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新疆两盐湖可培养极端嗜盐菌组成及功能多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过分析不同成盐类型盐湖中的极端嗜盐菌群落组成差异,探究可培养极端嗜盐菌的功能特性。【方法】采集新疆硫酸盐型盐湖七角井和碳酸盐型盐湖南湖的土壤样品,通过平板稀释涂布法分离极端嗜盐菌,经过形态学观察、特征分析获取代表菌株,通过耐盐性测定和16S rRNA基因序列测序等对代表菌株进行鉴定,并对极端嗜盐菌的蛋白酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶和酯酶活性进行筛选,同时检测苯酚降解能力。【结果】本研究共获得1 679株极端嗜盐菌,代表菌株45株,隶属于5门14个属,古菌数量(70.58%)明显多于细菌,最优盐浓度生长范围为18.4%–20.0%。在属水平上,盐湖中优势类群为古菌的Haloterrigena属(32.94%)和Natrialba属(26.03%),以及细菌的Aquisalimonas属(9.85%)和Aliifodinibius属(8.10%)。两盐湖中,盐度较低的南湖物种丰富度高于七角井盐湖,古菌物种组成相似,均以Haloterrigena属为主;细菌群落组成有差异,南湖以Aquisalimonas属为主,而七角井以Aliifodinibius属为主。功能筛选表明,盐湖中80%的嗜盐...  相似文献   
磷模型在千岛湖水体污染预测中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用国际上通用的多个经验统计磷模型预测千岛湖目前的磷浓度水平,其中第6个模型最适合用于千岛湖的预测预报.利用该模型预测了磷负荷量分别减少1/4、1/2、3/4情况下,千岛湖水体中总磷浓度的响应.同时针对千岛湖营养水平控制的短、长期目标,利用模型计算出了所允许的总磷负荷量及入湖磷浓度.  相似文献   
浅水草型湖泊──扁担塘中桡足类的群落结构(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了一浅水草型湖泊──扁担塘中桡足类的群落结构,包括种类组成、种群动态及现存量。在一周年的研究中,共发现14种浮游桡足类(9种剑水蚤和5种哲水蚤)。根据年平均密度,剑水蚤的优势种为:Mesocyclops notius,Cyclops vincinuis vincinus和Thermocyclops brevifurcatus,而哲水蚤的优势种为Meodiaptomus yantsekiangensis和Sinocalanus dorrii。通过比较长江沿岸的5个湖泊的桡足类的种类组成发现,桡足类的种类数并不与湖泊面积大小成正比,这与Dodson通过研究欧洲及北美湖泊中的枝角类得出的结论并不一致。此外,虽然这5个湖泊中的桡足类的种类数多达35种,但每个湖泊中的优势种都非常相似地集中到少数几个属或种,而其它均为偶尔性种类。  相似文献   
Temperature, dissolved oxygen and dissolved methane profiles were measured during autumn and summer, in a shallow floodplain lake in south-eastern Australia to determine the effects of water-column stability on methane and oxygen dynamics. The water column was well mixed in autumn. Strong thermal stratification developed in the late afternoon in summer, with top-to-bottom temperature differences of up to 6 °C. Methane concentrations in surface waters varied over a daily cycle by an 18-fold range in summer, but only by a 2-fold range in autumn. The implication of short-term temporal variation is that static chambers deployed on the water surface for short times (less than a day) in summer will significantly underestimate the diffusive component of methane emissions across the water–atmosphere interface. There was a marked diel variation in dissolved oxygen concentrations in summer, with the highest oxygen values (commonly 5–8 mg l–1) occurring in the surface waters in late afternoon; the bottom waters were then devoid of oxygen (< 0.2 mg l–1). Because of high respiratory demands, even the surface water layers could be nearly anoxic by morning in summer. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the surface waters was always less than the equilibrium value. When the water column became thermally stratified in summer, the dissolved oxygen and methane maxima were spatially separated, and planktonic methanotrophy would be limited to a moving zone, at variable depth, in the water column. In summer the whole-wetland rates of oxygen production and respiration, calculated from long-term (5 h) shifts in dissolved oxygen concentrations over a diel period, were approximately 6–10 and 3–6 mmol m–3 h–1, respectively. These values correspond to net and gross primary production rates of 0.7–1.2 and 1.0–1.9 g C m–3 day–1, respectively.  相似文献   
Lindmark  Gunilla K. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):537-547
Until now, additions of lime have been used to restore the buffering capacity of acidified lakes, but an alternative method which is more effective in the treatment of lakes with organogenic sediments has recently been applied in a full-scale experiment. The method, called CONTRACID, is based on the cation exchange properties of lake sediment. A sodium carbonate (soda ash) solution is injected into the sediment (by a harrow), so that the sediment becomes sodium stocked. A reverse exchange occurs during subsequent acidification. Liming has a limited effect on humic lakes, since Ca-humates have