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【背景】多样性比较是评价转基因作物对生物群落影响的标准参数之一。以往用于描述多样性的指数很多,但这些指数各有优缺点,生物学解释不全面。运用现代生物多样性表示方法,能够描述更复杂情况下的多样性关系。本文主要介绍了Rényi多样性指数曲线在生物安全研究中的应用。【方法】Rényi多样性指数曲线与以往常用的一维多样性指数不同,当其等级参数为某些特定值时代表了几个著名的多样性指数,该方法可较为确切地评价复杂的生物群落的多样性。本文在介绍其计算公式后,通过比较河北省2种转Bt基因棉田(孟山都33B和中棉30,均未施农药)以及常规管理(施用农药)和综合治理(IPM,施用农药和释放赤眼蜂相结合)条件下非转基因棉田的蜘蛛群落,证明了该方法的适用性。【结果】Rényi多样性指数曲线分析表明了所有可能的互作类型:1个明确的多样性排序以及2类棉田蜘蛛群落间不同的潜在关系。Rényi指数分析表明,在供试棉田中,中棉30棉田的蜘蛛多样性指数最高,其他3种棉田蜘蛛的多样性高低则难以一概而论。蜘蛛稀有种的多样性以孟山都33B棉田最高,IPM和常规棉田次之;蜘蛛常见种的多样性以IPM棉田最高,常规棉田和孟山都33B棉田次之。【结论与意义】Rényi多样性指数可用于生物群落多样性的综合评价,并可用于评价不同管理措施对生物多样性的影响。该方法弥补了仅用单一数量参数评价多样性的传统方法的缺陷,将不同参数整合成一个具有内在关联的概念框架。  相似文献   
Yves Almeras 《Geobios》1979,12(2):187-221
In the course of researches on the fauna of «calcaires bajociens á bryozoaires of Aveyron départment (France), numerous collects of shells named Rhynchonelloidea ruthenensis (Reynès), type-species of genus RhynchonelloideaBuckman, in two localities enabled to do a morphologic study of this species with populations analysis. Internal characters have been shown both by serial sections and by direct observation of dissected shells. A comparison of genus Rhynchonelloidea and Homoeorhynchia, till now either distinct or considered synonymous according to authors, has been realised. Internal characters of Homoeorhynchia acuta (Sow.) have been precised. The two genus are distinct by beak and foramen's characters, by presence or lack of costulation on the beak and dorsal umbo, by the number of ribs, by presence or lack of septalium and by the development of median dorsal septum.The stratigraphical range of R. ruthenensis is:Upper Toarcian, Aalensis zone-Lower Aalenian, Opalinum zone.  相似文献   
The study of the evolutionnary trend of the leaf architecture in the genus CallipteridiumWeiss, from the upper Westphalian and Stephanian, has allowed to determine, by extrapolation, the characters that had to show the frond of the direct ascendants which belong to the genus MargaritopterisGothan, from the Westphalian. This clue has led the quest on the field and has enabled the discovery of data which verify the correctness of the formulated hypothesis. This positive result and the evolutionnary trend ascertained by this new portion of the phylum led us to propose a new hypothesis about the characters of the fronds of the more ancient representatives of the phylum, that one can trace with great probability up to the lower Namurian and more hypothetically up to the Dinantian.This work has carried otherwise a revision of the corresponding species from the North of France and Sarre-Lorraine coal basins with a certain number of consequences about stratigraphical correlations.  相似文献   
Summary A comparative study of the subcellular localization of a plant transglutaminase (TGase; EC in various in vivo and in vitro maize cell types was carried out with a polyclonal antibody raised against a 58 kDa TGase purified fromHelianthus tuberosus leaves. Immunocytochemical staining, followed by electron microscopy, showed that this enzyme was markedly present in the grana-appressed thylakoids of mature chloroplasts of the lightexposed cells. Moreover, during embryogénie callus chloroplast differentiation, the abundance of TGase in the grana-appressed thylakoids depended on the degree of grana development and was greater than in mature leaf chloroplasts. In addition to the 58 kDa form, two other forms of the protein (of 77 and 34 kDa) were obtained by Western blot. The 77 kDa form might correspond to the inactive form and was immunodetected in dense vesicles observed in dark-grown embryogenie callus cells. In adult leaves, the enzyme was also markedly present in the grana-appressed thylakoids of the mesophyll cell chloroplasts, though very scarce and dispersed in the bundle-sheath cell chloroplasts (which do not contain grana). The concordance of these localizations with those described for the light-harvesting antenna proteins of the photosystem II suggests that it is possible that this TGase has a functional role in photosynthesis, perhaps modulating the photosynthetic efficiency and the absorption of excess light by means of polyamine conjugation to the antenna proteins.  相似文献   
以广东连州自然分布的3种国家重点保护野生植物南方红豆杉〔Taxus chinensis var.mairei(Lemée et Lévl.)Cheng et L.K.Fu〕、半枫荷(Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang)和金荞麦〔Fagopyrum dibotrys(D.Don)Hara〕为研究对象,分析了根、茎和叶片及根际土壤和岩石的C、N含量和C:N比以及δ13 C和δ15 N值的差异;在此基础上,通过δ13 C和δ15 N值的散点图比较了3种植物生态位的差异.结果表明:在同种植物中,根、茎和叶片的C和N含量及C:N比总体高于根际土壤和岩石,其中,叶片中C和N含量均最高,茎的C:N比最高;而根际土壤和岩石的δ13 C和δ15 N值总体高于根、茎和叶片.在供试的3种植物间,根际土壤和岩石中C和N含量总体上无明显差异,但根、茎和叶片中C和N含量以及根、茎和叶片及根际土壤和岩石的C:N比、δ13 C和δ15 N值均有一定差异;其中,金荞麦根中C含量显著(P<0.05)低于南方红豆杉和半枫荷,其根、茎和叶片中N含量和δ15 N值均极显著(P<0.01)高于后二者,其根、茎和叶片的C:N比和δ13 C值均极显著低于后二者,其根际土壤和岩石的C:N比和δ13 C值总体上也低于后二者;南方红豆杉和半枫荷的叶片中C和N含量以及茎和叶片的δ13 C值、根际土壤和岩石的δ13 C和δ15 N值均存在显著差异,但二者的整体差异相对较小.从散点图上看,金荞麦的生态位远离南方红豆杉和半枫荷,而后二者的生态位有交集.综合分析结果显示:草本植物金荞麦与木本植物南方红豆杉和半枫荷的C和N含量以及δ13 C和δ15 N值的差异不仅与植物自身的生活型有关,而且与各自生境中的光照和土壤因子等相关.另外,供试3种植物的根、茎和叶片的δ13 C值变幅为-31.69‰~-26.46‰,符合C3植物的δ13 C值范畴.  相似文献   
