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Brendonck  Luc  Belk  Denton 《Hydrobiologia》1997,359(1-3):83-92
This paper reviews and extends the knowledge of anostracan penile morphology and its taxonomic significance. Since Linder‘s pioneering classification(based partly on male genital characters), the morphology of both basal and distal penile parts has been applied repeatedly to reorganize or establish higher anostracan taxa, or to extend their diagnoses. In general, the configuration of both basal and distal penile structures follows a constant pattern in well-defined genera. Size and shape of processes and spinulation on the basal (in Linderiella and Chirocephalidae) and the distal parts (in Parartemia), however, may show inter-specific differences. Variability in penile structures in the current genus Brachinella indicates the need for a taxonomic revision of this genus. Similar intra-generic penis morphology may contribute to hybridizability of congeners and validate Dubois‘genus concept for use in anostracans. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Interspecific interactions in the marine rotifer microcosm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copepods and protozoans often co-exist in marinerotifer mass cultures. Interspecific interactionbetween the rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisTschugunoff and eight other zooplankton species,namely Brachionus plicatilis O. F. Müller (rotifer),Diaphanosoma celebensis Stingelin (cladoceran),Tigriopus japonicus Mori, Acartia sp. (copepod),Euplotes sp., Vorticella sp., an unidentifiedprotozoan species (P1 strain) (protozoan) and Artemiasp. (anostracan) at two developmental stages (nauplii –0.95 mm, 0 days old; adults – 3.3 mm, 19 days old) wereinvestigated in the laboratory.There was no contaminating species that contributedto an increase in rotifer population growth during theexperiments. Four types of interspecific interactionswere seen between B. rotundiformis and otherco-existing zooplankton species. These include effectson population growth: (1) both species declined, (2) onespecies is promoted while the other is not influenced,(3) one species is declined while the other is notinfluenced and (4) one species is promoted while theother declined. The first type was exhibited by B. rotundiformis vs B. plicatilis, B. rotundiformis vsD. celebensis and B. rotundiformis vs Artemia sp. The second type was exhibited by B. rotundiformis vsVorticella sp. and the third type by B. rotundiformisvs Euplotes sp. and B. rotundiformis vs T. japonicus. The fourth type was exhibited by B. rotundiformis vs Acartia sp. and B. rotundiformis vs P1 strain.  相似文献   
Speciation in monogonont rotifers   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
Monogonont rotifers are cyclical parthenogens livingin limnic habitats with considerable seasonalvariation and often with island-like features. Theoccurrence of bisexual reproduction in these organismsmakes it feasible to define fields for generecombination, i.e. biological species. In thispaper, we analyze the structure of the diversity inmonogonont rotifers using several data sets: taxonomicand intraspecific diversity as reported inidentification keys, morphological variation reportedin ecological studies, and allozyme and matingbehavior patterns. Our analysis suggests that siblingspecies may be frequent in rotifers. Monogonontrotifers seem to meet conditions for an activespeciation, which might be particularly promoted byseasonal specialization and timing of bisexualreproduction.  相似文献   
Synonymous substitution rates in mitochondrial and nuclear genes of Drosophila were compared. To make accurate comparisons, we considered the following: (1) relative synonymous rates, which do not require divergence time estimates, should be used; (2) methods estimating divergence should take into account base composition; (3) only very closely related species should be used to avoid effects of saturation; (4) the heterogeneity of rates should be examined. We modified the methods estimating synonymous substitution numbers to account for base composition bias. By using these methods, we found that mitochondrial genes have 1.7–3.4 times higher synonymous substitution rates than the fastest nuclear genes or 4.5–9.0 times higher rates than the average nuclear genes. The average rate of synonymous transversions was 2.7 (estimated from the melanogaster species subgroup) or 2.9 (estimated from the obscura group) times higher in mitochondrial genes than in nuclear genes. Synonymous transversions in mitochondrial genes occurred at an approximately equivalent rate to those in the fastest nuclear genes. This last result is not consistent with the hypothesis that the difference in turnover rates between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes is the major factor determining higher synonymous substitution rates in mtDNA. We conclude that the difference in synonymous substitution rates is due to a combination of two factors: a higher transitional mutation rate in mtDNA and constraints on nuclear genes due to selection for codon usage. Received: 27 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 May 1997  相似文献   
The invasion by three different Utah populations of Pratylenchus neglectus (UTI, UT2, UT3) was similar in single and interplantings of ''Lahontan'' alfalfa and ''Fairway'' crested wheatgrass at 24 ñ 3 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 on both alfalfa and crested wheatgrass. Inoculum density was positively correlated with an invasion by P. neglectus. Invasions by UT3 at all initial populations (Pi) exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 for both single and interplanted treatments. The greatest reductions in shoot and root weights of alfalfa and crested wheatgrass were at a Pi of 8 P. neglectus/cm³ soil. Pi was negatively correlated with alfalfa and crested wheatgrass shoot and root growth and nematode reproduction. The reproductive factor (Rf) for UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 in single and interplantings at all inoculum levels. There were no differences in Rfin the Utah populations in single or interplantings. A nematode invasion increased with temperature and was greatest at 30 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 and reduced shoot and root growth at all soil temperatures. Populations UT1 and UT2 reduced shoot and root growth at 20-30 °C. Soil temperature was negatively correlated with shoot and root growth and positively correlated with nematode reproduction. Reproduction of UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 at all soil temperatures.  相似文献   
