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The aim of this experiment was to investigate pigs’ preferences for rooting materials. Eighteen materials were allocated to six categories each of which consisted of three similar materials based on characteristics such as structure, size of particles, complexity, destructibility and digestibility. Twelve pairs of pigs chose among the three materials of each of the six categories in a balanced design. Within each category each pair was given four instantaneous choices among the three materials in a three-armed maze. ‘No choice’ was scored if the pigs did not enter one of the maze-arms within 90 s. Thus there were four options in each choice situation. The results were analysed using a random utility model incorporating random intercepts to account for the repeated testing of the same animals. The pigs expressed clear preferences within the category EARTH, where compost and peat were preferred to wood-shavings and no choice. In the category CHIP the most probable rank-order was spruce chip, willow chip, fir chip and no choice, while in the category ROUGH the most probable rank-order was maize-silage, grass silage, sugar beets and no choice. However, in these two categories none of the probabilities were sufficiently large to signify a preference for any of the three materials although the probabilities of the ‘no choice’ option were low. The pigs expressed no preferences among any of the four options including ‘no choice’ in the categories TOY (sisal robe, Bite-Rite, wooden beam), HAY (alfalfa hay mixed with straw, seed grass hay, barley straw with under-seed), and STRAW (long straw, chopped straw and straw pellets).  相似文献   
Berend Aukema 《Oecologia》1991,87(1):118-126
Summary In two successive years the fecundity of the carabid beetles Calathus (Neocalathus) cinctus, C. (N.) melanocephalus and C. (N.) mollis was studied in relation to wing-morph and temperature. Differences were found between the three species in both egg production and timing and length of the oviposition period. In all species the fecundity of laboratory bred beetles was significantly higher than that of females collected in the field. Long-winged females of both cinctus and melanocephalus had significantly higher egg production than short-winged females, and they also tended to produce eggs over a longer period. In mollis only the fecundity of the long-winged morph was established. The observed lower relative fitness of the short-winged morph in both cinctus and melanocephalus contradicts the supposed increase of the frequency of this morph in ageing, more or less isolated, populations of these species. The loss of long-winged genotypes, resulting from flight activities, is considered the most plausible cause of the increase of short-winged beetles in ageing populations. The higher fecundity of macropterous females makes them especially suited for (re)establishing populations.Communication No. 429 of the Biological Station WijsterPresent address and address for offprint requests: Kortenburg 31, NL-6871 ND Rentum  相似文献   
Females generally avoid selecting sites for oviposition which have a high predation risk to increase offspring survival. Previous studies have focused on costs to ovipositing females. However, although offspring may also incur costs by being oviposited at low predation risk sites, no studies have focused on costs to offspring. Such costs to offspring were examined by using Aquarius paludum insularis, females of which avoid eggs parasitism by ovipositing at deep sites. Deep sites are safe from egg parasitism but may be unsuitable for hatching due to environmental factors. We examined the costs to offspring at deep sites by comparing the hatching rate, the duration to hatching and the proportion of drowned larvae between eggs that were set at three levels of water depth (0 cm, 25 cm and 50 cm depth). While the hatching rate at 50 cm was lower than that at 0 cm, the rate at 25 cm did not differ from that at 0 cm. Duration to hatching and the proportion of drowned larvae did not differ between the three depths. It is suggested that the declining survival rate of A. paludum eggs was due to increased water pressure at greater depth. Such a cost may exist in other species and such an observation may aid in understanding oviposition site selection.  相似文献   
We analysed the habitat preferences of adult stages and oviposition electivity of Melitaea aurelia in calcareous grasslands in the Diemel Valley (central Germany) to assess the key factors for successful management. Egg-laying and adult habitats of M. aurelia were more or less congruent. Oviposition electivity at the host plant (Plantago media) was best explained by a combination of host plant quantity and vegetation structure. Habitat quality, isolation and patch area explained 86% of the current patch occupancy of M. aurelia. With M. aurelia preferentially inhabiting transitional vegetation types, management requires a balance between abandonment and disturbance. Disturbances provide open soil that facilitates germination of the host plant Plantago media. On the other hand, immature and adult stages of M. aurelia perform best on calcareous grasslands with a high amount of host plants and low disturbance intensity. Traditional rough grazing regimes seem to be the most favourable tool for developing the necessary spatial and temporal heterogeneity in patches. The best results may be achieved by rotational grazing where only a subset of inhabited patches is grazed intensively each year. Our analysis of patch occupancy indicates that it would be desirable to restore patches in close proximity to occupied sites.  相似文献   