a reduced reverse exchange ability and also the lime, which remains undissolved, is rendered inactive. Ionic exchange processes and nutrient transport were studied in water/sediment cores andin situ enclosures after additions of soda ash-, lye- and lime solutions with subsequent re-acidification. Sodium carbonate additions in laboratory systems resulted in a sorption to the sediment of 42–62% of the added sodium ions (5 eq m−2) and a release of 14–78 mg Pm−2 sediment. Similar results were obtained in the enclosures where phosphorus release stimulated algal growth. Sediment pH, elevated by the sodium base addition, was lowered by re-acidification. Limed systems released no phosphorus and only about 25% of the added lime remained active for future neutralization. With the injection of the sodium carbonate solution into the sediment, only about 12% of the added sodium was recovered in lake water by spring circulation. Lake water alkalinity was then 0.12 meq l−1 and pH 6.7. Total phosphorus had been raised by 0.007 mg P l−1 causing an increase in phytoplankton biomass. Observations indicate that manipulations of acidic lake sediment according to the CONTRACID method create a long-lasting neutralizing capacity and a biological stimulation (through phosphorus release), which makes the method an attractive alternative to frequent liming.  相似文献   
运用市场价值法、碳税法、造林成本法和工业制氧影子价格法、影子工程法以及价格替代等方法,以肇庆仙女湖为例,对城市湖泊水生态系统自然资产价值部分的演变进行了评估。结果得出,仙女湖水生态系统退化过程中,导致水生态系统有些服务功能的大幅度降低,如大气调节功能价值由1999年的460124元降低到2004年的8元、水质净化功能价值由1999年的11480元降到2004年的904元等;但并非各项生态系统服务功能价值都降低,有些项目的生态系统服务功能可保持不变,如水资源调节功能价值;甚至升高,如物质生产价值由1999年的152400元增加到2004年的241200元。该研究给退化生态系统的修复带来很大启示,即在退化生态系统的修复过程中要针对性的就退化生态系统的结构和功能进行修复,提高生态系统的总体服务功能价值,而并非退化生态系统的各项服务均需提高,有些项目的生态系统服务价值可以保持不变,甚至降低。  相似文献   
A study on the profundal chironomids of the artificial Lake Campotosto (Central Italy) was carried out during the summer/early autumn of 1983 and 1984, in order to analyse their composition and community structure in relation to the lake trophic level assessed by water chemical analysis.A total of about 2000 specimens belonging to 15 taxa were collected during the study.Chironomus plumosus group andTanytarsus spp. dominated in 1983 and 1984, respectively, showing a competitive relationship probably due to the larval size. The functional feeding organization was mostly composed of collectors (percentages greater than 90%), revealing the presence of abundant fine organic deposits (FPOM). Diversity and evenness appeared to be negatively affected by the monotony of food, which seems to constitute the key factor in governing both the taxonomic and the trophic structure of chironomid fauna.A clear discrepancy between water chemical data and profundal chironomid analyses was observed in the assessment of the lake trophic level. Sediments exhibited eutrophicated conditions, whereas overlying waters indicated an oligotrophic status. The relevance of profundal macrobenthic investigations in detecting eutrophication is stressed.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to identify problems, find general patterns, and extract recommendations for successful biomanipulation. An important conclusion is that the pelagic food chain from fish to algae may not be the only process affected by a biomanipulation. Instead, this process should be viewed as the “trigger” for secondary processes, such as establishment of submerged macrophytes, reduced internal loading of nutrients, and reduced resuspension of particles from the sediment. However, fish reduction also leads to a high recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, which feed extensively on zooplankton. This expansion of YOY the first years after fish reduction is probably a major reason for less successful biomanipulations. Recent, large-scale biomanipulations have made it possible to update earlier recommendations regarding