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Projection of land use and land-cover change is highly uncertain yet drives critical estimates of carbon emissions, climate change, and food and bioenergy production. We use new, spatially explicit land availability data in conjunction with a model sensitivity analysis to estimate the effects of additional land protection on land use and land cover. The land availability data include protected land and agricultural suitability and is incorporated into the Moirai land data system for initializing the Global Change Analysis Model. Overall, decreasing land availability is relatively inefficient at preserving undeveloped land while having considerable regional land-use impacts. Current amounts of protected area have little effect on land and crop production estimates, but including the spatial distribution of unsuitable (i.e., unavailable) land dramatically shifts bioenergy production from high northern latitudes to the rest of the world, compared with uniform availability. This highlights the importance of spatial heterogeneity in understanding and managing land change. Approximately doubling the current protected area to emulate a 30% protected area target may avoid land conversion by 2050 of less than half the newly protected extent while reducing bioenergy feedstock land by 10.4% and cropland and grazed pasture by over 3%. Regional bioenergy land may be reduced (increased) by up to 46% (36%), cropland reduced by up to 61%, pasture reduced by up to 100%, and harvested forest reduced by up to 35%. Only a few regions show notable gains in some undeveloped land types of up to 36%. Half of the regions can reach the target using only unsuitable land, which would minimize impacts on agriculture but may not meet conservation goals. Rather than focusing on an area target, a more robust approach may be to carefully select newly protected land to meet well-defined conservation goals while minimizing impacts to agriculture.  相似文献   
Existing studies suggest that biochar application can reduce soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, mainly based on short-term results. However, it remains unclear what the effects (i.e., legacy effects) and underlying mechanisms are on N2O emissions after many years of a single application of biochar. Here, we collected intact soil columns from plots without and with biochar application in a subtropical tea plantation 7 years ago for an incubation experiment. We used the N2O isotopocule analysis combined with ammonia oxidizer-specific inhibitors and molecular biology approaches to investigate how the legacy effect of biochar affected soil N2O emissions. Results showed that the soil in the presence of biochar had lower N2O emissions than the control albeit statistically insignificant. The legacy effect of biochar in decreasing N2O emissions may be attributed to the reduced effectiveness of the soil substrate, nitrification and denitrification activities, and the promotion of the further reduction of N2O. The legacy effect of biochar reduced the relative contribution of nitrifier denitrification/bacterial denitrification, nitrification-related N2O production, and the relative abundance of several microorganisms involved in the nitrogen cycle. Our global meta-analysis also showed that the reduction of N2O by biochar increased with increasing application rate but diminished and possibly even reversed with increasing experimental time. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the abatement capacity of biochar on soil N2O emissions may weaken over time after biochar application, but this remains under further investigation.  相似文献   
Damage to plant communities imposed by insect herbivores generally decreases from low to high latitudes. This decrease is routinely attributed to declines in herbivore abundance and/or diversity, whereas latitudinal changes in per capita food consumption remain virtually unknown. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the lifetime food consumption by a herbivore individual decreases from low to high latitudes due to a temperature-driven decrease in metabolic expenses. From 2016 to 2019, we explored latitudinal changes in multiple characteristics of linear (gallery) mines made by larvae of the pygmy moth, Stigmella lapponica, in leaves of downy birch, Betula pubescens. The mined leaves were larger than intact leaves at the southern end of our latitudinal gradient (at 60°N) but smaller than intact leaves at its northern end (at 69°N), suggesting that female oviposition preference changes with latitude. No latitudinal changes were observed in larval size, mine length or area, and in per capita food consumption, but the larval feeding efficiency (quantified as the ratio between larval size and mine size) increased with latitude. Consequently, S. lapponica larvae consumed less foliar biomass at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes to reach the same size. Based on space-for-time substitution, we suggest that climate warming will increase metabolic expenses of insect herbivores with uncertain consequences for plant–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   
