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Resolution depends on the number of points sampled in a FID; in indirectly detected dimensions it is an important determinant of the total experiment time. Based on the high redundancy present in NMR data, we propose the following timesaving scheme for three-dimensional spectra. An extensive grid of discrete t1- and t2-values is used, which increases resolution while preserving the spectral width. Total experiment time is reduced by avoiding the recording of t3-FIDs for selected pairs of t1 and t2; typically the recording is omitted for about 75% of the (t1,t2) combinations. These data sets are referred to as sparse, and post-experimental processing making optimal use of spectral redundancy provides the missing, non-recorded data. We have previously shown that three-way decomposition (TWD) within the MUNIN approach provides a practical way to process dense NMR data sets. Here, a novel TWD algorithm [Ibraghimov, (2002) Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 9, 551–565] is used to complement a sparselyrecorded time-domain data set by providing the missing FIDs for all (t1,t2) combinations omitted in the experiment. A necessary condition is that for each t1-value at least a few FIDs are recorded, and similar for each t2-value. The method is demonstrated on non-uniformly sampled 15N-NOESY-HSQC data sets recorded for the 14 kD protein azurin. The spectra obtained by TWD, reconstruction and ordinary transform to frequency-domain are, in spite of the large number of signals and the high dynamic range typical for NOESYs, highly similar to a corresponding reference spectrum, for which all (t1,t2) combinations were recorded.  相似文献   
最大信息熵原理与群体遗传平衡   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
建立了用最大信息熵原理推导群体遗传平衡定律的统一数学模型,并给出了模型的统一解,此解正是Hardy-Weinberg定律所给出的平衡群体的基因型频率,说明当群体信息熵达到最大时,群体基因型频率不再变化,即达到“平衡”。这证明了最大熵分布就是Hardy-Weinberg平衡分布。Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律与最大信息熵原理的内在一致性说明,杂交和随机交配是一个不可逆过程,使群体基因型信息熵增大,无序性增,是选择和近亲交配使群体的信息熵降低,有序性增加,育种过程实际就是调节群体信息熵的过程。过程信息熵的含义是表示一个概率分布的不确定性,最大熵原理意味着在一定的约束条件,选择具有最大不确定性的分布,从而其分布是最为随机的。最大熵原理在信息,工程,天文,地理,图像处理,模式识别等自然科学和社会科学领域都有广泛的成功应用,本文从群体遗传学角度证明了这一原理具有普遍适用性。熵是描述系统状态的函数,而最大熵原理则表明了系统发展变化的趋势,系统的最终状态必然是熵增加至最大值的状态,对于任何系统都是如此。因此,群体遗传系统的平衡定律可以统一用最大熵原理进行判定和描述;任意群体的基因型信息熵在随机交配世代传递时有不断增加的趋势;在一定约束条件下基因型信息熵达到最大值时,就称之为达到遗传平衡。本文将信息论原理应用于群体遗传学研究,揭示了基因信息熵的生物学意义,并表明可以用信息学和控制论的原理和方法来研究群体遗传学问题。  相似文献   
Exploitation of biological resources and the harvest of population species are commonly practiced in fisheries, forestry and wild life management. Estimation of maximum harvesting effort has a great impact on the economics of fisheries and other bio-resources. The present paper deals with the problem of a bioeconomic fishery model under environmental variability. A technique for finding the maximum harvesting effort in fluctuating environment has been developed in a two-species competitive system, which shows that under realistic environmental variability the maximum harvesting effort is less than what is estimated in the deterministic model. This method also enables us to find out the safe regions in the parametric space for which the chance of extinction of the species is minimized. A real life fishery problem has been considered to obtain the inaccessible parameters of the system in a systematic way. Such studies may help resource managers to get an idea for controlling the system.  相似文献   
