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Ormia depleta(Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tachinidae), a South American fly that homes on the calling songs of its hosts, was brought from Piracicaba, Brazil; colonized; and released in Florida for the biological control ofScapteriscusspp. mole crickets. It became established at some release sites and rapidly spread through most of peninsular Florida. The seasonal distributions of phonotactic females in Florida differed from the single summer peak recorded at Rio Claro and Piracicaba, Brazil (23° S). Near Bradenton (27° N), spring and fall peaks with a summer hiatus were quickly established and remain evident. At two sites near Gainesville (30° N), a strong fall peak and a modest-to-none spring peak developed. Peaks of phonotactic females seem to follow times of peak host availability and sometimes coincide with minima of host availability. Limits to geographical expansion ofO. depletaare poorly understood. At Gainesville, the site of earliest introduction, establishment was rapid and soundtrap catches increased for the first 3 years, exceeding 1000 per year at one site. Catches then declined for 3 years, almost reaching zero in 1994. On the other hand, annual sound-trap catches ofO. depletaat Bradenton exceeded 1000 in <2 years and have remained above that level for 5 years. Winters in Gainesville are more severe than those in Bradenton, but minimum winter temperatures in Gainesville were substantially lower duringO. depleta's increase than during its decline. Perhaps mild winters cause the flies to become active early—only to starve for lack of adequate winter nectar sources.O. depletamay yet spread to the northern limits of itsScapteriscushosts as present populations adapt to new environments. Or farther spread may require that new strains be introduced from more southerly sites in South America.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic patterns of seed storage proteins, the high-molecular-weight glutenins and gliadins, were studied in 468 plants of the common wheat cultivar Chinese Spring regenerated from callus culture of immature embryos, in 115 plants grown from seeds treated with nitrosoethylurea and in 260 control plants. From 5 to 21 single grains were analysed from each plant. In these three groups, the frequency of inherited mutations causing the loss of all proteins controlled by a locus (null-mutations, probably caused by a chromosomal deficiency) was 0.69%, 2.07%, and 0.05% per locus (the differences were statistically significant), respectively, while that of mutations causing the loss of a single protein band was 0.11%, 0.33%, and 0.05%, respectively. The loss of all of the gliadins controlled by Gli-B1 or GH-B2 (mutations were probably caused by a deletion of satellites of the corresponding chromosomes), was significantly higher than the loss of gliadins controlled by genomes A and D. Gene mutations altering the electrophoretic mobility of a single protein band in the pattern were found only in the second group of plants (0.44%). Therefore, chemical mutagenesis which produced not only more mutations than cultivation of immature wheat embryos in vitro, but also a higher ratio of mutations that altered DNA sequences, can be considered as an easier and comparatively more promising way for obtaining new improved variants of loci controlling biochemical characteristics in wheat. Somaclonal variation, on the other hand, was probably mainly caused by chromosomal abnormalities and could therefore hardly be considered as a useful tool in wheat breeding.  相似文献   
Different species of the bristletail genus Lepismachilis were collected in 14 localities in Italy and Spain and an allozyme electrophoretic survey was carried out to estimate the degree of genetic variability and differentiation at intra- and interspecific levels. Four morphological species were initially identified (L osellai, L. y-signata, L. affinis, L. targionii), but the electrophoretic analysis demonstrated the presence of two additional species among the individuals of L. targionii (Lepismachilis spl and sp2). The validity of these species and their differentiation from L targionii were demonstrated by the fixation of alternative allelic patterns at several loci (7 in Lepismachilis spl and 8 in Lepismachilis sp2), coupled with fixed, previously undetected, morphological differences. In addition, Lepismachilis sp2 was sympatric with L. targionii in three collecting sites, where the fixation of alternative allelic patterns unequivocally demonstrated reproductive isolation. Genetic variability did not seem to be correlated with local ecological factors, and differences between species should rather be explained by different historical factors. Low levels of gene flow, estimated with two different indirect methods, were observed in L. targionii and L. y-signata, and were due to high levels of structuring among populations. Genetic differentiation among conspecific populations was not correlated to their geographical arrangement and the presence of loci fixed for different alleles among them suggested that stochastic factors (such as genetic drift) may have played a role in determining genetic differentiation of geographically isolated populations. Genetic divergence values indicated that the six species are well differentiated and allozyme profiles were diagnostic for all of them. On the other hand, allozyme data did not provide adequate information to resolve evolutionary relationships among the species, nor did they confirm the validity of the two subgenera (Lepismachilis and Berlesilis) in which the genus Lepismachilis is traditionally divided.  相似文献   
Direct and indirect effects of plant genetic variation on enemy impact   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 The Tritrophic and Enemy Impact concepts predict that natural enemy impact varies: (a) among plant genotypes and (b) may depend on the abundance of heterospecific herbivores, respectively. I tested these predictions using three herbivore species on potted, cloned genotypes of Salik sericea Marshall in a common garden experiment.
