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本研究扩增了169号鼠兔属样本的cyt b序列,代表13个种11亚种及5个未分类单元,下载了66条分类地位确定而完整的Cyt b序列,包括25种及9个亚种。构建了Bayesian系统发育树,计算了遗传距离,开展了物种界定分析;对13个种4亚种及5个未分类单元174号完整头骨和外形的20个形态学量度数据开展了主成分分析、判别分析和T检验;对头骨和身体外部特征进行了比较研究。结果显示:鼠兔属包含5个亚属,分别是Ochotona, Conothoa, Pika, Lagotona 和一新亚属;5个亚属间的遗传距离在12.8%-16.0%之间;高黎贡鼠兔(Ochotona gaoligongensis)是灰颈鼠兔(O. forresti)的亚种;喜马拉雅鼠兔(O. himalayana)是灰鼠兔(O. roylei)的亚种;木里鼠兔(O. muliensis)是川西鼠兔(O. gloveri)的亚种;宁夏鼠兔(O. argentata)应为蒙古鼠兔(O. pallasi)的亚种;西伯利亚鼠兔(O. turuchanensis) 为高山鼠兔(O. alpina)的同物异名。藏鼠兔循化亚种(O. thibetana xunhuaensis)应提升为种:循化鼠兔(O. xunhuaensis);东北鼠兔长白山亚种(O. hyperborea coreana)应该提升为种:长白山鼠兔(O. coreana);藏鼠兔峨眉亚种(O. thibetana sacraria)应提升为种:峨眉鼠兔(O. sacraria); 藏鼠兔锡金亚种(O. thibetana sikimaria)应提升为种:锡金鼠兔(O. sikimaria)。通过分子系统学和形态学研究,发现了鼠兔属1 新亚属和5个新种。新亚属命名为异耳鼠兔亚属(Alienauroa subgen. n.),属模为黄龙鼠兔(O. huanglongensis sp. n.),成员包括黄龙鼠兔新种、峨眉鼠兔、循化鼠兔,以及在龙门山和大巴山发现的2个新种,共计5个种。新亚属的鉴定特征是:耳上前缘内侧有一个密被短毛的异耳屏(Congenial tragus);头骨扁平,颅面平直;眼小,眼眶长和眼眶宽均小于其他亚属;被毛粗长而无光泽;腹毛多为灰白色。5个新种分别发现于四川黄龙自然保护区、四川北部龙门山、四川北部大巴山、四川西部邛崃山、西藏雅鲁藏布江中游的朗县。我们分别将其命名为黄龙鼠兔(Ochotona huanglongensis sp. n.),扁颅鼠兔(Ochotona flatcalvariam sp.n.),大巴山鼠兔(Ochotona dabashanensis sp. n.),雅鲁藏布鼠兔(Ochotona yarlungensis sp. n.)和邛崃鼠兔(Ochotona qionglaiensis sp. n.)。黄龙鼠兔的鉴定特征是:门齿孔前段平行;脑颅扁平,颅高为颅全长的33.5%;耳大,平均20mm以上(不含耳基部的管),异耳屏三角形,但顶端圆形;毛长而粗糙,无光泽,背部毛长约20mm;腹面毛色以灰白为主;前后足背面灰白色,腹面黑灰色,指(趾)垫大,橘黄色,露出毛外,爪黄白色半透明。扁颅鼠兔的鉴定特征是:脑颅异常扁平,颅高约11mm,颅高仅为颅全长的31%;眼眶很小,平均6.7mm×5.6mm;个体小,体长140mm以下;体毛长而粗糙无光泽,背部毛长22mm;耳小,平均17mm左右,异耳屏阔圆型,相对较小;背毛沙黄色,腹毛黄白。大巴山鼠兔的鉴定特征是:异耳屏镰刀状;耳相对较小,均在17mm以下,和峨眉鼠兔、扁颅鼠兔差不多,比该亚属循化鼠兔和黄龙鼠兔小。颅高相对较大,颅面更隆突,颅高平均12.45mm, 眼眶相对较大,平均8.52mm×7.13mm。雅鲁藏布鼠兔的鉴定特征是:与黑唇鼠兔(O. curzoniae)和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种(O. nubrica lhasaensis)有很近的亲缘关系;唇缘有很窄的深灰色圈,深灰色圈外侧为灰白色;前后足底部毛浓密,趾端毛多而长,趾垫和爪隐于毛中;个体中等,体长150mm左右,比黑唇鼠兔和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种小得多;颅面较隆突,但与黑唇鼠兔相比,颅面相对平直;被毛黑褐色。邛崃鼠兔的鉴定特征是:大小及头骨和藏鼠兔很相似,但该种和藏鼠兔的显著不同是眶间宽狭窄,平均4.05mm(3.64-4.19mm),而藏鼠兔眶间宽一般超过4.2mm,平均为4.45mm;该种毛色为沙色带黄色调,毛粗长;藏鼠兔为黑褐色调,毛相对较短;邛崃鼠兔前后足背面为显著的草黄色,而藏鼠兔前后足背面黄白色。  相似文献   
Recently, mulberry fruits have increased rapidly the production and consumption, due to its high levels of bioactive compounds, excellent taste and nutritional value. Nevertheless there is poorly information about its phenology. In the present study, the different phenological growth stages of mulberry are characterised according to the BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt Chemische Industrie) scale. Eight of the 10 principal developmental stages from BBCH scale were described for Morus sp., starting at bud development (stage 0) and ending at the senescence and beginning of the rest period (stage 9). The BBCH code for this species provides a consensual unified approach for standardisation of phenological stages in mulberry, moreover to facilitate agronomic practices.  相似文献   
A new species of the genus Amolops Cope,1865 is described from Xinduqiao,Kangding,Sichuan.It was previously identified as Amolops kangtingensis,which is synonymized to Amolops mantzorum in this study.The new species,Amolops xinduqiao sp.nov.,is distinguished from all other congeners by the following combination of characters:(1) medium body size,adult males SVL 41.2-47.5 mm (n=15,average 43.9 mm),adult females SVL 48.5-56.6 mm (n=15,average 52.5 mm);(2) head length equal to width or slightly wider than long;(3) tympanum small,but distinct;(4) vomerine teeth in two tiny rows,separated by a space about one vomerine teeth row;(5) bony projections on lower jaw absent;(6) dorsolateral folds usually absent;(7) tarsal folds or glands on tarsus absent;(8) circummarginal groove on disc of finger Ⅰ absent;(9) tibiotarsal articulation reaching nostril or beyond;(10) webs of toe Ⅳ reaching to distal articulation,other toes fully webbed to disc;and (11) vocal sac absent in males.  相似文献   
