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Human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), or amylin, is a 37 amino acid hormone secreted by pancreatic beta-cells. hIAPP constitutes approximately 90% of the amyloid deposits found in type II diabetic patients. It has been shown that the central region of the peptide (hIAPP(20-29)) constitutes the nucleation site for the amyloidogenic process with F23 playing a key role in the formation of the beta-pleated structures. In addition, it has been proposed that an important stage in the cytotoxicity of hIAPP is its interaction with the beta-cell membranes. As a first step toward the characterization of the interaction of hIAPP with cell membranes, we determined conformational preferences of hIAPP(20-29) in membrane-mimicking environments. We found that upon interacting with negatively charged micelles, the dominant conformation of hIAPP(20-29) is a distorted type I beta-turn centered on residues F23 and G24, with F23, A25, and I26 forming a small hydrophobic cluster that may facilitate the interaction of this peptide with the membrane bilayer. Moreover, we were able to elucidate the topological orientation of the peptide that is absorbed on the micelle surface, with the hydrophobic cluster oriented toward the hydrocarbon region of the micelles and both N- and C-termini exposed to the solvent.  相似文献   
For aqueous solutions of di- and oligosaccharides thermodynamic properties have been investigated at subzero temperatures using differential scanning calorimetry. The amount of unfrozen water observed is found to increase linearly with the glass transition temperatures of anhydrous carbohydrates. Furthermore, the amount of unfrozen water shows a linear relationship with known solution properties of aqueous carbohydrates, such as partial molar compressibility and heat of solution. The different effectiveness among various di- and oligosaccharides to avoid ice formation is associated with the combination of constitutive monosaccharides and attendant molecular structure features including the position and type of the glycosidic linkage between the constituent units. More unfrozen water is induced in the presence of a carbohydrate having a poorer compatibility with the three-dimensional hydrogen-bond network of water. A series of these results obtained imply that there is a common key of carbohydrate stereochemistry governing several different thermodynamic amounts of a given system involving carbohydrates. In this context, a modified stereospecific-hydration model can be used to interpret the present results in terms of stereochemical effects of carbohydrates.  相似文献   
The PDZ domains of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL mediate interactions by binding to specific amino acid sequences in target proteins. The solution structure of the second PDZ domain of PTP-BL, PDZ2, displays a compact fold with six β strands and two α-helices. A unique feature of this domain compared to the canonical PDZ fold is an extended flexible loop at the base of the binding pocket, termed L1, that folds back onto the protein backbone, a feature that is shared by both the murine and human orthologues. The structure of PDZ2 differs significantly from the orthologous human structure. A comparison of structural quality indicators clearly demonstrates that the PDZ2 ensemble is statistically more reasonable than that of the human orthologue. The analysis of 15N relaxation data for PDZ2 shows a normal pattern, with more rigid secondary structures and more flexible loop structures. Close to the binding pocket, Leu85 and Thr88 display greater mobility when compared to surrounding residues. Peptide binding studies demonstrated a lack of interaction between murine PDZ2 and the C terminus of the murine Fas/CD95 receptor, suggesting that the Fas/CD95 receptor is not an in vivo target for PDZ2. In addition, PDZ2 specifically binds the C termini of both human Fas/CD95 receptor and the RIL protein, despite RIL containing a non-canonical PDZ-interacting sequence of E-x-V. A model of PDZ2 with the RIL peptide reveals that the PDZ2 binding pocket is able to accommodate the bulkier side-chain of glutamic acid while maintaining crucial protein to peptide hydrogen bond interactions.  相似文献   
Here we determined NMR solution structures of two mutants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) to reveal structural reasons of their decreased thermodynamic stability. A point mutation, A16V, in the solvent-exposed loop destabilizes the protein by 20 degrees C, in contrast to marginal destabilization observed for G, S, R, L or W mutants. In the second mutant introduction of eight alanine residues at proteinase-contacting sites (residues 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 34, 37 and 39) provides a protein that denatures at a temperature about 30 degrees C higher than expected from additive behavior of individual mutations. In order to efficiently determine structures of these variants, we applied a procedure that allows us to share data between regions unaffected by mutation(s). NOAH/DYANA and CNS programs were used for a rapid assignment of NOESY cross-peaks, structure calculations and refinement. The solution structure of the A16V mutant reveals no conformational change within the molecule, but shows close contacts between V16, I18 and G36/G37. Thus, the observed 4.3kcal/mol decrease of stability results from a strained local conformation of these residues caused by introduction of a beta-branched Val side-chain. Contrary to the A16V mutation, introduction of eight alanine residues produces significant conformational changes, manifested in over a 9A shift of the Y35 side-chain. This structural rearrangement provides about 6kcal/mol non-additive stabilization energy, compared to the mutant in which G37 and R39 are not mutated to alanine residues.  相似文献   