  • 2 Densities of the leaf miner (Phyllonorycter salicifoliella (Chambers)) and two leaf galling sawflies (Phyllocolpa nigrita (Marlatt) and Phyllocolpa eleanorae Smith and Fritz) varied significantly among willow clones, indicating genetic variation in resistance.
  • 3 Survival and natural enemy impact caused by egg and larval parasitoids and/or unknown predators differed significantly among willow clones for each of the three herbivore species, indicating genetic variation in survival and enemy impact.
  • 4 Survival of Phyllonorycter was negatively density-dependent among clones.
  • 5 Survival of Phyllonorycter and Phyllocolpa eleanorae were positively correlated with densities of heterospecific herbivores among clones and parasitism of these species were negatively correlated with densities of the same heterospecific herbivores among clones.
  • 6 At least for Phyllonorycter this positive correlation may suggest either facilitation of survival between herbivore species, which do not share natural enemies, or an apparent interaction caused by host plant genetic variation.
  • 7 Among clones, egg parasitism of Phyllocolpa eleanorae was weakly positively correlated with density of Phyllocolpa nigrita. Since these species share the same Trichogramma egg parasitoid, this interaction could support the hypothesis of apparent competition.
Summary Allozyme studies in amaranth provided useful assays of genetic variation in order to verify the patterns inferred from morphological traits, for elucidating the genetic structure of landraces, and for the studies of evolutionary relationships among wild, weedy and crop species. Thirty-four populations of cultivated New World amaranths were surveyed along with 21 weedy New World populations for allozyme variation at nine electrophoretic enzyme loci. Eleven populations of cultivated amaranths from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh and six from Nepal were also surveyed for a comparison. In the New World populations, heterozygosity was low, and different populations ranged from 0 to 44% polymorphic loci. Adjacent populations were often fixed for different alleles or had very different allele frequencies at certain loci, with no apparent geographical patterns. Diversity index H was partitioned into the intra- and interpopulation as well as the interspecific components of variability. The crop versus weed genetic distances were the largest, whereas the intra- and interpopulation components of H were about equal. Genetic structure of all three species of the New World amaranths together can be described as a collection of distinct populations, each more or less a heterogeneous collection of highly homozygous individuals. The North Indian populations showed relatively less allozyme variability with the most common alleles same as those of Mexican landraces. Alleles at several loci proved to be diagnostic of the crop and weed groups, and of the three individual crop species. Genetic distances based on pooled gene frequencies showed the three crop species to be generally more closely related inter se than they were to their putative weedy progenitor species, respectively (with the exception of the weed-crop pair A. quitensis and A. caudatus). This implies a single domestication event involving A. hybridus as the common ancestor rather than three separate domestication events. Close similarity between A. caudatus and A. quitensis might have resulted from transdomestication based on a weedy or semi-domesticated species having migrated from Meso-America to South America. This preliminary report must now be expanded by further ecogeographical, cytogenetic and population studies on new extensive collections from the areas of early domestication. Some evidence of recent introgression and/or segregation of crop-weed hybrids between A. caudatus and A. retroflexus is available in the form of rare individuals in crop populations with crop allozyme genotypes except for a single homozygous weedy allele.  相似文献   
Summary Eleven grass species varying in potential relative growth rate (RGR) were investigated for differences in chemical composition by pyrolysis mass spectrometry. The spectral data revealed correlations between RGR and the relative composition of several biopolymers. Species with a low potential RGR contained relatively more cell wall material such as lignin, hemicellulose, cellulose, polysaccharide-bound ferulic acid and hydroxyproline-rich protein, whereas species with a high potential RGR showed relatively more cytoplasmic elements such as protein (other than those incorporated in cell walls) and sterols.  相似文献   
2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA 1-P) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Members of the Fabaceae exhibit a particularly wide range in the extent of CA 1-P accumulation during darkness and include Phaseolus vulgaris, whose dark/light regulation of Rubisco activity is principally achieved by synthesis/degradation of CA 1-P. An extensive survey of the degree of dark inhibition of Rubisco was undertaken for the subfamily Papilionoideae to elucidate evolutionary patterns in the occurrence of this regulatory mechanism. Seventy-five species from 21 tribes were examined. Dark inhibition of Rubisco was found in ancestral tribes such as the Sophoreae, but was substantially reduced or absent in representative species of three more recently evolved tribes, Cicereae, Hedysareae and Vicieae. We conclude that regulation of Rubisco by CA 1-P is neither of recent origin nor of restricted distribution among the Papilionoideae. On the contrary, it becomes lost or less pronounced only in a minority of the more evolutionarily advanced species in this important subfamily.  相似文献   
