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Habitat destruction alters the structure and spatial arrangement of remnants and creates a novel matrix, affecting the structure of biological communities. This study evaluated the contribution of patch, class and landscape level attributes of 42 wetland fragments and surrounding landscapes on the richness, abundance and presence of waterbird species. Twelve monthly censuses identified 55 species––ranging from 3 to 40 among fragments, and a total of 84,286 birds––ranging from 15 to 19,322. Wetland areas varied from 0.2 ha to 145.2 ha. The presence of 37 out of 42 species could be predicted from the structure of the fragments and the landscapes. The most important predictors were the wetland area (22 models), the rice field matrix permeability (13 models), the microhabitat richness (7 models), the wetland connectivity (5 models), and the wetland isolation (5 models). Discriminant analysis showed that fragments richer in species than expected from their areas, are found in landscapes with greater connectivity and matrix permeability than the species-poor fragments. The total area of rice fields was not related to the richness, abundance or presence of waterbirds in the wetlands fragments. The results suggest that the maintenance of the connectivity among fragments and the matrix permeability through rice-fields could be managed to foster the waterbird conservation at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
Summary Following an intracisternal injection of sodium chloride, sodium has been localized in paraventricular and subpial tissues of the posterior fossa by means of the pyroantimonate histochemical technique, with the use of a buffered pyroantimonate medium. The electron dense deposit is present in these tissues within 4 minutes after injection and is found only extracellularly except in the area postrema. This finding supports the contention that sodium is chiefly an extracellular ion and that the cerebrospinal fluid and the extracellular fluid are in equilibrium at these sites. In the area postrema, an intracellular precipitate is noted in the vesicular structures of the atypical astrocytes of this structure and in pinocytic vesicles of the large blood vessels. The intraglial localization of sodium in the area postrema is discussed in relation to a possible function of this structure as a regulator of cerebrospinal fluid ionic content.This work was supported by grant number NB-08549-02 from the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   
Summary 1. The distribution of monoamine oxidase (MAO) within the dentate area, a part of the hippocampal region, has been described for the adult guinea pig.2. The histochemical demonstration of the enzyme was done essentially according to the tryptamine-tetrazolium method of Glenner et al., and the staining reactivity was controlled by complete inhibition with iproniazide.3. Most of the MAO in the dentate area was present in a stratified pattern. Within the molecular layer, a supragranular third reacted heavily, while a more weakly staining superficial layer could be distinguished from an intermediate, still paler lamina. The granular cell bodies were unstained. In the hilus, five layers showing alternating stronger and weaker activity were observed. The distribution of the MAO staining was compared with conventional anatomical subdivision of the dentate region.4. The guinea pig dentate area appears to have a greater amount and more stratified distribution of MAO than the comparable region previously described in the rat.I am indebted to Mrs. E. Kjær Hansen, Mrs. L. Knudsen, Mr. A. Meier, Mr. Th. Nielsen, Mrs. K. Sørensen, and Miss M. Sørensen for skillful technical assistance. This study was supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS 07998.  相似文献   
The judgments in maritime delimitation cases involving Bangladesh and Myanmar (2012) and between Bangladesh and India (2014) have resulted in a “Grey Area” in the northern Bay of Bengal involving intersecting and overlapping rights and responsibilities in terms of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf regimes. This article seeks to identify a functional solution for this Grey Area.  相似文献   
 A small-scale, “no-use zone policy” has been implemented since 1992 at Eilat’s Coral Nature Reserve (Northern Red Sea). Six years later, the status of this closed-to-the-public reef area was compared to two nearby open-to-the-public sites, by evaluating populations of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata in the strolling zone (0.5–1.5 m depth). Results from the open sites show that: (1) Live coral cover was three times lower than at the closed site; (2) numbers of small colonies (recruits) were significantly higher than in the closed site, while numbers of medium and large size colonies (geometric mean radius, >4.1 cm) per m2 were significantly lower; (3) maximum was almost half than that in the closed site (9.6 cm versus 16.7 cm); (4) average number of broken colonies was three times higher than in the closed site; (5) significantly fewer colonies were partially dead. The latter result may reflect senescence processes in the large colonies of the closed site. Although colony breakage is reduced, it appears that the “no-use zone” policy is not sufficient for protecting small reef areas. The intense exploitation of Eilat’s coral reef by the tourist industry requires’ in addition to the conventional protective measures, the initiation of novel management solutions such as reef restoration by sexual and asexual recruits. Accepted: 11 August 1999  相似文献   
