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Substance use disorders (SUDs) are highly prevalent and exact a large toll on individuals’ health, well-being, and social functioning. Long-lasting changes in brain networks involved in reward, executive function, stress reactivity, mood, and self-awareness underlie the intense drive to consume substances and the inability to control this urge in a person who suffers from addiction (moderate or severe SUD). Biological (including genetics and developmental life stages) and social (including adverse childhood experiences) determinants of health are recognized factors that contribute to vulnerability for or resilience against developing a SUD. Consequently, prevention strategies that target social risk factors can improve outcomes and, when deployed in childhood and adolescence, can decrease the risk for these disorders. SUDs are treatable, and evidence of clinically significant benefit exists for medications (in opioid, nicotine and alcohol use disorders), behavioral therapies (in all SUDs), and neuromodulation (in nicotine use disorder). Treatment of SUDs should be considered within the context of a Chronic Care Model, with the intensity of intervention adjusted to the severity of the disorder and with the concomitant treatment of comorbid psychiatric and physical conditions. Involvement of health care providers in detection and management of SUDs, including referral of severe cases to specialized care, offers sustainable models of care that can be further expanded with the use of telehealth. Despite advances in our understanding and management of SUDs, individuals with these conditions continue to be stigmatized and, in some countries, incarcerated, highlighting the need to dismantle policies that perpetuate their criminalization and instead develop policies to ensure support and access to prevention and treatment.  相似文献   
Fitness consequences of helping behavior in the western bluebird   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We examined the fitness consequences of helping behavior inthe western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) at Hastings Reservationin Carmel Valley, California, USA, and tested hypotheses forhow helpers benefit from engaging in alloparental behavior.Both juvenile and adult western bluebirds occasionally helpat the nest During a 12 year period, all adult helpers and mostjuvenile helpers were male. Helpers usually fed at nests ofboth their parents and rarely helped when only one parent waspresent. The frequency of pairs with adult helpers was only7%, but nearly one-third of adult males helped among those withboth parents on the study area. At least 28% were breeders whosenests failed. The propensity to help appears to depend uponparental survival, male philopatry, and the breeding successof potential helpers. Feeding rates were not increased at nestswith juvenile helpers, apparendy because breeding males reducedtheir feeding rates. In contrast, adult helpers increased theoverall rates of food delivery to the nest in spite of a reductionin the number of feeding trips made by both male and femaleparents. Helpers did not derive any obvious direct fitness benefitsfrom helping, but they had greater indirect fitness than nonhelpersdue to increases in nestling growth rates and fledging successat their parents' nests. Helpers fledged fewer offspring intheir first nests than did nonhelpers, suggesting that theywere birds with reduced reproductive potential. Although wehave not yet measured the effect of extrapair fertilizationson the fitness benefits of helping, we calculated the differencein fitness between helpers and nonhelpers as a function of thepotential helper's paternity when breeding independently andhis father's paternity in the nest at which he might help. Inconjunction with constraints on breeding and indirect fitnessbenefits, we predict that relatedness of males to the youngin their own as well as their parents' nests will influencehelping behavior in western bluebirds.  相似文献   
  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.
