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The objectives of this work were to develop biodegradable trays from cassava starch, sugarcane fibers and Na-montmorillonite (Na-MMT) using a baking process and to study the effects of these components on the microstructure and physicochemical and mechanical properties of the trays. All formulations resulted in well-shaped trays with densities between 0.1941 and 0.2966 g/cm3. The addition of fibers and Na-MMT resulted in less dense and less rigid trays. As observed in the water sorption isotherms, the increase in the equilibrium moisture content was more pronounced when the samples were stored at RH (relative humidity) above 75%. The foams had high water absorption capacities (>50%) when immersed in water (1 min). The studied processing conditions resulted in good nanoclay dispersion, leading to the formation of an exfoliated structure. The trays developed in this study represent an alternative for the packaging of foods with low water contents.  相似文献   
In order to aid the study of photoacclimation, a new programmable deviceis described which provides automatic on-line acquisition of in vivo cellabsorption in phytoplankton cultures. The system was used for a long-termstudy of Rhodomonas salina grown at constant photon flux density ina nitrate-limited continuous culture with different dilution rates. Particulate absorption measured at the red chlorophyll a (Chl a)maximum was not a good proxy of biomass, because of the large variabilityof cellular chlorophyll induced by nitrogen limitation. However, thedevice is well suited to automatic assessment of Chl a andphycoerythrin (PE) concentrations in phytoplankton cultures, if algal cellsize and concentration are measured in parallel to correct the packagingeffect. The effects of nitrogen limitation on Chl a and PE contentsand particle absorbance are discussed.  相似文献   
A total of 50 Escherichia coli were isolated from buffalo meat and their antibiotic profiling was carried out. 90% E. coli isolates showed resistant to two or more classes of 21 commonly used antibiotics. Moreover, there was also variation in resistance/sensitivity behavior towards antibiotics. Highest resistance was found to be against methicillin (84%) in the isolates followed by vancomicin (70%), sulphadiazine (68%) and cefaclor (66%), whereas, resistance was less common for kanamycin (8%) and chloramphenicol (4%). ECMB1, ECMA2, ECMA8, ECMS9 and ECMA31 strains showed highest MDR pattern with presence of blaCTX-M, qnr S and qnr B resistant genes. ECMB1 strain was resistant to 14 antibiotics belonging to 7 different classes. Therefore, ECMB1 was selected for further studies. Sodium Alginate Film incorporated with 10, 20, and 30% ethanolic extract of Syzygium cumini (EESC) were formulated and characterized using state-of-art techniques. A dose-dependent antibacterial activity against E. coli ECMB1 was recorded by the films made from EESC (EESCF). The growth kinetics of E. coli strain ECMB1 showed 9% decrease in log CFU when it was cultured in 30% EESCF as compared to control cells after 12 h of growth. Present finding highlight the efficacy and possible use of EESCF as meat packaging film to prevent food spoilage caused by MDR bacteria.  相似文献   
