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农牧交错带系统生产力概念及其对生态重建的意义   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
程序  毛留喜 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2311-2315
论证了黄土高原农牧交错带在全球所有同纬度(39°~41°N)地区中是作物生长盛期内光、温及降水条件组合最好的地带,并以初步的实证和观测支持了这一论点,阐述了通过开发能很好地适应自然条件,特别是能扬长避短,充分利用总体上虽较严酷而局部具有优势的气候资源的“系统生产力”的新思路;中心选择和应用生物量高、水分效率高、覆盖作用好的新作物和相应的种植制度,围绕生物量“为牧而农”式地实行农牧结合;重“料”于粮草,相应改变传统农业的格局,以大幅度地提高黄土高原地区的系统生产力,探索走出一条生态重建和支柱产业协调发展新路的可能性。  相似文献   
G. Regnéll 《Plant Ecology》1980,43(1-2):123-130
Summary Two sites at Örup, SE skåne, Sweden, have been investigated, viz. a grazed, unimproved, tussocky pasture on a calcareous moraine clay; and an originally similar, adjacent area that was abandoned about 1960. On the grazed site the vegetation is extremely rich in species. This vegetation type was formerly widespread, but nowadays it is rare and therefore it is important to try to conserve examples of it. In total, 80 0.1 m2 quadrates distributed at random within 4 homogeneous plots were investigated. The species composition and the cover, the height of the vegetation, the position on a tussock or in a depression and the amount of litter were recorded. The cover data were ordinated (PCA). The differentiation between tussocks and depressions and the effects of ceasing grazing were clearly separated. The connections between the vegetation and the position of the quadrat, grazing intensity etc. were investigated. The vegetation of the ungrazed parts had become dominated by Filipendula ulmaria and Carex disticha; on an average there were 5.5 species/0.1 m2. The grazed quadrats contained three times as many species and showed much higher spatial variation, important species being Carex panicea, C. flacca, Molinia caerulea, Festuca ovina, Potentilla erecta, Centaurea jacea and Serratula tinctoria.Nomenclature of vascular plants follows Lid (1974), for names of bryophytes see Nyholm (1954–69) and Arnell (1956).This paper is mainly based on a more detailed paper in Swedish (Regnéll 1979).I thank Dr. E. van der Maarel, Prof. Nils Malmer, Fil. lic. Anders Larsson, Fil. Dr. Eva Waldemarsson-Jensén and Fil. kand. Stefan Persson for valuable discussions and encouragement.  相似文献   
Forages can contribute to the nutrient supply for sows but the extent to which they can replace concentrate feeding is not well known. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of level of feed restriction and type of forage on the performance and activity of gestating sows under outdoor conditions. A total of 45 sows were distributed among three treatments, with five replicates of three sows/treatment, from week 5 of gestation until farrowing. Treatments differed in the daily level of concentrate feed provided and the type of forage offered during gestation: 90% of metabolisable energy (ME) requirements provided by concentrates and free access to a pasture (P90); 40% of ME requirements provided by concentrates and free access to a pasture (P40); and 40% of ME requirements provided by concentrates and free access to a bare paddock with hay ad libitum (H40). From farrowing to weaning (5 weeks), concentrate feed was offered to all sows ad libitum. Body weight and backfat thickness (BF) were measured seven times during gestation and lactation. Postures of sows and time spent in the pasture were assessed at the beginning, middle and end of gestation. Forage intake was estimated with a method based on sow performance using the InraPorc® model. At farrowing, P90 sows were heavier and had greater BF than P40 and H40 sows. At weaning, P90 sows maintained a higher BW and tended to have greater BF than H40 sows, but no longer differed from P40 sows. Treatments did not influence litter size, but piglets from P40 sows were lighter at birth than those from P90 sows (1.44 vs. 1.69 kg, P = 0.004). In late gestation, P90 sows spent less time standing over 24 h and less time in the pasture during daytime than P40 sows, suggesting less foraging behaviour. Sows fed concentrates to meet 40% of ME requirements during gestation did not consume enough forage to maintain the same body condition as sows fed at 90% of ME requirements. Despite their inability to fully compensate for concentrate restriction during gestation by consuming more forage, P40 sows reached a similar body condition to P90 sows at weaning. In conclusion, forage intake for outdoor gestating sows can compensate a concentrate feed reduction of 10% and possibly more, but not as much as 60%.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of seasonal variation on nitrogenase (N2-ase) activity of undisturbed soil-plant cores ofPanicum maximum var.trichoglume was measured using the C2H2 reduction assay. The largest N2-ase activity in the field, 14.7 g N ha−1 day−1, occurred in spring when soil moisture was high, soil temperature was low and nitrogenous fertiliser influence was at a minimum. The potential N2-ase activity of the cores, measured under controlled conditions, reached a maximum of 27.2 g N ha−1 day−1 and averaged 26.3 g N ha−1 day−1 over the 14 month sampling period. N2-ase activity was positively correlated (P=0.05) with field soil moisture and negatively correlated with field soil temperature (r=0.59 and −0.78 respectively). Multiple regression showed that 69% of the variation of N2-ase activity in the field was associated with the combined effects of soil moisture and soil temperature. Nitrogen fixing bacteria were isolated from the roots ofP. maximum and based upon morphology, biochemical tests and fluorescent antibody reaction, were found to be closely related toAzospirillum lipoferum.  相似文献   
