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The prolactin receptor is a membrane protein mainly involved in the development of the mammary gland and in lactation in mammals. We used specific cDNA constructs and the insect/baculovirus expression system and produced independently and in large amounts several recombinant forms of the rabbit mammary gland prolactin receptor: the full-length receptor (L1, L2), a truncated membrane form (S), a secretable form of the extracellular domain (E) and two forms of the intracellular domain (I1, I2). Of these forms, the L1 and L2 are associated with the membrane fraction, the E is predominantly secreted into the medium and the I1 and I2 are expressed as soluble proteins and surprisingly, a great portion accumulates in the culture medium. The molecular mass (94 kDa) of the expressed full-length receptor corresponds to the translation product of the entire cDNA coding region. The receptor biochemically identified in the rabbit mammary gland is however much shorter. Thus, in the mammary gland, the receptor presumably undergoes post-translational modifications. The receptor forms L1, L2 and S bind prolactin with specificity and affinity similar to those reported for the native receptor. They also interact with two monoclonal antibodies, M110 and A917, specific for the native conformation of the hormone-binding site. The I1 and I2 forms do not bind prolactin, whereas the E form does. Thus, the hormone binding site is located in the extracellular domain which can function autonomously as a PRL-binding soluble protein. However, the E form binds prolactin with a higher affinity than the native receptor and it does not bind one of the two antireceptor monoclonal antibodies, known to be hormone binding-site specific. Thus, the conformation of the native receptor and that of the E form differ.  相似文献   
Summary Serial sections of resting porcine endometrium were analyzed with the monoclonal antibody 13H2 using goat antimouse IgG/5 nm gold as secondary reagent or with either polyclonal antibodies from goat #402 or the rat monoclonal antibody H222, both in combination with protein G/12 nm gold. A modestly higher labelling of nuclei than of cytoplasm was seen only with the monoclonal antibody H222. Polyclonal #402 and monoclonal 13H2 showed fewer attachments over nuclear than over cytoplasmic areas. The highest densities of attachment and of predominantly cytoplasmic labelling were obtained with the monoclonal antibody 13H2. The results confirm the earlier assumption of a restricted accessiblity of estradiol receptor in the cytoplasm of resting cells for immunoreagents.  相似文献   
Antipsychotics represent high affinity for sigma receptors and sigma-like drugs often have the psychotomimetic properties. Besides, the receptors are unevenly distributed in human brain. These findings suggest that sigma receptors might be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Sigma receptors in rat and human brain were measured with [3H]-1, 3, di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) and non-specific binding of [3H]DTG was determined in the presence of 10–5M haloperidol. Monovalent and divalent cations strongly inhibited [3H]DTG binding. Glutamate, aspartate and glycine also decreased the binding to human cerebral membranes. With post-mortem brain samples from 12 schizophrenics and 10 controls, sigma receptors were measured in 17 areas of cerebral cortex. Sigma receptors binding showed the regional differences in the cortex, but no significant differences between schizophrenics and controls were observed except the superior parietal cortex where the binding significantly increased in the schizophrenic group. These results suggest that sigma receptors in cerebral cortices might not be directly concerned with the pathophysiological role in schizophrenia.Dedicated to Dr. Morris Aprison. Received too late for publication in special issue.  相似文献   
Pig brain cerebral cortex was subfractionated by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. In each subfraction the content of the agonist [3H]R-PIA binding, the activity of adenosine metabolizing enzymes (5-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase) and the activity of membrane marker enzymes were determined. The fractions were also examined by electron microscope. In general, the results suggest a widespread distribution of A1 adenosine receptors in membranes from different origins. Marker enzyme profile characterization indicated an enrichment of A1 adenosine receptor in pre-synaptic membranes isolated from the crude synaptosomal fraction (P2B subfraction) as well as in membranes of glial origin such as myelin. The receptor is also present in the endoplasmic reticulum and in membranes isolated from the microsomal fraction that seem to have a post-synaptic origin (P3B). In subfractions having a high content of adenosine receptor the equilibrium binding paramters were obtained as well as the proportion of high- to low-affinity sites. From the values of the equilibrium constants it was not possible to find differences between the receptor in the different subfractions. Analysis of the affinity state distribution showed a diminished percentage of high-affinity sites in fraction P3A, which can be accounted by the existence of myelin membranes; in contrast the percentage of high-affinity states was higher in P2 and P3B, indicating that in these fractions the receptor is present in synaptosomal membranes. The close correlation shown between the enzyme 5-nucleotidase specific activity and the specific ligand binding distributions led us to postulate an important role for the enzyme in the regulation of adenosine action in pig brain cortex.  相似文献   
在大鼠明暗分辨学习的建立和巩固过程中,通过与记录电极一起慢性埋植于海马CA_3区的注药管微量注射NMDA受体的特异性拮抗剂2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid(APV),观察对海马CA_3区突触效应及与之相关的习得性行为的影响。结果如下:(1)在动物经训练PS峰幅值刚增大至最高水平后,即在习得性LTP刚好形成后,每实验单元先于CA_3区注射AFV 1μl(2mmol/L),然后在药物有效作用时间内再进行训练,则PS峰值不能随训练而保持在最高水平,相反经8个实验单元,PS峰值降至实验前水平;相应地动物的正确反应率不能随训练而巩固,反而下降至10%以下。(2)在动物习得性LTP已形成并经一单元训练PS保持在最高水平后,于每实验单元训练前注射APV 1μl(2mmol/L),PS峰值同样不会随训练而保持在最高水平,经14个实验单元注药和训练,PS峰值逐渐降至实验前水平,相应地动物行为的正确反应率也降至10%以下,习得性行为消退,不过其消退速度比前一情况的动物为慢,说明习得性LTP发展情况不同,APV的作用效率有差别。结果表明:NMDA受体在习得性LTP的巩固中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