Packaging of viral genomes into preformed procapsids requires the controlled and synchronized activity of an ATPase and a genome-processing nuclease, both located in the large terminase (L-terminase) subunit. In this paper, we have characterized the structure and regulation of bacteriophage P22 L-terminase (gp2). Limited proteolysis reveals a bipartite organization consisting of an N-terminal ATPase core flexibly connected to a C-terminal nuclease domain. The 2.02 Å crystal structure of P22 headful nuclease obtained by in-drop proteolysis of full-length L-terminase (FL-L-terminase) reveals a central seven-stranded β-sheet core that harbors two magnesium ions. Modeling studies with DNA suggest that the two ions are poised for two-metal ion-dependent catalysis, but the nuclease DNA binding surface is sterically hindered by a loop-helix (L12) motif, which is incompatible with catalysis. Accordingly, the isolated nuclease is completely inactive in vitro, whereas it exhibits endonucleolytic activity in the context of FL-L-terminase. Deleting the autoinhibitory L12 motif (or just the loop L1) restores nuclease activity to a level comparable with FL-L-terminase. Together, these results suggest that the activity of P22 headful nuclease is regulated by intramolecular cross-talk with the N-terminal ATPase domain. This cross-talk allows for precise and controlled cleavage of DNA that is essential for genome packaging.  相似文献   
DNA packaging in tailed bacteriophages and other viruses requires assembly of a complex molecular machine at a specific vertex of the procapsid. This machine is composed of the portal protein that provides a tunnel for DNA entry, an ATPase that fuels DNA translocation (large terminase subunit), and most frequently, a small terminase subunit. Here we characterized the interaction between the terminase ATPase subunit of bacteriophage SPP1 (gp2) and the procapsid portal vertex. We found, by affinity pulldown assays with purified proteins, that gp2 interacts with the portal protein, gp6, independently of the terminase small subunit gp1, DNA, or ATP. The gp2-procapsid interaction via the portal protein depends on gp2 concentration and requires the presence of divalent cations. Competition experiments showed that isolated gp6 can only inhibit gp2-procapsid interactions and DNA packaging at gp6:procapsid molar ratios above 10-fold. Assays with gp6 carrying mutations in distinct regions of its structure that affect the portal-induced stimulation of ATPase and DNA packaging revealed that none of these mutations impedes gp2-gp6 binding. Our results demonstrate that the SPP1 packaging ATPase binds directly to the portal and that the interaction is stronger with the portal embedded in procapsids. Identification of mutations in gp6 that allow for assembly of the ATPase-portal complex but impair DNA packaging support an intricate cross-talk between the two proteins for activity of the DNA translocation motor.  相似文献   
根据GenBank登录的序列号,使用primer5.0进行引物设计,提取人的外周血基因组DNA为模板,PCR方法扩增出人β-珠蛋白MAR序列,将MAR序列插入到逆转录病毒表达载体pLXSN,构建MAR序列介导的逆转录病毒载体。酶切和测序鉴定后,阳离子聚合物转染PA317细胞,G418筛选出阳性细胞克隆,提取病毒液上清,测定逆转录病毒颗粒滴度,逆转录病毒颗粒的最高滴度为1.6×106CFU/mL,成功建立了MAR介导的逆转录病毒包装细胞系。  相似文献   
重组逆转录病毒介导的转蚓激酶基因兔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过重组逆转录病毒介导获得转蚓激酶基因家兔。方法将含有蚓激酶基因的表达盒插入到逆转录病毒载体pLNCL中获得了蚓激酶重组逆转录病毒载体,利用脂质体转染PA317包装细胞,G418进行筛选得到了阳性细胞克隆,克隆扩大培养后病毒上清直接注射雄性兔的睾丸组织转染精原干细胞。结果病毒上清经NIH3T3细胞进行滴度测定,最高滴度为1×104CFU/mL。病毒注射3月龄兔睾丸组织,过1.5个月取其睾丸、肾、脾、肝、肺进行组织切片观察,结果正常。提取交配所得F0、F1代仔兔基因组,经PCR、Southern检测,转基因阳性率F0代为6.3%(2/32)、F1代为15.3%(2/13)。结论通过重组逆转录病毒直接注射3月龄兔睾丸组织可获得转基因兔,病毒对兔的脏器无损害。  相似文献   
一个从cosmid分子克隆库中筛选特别基因顺序的遗传学方法——体内同源重组(invlvo homologous recombination)法。即使探针DNA与分子克隆库中带有与探针同源顺序的克隆发生体内重组,然后以遗传学方法进行筛选。cosmid分子克隆库构建在rec宿主细胞内,经体内包装(in vivo Packaging)成λ噬菌体颗粒,把该噬菌体颗粒转入带有探针DNA的rec~+细胞内,探针是已被克隆在与cosmid载体没有同源顺序的质粒(如PUC8或PUC9)内的。经过一段时间(1—3小时),待重组发生后,把cosmid进行体内包装。此时探针DNA连同质粒已整合入cosmid基因组内,因此它带有原为两个载体所分别带有的双重抗性——Amp~r(氨苄青霉素,PUC8或PUC9)和Kan~r(卡那霉素,cosmid)。这种双重抗性菌落可在含有这2种抗菌素的培养平皿上选出,该重组cosmid借助于λ切除酶的作用将已被整合的探针质粒重新切除,再经体内包装后,该cosmid被还原并纯化,然后可用一含有Xgal的培皿识别和选出。本文用此法以有关DNA探针从cosmid分子克隆库中分离得到含有与小鼠t复合体连锁的基因组顺序的克隆,并对该克隆作了物理图谱分析。  相似文献   
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