Rangelands are among the most extensive anthropogenic landscapes on earth, supporting nearly 500 million people. Disagreements over the extent and severity of rangeland degradation affect pastoralist livelihoods, especially when impacts of drought and over-grazing are confounded. While vegetation indices (such as NDVI, or Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) derived from remotely sensed imagery are often used to monitor rangelands, their strategic integration with local ecological knowledge (LEK) is under-appreciated. Here, we explore these complementary approaches in Kyrgyzstan’s pasture-rich province of Naryn, where disagreements regarding pasture degradation could greatly benefit from additional information. We examine a time series of MODIS satellite imagery (2000–2015) to characterize browning trends in vegetation as well as to distinguish between climate- and grazing-induced trends. We also compare and contrast measured trends with LEK perceptions of pasture degradation. To do so, we first examine statistical trends in NDVI as well as in NDVI residuals after de-trending with meteorological data. Second, we use participatory mapping to identify areas local pasture managers believe are overgrazed, a particularly useful approach in lieu of reliable historical stocking rates for livestock in this region. Lastly, we compare the strengths and weaknesses of LEK and remote sensing for landscape monitoring.Browning trends were widespread as declining trends in NDVI (and NDVI residuals) covered 24% (and 9%) of the landscape, respectively. Local managers’ perceptions of pasture degradation better reflected trends seen in NDVI than in climate-controlled NDVI residuals, suggesting patterns in the latter are less apparent to managers. Our approach demonstrated great potential for the integration of two inexpensive and effective methods of rangeland monitoring well-suited to the country’s needs. Despite limitations due to terrain, our approach was most successful within the semi-arid steppe where pasture degradation is believed to be most severe. In many parts of the world, sources of long-term spatially extensive data are rare or even non-existent. Thus, paired LEK and remote sensing can contribute to comprehensive and informative assessments of land degradation, especially where contentious management issues intersect with sparse data availability. LEK is a valuable source of complementary information to remote sensing and should be integrated more routinely and formally into landscape monitoring. To aid this endeavor, we synthesize advice for linking LEK and remote sensing across diverse landscape situations.  相似文献   
Quantitative knowledge of stabilization- and decomposition processes is necessary to understand, assess and predict effects of land use changes on storage and stability of soil organic carbon (soil C) in the tropics. Although it is well documented that different soil types have different soil C stocks, it is presently unknown how different soil types affect the stability of recently formed soil C. Here, we analyze the main controls of soil C storage in the top 0.1 m of soils developed on Tertiary sediments and soils developed on volcanic ashes. Using a combination of fractionation techniques with 13C isotopes analyses we had the opportunity to trace origin and stability of soil carbon in different aggregate fractions under pasture and secondary forest. Soil C contents were higher in volcanic ash soils (47130 g kg−1) than in sedimentary soils (1950 g kg−1). Mean residence time (MRT) of forest-derived carbon in pastures increased from 37 to 57 years with increasing silt + clay content in sedimentary soils, but was independent from soil properties in volcanic ash soils. MRTs of pasture-derived carbon in secondary forests were considerably shorter, especially in volcanic ash soils, where no pasture-derived carbon could be detected in any of the four studied secondary forests. The implications of these results are that the MRT of recently incorporated organic carbon depends on clay mineralogy and is longer in soils dominated by smectite than non-crystalline minerals. Our results show that the presence of soil C stabilization processes, does not necessarily mean that recent incorporated soil C will also be effectively stabilized.  相似文献   
Petr Dostl 《Flora》2005,200(2):148-158
The effect of three ant species (Lasius flavus, Formica spp., Tetramorium caespitum) on soil seed bank formation was studied in temperate mountain grassland. Seed removal experiments, analysis of soil seed content and seed survival experiments were carried out to evaluate the influence of ground ants on the seed fate. In the seed removal experiment seeds of 16 species, including 5 species with elaiosome-bearing seeds (myrmecochores), were exposed and their removal followed for 39 h. On average, ants removed 63.8% of myrmecochorous seeds and 10.9% of seeds without adaptation to ant dispersal. Analysis of soil seed content revealed that myrmecochores, in spite of expectations that they would accumulate in nests of seed dispersing ants, were most abundant in the soil of control plots. Evidence on seed relocation to the ant nests was obtained from a comparison of mounds of seed dispersing and