Several types of cryostimulation have been recently proposed to rapidly lower skin temperature therefore gaining a possible neuro/muscular recovery after strenuous exercise or, more generally, in sports. Local cryostimulation may be a viable and relatively portable tool to obtain physiological benefits in previously-efforted muscular districts. However, cohesive and standardized cryo-exposure protocols are lacking as well as the righteous procedure to efficaciously combine duration, treatments and temperature in relation to desirable effects on muscular strength. In this randomized-controlled study, fifty young women were tested for maximum isometric handgrip strength, before and after exhausting contractions.Following the fatiguing protocol, the intervention group (cryo, n = 25, 24.7 ± 2.5 years, BMI 21.7 ± 1.8 kg/m2) underwent a 6-min local cryostimulation (−160 °C) on the extensor-flexor muscles of the dominant arm, while control-matched peers sat rested in a thermo-neutral room (22 ± 0.5 °C). Handgrip tests were repeated at baseline (T0), after cryostimulation (T1), and 15 min after T1 (T2). Throughout the protocol, the AUC of the strength performance was significantly higher in the cryo- compared to control group (P = 0.006). In particular, following fatigue and cryostimulation, the cryo group preserved higher strength at T1 with respect to controls (26.8 ± 2.8 vs 23.9 ± 2.8 kg, Bonferroni's post-hoc, P < 0.01). Likewise, ventral and dorsal temperature, recorded with a thermal camera, were lower in cryo- than control group (P < 0.0001).In conclusion, a brief session of local cryostimulation may acutely preserve maximal isometric force in young women following a fatiguing protocol. These findings may have implications in orchestrating strategies of district muscular recovery.  相似文献   
在生长均匀的茶园喷施氰戊菊酯(fenvalerate),采摘施药后2 h和1 h、2 h、3 h、5 h、7 h、9 h、14 h、21天的茶树鲜叶加工成绿茶,用气相色谱法测定成茶、茶汤和茶渣中反式氰戊菊酯和顺式氰戊菊酯的含量,研究了氰戊菊酯在成茶、茶汤中的残留动态。结果表明:反式氰戊菊酯和顺式氰戊菊酯在成茶中的残留水平随施药间隔天数的增加呈下降趋势,20 mL/667 m2施药剂量下,分别由施药当天2 h的9.40 mg/kg和17.51 mg/kg减小到第21天的1.07 mg/kg和1.53 mg/kg,消解幅度为88.62%和91.26%,40 mL/667 m2施药剂量下,分别由施药当天2 h的20.37 mg/kg和38.67 mg/kg减小到第21天的1.94 mg/kg和3.06 mg/kg,消解幅度为90.49%和92.09%。茶汤中氰戊菊酯含量(y)与成茶中氰戊菊酯含量(x)呈二项式函数关系,反式氰戊菊酯的函数关系为y=-0.0007x2 0.0242x,顺式氰戊菊酯的函数关系为y=-0.0002x2 0.0114x。按我国标准饮茶摄入的氰戊菊酯占每日允许摄入量的0.049%,足以达到保护人体健康水平的要求。而按欧盟的标准,饮茶摄入的氰戊菊酯占每日允许摄入量的0.0019%,即在10-5水平上,这样的风险水平已接近对非阈效应化学物质的风险控制水平(10-6)。  相似文献   
Although a major component of fitness, male reproductive success is generally extremely difficult to estimate. As a result, genetic methods and maximum likelihood models have been developed to estimate male parentage, but all are limited in practice by the degree of genetic variation observable. Scoring individuals phenotypically at a large number of random loci exhibiting dominance (e.g. RAPD markers) may provide a means of detecting sufficient genetic variation. Dominance, however, represents a loss of information and therefore greater variation in the estimate of paternity. A mixture model describing mating in a population is presented to quantify the trade-off between marker types when estimates of male fertility are sought. A sample size 1.5-2.0 times greater is required for dominant markers under some conditions to obtain the same confidence in fertility estimates as for codominant markers, although with large sample sizes the fertility estimates are similar for either marker type. Since the number of dominant DN A markers is not limited in the same manner as is the number of codominant protein markers, one's confidence in the estimates can be increased above that possible from proteins by surveying additional loci. However, for a fixed sample size a trade-off exists between the number of progeny assayed per female and the number of loci surveyed. In many cases more progeny per female provide better estimates of fertility than more loci.  相似文献   
Subspecies have been considered artificial subdivisions of species, pattern classes, or incipient species. However, with more data and modern phylogenetic techniques, some subspecies may be found to represent true species. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the polytypic snake, Elaphe obsoleta, yields well-supported clades that do not conform to any of the currently accepted subspecies. Complete nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene and the mitochondrial control region produced robust maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood trees that do not differ statistically. Both trees were significantly shorter than a most parsimonious tree in which each subspecies was constrained to be monophyletic. Thus, the subspecies of E. obsoleta do not represent distinct genetic lineages. Instead, the evidence points to three well-supported mitochondrial DNA clades confined to particular geographic areas in the eastern United States. This research underscores the potential problems of recognizing subspecies based on one or a few characters.