Sabellidae species from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Archipelago waters, including the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean and Cantabrian and westernmost Mediterranean Seas, were studied. The species Amphicorina rovignensis, Dialychone dunerificta, D. usticensis, Euchone cf. limnicola, Euchone cf. pseudolimnicola, Megalomma lanigera, Parasabella tenuicollaris and P. tommasi are recorded for the first time in the area. Bispira primaoculata sp. nov. is a newly described species for the Alborán Sea, characterized by having semicircular branchial lobes, rounded and long dorsal basal flanges, an axial skeleton composed of six longitudinal rows of vacuolated cells, up to three pairs of compound eyes per radiole mainly distributed in the distal half of the crown, appearing at the level of the dorsalmost pair of radioles, and a first chaetiger maximally twice as long as subsequent ones. New information about the habitats of A. rovignensis, D. dunerificta and M. lanigera is also provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:377167DA-9F26-4FA3-9C26-07C5EF3EE66D  相似文献   

红球菌 (Rhodococcus sp.) R04基因组有15种细胞色素P450单加氧酶,其中CYP125A18与结核分枝杆菌 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) 和马红球菌 (Rhodococcus equi) 的CYP125有较高同源性。利用NCBI蛋白质数据库搜索同源序列,对Rhodococcus sp. R04的15种CYP450一级结构序列进行比对和系统发育分析;对CYP125A18基因进行了克隆表达,并用紫外分光光度法对蛋白质的光谱学特性以及与唑类药物互作情况进行分析。实验结果表明,Rhodococcus sp. R04 15种CYP450均含有保守的氨基酸序列和铁血红素催化中心。SDS-PAGE分析表明,CYP125A18分子量约为50 kD,CYP125A18还原态和CO结合后与CYP125A18氧化态的差示光谱表现为典型的CYP450光谱特性。CYP125A18与底物4-胆甾烯-3-酮结合后,血红素铁全部转变为高自旋状态;与唑类药物滴定后发生了II型光谱转变。解离常数表明,7种唑类药物与CYP125A18的亲和力由强到弱依次为酮康唑、益康唑、4-苯基咪唑、氟康唑、4-甲基-2-苯基咪唑、克霉唑、甲硝唑。上述发现对研究CYP125代谢胆固醇具有重要意义,同时为疾病耐药性研究及药物选择提供数据和理论支持。  相似文献   
A comparison of sediments and associated macrobenthos at sites sampled within 20 fish farm leases distributed across southeastern Tasmania indicated major natural changes along a regional cline. Introduced taxa were strongly represented in the fauna, comprising 45% of total macrofaunal biomass. Large differences were evident between sites affected by different levels of organic farm waste. Sites located adjacent (< 10 m) to farm cages possessed significantly depressed sediment redox levels, a dominance of capitellid and dorvilleid polychaetes, and low macrofaunal species richness. Subtle impacts extended across farm lease areas in the form of depressed redox potential at 40 mm depth and changes to the macrobenthic community, including a prevalence of the dogwhelk Nassarius nigellus and a paucity of the heart urchin Brissus sp. and the maldanid polychaetes Asychis sp. and Rhodine sp. Minor farm effects were also evident at sites sampled 35 m outside farm lease boundaries, most notably as elevated population numbers of the polychaete Terrebellides sp., bivalve Mysella donaciformis and heart urchin Echinocardium cordatum. Amongst the univariate metrics examined, redox potential at 40 mm depth and the ratio of bivalves to total molluscs provided the most sensitive indicators of farm impacts, with the latter metric relatively insensitive to spatial variation between locations within the region studied.  相似文献   
We describe and illustrate a new needle nematode, Longidorus americanum n. sp., associated with patches of severely stunted and chlorotic loblolly pine, (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings in seedbeds at the Flint River Nursery (Byromville, GA). It is characterized by having females with a body length of 5.4-9.0 mm; lip region slightly swollen, anteriorly flattened, giving the anterior end a truncate appearance; long odontostyle (124-165 µm); vulva at 44%-52% of body length; and tail conoid, bluntly rounded to almost hemispherical. Males are rare but present, and in general shorter than females. The new species is morphologically similar to L. biformis, L. paravineacola, L. saginus, and L. tarjani but differs from these species either by the body, odontostyle and total stylet length, or by head and tail shape. Sequence data from the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA distinguishes this new species from other Longidorus species. Phylogenetic relationships of Longidorus americanum n. sp. with other longidorids based on analysis of this DNA fragment are presented. Additional information regarding the distribution of this species within the region is required.  相似文献   
