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Observations by electron microscopy were conducted on Coelosporidium periplanetae (Lutz & Splendore, 1903) Swarczewsky, 1914, an extracellular sporogenic protist in the lumen of the Malpighian tubules of Blatta orientalis Linn., 1758 and other domiciliary cockroaches. Results generally agreed with earlier studies by light microscopy but also allowed a more complete characterization of the species. Some outstanding features of the protist were: amoeboid multinucleate stages (plasmodia) capable of producing cytoplasmic projections for attachment to microvilli of tubules, endogenous formation of spores, differentiation of “generative” and “somatic” nuclei in plasmodia undergoing spore formation, polarized early sporoblasts (a nucleus on one half and a chondriome on the other), and biconcave, ovoid, non-polarized spores that are retained until maturation by the plasmalemma and residual cytoplasm of the original plasmodium. The new combination Nephridiophaga periplanetae is proposed based on this new, updated information. The family name Nephridiophagidae Sprague, 1970 is resurrected to include N. periplanetae and eleven other species of protists in the Malpighian tubules of arthropods, mostly insects in the orders Dictyoptera and Coleoptera. According to its characteristics, the family Nephridiophagidae cannot be included into any of the currently recognized phyla of protists. It is suggested that it should be temporarily treated as an incertae sedis group of Protista.  相似文献   
Nymphs of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis were exposed during the penultimate and final instars to vinyl tiles treated with the juvenile hormone analogue hydroprene. Adults moulting from these nymphs exhibited deformities such as twisted wings in both sexes and modified genitalia in females. Females with deformities were unable to produce viable oothecae. B.orientalis confined on tiles treated with hydroprene at rates of 25-100 mg/m2 did not reproduce. The treatment rate of 10 mg/m2 reduced fecundity and caused 47-57% of resultant adults to have deformities, but some adults reproduced successfully and population growth was not suppressed.  相似文献   
Cyclotella ortentalis sp. nov, is described from an epilithic sample taken in Lake Imha, located in Kyungsangbuk-do. South Korea. The species is characterized by a conspicuous and short costa regularly extending from each marginal fultoportula to the valve margin. It can be included in the Cyclotella stelligeroid group. The new species can be separated from the most similar species C. stelligera Cleve et Grunov var. stelligera by the more distant position of marginal fultoportulae from the valve margin, the external long tubes of fultoportulae and having short costae. It differs from C. stelligera var. robusta Must, and var. hyalina Hust., in having much denser marginal striae; from C. glomerata H. Bachm., C. pseudostelligera Hust., C. stelligeroides Must, and C. woltereckii Hust., in its much larger valve, coarser marginal striae and short costae with fultoportulae.  相似文献   
Abundances of Phlebotomus orientalis, P. papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) and other sandflies were investigated in relation to different types of vegetation associated with endemic foci of visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar) in eastern Sudan. Sandfly collection sites were in Umsalala Village (Galabat Province) and Dinder National Park (Dinder Province). Sandfly species found in the area were P. orientalis, P. papatasi, Sergentomyia africana, S. antennata, S. clydei, S. schwetzi and S. squamipleuris. Among the types of trees in the Dinder area, P. orientalis was more abundant in forests dominated by Acacia seyal than where Combretum kordofanum, Balanites aegyptiaca, Hyphaena thaibaica or Ziziphus spinachristi were the dominant trees. At Umsalala, P. papatasi was more abundant in the village than at any site with dense vegetation, but P. orientalis was uncommon. Sergentomyia spp. were distributed fairly evenly amongst most types of vegetation investigated at both localities. The ecological distribution of sandflies and epidemiology of kala-azar in Sudan are discussed with emphasis on the association of P. orientalis with A. seyal woodlands.  相似文献   
New Pliocene hominoid fossils have recently been unearthed from Yuanmou county of central Yunnan province, southwestern China. This paper will provide free translation of the original chinese publications in which two new species of hominoid, a ramapithecine and a hominid were described and their associated faunas and stratigraphy. Comments on the taxonomic assignment of these fossils are presented as concluding remarks.  相似文献   
The longstanding problem of the true identity of the juvenile conifer clone usually known as Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Sanderi' has been solved by comparing gas chromatograms of solvent extracts of foliage specimens. Forty-seven species of the northern Cupressaceae were compared with 'Sanderi' but close similarity was shown only by juvenile forms of Thuja orientalis. All other species studied showed significant, usually major, differences.  相似文献   
Abstract The pollination biology of Heloniopsis orientalis was investigated in the lowlands of south central Japan. The receptive stigma emerges from the perianth before the opening of the perianth, and anther dehiscence is late about two days for perianth opening. The flower therefore is protogynous even though no insects visit the unopen flowers. Receptivity of the stigma is maintained for about 8 days, and even the 10 day-old flower can produce seeds. Self-pollination may be rather common in H. orientalis , which is self-compatible, in particular in the flowers which open on days unfavorable for insect activity. Many species of Diptera and Hymenoptera forage on the flowers, and almost any insect can be their pollinator. Long life, self-compatibility of the flowers, and many kinds of pollinators seem to be factors favoring H. orientalis , which blooms in very early spring when the pollinator supply is unstable but which nevertheless bears many seeds.  相似文献   
Abstract. The plasticity of the stinging behaviour of female Eupelmidae ( Eupelmus vuilleti Crawford, E. orientalis Crawford Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) was analysed through the interrelationships of a parasitic community living on larval stage of Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). In traditional African grainstores, Eupelmus females have at their disposal all the larval stages of their host. Their exploitation is revealed by the sting observed on the host caused by the ovipositor of parasitoid females. This stinging behaviour begins immediately on the adult female's emergence, and thereafter there is a daily increase in the number of hosts stung. Stinging activity is linked to the age of the available hosts, but not all of the hosts available are exploited by the two species studied. This absence of total exploitation could indicate a threshold of activity in the stinging acts which could be in part linked to the secretion activity of the poison glands of parasitoid female.
In females of E. vuilleti and E.orientalis the stinging act is usually associated with egg-laying. The relationship between stinging and egg-laying is stronger in more advanced larval stages of the host.
In the presence of parasitized hosts, females of E. orientalis and E.vuilleti can exhibit hyperparasitism. The majority of larvae (i.e. primary parasitoid) that have been hyperparasitized have been stung and a large number of them are completely inactive. However, E. vuilleti females deposited their eggs in the available space of the pupation chamber of the host. The neonatal larvae from these scattered eggs could exploit any available host without the female having 'prepared the ground' at the time of egg-laying.
In Eupelmidae, all this happens as if there were a complementary action between the females and the neonate which could, if necessary, reinforce and/or compensate for the deficiencies in the host exploitation by the female.  相似文献   
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