Floral color change in diverse plants has been thought to be a visual signal reflecting changes in floral rewards, promoting pollinator foraging efficiency as well as plant reproductive success. It remains unclear whether olfactory signals co-vary with floral color change. We investigated the production rhythms of floral scent and nectar associated with floral color change in Lonicera japonica. The flowers generally last 2–3 days. They are white on opening at night (N1) and become light yellow the following day (D1), yellow on the second night (N2), and golden on the second day of flowering (D2). Our measurements in the four stages indicated that nectar production decreased significantly from N1 and D1 to N2 and D2, tracking the floral color change. A total of 34 compounds were detected in floral scent and total scent emission was significantly higher in N2 than in the other three stages. The scent emission of three major compounds, Linalool, cis-3-Hexenyl tiglate, and Germacrene D was also significantly higher in N2, but the relative content of Linalool decreased gradually, cis-3-Hexenyl tiglate increased gradually, and the relative content of Germacrene D did not differ among the four measured stages. Greater scent emission by night than by day suggested a strong olfactory signal to attract nocturnal hawkmoths, the effective pollinators. However, floral scent rhythms in the four stages did not match the color change and nectar secretion, suggesting that floral color (visual) and scent (olfactory) in this species may play different roles in attracting or filtering various visitors.  相似文献   
Caterpillars of the poplar and eyed hawkmoths (Laothoe populi and Smerinthus ocellata respectively) were reared under different conditions in order to determine why final instar caterpillars vary in colour. Poplar hawkmoth caterpillars normally rest on the undersides of leaves. Dull green and redspotted caterpillars are genetically determined polymorphisms. Caterpillars that are not dull green, however, can become white when fed on Populus alba or yellow-green when fed on Salix fragilis. Experiments showed that it is the reflective qualities of the leaves that determines which colour the caterpillar develops: if the young larva sees white then it becomes white, but if it sees green, grey or black then it becomes yellow-green. Young eyed hawkmoth larvae always developed into grey-green final instar caterpillars under our rather poorly-illuminated rearing conditions, but when reared on wild plants in white muslin sleeves they became whitish-green. In this species also it appears that colour of the final instar is determined by the reflectance of the substrate perceived by the young caterpillar.  相似文献   
In order to examine the likely impacts of climate change on fish stocks, it is necessary to couple the output from large‐scale climate models to fisheries population simulations. Using projections of future North Sea surface temperatures for the period 2000–2050 from the Hadley General Circulation Model, we estimate the likely effects of climate change on the North Sea cod population. Output from the model suggests that increasing temperatures will lead to an increased rate of decline in the North Sea cod population compared with simulations that ignore environmental change. Although the simulation developed here is relatively simplistic, we demonstrate that inclusion of environmental factors in population models can markedly alter one's perception of how the population will behave. The development of simulations incorporating environment effects will become increasingly important as the impacts of climate change on the marine ecosystem become more pronounced.  相似文献   
In addition to assessing the impacts of CO2 doubling on environment and society, more consideration is needed to estimate extreme events or surprises. This is particularly important at the intersection of disciplines like climate and ecology because the potential for large discontinuities is high given all the possible climate/biota interactions. The vast disparities in scales encountered by those working in traditional ecology (typically 20 m) and climatology (typically 200 km) make diagnoses of such interactions difficult, but these can be addressed by an emerging research paradigm we call strategic cyclical scaling (SCS). The need to anticipate outlier events and assign them subjective probabilities suggests emphasis on interdisciplinary research associations. The desire to reduce societal vulnerability to such events suggests the need to build adaptive management and diverse economic activities into social organizations. The effectiveness of adaptation responses to anticipated climatic changes is complicated when consideration of transient changes, regional disturbances, large unforseeable natural fluctuations and surprises are considered. Slowing down the rate of disturbances and decreasing vulnerability are advocated as the most prudent responses to the prospect of human-induced climatic changes.  相似文献   
Palynological studies on late Quaternary lake sediments from the region of the Amazon estuary, 100 km north-east of Belém, Pará State, Brazil, enable reconstruction of lowland Amazonian rain forest during the Late-glacial and Holocene periods. Late-glacial forests included populations of Podocarpus which suggests a distinct climatic cooling. Ilex was abundant in the early Holocene. Records of the mangrove taxon, Rhizophora, indicate rapid Atlantic sea-level rise in the beginning of the Holocene. High charcoal representation may reflect the first arrival of Amerindians in the Amazon coastal area, probably about 10 800 B.P.  相似文献   
山楂粉蝶NPV的形态发生及其宿主细胞器的超微病理变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用电子显微技术,对山楂粉蝶核型多角体病毒感染三龄幼虫后,该病毒在体内的形态发生过程及其宿主细胞病理超微结构的变化等进行了观察与分析。结果表明:病毒感染72~168h后,山楂粉蝶幼虫中肠上皮细胞内出现病毒发生基质、核衣壳、套膜、丝状纤维或称前多角体蛋白。病毒粒子、病毒束,以及病毒束嵌入多角体蛋白,装配成完全的病毒多角体。在相应的中肠上皮细胞内,细胞器如线粒体、粗面内质网、核糖体、溶酶体等均发生显著的病理变化。同时还应指出的是内质网呈指纹图谱型,板层体与示髓样小体等膜状结构的病理变化比较特殊。  相似文献   
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