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In approaching the taxonomy of Neolithic Man and its phylogenetic relationship to Later Paleolithic Man and Modern Man in China, the statistical methods used here are Penrose's shape distance and PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The scattergram based on principal component scores, combines the dendrogram based on Penrose's shape distance, and takes the male taxonomy into main consideration, but takes the female taxonomy — as a reference only because the differentiations in physical characteristics among male populations generally are rather larger than those among the female populations. Thus according to this scattergram, Neolithic Man in China can be divided into two large groups: the Northern China group, and the Southern China group. The theory is that in Hengzhen there exist some blood mixtures between the Southern China Group and the Northern China Group (especially the third subgroup) of Neolithic Man. Later Paleolithic Man of China — Liujiang and Upper-Cave Man — can also clearly distinguished from the rest of Neolithic Man in China in the scattergram, and can be considered as two different local types of Later Paleolithic Man. So-called “Negro-Australoid” racial traits can themselves be doubtlessly traced back to Later Paleolithic Man of China — Liujiang and Upper-cave Man. These traits are the intrinsic characteristics of Neolithic Man in China and only then is there slight difference in the extent of the manifestation of these traits in the population.  相似文献   
在旧石器时代考古遗址研究中,动物的死亡年龄往往能够反映古人类的生存能力及猎物选择趋向;死亡季节则是研究古人类人口数量变化、聚居模式等生存适应问题的重要途径。牙齿垩质切片研究表明,垩质的沉积与树木年轮的生长相似,具有较强的季节规律性和终生生长的特点,可被用于同时推断动物的死亡年龄与季节。垩质年轮法在国外已经有不少较为成功的应用范例,但由于其自身局限及我国旧石器时代动物考古学的发展状况,这一方法至今并未得到较好的应用。本文主要介绍垩质年轮法原理及其在旧石器时代考古学研究中的应用实例,并对该方法在国内遗址相关研究中的应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   
The open-air site of Kalavan 1 is located in the Aregunyats mountain chain (at 1640 m above sea level) on the northern bank of Lake Sevan. It is the first Upper Palaeolithic site excavated in Armenia. Led by an Armenian-French team, several excavations (2005–2009) have revealed a well preserved palaeosoil, dated to around 14,000 BP (years before present), containing fauna, lithic artefacts, as well as several hearths and activity areas that structure the settlement. The initial studies enable placement of the site in its environment and justify palaeoethnological analysis of the Epigravettian human groups of the Lesser Caucasus.  相似文献   
Since the early 1980s, the sourcing of lithic raw materials has become central to studies of the territorial range and mobility strategies of Pleistocene foraging societies. Results have been fruitful but somehow repetitive. We will discuss the embedded procurement strategy, which presumes that raw material acquisition was part of other subsistence activities rather than an autonomous technological task. We argue that this theoretical assumption, when taken as dogma, restricts the role of technology in human history and also underestimates the way some lithic resources may have affected the organization of past hunter‐gatherers. We base our discussion on the Upper Paleolithic (UP) from the Liguro‐Provençal arc, with examples from the Proto‐Aurignacian and the Epigravettian. Our regional record shows that in this context the movement of rocks over distances greater than 100 km was the norm rather than the exception. We argue that these long‐distance procurements mirror technical needs that were oriented toward the selection of high‐quality flints. We support the hypothesis that indirect procurement was an important component of regional socio‐economic networks.  相似文献   
李锋  陈福友  李罡  王山  高星 《人类学学报》2015,34(2):180-191
徐家城遗址是甘肃省新发现的含丰富旧石器文化遗物的遗址,主要埋藏于水洛河二级阶地上覆的马兰黄土中,年代在距今4.3~2.3万年间。徐家城遗址的拼合分析显示,4B、4C层剥片与石器加工行为是石制品空间分布形成的主要原因,但可能存在遗址使用时古人类对石制品位置改变的行为;4A层石制品零散分布可能反映了此时遗址处于古人类活动的边缘地带。遗址剥片方法以硬锤锤击法为主,石核剥片序列主要以转向为主,古人类对石料进行单层或多层开发;同时部分石器破碎后古人类可能对其进行再利用。平面分布显示发掘区内可能存在两个相对集中的剥片区域,并且古人类在同一区域剥片和加工石器。然因遗址石制品原料性质、发掘面积等局限性,拼合分析的优势并未在此项研究中尽现。今后此类研究应结合其他研究方法,综合多方面信息解释遗址形成过程、石器技术及遗址空间利用方式。  相似文献   
Gingival eruption of the permanent teeth of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo, diagnosed from enamel scratches and facets, is similar save for two sequences: eruption of the canines relative to the premolars which may be sexually dimorphic; and agenesis of M3 with delayed eruption of M2, first seen in Homo at two million years. Gingival eruption sequences are similar also for early and modern Homo, except that in some individuals today M3, M2, M1 and I2 take longer to form and emerge through the gingiva as functioning teeth. Probably, from two million years to the present in the evolutionary history of Homo dental development slowed-down. More and more of ontogeny has been taken over for eruption.  相似文献   
对九件手斧标本的再研究和关于莫维斯理论之拙见   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
林圣龙 《人类学学报》1994,13(3):189-208
本文对中国发现的九件手斧标本进行了再研究,结果表明有几件标本还是应维持原研究者的意见,如平梁P.3468号、三门峡P.2768号和梁山P.4171号标本应归入镐的范畴,丁村P.0684号标本是三棱镐.沙女沟标本(原丁村P.1889号标本)为似乎斧石器,丁村P.1844号标本为多边砍砸器.关于乾县P.5786号和百色P.8203号标本,笔者倾向于认为可能是石核斧.涝池河标本的类型归属暂且存疑.在此基础上,评论了莫维斯的理论.  相似文献   
黑龙江省的旧石器考古发掘与研究始于上世纪30年代,迄今为止已有正式报道或发表的遗址和地点100余处,分布在黑龙江省境内各处,年代上均属于旧石器时代晚期.2017年初,根据齐齐哈尔市查哈阳农场群众提供的线索,笔者等在甘南县环太平湖水库周边发现多处旧石器地点以及原料产地.经对该地区的踏勘调查和对一处地点的小规模剖面清理发现...  相似文献   
二道沟地点坡积地层中石核的形态和技术分析显示, 至少存在三种剥片技术。一是简单锤击剥片, 以简单石核、多台面石核为代表; 二是系统剥片,以漏斗型石核、盘状石核、交互打击石核和扁脸石为代表; 三为细石器技术, 以细石核为代表。在锤击剥片过程中, 至少有三种剥片方式存在于二道沟地点的石核上, 即单向打片、交互打片和多向打片。  相似文献   
本文记述了2004年采集自临安市5个地点的旧石器时代的石制品22件,其中1件出自下蜀土层中,其余均为脱层标本。石器中以厚石片为毛坯加工成器的比例明显高于西苕溪流域,应引起关注。出自下蜀土层的标本属于晚更新世晚期,有网纹印痕的标本可能归旧石器时代早期至中期,而没有网纹印痕的脱层标本的年代应不早于网纹红土的年代。  相似文献   
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