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in fish is the result of long-term biomagnification in the food chain and is of public concern, due to the toxicity they engender. The objective of this research was to determine the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in 13 species of marine fish broadly commercialized in Aracaju, SE, Brazil and to evaluate the risks of fish consumption associated with these trace elements, using the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ). As, Cd, and Pb levels were measured with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and mercury was analyzed via cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicate a large variability in concentrations for arsenic (0.07–2.03?mg kg–1) and mercury (0.01–1.44?mg kg–1), associated with the animal dietary category. Cadmium (0.04–0.19?mg kg–1) and lead (<0.01–0.45?mg kg–1), on the other hand showed a mild variability. None of the evaluated specimens had As, Cd, and Pb THQ values higher than 1. The THQ values for mercury were higher but indicated no consumption risk, except for amberjack, and snook fish. Overall THQ indicates lower risk of consumption in fish that are at the base of the food chain, than in those that are top predators.  相似文献   
Progress on reducing nutrient loss from annual croplands has been hampered by perceived conflicts between short‐term profitability and long‐term stewardship, but these may be overcome through strategic integration of perennial crops. Perennial biomass crops like switchgrass can mitigate nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N) leaching, address bioenergy feedstock targets, and – as a lower‐cost management alternative to annual crops (i.e., corn, soybeans) – may also improve farm profitability. We analyzed publicly available environmental, agronomic, and economic data with two integrated models: a subfield agroecosystem management model, Landscape Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF), and a process‐based biogeochemical model, DeNitrification‐DeComposition (DNDC). We constructed a factorial combination of profitability and NO3‐N leaching thresholds and simulated targeted switchgrass integration into corn/soybean cropland in the agricultural state of Iowa, USA. For each combination, we modeled (i) area converted to switchgrass, (ii) switchgrass biomass production, and (iii) NO3‐N leaching reduction. We spatially analyzed two scenarios: converting to switchgrass corn/soybean cropland losing >US$ 100 ha?1 and leaching >50 kg ha?1 (‘conservative’ scenario) or losing >US$ 0 ha?1 and leaching >20 kg ha?1 (‘nutrient reduction’ scenario). Compared to baseline, the ‘conservative’ scenario resulted in 12% of cropland converted to switchgrass, which produced 11 million Mg of biomass and reduced leached NO3‐N 18% statewide. The ‘nutrient reduction’ scenario converted 37% of cropland to switchgrass, producing 34 million Mg biomass and reducing leached NO3‐N 38% statewide. The opportunity to meet joint goals was greatest within watersheds with undulating topography and lower corn/soybean productivity. Our approach bridges the scales at which NO3‐N loss and profitability are usually considered, and is informed by both mechanistic and empirical understanding. Though approximated, our analysis supports development of farm‐level tools that can identify locations where both farm profitability and water quality improvement can be achieved through the strategic integration of perennial vegetation.  相似文献   
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