W.D. Ian Rolfe 《Geobios》1981,14(1):17-26
Tentative homologies with Decapoda are proposed for grooves on the carapace of Echinocaris and Montecaris. Together with F.R. Schram's hoploid trend, reinforced by the discovery of a raptorial limb in Sairocaris, this may strengthen a phyllocarid origin for Eumalacostraca. Both these trends, however, may be parallelisms, and phylogenetic analysis is required. Pleopods are here proved to have been present in additional Archaeostraca, which improves their ancestral condition. E. Dahl's view of the phyllocarids as an evolutionary dead end is falsified from fossils, and the phyllocarids are supported as a stem group of the Malacostraca.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a biologically based disorder characterised by false perceptions (hallucinations) and false beliefs (delusions). The underlying physiological cause of these mental abnormalities remains unknown. There is increasing evidence that one class of symptom, the 'made experiences' including delusions of alien control and thought insertion, is associated with abnormalities in the mechanism that predicts the outcome of intended actions (the forward model). For these patients active movements feel like passive movements. As a result these patients do not feel in control of their actions. However, comparison with various neurological disorders, such as those associated with parietal lobe lesions, suggest that this abnormal experience is not sufficient to explain the feeling that some other agent is controlling is one's actions. Preliminary evidence suggests that patients with schizophrenia have an exaggerated sense of agency. In combination with the feeling of not being in control, this exaggerated sense of agency could explain delusions of alien control in which the patient attributes his own actions to another agent. Little is yet know about the neural basis of the predictive mechanisms that create the feeling that we are in control of our movements. Such prediction requires integration of information about intended movements generated in frontal cortex with sensory processing in posterior regions of the brain. Measures of functional connectivity suggest that long-range interactions between frontal and posterior regions are abnormally reduced in patients with schizophrenia. Further research is needed to explore the precise involvement of long-range connections in the mechanisms of forward modelling.  相似文献   
从石蒜〔Lycoris radiata(L’Hér.)Herb.〕叶片全长cDNA文库中克隆获得Mg^2+转运体(MGT)基因LrMGT。序列分析结果显示:LrMGT基因的cDNA序列全长1 726 bp,其中开放阅读框(ORF)长度921 bp,编码306个氨基酸。石蒜LrMGT基因编码的氨基酸序列的理论相对分子质量为33 635,理论等电点为pI 5.14,为疏水性膜蛋白,不具有信号肽。序列比对结果表明:石蒜LrMGT基因编码的氨基酸序列与小米〔Setaria italica(Linn.)Beauv.〕、水稻(Oryza sativa Linn.)和拟南芥〔Arabidopsis thaliana(Linn.)Heynh.〕等植物的MGT基因编码的氨基酸序列的相似性较高,相似度达到72%~76%;石蒜LrMGT基因与其他植物MGT基因编码的氨基酸序列的保守区域较大,均具有较高的保守性。在NJ系统树上石蒜LrMGT基因编码的氨基酸序列与禾本科(Gramineae)植物二穗短柄草〔Brachypodium distachyum(Linn.)Beauv.〕、水稻、高粱〔Sorghum bicolor(Linn.)Moench〕和小米MGT基因编码的氨基酸序列聚为同一个分支,表明它们可能具有较近的进化关系。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明:石蒜LrMGT基因在根和鳞茎中的相对表达量较高,在叶片和花中的相对表达量较低,具有明显的组织特异性。  相似文献   
L Rulleau  P Neige 《Geobios》2003,36(3):317-348
The genera usually considered into the Bouleiceratinae subfamily belong in fact to different lineages of the Hildoceratidae family. An approach using paleogeographical, stratigraphical and morphological arguments on one hand and a cladistic approach on the other hand have allowed to separate 3 clusters with different paleogeographical and stratigraphical localisations. These are:
the Bouleiceratinae s.s. (genera Bouleiceras, Nejdia and Kohaticeras) from lower Toarcian;
the Leukadiellinae (genera Leukadiella and Renziceras) from middle Toarcian;
and the Paroniceratinae (genera Frechiella, Paroniceras and Oxyparoniceras) from middle and upper Toarcian. These latters are mainly present and the Tethyan domain, but are also known in the NW of Europe and especially in France where new populations have been studied in the Causses, in the centre-ouest and in the Lyon area. New taxa have been erected here: Oxyparoniceras (Neoparoniceras) nov. sub. gen., O. (N.) brocardi nov. sp. and O. (N.) sciaui nov. sp.
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