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Baboons (Papio cynocephalus) imported from Ethiopia were screened for antibodies to various primate retroviruses by immunoblotting. Antibodies that cross-reacted with SIV/Mne or with type D viral antigens were detected in approximately one-third of these animals. In addition, 20% of these baboons had antibodies that cross-reacted with HTLV-I viral antigens. These data suggest that wild-caught baboons are infected with retroviruses only partially related to known primate viral isolates.  相似文献   
We compared the gastrointestinal parasites of the baboon,Papio cynocephalus ursinus, living in montane (altitude, >1800 m) and coastal lowland (altitude, 100–200 m) habitats in Natal, South Africa, using fecal analysis. While the montane animals harbored a smaller number of species, helminth egg-output rates were higher in them than in the lowland animals. The decrease in parasite diversity with increasing altitude was expected, but the difference in helminth egg output was not. It may be due to a combination of food shortage, which characterizes the montane environment, especially at the end of winter, and the high proportion of soil-contaminated items in the diets of the montane animals.  相似文献   
R-phycocyanin II (RPCII) is a recently discovered member of the phycocyanin family of photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins. Genes encoding the and subunits of RPCII were cloned and sequenced from marine Synechococcus sp. strains WH8020 and WH8103. The deduced amino acid sequences of RPCII were compared to two other types of phycocyanin, C-phycocyanin (CPC) and phycoerythrocyanin (PEC). These three types vary in the composition of their covalently bound bilin prosthetic groups. In terms of amino acid sequence identity RPCII is highly homologous to CPC and PEC, suggesting that the known three-dimensional structures of the latter two are representative of RPCII. Thus the amino acid residues contacting the three bilins of RPCII could be inferred and compared to those in CPC and PEC. Certain residues were identified among the three phycocyanins as possibly correlating with specific bilin isomers. In overall sequence RPCII and CPC are more homologous to one another than either is to PEC. This probably reflects functional homology in the roles of RPCII and CPC in the transfer of light energy to the core of the phycobilisome, a function not attributed to PEC. The genomes of Synechococcus sp. strains WH8020, WH8103 and WH7803 share homologous open reading frames in the vicinity of RPCII genes. The nucleotide sequence extending 3 from RPCII genes in strain WH8020 revealed two open reading frames homologous to components of an CPC phycocyanobilin lyase. These open reading frames may encode a lyase specific for the attachment of phycoerythrobilin to RPCII.  相似文献   
衣藻(Chlamydomonas sp)是属于绿藻门的最低等单细胞植物,为典型的真核生物。迄今以衣藻为材料所作的有关细胞骨架方面的研究多集中在微管蛋白(tubulin)。C.J.Miller等曾以衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)全蛋白与几种中间纤维抗体进行免疫印迹实验有阳性反应,但是衣藻中是否存在中间纤维与核纤层是不清楚的问题。衣藻中间纤维与核纤层的形态研究更未见报道。目前认为中间纤维-核纤  相似文献   
本文记述了中国食蚜蝇科Syrphidae、管蚜蝇亚科Eristalinae、管蚜蝇族Eristalini的一新属:艳管蚜蝇属Pseudomeromacrus gen.nov.和新种 刺茎艳管蚜蝇Pseudomeromacrus setipenitus Li,sp.nov.模式标本保存于华南农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
Three new benthic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum belizeanum, Prorocentrum elegans, and Prorocentrum caribbaeum, from mangrove floating detritus are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, ornamentation of thecal plates, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. belizeanum are round to slightly oval with a cell size of 55–60 μm long and 50–55 μm wide. Areolae are round and numerous (853–1024 per valve) and range from 0.66 to 0.83 μm in size. The periflagellar area of P. belizeanum is a broad V-shaped depression; it accommodates a flagellar and an auxiliary pore and a flared, curved apical collar. The intercalary band of P. belizeanum is horizontally striated. Prorocentrum elegans is a small species 15–20 μm long and 10–14 μm wide, with an ovate cell shape. The thecal surface is smooth. Two sizes of valve pores were recognized: large, round pores (20–22 per valve) arranged in a distinct pattern and smaller pores situated in an array along the intercalary band. The periflagellar area is V-shaped; it accommodates an uneven sized flagellar pore, an auxiliary pore, and an angled protuberant flagellar plate. The intercalary band is transversely striated. It is a bloom-forming species. Prorocentrum caribbaeum cells are heart-shaped with a rounded anterior end and a pointed posterior end. Cells range from 40 to 45 μm long and 30 to 35 μm wide. Thecal surface has two different-sized pores: large, round pores (145–203 per valve) arranged perpendicularly from the posterior margins, and small, round pores unevenly distributed on the thecal surface. The periflagellar area is ornate. It is V-shaped with a curved apical collar located next to the auxiliary pore; a smaller protuberant apical plate is adjacent to the flagellar pore. The intercalary band is transversely striated and sinuous. Cells are active swimmers.  相似文献   
食蚜绒螨对棉花苗蚜的控制作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2年的田间调查和小区试验发现:(1)食蚜绒螨与被寄生的棉蚜有翅蚜和无翅蚜在时间—数量分布上具相似性。(2)棉蚜带螨率结果说明,50%有翅蚜可被迁入初期杀死,可使大部分棉蚜繁殖力下降或不能生殖;(3)棉田播种前施肥、浅翻,对食蚜绒螨的发生量不具明显影响;(4)食蚜螨在棉田期其他棉蚜天敌缺少的情况下,填补了此期控蚜天敌时间生态位的空缺,成为棉田生态系统中不可缺少的一员。  相似文献   
为挖掘微杆菌(Microbacterium sp.)XT11在黄原胶降解过程中起关键作用的功能基因,预测黄原胶降解通路,利用转录组测序技术对该菌株在不同碳源培养条件下的转录本进行测序,对差异基因进行功能富集分析。结果表明,菌株XT11以葡萄糖为对照组,以黄原胶为碳源时可获得上调差异基因213个。显著上调的基因主要富集在聚糖降解、淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径、ABC转运、苯丙氨酸代谢、丙酮酸代谢五个KEGG途径。碳水化合物活性酶(Carbohydrate-active enzymes, CAZymes)功能注释表明,位于同一基因簇上的4个CAZymes基因和黄原胶降解直接相关,其余的CAZymes基因具有潜在的黄原胶降解活性。此外,预测到磷酸转移酶系统(phosphotransferase system, PTS)和ABC转运途径(ABC transporters)参与了胞外黄原胶降解中间产物的跨膜转运。挖掘了菌株XT11中黄原胶降解过程中的功能基因,并阐述了菌株XT11的黄原胶降解通路。  相似文献   
Summary Predictive microbiology can be used to determine and predict the shelf-life of perishable foods under commercial distribution conditions based on microbial growth kinetics. This paper presents general microbial growth kinetics with the Monod model and the Gompertz function. Additional models are given to describe effects of food composition (e. g.a w) and environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, gas atmosphere) as well as their interaction on the growth kinetic parameters (lag time and specific growth rate). These models can be used to predict the time to reach a critical level under any constant conditions within the range tested. A combination of microbial kinetics with an engineering accumulation approach can be used to predict the final microbial level in a food, or the loss of shelf-life, for any known time-temperature sequence, if there is no history effect or the history effect is negligible. A time-temperature indicator, could be used for predicting the remaining shelf-life of perishable foods under any distribution condition based on microbial growth kinetics.Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   
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