The extracellular carboxymethyl cellulase (CSCMCase) from the yeast, Cryptococcus sp. S-2, was produced when grown on cellobiose. It was purified to homogeneity from the supernatant by ultrafiltration, DEAE-5PW anion exchange column and TSK-Gel G3000SW gel filtration. The purified enzyme was monomeric protein with molecular mass of approximately 34 kDa. The optimum temperature and pH for the action of the enzyme were at 40–50 °C and 3.5, respectively. It was stable at pH range of 5.5–7.5 and retained approximately 50% of its maximum activity after incubating at 90 °C for 1 h. Moreover, it could able to hydrolyze carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt higher than insoluble cellulose substrate such as Avicel, SIGMACELL® and CM cellulose. Due to its action at acidic pH and moderately stable at high temperature, the gene encoding carboxymethyl cellulase (CSCMCase) was isolated and improved the enzyme yield by high cell-density fermentation of Pichia pastoris. The CSCMCase cDNA contains 1023 nucleotides and encodes a 341-amino acid. It was successfully expressed under the control of alcohol oxidase I promoter using methanol induction of P. pastoris fermentation in a 2L ABLE bioreactor. The production of the recombinant carboxymethyl cellulases was higher than that from Cryptococcus sp. S-2 of 657-fold (2.75 and 4.2 × 10−3 mg protein L−1, respectively) indicating that the leader sequence of CSCMCase has been recognized and processed as efficiently by P. pastoris. Furthermore, the recombinant enzyme was purified in two-step of ultrafiltration and hydrophobic interaction chromatography which would be much more convenient for large-scale purification for successful industrial application.  相似文献   
The two eggplant relatives Solanum aethiopicum gr. Gilo and Solanum aethiopicum gr. Aculeatum (=Solanum integrifolium) carry resistance to the fungal wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae, a worldwide soil-borne disease of eggplant. To introgress the resistance trait into cultivated eggplant, the tetraploid somatic hybrids S. melongena S. aethiopicum and S. melongena + S. integrifolium were used. An inheritance study of the resistance was performed on advanced anther culture-derived androgenetic backcross progenies from the two somatic hybrids. The segregation fitted a 3 resistant (R): 1 susceptible (S) ratio in the selfed populations and a 1R:1S ratio in the backcross progenies for the trait derived from S. aethiopicum and S. integrifolium. These ratios are consistent with a single gene, which we designated as Rfo-sa1, controlling the resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae. The allelic relationship between the resistance genes from S. aethiopicum and S. integrifolium indicate that these two genes are alleles of the same locus. Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) was performed with RAPD markers on the BC3/BC5 resistant advanced backcross progenies, and three RAPD markers associated with the resistance trait were identified. Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPSs) were subsequently obtained on the basis of the amplicon sequences. The evaluation of the efficiency of these markers in predicting the resistant phenotype in segregating progenies revealed that they represent useful tools for indirect selection of Fusarium resistance in eggplant.  相似文献   
The colonization process of tomato roots inoculated separately or/and simultaneously by a pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici strain Fol8 and the protective F. oxysporum strain Fo47, genetically tagged with the red and green fluorescent protein genes, respectively, was studied in a hydroponic culture. Plants were coinoculated with Fol8 and Fo47 at two conidial concentration ratios of 1/1 and 1/100, in which biological control was not effective or effective, respectively. First observation of fungi on root was possible 48 h after inoculation at a high inoculum level and 5 days post inoculation at the lower concentration of inoculum. The pattern of root colonization was similar for both strains with the initial development of hyphal network on the upper part of taproot, followed by the growth of hyphae towards the elongation zone, lateral roots and root apices. Finally, the whole elongation zone and root apex were invaded by both strains but no specific infection sites were observed. When coinoculated, both strains could grow very closely or even at the same spot on the root surface. At the nonprotective ratio, Fol8 was the successful colonizer, but application of Fo47 at a concentration 100 times >Fol8 delayed vessel colonization by the pathogen.  相似文献   
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