when, where, and how biomanipulation should be performed. More applicable recommendations include (1) the reduction in the biomass of planktivorous fish should be 75% or more; (2) the fish reduction should be performed efficiently and rapidly (within 1–3 years); (3) efforts should be made to reduce the number of benthic feeding fish; (4) the recruitment of YOY fish should be reduced; (5) the conditions for establishment of submerged macrophytes should be improved; and (6) the external input of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) should be reduced as much as possible before the biomanipulation. Recent biomanipulations have shown that, correctly performed, the method also achieves results in large, relatively deep and eutrophic lakes, at least in a 5-year perspective. Although repeated measures may be necessary, the general conclusion is that biomanipulation is not only possible, but also a relatively inexpensive and attractive method for management of eutrophic lakes, and in particular as a follow-up measure to reduced nutrient load. Received 14 April 1998; accepted 31 August 1998  相似文献   
1. The distribution of zooplankton in shallow lakes is negatively related to macrophyte density. However, the abundance of their food along density gradients of macrophytes is unknown. A common but untested assumption is that food quantity and quality for pelagic zooplankton is poor in the littoral zone owing to the deleterious influence of macrophytes on phytoplankton. 2. We tested this assumption with a combination of a field survey and laboratory experiments. We collected seston samples from the littoral and pelagic zones of four shallow temperate lakes and related food quantity (phytoplankton biovolume) and quality to macrophyte abundance (per cent volume infested). Seston food quality was assessed in three ways: N/C and P/C ratios, polyunsaturated fatty acid content and phytoplankton community composition. In the laboratory, we measured the growth and reproduction of Daphnia pulicaria on diets consisting of seston from the littoral and pelagic zones in one lake. 3. In our four study lakes, food quantity was not significantly influenced by macrophyte abundance, and food quality was generally high. Laboratory experiments showed increased juvenile growth, but no significant change in D. pulicaria reproduction, when feeding on littoral resources compared to pelagic resources. 4. Our results suggest that there is no nutritional cost to pelagic zooplankton inhabiting the littoral zone. Therefore, it is likely that other factors (e.g. predation, abiotic factors) are involved in determining zooplankton habitat use.  相似文献   
Vendace Coregonus albula has invaded the subarctic Pasvik hydrosystem, northern Norway and Russia, after being translocated from its native Finnish range into Lake Inari (Finland), upstream of Pasvik. The development of the invader and the effects on two native lake communities in the upstream and downstream part of the hydrosystem, respectively, have been monitored since 1991. In the upstream lake location, the invader relegated the native whitefish Coregonus lavaretus from the pelagic habitat within a few years. An expected similar development in the downstream location was, however, not observed. Data are presented on the diet and microhabitat use (vertical pelagic zone) for three types of replicated situation: (1) the invader v. the native species, (2) upstream v . downstream lakes and (3) early and late invasion stages, to explore the outcome of the competitive interactions. The use of different microhabitats available within the deeper pelagic zone in the downstream location was observed to have delayed the negative effects on native whitefish, possibly enabling a persistent coexistence between the two species in the pelagic zone of this lake.  相似文献   
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