seed non-dispersing ant species, as more seeds were found in the mounds of Formica spp. and Tetramorium caespitum (seed dispersers) in comparison with the mounds of Lasius favus (non-disperser).The soil seed bank of the compared microhabitats (control plots and mounds of 3 ant species) differed in their species composition, seed abundance and vertical distribution. The most distinct qualitative differences were between seed flora of control plots and mounds of Tetramorium caespitum. Control plots had approximately 30,000 propagules per m2, which was double the number of seeds found in the ant mounds. In control plots, abundance and diversity of seeds steeply declined with depth; this trend was not observed in the mounds probably due to bioturbation. In the seed survival experiment, more seeds (2 out of 3 species) survived in control plots, which may also contribute to the higher seed abundance in this microhabitat.This study showed that seed relocation by ants does not contribute significantly to seed bank build-up at this study site. Ants may, however, increase the regeneration success of myrmecochores, mainly by dispersal for distance and placement in a larger spectrum of microsites, in contrast to species not adapted for myrmecochory.  相似文献   
Abstract. The impact of cattle grazing on the vegetation of calcareous fens was compared to the effects of traditional autumn mowing in southern Germany. Vegetation composition was studied in adjacent pairs of fen meadows and pastures with similar environmental conditions and biomass production. Vegetation data were analysed with respect to species richness, species composition and response of species traits to disturbance, including morphology, defence mechanisms, clonal growth form and generative reproduction. Species richness was significantly reduced by grazing, but the percentage of typical fen species or Red Data Book species was not affected by land use type. Detrended Corrspondence Analysis indicated that species composition could best be explained in terms of a land use gradient. Species traits showed a clear trend in their response to land use type. Grazing favoured grasses and small forbs. Only a few species with defence mechanisms against foraging were more frequent or abundant on pastures. Many other species with defence mechanisms, however, did not have an advantage on pastures. Flowering and seed dispersal traits did not respond significantly to grazing or mowing. Species with fast spreading stem derived clonal organs were favoured on pastures, whereas all other clonal growth forms and, particularly, non‐clonal species were more abundant on meadows. More indicator species of wet soil conditions and species adapted to flooding were found on pastures. Grazing can be recommended as an alternative land use to mowing in contrast to abandonment, but a reduction in species richness and changes in species composition and species traits may occur.  相似文献   
内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原多房棘球蚴病病原的调查   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文报道在内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原主体部分四个牧业旗的草场进行多房棘球蚴病病原调查的结果。发现布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)及长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguicutatus)是本绦虫的中间宿主、沙狐(Vulpes corsac)是其终末宿主。布氏田鼠是本绦虫中间宿主新记录,长爪沙鼠和沙狐分别是国内本绦虫中间宿主和终宿主新记录。布氏田鼠是呼伦贝尔草原的优势啮齿类,其平均感染率为2.43%(64/2635),越冬成鼠感染率高达5.23%—14.29%(平均6.66%)。长爪沙鼠感染率虽达16.67%(1/6),但鼠数不多。沙狐是本草原常见的食肉兽,检查6只沙狐,其中2只(33.3%)肠内含多房棘球绦虫成虫无数。用其孕节饲喂实验室小白鼠6只,6个月后检查各实验鼠,肝脏均布满泡状多房棘球蚴。呼伦贝尔草原本绦虫成虫及原头节形态特征均与我国西北本虫种差异显著,而与苏联及美国阿拉斯加的多房棘球绦虫西伯利亚亚种比较相似。  相似文献   
Summary Effects of increasing rates of lime and phosphorus addition on concentrations of available nutrients in soil and on P, Al and Mn uptake by two pasture legumes, lotus (Lotus pedunculatus Cav.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), were studied in a pot experiment using a highly leached acid (pH 4.2) soil.Liming resulted in an increase in exchangeable Ca and thus in percentage base saturation, with concomitant decreases in levels of exchangeable Al, Fe and Mn. The relationship between exchangeable Ca and Al was linear and negative with a gradient of almost unity. Liming had no consistent effect on measured CEC values. Increasing lime rates significantly reduced concentrations of Mg, K and Na in saturation paste extracts but had no effect on exchangeable Mg, K and Na levels.With increasing lime additions, available phosphate indicesviz water soluble, resin-, Morgan-and Williams-extractable all decreased significantly, Truog-extractable was unaffected, while Brayextractable generally increased. Fractionation revealed that lime additions caused a decrease in easily soluble, Fe-bound and to a lesser extent Ca-bound phosphate fractions, had no effect on reductant soluble phosphate, but resulted in an increase in the Al-bound fraction. P uptake and yield of both legumes increased with lime and P additions.Correlations between available phosphate indices and yield of both legumes were weak or nonsignificant. However, high, significant positive correlation coefficients were found between available phosphate and plant uptake of P. Indices of available Al and Mn were not generally significantly correlated with plant uptake of Al or Mn but significant negative correlations were found between available Al and Mn and yield of both species.  相似文献   
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