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Models of the visual cortex are based on image decomposition according to the Fourier spectrum (amplitude and phase). On one hand, it is commonly believed that phase information is necessary to identify a scene. On the other hand, it is known that complex cells of the visual cortex, the most numerous ones, code only the amplitude spectrum. This raises the question of knowing if these cells carry sufficient information to allow visual scene categorization. In this work, using the same experiments in computer simulation and in psychophysics, we provide arguments to show that the amplitude spectrum alone is sufficient for categorization task.  相似文献   
We present the pollen analysis of a new sedimentary sequence taken at La Pouretère ( 1720 m), in the mountain vegetation zone of the Marcadau valley (central Pyrenees). The Lateglacial and Holocene chronology is supported by six 14C-dating results. The complementary analysis of some vegetal macroremains, stomata, pollen-clusters and the use of pollen influx allows us to elucidate the dynamic of mountain species such as Pinus and specially Abies but also to infer the unusual part played by Betula at the beginning of the Postglacial period.  相似文献   
The period (in the order of 40 to 80 days) in periodic chronic myelogenous leukemia (PCML) oscillations is quite long compared with the duration of the cell cycle of the hematopoietic stem cells from which the oscillations are presumed to originate (in the order of one or two days). Our objective is to understand the origin of these long-period oscillations using a G0 model for stem cell dynamics. We determine the local stability conditions and show under what conditions the Hopf bifurcation may occur. We interpret the role of each parameter in the loss of stability, and then examine a simpler model to try to deduce possible changes at the stem-cell level that might be responsible for the characteristics PCML.  相似文献   
In Alpine Corsica, the Balagne Nappe displays the best-developed sedimentary succession associated with an ophiolite sequence. This sedimentary succession includes the Alturaia Arkose, whose age is still unknown. Several shale horizons cropping out in the Cima di Alturaia area were studied for palynological analyses. In this paper, a new palaeontological find in the Alturaia Arkose is reported and the related geological implications are discussed. The collected data indicate the occurrence of a palynological assemblage of Late Barremian to Middle Aptian age. The Alturaia Arkose can be regarded as a clastic deposit of Late Barremian–Middle Aptian age derived from rocks cropping out in Hercynian Corsica. To cite this article: M. Marroni et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).


Datation palynologique de l’arkose de l’Alturaia (Balagne, Corse septentrionale) : conséquences géologiques. En Corse alpine, la nappe de Balagne montre la meilleure succession sédimentaire associée à une séquence ophiolitique. Cette succession inclut l’arkose de l’Alturaia, dont l’âge est encore inconnu. Plusieurs horizons de shales ont été étudiés en vue d’analyses palynologiques, dans la zone de la Cima di l’Alturaia. Nous y indiquons une découverte paléontologique, et nous en discutons les implications géologiques. Les données nouvelles montrent la présence d’un assemblage palynologique d’âge Barrémien supérieur–Aptien moyen. L’arkose de l’Alturaia peut ainsi être considérée comme un dépôt détritique de cet âge, alimenté par les roches affleurant dans la Corse hercynienne. Pour citer cet article : M. Marroni et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).  相似文献   
The present paper shows possible effects of antiretroviral treatment on the dynamics of the spread of the disease of human immunodeficiency virus infection in a population of varying size. By introducing time delays, we model the latency period and the delayed onset of positive treatment effects in the patients. The Hopf bifurcation and stability behaviour of the delay differential-equation model are analysed and simulations for different scenarios depending on the size of the treatment-induced delay are presented, and the results are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The alpha-helical coiled-coil motif is characterized by a heptad repeat pattern (abcdefg)(n) in which residues a and d form the hydrophobic core. Long coiled-coils (e.g., tropomyosin, 284 residues per polypeptide chain) typically do not have a continuous hydrophobic core of stabilizing residues, but rather one that consists of alternating clusters of stabilizing and destabilizing residues. We have arbitrarily defined a cluster as a minimum of three consecutive stabilizing or destabilizing residues in the hydrophobic core. We report here on a series of two-stranded, disulfide-bridged parallel alpha-helical coiled-coils that contain a central cassette of three consecutive hydrophobic core positions (d, a, and d) with a destabilizing cluster of three consecutive Ala residues in the hydrophobic core on each side of the cassette. The effect of adding one to three stabilizing hydrophobes in these positions (Leu or Ile; denoted as [see text]) was investigated. Alanine residues (denoted as [see text]) are used to represent destabilizing residues. The peptide with three Ala residues in the d a d cassette positions ([see text]) was among the least stable coiled-coil (T(m) = 39.3 degrees C and Urea(1/2) = 1.9 M). Surprisingly, the addition of one stabilizing hydrophobe (Leu) to the cassette or two stabilizing hydrophobes (Leu), still interspersed by an Ala in the cassette ([see text]), also did not lead to any gain in stability. However, peptides with two adjacent hydrophobes in the cassette ([see text])([see text]) did show a gain in stability of 0.9 kcal/mole over the peptide with two interspersed hydrophobes ([see text]). Because the latter three peptides have the same inherent hydrophobicity, the juxtaposition of stabilizing hydrophobes leads to a synergistic effect, and thus a clustering effect. The addition of a third stabilizing hydrophobe to the cassette ([see text]) resulted in a further synergistic gain in stability of 1.7 kcal/mole (T(m) = 54.1 degrees C and Urea(1/2) = 3.3M). Therefore, the role of hydrophobicity in the hydrophobic core of coiled-coils is extremely context dependent and clustering is an important aspect of protein folding and stability.  相似文献   
During the year 2002 we have continued the works in the massive of Ardines at Ribadesella, Asturias, and especially in its fundamental cave, Tito Bustillo. Here the prospection has permitted us to find several new elements of great cultural and graphic value. A consistent deposit in four cutted contours in the form of head of hind and also two new galleries, called gallery of the Bisons and gallery of the Anthropomorphes, communicated with the Principal Gallery of the cave and mutually. In this last one exist remains of adaptation of the space, bony remains that we are yet digging and two figures of painted anthropomorphes with an exceptional interest. Finally, in the ensemble N XI, place where it is found the habitation deposit, and where we have found large masses of red colourings prepared for its use, exists a small final cave, where also it has been painted in its interior, and where the mouth is opened among the remains of a great deposit in surface that occupies all its northern part.  相似文献   
Improving coiled-coil stability by optimizing ionic interactions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alpha-helical coiled coils are a common protein oligomerization motif stabilized mainly by hydrophobic interactions occurring along the coiled-coil interface. We have recently designed and solved the structure of a two-heptad repeat coiled-coil peptide that is stabilized further by a complex network of inter- and intrahelical salt-bridges in addition to the hydrophobic interactions. Here, we extend and improve the de novo design of this two heptad-repeat peptide by four newly designed peptides characterized by different types of ionic interactions. The contribution of these different types of ionic interactions to coiled-coil stability are analyzed by CD spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation. We show that all peptides are highly alpha-helical and two of them are 100% dimeric under physiological conditions. Furthermore, we have solved the X-ray structure of the most stable of these peptides and the rational design principles are verified by comparing this structure to the structure of the parent peptide. We show that by combining the most favorable inter- and intrahelical salt-bridge arrangements it is possible to design coiled-coil oligomerization domains with improved stability properties.  相似文献   
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