Synopsis Parental investment is the cost of providing parental care. The short-term cost of parental care was measured in the biparental substrate nesting cichlid,Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, by comparing the expected future survival (measured indirectly as energy content of the body), time taken to breed again and, among females, the number of eggs produced at a subsequent spawning of parental and non-parental pairs. In comparison with non-parental pairs, parental pairs took significantly longer to respawn. Body condition and female fecundity were unaffected after a single parental cycle. The effect on parental cost and expenditure of factors likely to stress the parental fish was also investigated. Removing the male parent had no effect on female parental cost. Exposing pairs to potential predators of offspring increased the time taken by pairs to respawn. In parental males, reducing the level of feeding gave rise to a reduction in some care behaviours.  相似文献   
InAnurogryllus muticus females, mating stimulates burrow construction, burrow provisioning, feeding, egg production, and egg-laying. Since mating often occurs before the ovaries are fully developed, the time span between mating and oviposition is used for increased food intake and the accumulation of nutrient reserves in the fatbody. Oviposition triggers maternal care of eggs and emerging hatchlings, and blocks egg consumption. Hatchling behavior is investigated. When hatchlings eat eggs, they prefer newly laid over older, embryonic eggs.  相似文献   
Three predominant influences mark the evolution of human head form: big brain, erect bipedalism, modified oral apparatus. Confusing interplay between different adaptive requirements of each feature has made explanation of skull structure extremely difficult in the past. It now seems possible to isolate each influence in early fossil forms. A model of mammalian modes of feeding adaptation is proposed in the form of a “Natural Experiment” for tighter analysis of fossil forms. Two forms of australopithecines are recognized, “gracile” and “robust.” Both had closely similar brains, both had erect bipedalism, but each had different masticatory construction. Separation of the first two similar influences isolates the adaptive differences in oral mechanics. The gracile form had a projecting oral apparatus, distinct canine and zygomatic buttresses, moderate jaw-lever development, jaw joint not unlike most higher primates, large unusual anterior teeth, moderately sized posterior teeth. The robust form had a retruded, greatly deepened oral apparatus, “dished-in” face with fused canine and zygomatic buttresses, powerful jaw-lever development, distinctively different joint construction, remarkably small anterior teeth, enormous posterior teeth. Striking evidence for extraordinary jaw movements emerges from these features in the robust form. This is strongly supported by remarkably close parallels in Ursidae: grizzly bear and giant panda.  相似文献   
Synopsis The behaviour of free-living pairs ofAequidens vittatus was observed in Surinam, South America. An ethogram of breeding behaviour is presented, based on those observations and on aquarium-held fish. This is a biparental, substrate-guarding species that spawns on a movable platform. Sexual differentiation of parental roles was more pronounced when the young were in the embryonic interval than when they were mobile juveniles. Females spent more time near their brood, attacked juvenile conspecifics more often, and fanned and mouthed embryos more than males did. Males were more involved than females in territorial spacing of pairs. The movable spawning leaf provides support for eggs on detritus substrate and may also provide protection against predators and rapid water level changes.  相似文献   
Candida humicola acts on benzenearsonic acid to produce dimethylphenylarsine, which was identified by mass spectroscopy following the chemofocusing of the volatile metabolite onto a mercuric chloride impregnated filter. The same technique established that trimethylarsine is the volatile metabolic product obtained from C. humicola treated with 4-NH2-2-OHC6H3AsO(OH)2 and (CH3)3AsO. Arsanilic acid, 4-NH2C6H4AsO(OH)2, is not metabolized to a volatile arsine.  相似文献   
Infant-carrying in a family group of siamangs with twin offspring was observed during a 2-week period. The twins were about 11 months old at the time of the study. One or both twins were usually carried by their father, but hardly ever by their mother. A considerable amount of infant-carrying was also contributed by the twins' juvenile brother. Helping behavior (defined as the care of offspring by individuals who are not their parents) is not normally known to occur in siamangs or other hylobatids. We suggest that the presence of multiple offspring may have facilitated the occurrence of infant-carrying exhibited by a nonparental family member. This finding may point to one of the mechanisms influencing the occurrence of helping behavior in general.  相似文献   
Studies were performed to investigate the effects of the immunosuppressive chemical TCDD. Fetal and neonatal rats were exposed to TCDD through maternal dosing (5 μg/Kg) at Day 18 of gestation and on Days 0, 7, and 14 of postnatal life. Another group of neonatal rats were exposed to TCDD through maternal dosing on Days 0, 7, and 14 of postnatal life only. Parameters of cell-mediated and humoral immune function were investgiated. TCDD suppressed delayed hypersensitivity responses and responses to the mitogens Con A and PHA without affecting humoral immune function. Suppression of T-cell function was selective in that helper function was not suppressed. Transfer of primed T-lymphocytes from TCDD treated and non-treated animals into neonatally thymectomized animals confirmed this. Results indicate that delayed hypersensitivity function and helper function reside in distinct T-cell subsets.  相似文献   
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