCD1 strain, a mutant unable to use nitrate as a nitrogen source, suggest that nitrate transport into A. chroococcum cells is mediated by a multicomponent system tightly bound to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
A range of approaches was used to investigate how species within a fire-prone Banksia woodland in South West Australia exploited inorganic soil nitrogen sources and how this changes through the development of the fire chronosequence. Nitrate and ammonium were present in soil solution throughout the chronosequence but nitrate predominated in recently burnt sites. Mean shoot nitrate reductase activities were high for all species in recently burnt sites and showed little increase when nitrate was supplied via the transpiration stream. Nitrate reductase of shoots of most species was low at sites not burnt for several years, but following transpirational induction with nitrate, developed activities similar to those at recently burnt sites. The principal amino compounds transported in the xylem were species specific, including asparagine, glutamine and citrulline-dominated species, and changed little in relative composition across the chronosequence. Species most active in leaf nitrate reduction transported the largest amounts of nitrate in their xylem sap and proportional amounts of nitrate in xylem tended to be greatest in recently burnt sites. Most of the species examined appeared to be shoot rather than root nitrate assimilators, but marked differences were recorded in potential of leafy shoots of different species to reduce nitrate. As a general rule, shallow-rooted herbaceous, non-mycorrhizal or VAM-positive species had the highest capacity to reduce nitrate, whereas woody species with ericoid mycorrhizae or combined vesicular arbuscular/ectomycorrhizal associations exhibited little capacity to reduce nitrate in roots or shoots. It seems likely that this latter group utilize ammonium or even organic forms of nitrogen rather than nitrate. Some putative nitrogen-fixing species were active in reducing and transporting nitrate, others were virtually inactive in these respects.  相似文献   
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