Classical biological control of weeds using arthropods is being attempted on a large scale in a number of countries, sometimes with spectacularly successful outcomes. However, in many cases biocontrol is not completely effective and use of herbicides on weeds continues to occur, either in the presence of biocontrol agents or as an alternative to them. The ways in which the two techniques may interact are discussed, including direct toxicity of herbicides to biocontrol agents, responses to death of host plants and responses to sublethal changes caused by herbicides with different modes of action. A literature review for selected weed taxa showed that the great majority of publications relate to either chemical or to biological control techniques separately, with integration of the two seldom addressed. Possible reasons for this situation are discussed and some suggestions for future priorities are made.  相似文献   
 Plants produce volatile compounds known to influence insect preferences for oviposition and feeding. To examine whether volatile leaf compounds are correlated with the herbivorous insect community, we analyzed volatile compounds in leaves from three co-occurring willow species, Salix serissaefolia, S. eriocarpa, and S. integra, and investigated their associated insect communities in 3 months across different years. The gas chromatographic profiles of volatile compounds were highly specific to each willow species and remained constant in the study months. In a comparison between the chemical composition of the volatile compounds and the taxon composition of the insect communities, dissimilarity patterns in chemical composition among the three willow species were very close to those in herbivorous insect communities. These findings indicate that willow leaves produce specific volatiles that are highly correlated with the community structure of herbivorous insects associated with them. Received: October 10, 2002 / Accepted: March 17, 2003  相似文献   
To understand how environmental change will modify community assembly and the distribution of organisms it is valuable to understand mechanisms that drive the occurrence of organisms across the landscape. Salinisation of agricultural land in southwest Western Australia, as a result of land clearing, is a widespread environmental change, which threatens numerous taxa, but provides an opportunity to elucidate such mechanisms. Although salinisation affects terrestrial fauna and flora, the greatest impacts are seen in wetlands and waterways. Many aquatic insect taxa colonise ephemeral water bodies directly as adults or by oviposition. Few empirical studies, however, evaluate the influence of abiotic factors, such as water body salinity, on the colonisation behaviour of aquatic fauna. We conducted a manipulative experiment using mesocosms to test whether colonising insect fauna select aquatic habitats based upon salinity. We found that halosensitive fauna selected less saline mesocosms for oviposition and colonisation, demonstrating that behaviour can influence the distribution of aquatic organisms. Additionally, we utilised field surveys of insects from ephemeral water bodies across a broad region of southwest Western Australia to determine if mesocosm results reflected field observation. The abundance of the same insect taxa and taxonomic groups in the field were highly variable and, with the exceptions of Culex australicus Dobrotworksy and Drummond and Anopheles annulipes Giles (Diptera: Culicidae), did not show similar patterns of distribution to those observed in the mesocosm experiment. Both mesocosm and field assemblages exhibited similar and significant trajectories associated with the salinity gradient, even though there were differences in assemblage structure between the two. Our findings give empirical support to the importance of behaviour in the spatial distribution and assembly of some aquatic insects. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   
The juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene reduces the amount of time it takes laboratory-reared Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly) males to reach sexual maturity by almost half. Here, we examined if methoprene exerted a similar effect on four other tropical Anastrepha species (Anastrepha ludens, Anastrepha obliqua, Anastrepha serpentina and Anastrepha striata) reared on natural hosts and exhibiting contrasting life histories. In the case of A. ludens, we worked with two populations that derived from Casimiroa greggii (ancestral host, larvae feed on seeds) and Citrus paradisi (exotic host, larvae feed on pulp). We found that the effects of methoprene, when they occurred, varied according to species and, in the case of A. ludens, according to larval host. For example, in the case of the two A. ludens populations the effect of methoprene on first appearance of male calling behavior and number of copulations was only apparent in flies derived from C. greggii. In contrast, males derived from C. paradisi called and mated almost twice as often and females started to lay eggs almost 1 day earlier than individuals derived from C. greggii, but in this case there was no significant effect of treatment (methoprene) only a significant host effect. There were also significant host and host by treatment interactions with respect to egg clutch size. A. ludens females derived from C. paradisi laid significantly more eggs per clutch and total number of eggs than females derived from C. greggii. With respect to the multiple species comparisons, the treatment effect was consistent for A. ludens, occasional in A. serpentina (e.g., calling by males, clutch size), and not apparent in the cases of A. obliqua and A. striata. Interestingly, with respect to clutch size, in the cases of A. ludens and A. serpentina, the treatment effect followed opposite directions: positive in the case of A. ludens and negative in the case of A. serpentina. We center our discussion on two hypotheses (differential physiology and larval-food), and also interpret our results in light of the life history differences exhibited by the different species we compared.  相似文献   
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