New methods for determining chemical structures from residual dipolar couplings are presented. The fundamental dipolar coupling equation is converted to an elliptical equation in the principal alignment frame. This elliptical equation is then combined with other angular or dipolar coupling constraints to form simple polynomial equations that define discrete solutions for the unit vector(s). The methods are illustrated with residual dipolar coupling data on ubiquitin taken in a single anisotropic medium. The protein backbone is divided into its rigid groups (namely, its peptide planes and C frames), which may be solved for independently. A simple procedure for recombining these independent solutions results in backbone dihedral angles and that resemble those of the known native structure. Subsequent refinement of these - angles by the ROSETTA program produces a structure of ubiquitin that agrees with the known native structure to 1.1 Å C rmsd.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of the gastrointestinal peptide hormone motilin, consisting of 22 amino acid residues, have been studied in the presence of isotropic q=0.5 phospholipid bicelles. The NMR solution structure of the peptide in acidic bicelle solution was determined from 203 NOE-derived distance constraints and six backbone torsion angle constraints. Dynamic properties for the 13C-1H vector in Leu10 were determined for motilin specifically labeled with 13C at this position by analysis of multiple-field relaxation data. The structure reveals an ordered -helical conformation between Glu9 and Lys20. The N-terminus is also well structured with a turn resembling that of a classical -turn. The 13C dynamics clearly show that motilin tumbles slowly in solution, with a correlation time characteristic of a large object. It was also found that motilin has a large degree of local flexibility as compared with what has previously been reported in SDS micelles. The results show that motilin interacts with the bicelle, displaying motional properties of a peptide bound to a membrane. In comparison, motilin in neutral bicelles seems less structured and more flexible. This study shows that the small isotropic bicelles are well suited for use as membrane-mimetic for structural as well as dynamical investigations of membrane-bound peptides by high-resolution NMR.  相似文献   
Liu PP  Chen YC  Li C  Hsieh YH  Chen SW  Chen SH  Jeng WY  Chuang WJ 《Proteins》2002,49(4):543-553
Interleukin enhancer binding factor (ILF) binds to the interleukin-2 (IL-2) promoter and regulates IL-2 gene expression. In this study, the 3D structure of the DNA-binding domain of ILF was determined by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. NMR structure analysis revealed that the DNA-binding domain of ILF is a new member of the winged helix/forkhead family, and that its wing 2 contains an extra alpha-helix. This is the first study to report the presence of a C-terminal alpha-helix in place of a typical wing 2 in a member of this family. This structural difference may be responsible for the different DNA-binding specificity of ILF compared to other winged helix/forkhead proteins. Our deletion studies of the fragments of ILF also suggest that the C-terminal region plays a regulatory role in DNA binding.  相似文献   
Conformational features of the C-terminal carboxyamidated pentadecapeptide of CCK (S(19)HRISDRD[SO(4)]-YMGWMDF(33)-NH(2)) were determined by NMR spectroscopy in a zwitterionic membrane-mimetic solvent system, composed of DPC micelles. The C-terminal octapeptide consisted of a well-defined pseudohelix that was nearly identical to the structure previously reported for nonsulfated CCK-8 in the same solvent system. N-terminal amino acids of CCK-15 were highly disordered, with no clear conformational preference. Extensive NOE-restrained molecular dynamics simulations of the CCK-15/CCK(1)-R complex suggested that almost all the experimentally determined intermolecular contact points provided by NMR, site-directed mutagenesis, and photoaffinity labeling could be simultaneously satisfied, when the N-terminus of the ligand is placed in close spatial proximity to the N-terminus of the receptor.  相似文献   
Exploitation of biological resources and the harvest of population species are commonly practiced in fisheries, forestry and wild life management. Estimation of maximum harvesting effort has a great impact on the economics of fisheries and other bio-resources. The present paper deals with the problem of a bioeconomic fishery model under environmental variability. A technique for finding the maximum harvesting effort in fluctuating environment has been developed in a two-species competitive system, which shows that under realistic environmental variability the maximum harvesting effort is less than what is estimated in the deterministic model. This method also enables us to find out the safe regions in the parametric space for which the chance of extinction of the species is minimized. A real life fishery problem has been considered to obtain the inaccessible parameters of the system in a systematic way. Such studies may help resource managers to get an idea for controlling the system.  相似文献   
In a rhizotron experiment the influence of Phytophthora citricola on root development, rhizosphere chemistry and nutritional status of beech seedlings was studied. After infection, the fine root system was seriously damaged and 6 weeks after inoculation some seedlings died. Plants infected with Phytophthora citricola had less steep concentration gradients of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and NO in the rhizosphere soil solution as compared with uninfected seedlings, which indicates reduced activity in nutrient uptake. It is concluded that plants try to compensate their deficit in fine root biomass and nutrient acquisition by retranslocation of nutrients.  相似文献   
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