Cell suspension colonies from four embryogenic Lolium temulentum lines were selected and plated individually in 25 embryoid maturation treatments which varied in various factors reported to stimulate embryogenesis or improve regeneration. Using a numerical scoring system to compare the cultures against a control, treatments were identified which increased growth, suppressed morphogenesis or encouraged premature shoot formation.No treatment significantly improved the proportion of colonies with globular or mature embryoids, but some prevented maturation and increased the proportion with translucent embryogenic proliferation. Other treatments accelerated maturation causing increased de-differentiation of embryogenic tissues. These treatments also tended to discourage the differentiation of discreet embryoids.Colonies were later transferred en masse to a regeneration medium and scored using another numerical system. Embryoid maturation conditions were then identified which increased or suppressed subsequent shoot regeneration. The two scoring systems enabled cultures of the four lines to be characterised in detail and identified somatic variation in embryogenic development, morphogenesis and de-differentiation.  相似文献   
Seven populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, representing a worldwide distribution, were compared using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. A total of 611 protein spots was scored, which probably represent a sample of over 500 loci that were surveyed. Of the protein spots scored, 521 spots were found to be invariant, but another 90 spots were found to be variable among the populations. Of these variable protein spots, 12 were found to be present in only one population. All the populations, except one, had at least one protein spot restricted to itself. However, the Japanese population had by far the most, with five protein spots restricted to this one population, which has been observed in previous studies of private alleles in oriental populations. The mean genetic similarity (F) found among the seven populations was 0.965, with a range of between 0.956 and 0.977. This is similar to previous reports of lower variation found in population genetic surveys using two-dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that the historical relationships among these populations was somewhat congruent with the geographic distribution of the populations, but as in previous studies, it was not exactly coincident.  相似文献   
Juvenile Nucella lapillus of two different shell phenotypes, exposed shore and protected shore, were maintained in running seawater under each of three experimental conditions for 94 d: a) laboratory control, b) exposed to the effluent of crabs (Cancer pagurus) fed frozen fish (fish-crab), and c) exposed to the effluent of crabs fed live conspecific snails (snail-crab). Rates of barnacle consumption and rates of body weight change varied significantly between phenotypes and among experimental conditions. Individuals from the protected-shore consumed consistently fewer barnacles and grew consistently less than those from the exposed shore. Body weight increases in the fish-crab treatments were from 25 to 50% less than those in the controls and body weights in the snail-crab treatment either did not change or actually decreased. The perceived risk of predation thus appears to have a dramatic effect on the rates of feeding and growth of N. lapillus.At the end of the experiment, size-adjusted final shell weights for both phenotypes were consistently higher than controls (no crab) in both the fish-crab and snail-crab treatments. In addition, apertural tooth height, thickness of the lip, and retractability (i.e. the extent to which a snail could withdraw into its shell), with few exceptions all varied in an adaptive manner in response to the various risk treatments. Similar changes in the shell form of starved snails exposed to the same stimuli suggest very strongly that the morphological responses of both phenotypes were not just due to differences in rates of growth. These differences, at least in part, represented a direct cueing of the shell form of Nucella lapillus to differences in the perceived risk of predation. Somewhat surprisingly, the extent of phenotypic plasticity appeared to differ between the populations examined. Both field and laboratory evidence suggest that the exposed-shore population was much more labile morphologically than the protected-shore population.In many instances, particularly among starved snails, the development of antipredatory shell traits was greater in the fish-crab treatment than in the snail-crab treatment. Because the scent of crabs was present in both treatments, these results suggest a) that, at the frequency/concentration used in the experiments, the scent of damaged conspecifics may have been a supernormal stimulus and b) that the morphological response in these treatments might have been greater if the stimulus had been provided at a lower level.  相似文献   
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