GIS在描述某城区大气二氧化硫分布中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术对1996年重庆市主城区大气二氧化硫分布进行了描述和分析。采用GIS的空间分析方法泰森多边形分析和区域插值对大气环境监测数据进行分析处理,避免了以点代面的缺陷,使大气污染物分布描述更为合理。  相似文献   
Area under the free-response ROC curve (FROC) and a related summary index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bandos AI  Rockette HE  Song T  Gur D 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):247-256
Summary .  Free-response assessment of diagnostic systems continues to gain acceptance in areas related to the detection, localization, and classification of one or more "abnormalities" within a subject. A free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curve is a tool for characterizing the performance of a free-response system at all decision thresholds simultaneously. Although the importance of a single index summarizing the entire curve over all decision thresholds is well recognized in ROC analysis (e.g., area under the ROC curve), currently there is no widely accepted summary of a system being evaluated under the FROC paradigm. In this article, we propose a new index of the free-response performance at all decision thresholds simultaneously, and develop a nonparametric method for its analysis. Algebraically, the proposed summary index is the area under the empirical FROC curve penalized for the number of erroneous marks, rewarded for the fraction of detected abnormalities, and adjusted for the effect of the target size (or "acceptance radius"). Geometrically, the proposed index can be interpreted as a measure of average performance superiority over an artificial "guessing" free-response process and it represents an analogy to the area between the ROC curve and the "guessing" or diagonal line. We derive the ideal bootstrap estimator of the variance, which can be used for a resampling-free construction of asymptotic bootstrap confidence intervals and for sample size estimation using standard expressions. The proposed procedure is free from any parametric assumptions and does not require an assumption of independence of observations within a subject. We provide an example with a dataset sampled from a diagnostic imaging study and conduct simulations that demonstrate the appropriateness of the developed procedure for the considered sample sizes and ranges of parameters.  相似文献   
Many studies have been conducted to quantify the possible ecosystem/landscape response to the anticipated global warming. However, there is a large amount of uncertainty in the future climate predictions used for these studies. Specifically, the climate predictions can be very different based on a variety of global climate models and alternative greenhouse emission scenarios. In this study, we coupled a forest landscape model, LANDIS-II, and a forest process model, PnET-II, to examine the uncertainty (that results from the uncertainty in the future climate predictions) in the forest-type composition prediction for a transitional forest landscape [the Boundary Water Canoe Area]. Using an improved global-sensitivity analysis technique [Fourier amplitude sensitivity test], we also quantified the amount of uncertainty in the forest-type composition prediction contributed by different climate variables including temperature, CO2, precipitation and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The forest landscape response was simulated for the period 2000–2400 ad based on the differential responses of 13 tree species under an ensemble of 27 possible climate prediction profiles (monthly time series of climate variables). Our simulations indicate that the uncertainty in the forest-type composition becomes very high after 2200 ad , which is close to the time when the current forests are largely removed by windthrow disturbances and natural mortality. The most important source of uncertainty in the forest-type composition prediction is from the uncertainty in temperature predictions. The second most important source is PAR, the third is CO2 and the least important is precipitation. Our results also show that if the optimum photosynthetic temperature rises due to CO2 enrichment, the forest landscape response to climatic change measured by forest-type composition may be substantially reduced.  相似文献   
内蒙古巴特敖包地区早泥盆世牙形刺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
内蒙古达茂旗(达尔罕茂明安联合旗)巴特敖包地区以碳酸岩相古生代地层发育而引人注意。经多年研究,特别是李文国等(1985)的研究,使本区珊瑚、腕足类、层孔虫、鹦鹉螺等大化石的研究工作已有一定基础,并依据牙形刺首先确定了在阿鲁共剖面有泥盆纪地层的存在。但本区泥盆纪地层仍存在很多问题,必须通过对牙形刺的研究加以解决。在王成源研究员的精心安排和亲自指导下,作者等在巴特敖包地区的七个剖面进行了系统取样研究。经对158个样品(重667kg)的分析,在本区发现了大量的原定为志留纪的早泥盆世地层,包括西别河组命名剖面。分析结果同时证明,本区不存在志留系温洛克统的沉积。巴特敖包剖面断层发育,志留—泥盆纪地层交替出现,巴特敖包组应取消,原定的阿鲁共剖面层序颠倒。本区地层应厘订为志留系的西别河组(罗德洛统—普里道利统)和下泥盆统的阿鲁共组(Lochkovian阶),前者以包尔汉图剖面为标准剖面,后者应寻找更好的标准剖面。本文重点总结巴特敖包地区早泥盆世的牙形刺。本区共建立了4个牙形刺带,文中共描述了8牙形刺属,21种,其中包括4亚种、1新种(Belodellataeniocuspidatasp.nov.)和1未定种。  相似文献   
子午岭林区白桦-辽东栎混交林光合生理生态特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦娟  刘勇  上官周平 《西北植物学报》2006,26(11):2331-2337
对黄土高原子午岭次生林区白桦林、辽东栎林和白桦-辽东栎混交林3种林分的土壤物理特性和叶片光合特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)白桦-辽东栎混交林地的土壤水分明显改善,其土壤容重最小、土壤孔隙度最大,且均优于纯林,即混交林地有深层次的土壤水分可供利用,并改善了土壤的物理结构;(2)辽东栎林的光合速率和气孔导度最大,其次为白桦-辽东栎混交林,水分利用率(WUE)为混交林白桦>混交林辽东栎>辽东栎林>白桦林;(3)混交林中白桦、辽东栎的Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo值均较大,与纯林差异不显著;白桦林和辽东栎林的qP和NPQ值均大于混交林。  相似文献   
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