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La-related proteins (LARPs) are largely uncharacterized factors, well conserved throughout evolution. Recent reports on the function of human LARP4 and LARP6 suggest that these proteins fulfill key functions in mRNA metabolism and/or translation. We report here a detailed evolutionary history of the LARP4 and 6 families in eukaryotes. Genes coding for LARP4 and 6 were duplicated in the common ancestor of the vertebrate lineage, but one LARP6 gene was subsequently lost in the common ancestor of the eutherian lineage. The LARP6 gene was also independently duplicated several times in the vascular plant lineage. We observed that vertebrate LARP4 and plant LARP6 duplication events were correlated with the acquisition of a PABP-interacting motif 2 (PAM2) and with a significant reorganization of their RNA-binding modules. Using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and immunoprecipitation methods, we show that the two plant PAM2-containing LARP6s (LARP6b and c) can, indeed, interact with the major plant poly(A)-binding protein (PAB2), while the third plant LARP6 (LARP6a) is unable to do so. We also analyzed the RNA-binding properties and the subcellular localizations of the two types of plant LARP6 proteins and found that they display nonredundant characteristics. As a whole, our results support a model in which the acquisition by LARP4 and LARP6 of a PAM2 allowed their targeting to mRNA 3′ UTRs and led to their neofunctionalization.  相似文献   
This letter describes progress towards an M4 PAM preclinical candidate that resulted in the discovery of VU6005806/AZN-00016130. While the thieno[2,3-c]pyridazine core has been a consistent feature of key M4 PAMs, no work had previously been reported with respect to alternate functionality at the C3 position of the pyridazine ring. Here, we detail new chemistry and analogs that explored this region, and quickly led to VU6005806/AZN-00016130, which was profiled as a putative candidate. While, the β-amino carboxamide moiety engendered solubility limited absorption in higher species precluding advancement (or requiring extensive pharmaceutical sciences formulation), VU6005806/AZN-00016130 represents a new, high quality preclinical in vivo probe.  相似文献   
The effect of different external salt concentrations, from 0 mM to 1030 mM NaCl, on photosynthetic complexes and chloroplast ultrastructure in the halophyte Arthrocnemum macrostachyum was studied. Photosystem II, but not Photosystem I or cytochrome b6/f, was affected by salt treatment. We found that the PsbQ protein was never expressed, whereas the amounts of PsbP and PsbO were influenced by salt in a complex way. Analyses of Photosystem II intrinsic proteins showed an uneven degradation of subunits with a loss of about 50% of centres in the 0 mM NaCl treated sample. Also the shape of chloroplasts, as well as the organization of thylakoid membranes were affected by NaCl concentration, with many grana containing few thylakoids at 1030 mM NaCl and thicker grana and numerous swollen thylakoids at 0 mM NaCl. The PsbQ protein was found to be depleted also in thylakoids from other halophytes.  相似文献   
Mitochondria and the nucleus are key features that distinguish eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells. Mitochondria originated from a bacterium that was endosymbiotically taken up by another cell more than a billion years ago. Subsequently, most mitochondrial genes were transferred and integrated into the host cell's genome, making the evolution of pathways for specific import of mitochondrial proteins necessary. The mitochondrial protein translocation machineries are composed of numerous subunits. Interestingly, many of these subunits are at least in part derived from bacterial proteins, although only few of them functioned in bacterial protein translocation. We propose that the primitive α-proteobacterium, which was once taken up by the eukaryote ancestor cell, contained a number of components that were utilized for the generation of mitochondrial import machineries. Many bacterial components of seemingly unrelated pathways were integrated to form the modern cooperative mitochondria-specific protein translocation system.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis of marine benthic diatom mats was examined before and after sea ice breakout at a coastal site in eastern Antarctica (Casey). Before ice breakout the maximum under‐ice irradiance was between 2.5 and 8.2 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 and the benthic microalgal community was characterized by low Ek (12.1–32.3 μmol photons·m?2·s?1), low relETRmax (9.2–32.9), and high alpha (0.69–1.1). After breakout, 20 days later, the maximum irradiance had increased to between 293 and 840 μmol photons·m?2·s?1, Ek had increased by more than an order of magnitude (to 301–395 μmol photons·m?2·s?1), relETRmax had increased by more than five times (to 104–251), and alpha decreased by approximately 50% (to 0.42–0.68). During the same time interval the species composition of the mats changed, with a decline in the abundance of Trachyneis aspera (Karsten) Hustedt, Gyrosigma subsalsum Van Heurck, and Thalassiosira gracilis (Karsten) Hustedt and an increase in the abundance of Navicula glaciei Van Heurck. The benthic microalgal mats at Casey showed that species composition and photophysiology changed in response to the sudden natural increase in irradiance. This occurred through both succession shifts in the species composition of the mats and also an ability of individual cells to photoacclimate to the higher irradiances.  相似文献   
A facile method for late stage diversification of lead molecules for the M1 PAM program using biosynthesis is described. Liver microsomes from several species are screened to identify a high turnover system. Subsequent incubations using less than 1?mg of substrate generate nanomole quantities of drug metabolites that are purified, characterized by microcryoprobe NMR spectroscopy, and quantified to known concentrations to enable rapid biology testing. The late-stage diversification of lead compounds provides rapid SAR feedback to the medicinal chemistry design cycle.  相似文献   
The precursor protein receptor at the chloroplast outer membrane atToc33 is a GTPase, which can be inactivated by phosphorylation in vitro, being arrested in the GDP loaded state. To assess the physiological function of phosphorylation, attoc33 knock out mutants were complemented with a mutated construct mimicking the constitutively phosphorylated state. Our data suggest that the reduced functionality of the mutant protein can be compensated by its upregulation. Chloroplast biogenesis and photosynthetic activity are impaired in the mutants during the early developmental stage, which is consistent with the requirement of atToc33 in young photosynthetic tissues.  相似文献   
Gross oxygen evolution was compared with the electron transport rate (ETR), estimated from chl a fluorescence parameters on the common tropical green macro alga Ulva fasciata Delile with confirmatory carbon saturation curves from U. reticulata Forskål. Theoretically, the relationship between estimated ETR and gross oxygen evolution should be 4:1, that is, four electrons are transported through PSII for each molecule of oxygen evolved. However, deviations of the 4:1 relationship have previously been reported. Measurements were conducted with two commercially available and portable pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chl fluorometers. We sought experimental approaches that minimize discrepancies between the two different measuring techniques of photosynthetic rates, both for in situ and laboratory conditions. Using fresh algal tissue for each of the different irradiances gave the best fit of gross oxygen evolution and ETR even at irradiances above light saturation, where large discrepancies between oxygen evolution and ETR are common. With increasing dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations, there was a curvilinear response of gross oxygen evolution in relation to ETR. We therefore suggest to establish DIC saturation curves in the laboratory, oxygen evolution is probably the most relevant choice. Photorespiration could not readily explain a curvilinear response of O2 evolution and proportionally higher ETR at high irradiances. ETRs measured with the rapid light curve function of the PAM were compared with steady‐state rates of gross and net oxygen evolution, and the ETR was found to decrease at higher irradiances whereas oxygen evolution was constant.  相似文献   
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