Anti-idiotype antibodies can mimic the conformational epitopes of the original antigen and act as antigen substitutes for vaccination and/or serological purposes. To investigate this possibility concerning the tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), BALB/c mice were immunized with the previously described anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (MAb) 5.D11 (AB1). After cell fusion, 15 stable cloned cell lines secreting anti-Ids (AB2) were obtained. Selected MAbs gave various degrees of inhibition (up to 100%) of the binding of 125I-labeled CEA to MAb 5.D11. Absence of reactivity of anti-Id MAbs with normal mouse IgG was first demonstrated by the fact that anti-Id MAbs were not absorbed by passage through a mouse IgG column, and second because they bound specifically to non-reduced MAb 5.D11 on Western blots. Anti-5.D11 MAbs did not inhibit binding to CEA of MAb 10.B9, another anti-CEA antibody obtained in the same fusion as 5.D11, or that of several anti-CEA MAbs reported in an international workshop, with the exception of two other anti-CEA MAbs, both directed against the GOLD IV epitope. When applied to an Id-anti-Id competitive radioimmunoassay, a sensitivity of 2 ng/ml of CEA was obtained, which is sufficient for monitoring circulating CEA in carcinoma patients. To verify that the anti-Id MAbs have the potential to be used as CEA vaccines, syngeneic BALB/c mice were immunized with these MAbs (AB2). Sera from immunized mice were demonstrated to contain AB3 antibodies recognizing the original antigen, CEA, both in enzyme immunoassay and by immunoperoxidase staining of human colon carcinoma. These results open the perspective of vaccination against colorectal carcinoma through the use of anti-idiotype antibodies as antigen substitutes.  相似文献   
Toxicological and neurophysiological studies were performed to characterize the resistance mechanism in a cyclodiene-resistant strain of Drosophila melanogaster (Maryland strain). Dieldrin had an LC50 of 0.058 ppm against the larvae of susceptible D. melanogaster (Oregon-R wild type) when formulated in the rearing media. The LC50 of the resistant Maryland strain was 10.8 ppm, giving a resistance ratio (LC50-Maryland/LC50-susceptible) of 186-fold. Suction electrode recordings were made from peripheral nerves of the larval central nervous system to test whether reduced nerve sensitivity played any role in the observed resistance. In susceptible preparations (n = 5), inhibition of nerve firing by 1 mM gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was effectively antagonized within 3-10 min by 10 microM dieldrin. In contrast, 30 min incubations with 10 microM dieldrin had no effect on preparations from cyclodiene-resistant individuals (n = 5). Similarly, 10 microM picrotoxinin blocked GABA-dependent inhibition in susceptible nerve preparations (n = 3). In recordings from resistant insects (n = 4), picrotoxinin displayed either weak antagonism of GABA or hyperexcitation indistinguishable from susceptible preparations. These results demonstrate that cyclodiene resistance in the Maryland strain of D. melanogaster 1) is expressed in immature stages, 2) is present at the level of the nerve, and 3) extends to picrotoxinin, albeit at a reduced level compared with dieldrin. The possible role of an altered GABA receptor in this resistance is discussed.  相似文献   
Microsomal vesicles were prepared from zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) hypocotyls containing radioactive phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine, and these lipids were used as substrates by phospholipase A which is activated by auxins. Phospholipase D and phospholipase C hydrolysed the same substrates but were not influenced by auxin. Phospholipase A was activated by the auxins indolyl-3-acetic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and, to a lesser extent, by -naphthaleneacetic acid whereas the weak auxins 2,3-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and -naphthaleneacetic acid were almost inactive. This hormone specificity was also found in growth tests with etiolated zucchini hypocotyls. Phospholipase A activation by auxin was blocked by a polyclonal antibody against the maize auxin-binding protein. We propose that phospholipase A activation is a primary reaction in the signal transduction leading from hormone-binding to the growth response.Abbreviations IAA indolyl-3-acetic acid - 2,3-D, 2,4-D 2,3- and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - -NAA; -NAA - and -naphthaleneacetic acid This work was supported by the Deutsche Forchungsgemeinschaft. We thank D. Klämbt (Botanical Institute, University of Bonn, FRG) for a generous gift of polyclonal antibody (IgG fraction) against auxin-binding protein and U. Kutschera (Botanical Institute, University of Bonn, FRG) for advice with the growth tests.  相似文献   
Over the past ten years, several growth factor receptors have been shown to be ligand-regulated tyrosine kinases. Tyrosine kinase activity is essential for signal transmission, suggesting that phosphorylation cascades may play an important role. Considerable effort has gone into understanding the structure and function of tyrosine kinase receptors in order to define their mechanisms of signal transmission. However, the protein substrates of the receptor kinases have proven to be difficult to isolate and clone. This review focuses on the receptors for insulin, epidermal growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor. They are all tyrosine kinases, but emerging evidence suggests that they utilize multiple separate signal transduction pathways. Work carried out during the next several years should yield considerable insight into the complexity of the components which interact with these tyrosine kinase receptors to regulate cellular growth and metabolism.  相似文献   
Ribose-binding protein is a bifunctional soluble receptor found in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Interaction of liganded binding protein with the ribose high affinity transport complex results in the transfer of ribose across the cytoplasmic membrane. Alternatively, interaction of liganded binding protein with a chemotactic signal transducer, Trg, initiates taxis toward ribose. We have generated a functional map of the surface of ribose-binding protein by creating and analyzing directed mutations of exposed residues. Residues in an area on the cleft side of the molecule including both domains have effects on transport. A portion of the area involved in transport is also essential to chemotactic function. On the opposite face of the protein, mutations in residues near the hinge are shown to affect chemotaxis specifically.  相似文献   
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