Males of citrus-parasitic Radopholus citrophilus (FL1) were mated with non-citrus-parasitic R. similis (FL5) females. Progeny inherited a 2.4-kb sequence tag site (DK#1) and the ability to reproduce in citrus from the paternal parent (FLl); both traits were absent in the maternal line (FL5). The hybrid progeny produced offspring in roots of citrus seedlings over an 8-month period and therefore were considered reproductively viable. Genomic DNA hybridization studies indicated that one or more copies of DK#1 were present in R. citrophilus FL1. It is not likely that DK#1 represents a citrus parasitism gene because it was amplified from some burrowing nematode isolates that did not parasitize citrus and because DK#1 contains no open reading frames. Inability to reliably test individual nematodes for their ability to parasitize citrus was a constraint to obtaining F2 data required for definitive genetic characterization of citrus parasitism in burrowing nematodes, and alternate approaches will be required. Although the physical relationship of DK#1 and the citrus parasitism locus remains undefined, results of controlled mating studies using these parameters as genetic markers enabled us to identify hybrid F₁ progeny. Therefore, R. similis and R. citrophilus are not sibling species since gene flow between the two does not appear to be restricted via geographic isolation (sympatric in Florida) or by genetics.  相似文献   
The soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, is one of the most economically important pathogens of soybean. Effective management of the nematode is often dependent on the planting of resistant soybean cultivars. During the past 40 years, more than 60 soybean genotypes and plant introductions (PI) have been reported as resistant to H. glycines. About 130 modern soybean cultivars registered in the United States are resistant to certain races of H. glycines. Several resistance genes have been identified and genetically mapped; however, resistance levels in many soybean cultivars are not durable. Some older cultivars are no longer resistant to certain H. glycines populations in many production areas, especially if a soybean monoculture has been practiced. Past soybean registration reports show that all resistant cultivars developed in public institutions from the mid-1960s to the present have been derived from five PIs. This narrow genetic background is fragile. To further complicate the issue, soybean-H. glycines genetic interactions are complex and poorly understood. Studies to identify soybean resistance genes sometimes have overlapped, and the same genes may have been reported several times and designated by different names. Nevertheless, many potential resistance genes in existing germplasm resources have not yet been characterized. Clearly, it is necessary to identify new resistance genes, develop more precise selection methods, and integrate these resistance genes into new cultivars. Rational deployment of resistant cultivars is critical to future sustained soybean production.  相似文献   
Rates of development of stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) in white clover (Trifolium repens) seedlings were found to be linearly related to temperature. Basal developmental temperature (Tb) was 3 °C, and the thermal constant (S) for development of gravid adult females from freshly laid eggs was 270 accumulated day-degrees above the Tb. Only 12% at 20 °C and 4% at 4 °C of the gravid female nematodes inoculated into seedling axils successfully penetrated seedling epidermis. These nematodes slowly migrated within the seedling and after a lag of 5 days at 20 °C started to lay eggs. The maximal rate of egg production was temperature-dependent, being 0.8 and 3.1 eggs female⁻¹ day⁻¹ at 10 and 20 °C, respectively. Nematodes emigrated rapidly from infested stolons when they were immersed in water, with rates being highest at 25 °C and lowest at 4 °C. The sensitivity to temperature of many of the parameters that govern nematode population dynamics indicates that climatic changes will have a marked effect upon this host-parasite system. A study of infested stolons from the field indicated that nematode numbers increased up to 3,000 or more before tissue senesence, triggered by nematode damage, caused a mass emigration of nematodes from the stolon.  相似文献   
Reproduction and development of Pratylenchus penetrans were studied on genetically transformed ladino clover roots. Solitary females developing on transformed roots in nutrient gellan gum medium (pH 5.5) deposited 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 eggs per day at the respective temperatures of 17, 20, 25, 27, and 30 °C. The number of eggs deposited was highly correlated with temperature. A reduction in egg-laying rates at the start of hatching was observed at all temperatures. Juvenile mortality was higher at 17 °C (50.4%), 20 °C (50.3%), and 30 °C (58.4%) than at 25 °C (34.6%) and 27 °C (37.6%). Life-cycle (egg deposition to egg deposition) duration was 46, 38, 28, 26, and 22 days at the respective temperatures. The developmental zero degrees (°C) and the effective accumulative temperatures (degree-days) required for hatching, female emergence, and onset of oviposition (completion of one generation) of P. penetrans were estimated to be 2.7 and 200, 4.2 and 548, and 5.1 and 564, respectively. Pratylenchus penetrans reproduces over a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   
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